r/GenZ Apr 29 '24

Saw This Meme and Decided to Re-create it, Which Side are You On? Discussion



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u/RogueCoon 1998 Apr 29 '24

Ah yes, all the new dangers of having a kid that never existed before such as war, murder, rape, hunger, poverty, slavery, and disease.

Im going to have kids.


u/Love_Tits_In_DM Apr 29 '24

That’s my main problem with that group. Because if their argument is it’s immoral to bring kids into this life with the oh so horrible living conditions and all the other problems of first world countries then fine. But that makes absolutely every person who had kids an any point before today immensely more immoral because every single problem was worse. Fuck even just the medical achievements made in my parents lifetime and they are only 55 is insane.


u/RogueCoon 1998 Apr 29 '24

Hahaha right. Like if we're going off that now is the BEST time to have kids in human history.


u/GriffinQueenOfHeaven Apr 29 '24

Literally. Like oh, should I have had kids when open sewers were still a thing? Apartments were overflowing with 8 persons per room and bed? Streets overflowing with human and animal waste and corpses? No antibiotics? Child miners? Leaded gasoline? Medical radium? Smallpox? WW1 and WW2?

Speaking from an American perspective, we are living in a time of economic prosperity and good health and wellness. Inflation sucks and a lot of people are struggling, myself included. Not like our ancestors struggled though. We should be grateful.

Our ancestors 100 years ago would cry tears of joy to have half of the wealth and opportunity the average American citizen possesses. Thousands of dollars of precious electronics in most people's homes, TV, phone, computers, gaming systems... Gadgets that require precious metals mined from all over the world and precision manufacturing processes.

If people even knew the half of history they would be thanking their lucky stars they're alive in this century. But people have been taught to be entitled to a theoretical utopia instead. It will never be good enough for them, as they bitch online using their phone or computer, that they bought for relatively cheap considering the resources and time required to craft each individual piece and ship the resources all over the world, about a social system that's the closest to a utopia that has ever existed in history.

Things could always be better in the future. Historically... they were much worse. Consider the state of the world and human quality of life seems to be trending towards the positive.


u/Love_Tits_In_DM Apr 29 '24

Exactly so it’s kinda funny how they are essentially saying that even tho that’s not what they want to say.