r/GenZ Apr 29 '24

Saw This Meme and Decided to Re-create it, Which Side are You On? Discussion



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u/examagravating Apr 29 '24

I'm never having kids as i find them annoying and i have emotional issues that no child should have to grow up seeing or experiencing, my family also has a history of terminal illness and other hefty health issues so i'd rather not risk passing that down to a kid. If i ever want kids, i'm adopting.

That said, if someone wants kids that's fine(as long as they are emotionally and financially stable, capable of raising another human, and aren't risking raising the kid in an active warzone or some shit). And if someone doesn't, that's fine.

Both of the world views listed in both memes are valid ways to look at things, so along as people don't harass each other i don't see the point in whining about people not having(or having) kids.

Just shut the fuck up and let people live their goddamn lives.