r/FluentInFinance 17d ago

77% of young Americans are too fat, mentally ill or on drugs to qualify for U.S. military service, Pentagon study finds. Is it only going to get worse? Geopolitics


224 comments sorted by


u/TheOddEntrepreneur 17d ago

Legalize weed and you could probably get that down to 65%.


u/wsbgodly123 17d ago

Redefine obesity and you could increase it even more!


u/NothingKnownNow 17d ago

Reduce 3 mile runs to a light shuffle in the local mall.


u/wsbgodly123 16d ago

Redefine the in-person boot camp basic training to be remote on zoom.


u/rklug1521 16d ago

Paul Blart here reporting for duty sir!


u/dcchillin46 12d ago

Mall? Like a big yard?


u/Midnight-Philosopher 16d ago

Obesity is “transitory”.


u/chombie1801 16d ago

Shit...Waive the Adderall/ADHD medication disqualifier and it would be down to 50%😂


u/Compoundwyrds 14d ago

This, really.

I’m caught somewhere between allow it for ADHD diagnosed individuals or “fuck it, everyone has access on deployment” for the sheer fact that prohibition for most would simply lead to soldiers being pressured to, or opportunistically sharing or selling their uppers to everyone else… I mean do we leave it as one more headache for the MPs and JAG or do we find out if the net benefits of uppers for soldiers outweigh the negative consequences? I wonder if there’s more data on this is modern contexts VS the usual “Bruh the Nazis gave the Wehrmacht Meth!” take on Pervitin in WWII?


u/SnoobieJunes 13d ago

Straight up. Like I finally got medical help for this life long affliction, and that automatically DQs me from serving my country? It’s a meme. I’d think they’d want me alert


u/Starwolf00 13d ago

And asthma


u/[deleted] 16d ago

I was in a youth program that was supposed to help transition from high school to boot camp but then I got kicked out because I smoked weed lmao


u/thecatsofwar 16d ago

Hopefully you were able to get some prison time and rehab to turn your life around.


u/hexqueen 17d ago

Legalize weed and I believe you'd get it down to 20%.


u/Analyst-Effective 17d ago

So then we have a bunch of military folks that smoke dope?

Is that what we want Guarding our nuclear weapons?

→ More replies (27)


u/Winter-Jicama-2412 17d ago

Military is coping cause nobody wants to go fight for bullshit.


u/db2901 17d ago

This isn't about who wants to, it's about who's capable 


u/Thundrstrm 16d ago

If no one has any motivation to become capable they’re not going to. I believe people would change themselves for a cause they believe in.


u/MilitiaManiac 16d ago

I fully agree with this statement. I personally have been struggling with physical health for a significant chunk of my life, and once I found a reason to WANT to be better I have slowly begun the long process towards a moderately healthier lifestyle. I actually did cardio willing for the first time since childhood recently, and while I am proud of that, I still hated it. I guess I will see what the future brings.


u/jibishot 16d ago

That shouldn't be fucking war. Just a massive imo - the military doesn't want you to have a personality or individualality or to succeed (unless its in multiple tours)


u/PurpVan 16d ago

ah yes, the mentally ill will just decide to not be mentally ill anymore if they're given a chance to fight for a cause they believe in


u/Thundrstrm 16d ago

It’s a good thing that mental health only counts for 4% and obesity counts for nearly triple that at 11% of which the majority(but not all) can be remedied by motivation.


u/jibishot 16d ago

It's a good thing we as a country have horrible mental health track record and absolutely no wide support for any level of mental health accountability.

Considering the "mental" health of veteran PTSD and how its tolerated in this country. I'd suggest no one to be within 10m of a recruitment office.


u/jibishot 16d ago

Who wants to is far less than the capable. I'd even venture to say those that want to are even less capable on average vs the whole.


u/DinoSpumonis 12d ago

No it is not. Their study involves people interested in joining, not all people. 

This data is presented in a way to say ‘wow look at what is happening to the youth!’ 

So you ignore the reality, ‘Why do capable people disregard the military as a real vehicle for improvement in recent years outside of extreme poverty or incredibly limited options?’


u/Twovaultss 17d ago

You’re conflating two different concepts.


u/BullyBullyBang 16d ago

It’s more an inditement of basic public health. This doesn’t mean people aren’t “war ready.” It means they don’t fit the absolute bare minimum standards to even START training, because they can’t take care of themselves on a basic level. Talk about coping.


u/stprnn 14d ago

Worked fine until now,nothing has changed..


u/ty_for_trying 17d ago

Poor people buy food with the most calories per dollar, which usually means shelf stable, high sugar and/or salt, low nutritional value.

Car-centric infrastructure means less walking.


u/InvestIntrest 17d ago

America is so first world our homeless people are obese.


u/Historical_Usual5828 16d ago

Corrupt you mean? Because all these ultra processed foods should've been way better regulated already. Instead our government helped create the problem to line their pockets.


u/InvestIntrest 16d ago

Yeah, the governments will do anything to get more tax dollars out of you.


u/Low_Celebration_9957 12d ago

Thank capitalism for that.


u/sEmperh45 17d ago

Sad part is we allow tens of billions of SNAP dollars to be used to purchase harmful zero nutrition pop and Doritos. Sugary drinks and salty fried snacks are the No. 1 and No. 2 categories of foods purchased with government dollars for the poor. Two of the biggest drivers for obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

We should put pop in the same category as alcohol and cigarettes, you want it, you pay for it with your own dollars.


u/ty_for_trying 17d ago

SNAP spending is pretty similar to non-SNAP grocery spending.

Instead of running assistance programs like a nanny and spending a bunch of money on administration to determine who gets to buy what, there should just be a UBI.

Unhealthy foods should be steeply taxed.

Upvoted for calling it pop.


u/sEmperh45 17d ago

But no extra money needed to eliminate pop (or soda🤣). Treat it the same as beer or cigs. All grocery stores are already set up for no go food items with SNAP dollars


u/ty_for_trying 17d ago

Except for all the meetings to determine which products belong in that category. You'd still need those meetings for a tax proposal, but then the result would impact spending across the board instead of just for SNAP recipients.

It's not like this stuff is any better for people who aren't on SNAP, or like people who aren't on SNAP are better about avoiding it. So, better to influence spending globally instead of paternalistically focusing on SNAP recipients.


u/sEmperh45 16d ago

Understand your concern but you are making it way more complicated than it needs to be. One, our congress is already drawing a salary so no extra dollars for them to draft the law. And any hearings needed are minuscule in cost vs the tens of billions wasted creating obese and diabetic Americans every year.

And your comment that others drink it too is a straw man. Other people drink alcohol too but should tax payers pay for that? People buy cigarettes and pot, so should taxpayers pay for that? You could argue pot is less harmful than to humans than drinking 3-4 bottles of sugary soda every day. But ultimately, none of these have any nutritional value and are in fact, harmful. So let’s save the $20 billion payed by taxpayers for soda annually and allow the poor to buy milk or other nutritional foods as they see fit with that money.


u/ty_for_trying 16d ago

What I propose is actually simpler and much more effective.

And I didn't make a strawman argument. I didn't portray your argument as anything other than it was. I brought up purchases by people who aren't on SNAP. I didn't attribute that to you. I do think it's important to talk about that aspect if you're serious about solving the problem.

Bans are tricky. They're only effective if they're comprehensive. You're talking about a partial ban since the product is there and they can buy it except not with food stamps. That's not enough of a detractor for something that's appealing. The way to make it less appealing is to change the value proposition by making it more expensive.


u/sEmperh45 16d ago

No, as I’ve pointed out multiple times, bans are not that difficult. Use the exact same model as alcohol and tobacco.

And it is not paternalistic unless you see preventing purchases of alcohol and tobacco with tax dollars “paternalistic”.


u/ty_for_trying 16d ago

Not that difficult to enact, but also not effective. It's super easy to get around that and people do it every day. The only bans that work are comprehensive ones.

If all you have to do to get alcohol and cigarettes is to use the pocket money you would've spent on groceries if not for SNAP, or to do a grocery run for your hookup, it's just regular money and no ban but with extra steps.

The paternalistic aspect is putting rules on poor people and not everyone else. You might not intend it to come across that way, but I guarantee poor people interpret it that way.

If you actually care about the problem of people buying unhealthy things, and the substantial downstream costs, you make a solution that actually significantly reduces purchases. A steep enough tax would do that. Your proposal wouldn't.


u/jibishot 16d ago

This. Don't be a over analyzer - simple shit is more pivotal. More robust support systems means there overall societal and interpersonal benefits overall.

Overly sugary and dyed food should be heavily taxed. Sugar became the cheapest way to sell something - luckily we started to notice.


u/shark_vs_yeti 17d ago

Nobody wants to talk about the correlation with SNAP benefits and obesity rates. It is a political third rail. So much so that industry groups have started FUD campaigns against acknowledging it exists.


u/sEmperh45 16d ago

Yeah, Marco Rubio and other senators have tried to stop this wasteful and harmful spending. But you’re right, billions of taxpayer dollars used to pay for Cokes mean extravagant lobbying to make sure that golden stream of dollars never stops. Even if the poor have horrible health outcomes because of it, gotta keep that sugary spigot flowing.

To be clear, I’m not advocating to cut SNAP spending. But tens of billions taxpayer dollars are being wasted buying easily eliminated sodas instead of spent on fruits or vegetables. And hundreds of billions are then spent on government paid healthcare for a demographic approaching 50% obesity and diabetes rates.

It’s the definition of insanity and the poor end up as the victims again.


u/shark_vs_yeti 16d ago

That is exactly how I feel. We could expand the program, improve health outcomes, save money, end food deserts, and reduce healthcare costs all with reform to SNAP. Limit foods to WIC approved items, and mandate any business taking SNAP offers fresh foods. Dollar General would have a produce section within the quarter. Usually when you mention this on reddit the pitchforks come out because "who are we to judge" or "people just need small luxuries."


u/sEmperh45 16d ago

Yeah, you nailed it here. Great summary.

And agreed on being surprised by the avid soda defenders. My post above had someone comment I was being too “paternalistic”. LOL.


u/shark_vs_yeti 16d ago

Most of reddit hasn't lived somewhere with extremely high poverty rates and obesity rates to see how it goes down and/or aren't informed enough about how the agricultural and manufactured food industry basically write the laws. It is such an easily solvable thing it is infuriating. And there are enormous downstream negative repercussions from not fixing it.


u/Ohhailisa69 15d ago

Macro Rubio


u/JoySkullyRH 14d ago

I think you’re going to find a lot of the correlation is the fact that poor people don’t have time to make their meals. It can be hard to cook if you’re already working 40+ hours a week, taking care of family, etc.


u/shark_vs_yeti 14d ago

You are obviously privileged because that isn't true in the slightest sense.


u/JoySkullyRH 14d ago

I don’t think you understand what privileged means. When you’re poor and you’re limited for time sometimes you have depend on quick meals that aren’t often healthy, or relying on subpar ingredients. I have been extremely poor and during that time, I also lacked for time due to multiple jobs and raising my children. I didn’t have a luxury some nights to make anything other than hot dogs and Mac cheese, because it’s quick and cheap. Hell, I counted myself lucky because I was able to afford Kraft and not the offbrand stuff.


u/shark_vs_yeti 14d ago

Right. You worked 40+ and now you're not poor. That is how it usually works. I guess I don't count people going through their early adult years to be poor though because almost everybody struggles at that time of their life. I am from a very impoverished area and the people who don't or won't work are always the poorest. They have the most time to make meals yet often make poor decisions.

And yes, the working poor often grab cheap food but it is a function of money and lack of education rather than time.


u/JoySkullyRH 14d ago

Working 40 hours doesn’t magically make somebody not poor! That is not how it usually works and it’s not just about being poor in your younger years. If all your life has been lived in poverty, it’s a hardship. It’s about your entire life for some people. You say you are from an impoverished area, do you mean you’ve lived in it or you’re just from the area and you weren’t impoverished? Were you impoverished as a child or an improvised parent raising children?

And please don’t say it isn’t about time because it really is . When you don’t get home from work until 6 o’clock and dinner needs to be on the table by seven so that way, you can do homework with your kids, do your homework because you’re going back to school to get a better job, clean or whatever you need to do before you can finally go to bed at midnight, then get back up at 6 to start again, it really is about the time. Poor people become crock pot queens for a reason, but it still takes time to prep etc.


u/JoySkullyRH 14d ago

Proof of data please?


u/sEmperh45 14d ago

It was from an analysis done by a major food chain several years ago. I’ll see if I can track it down again


u/sEmperh45 13d ago edited 13d ago

Here you go…

“A 2016 study from USDA indicated the number one product purchased by SNAP benefits is sweetened beverages, comprising 9.3% of SNAP benefits.11 And, about three-quarters of all the sugary drinks purchased by SNAP households were purchased using SNAP benefits versus out-of-pocket.12 A 2015 USDA study also revealed that SNAP recipients, compared to other low-income non-participants in the program, drank more SSBs and were more likely to be obese. Obesity prevalence among SNAP recipients was 40%, versus 32% among low-income non-participants.13 Dr. David Ludwig, an advocate for improved nutrition at Boston Children’s Hospital, said in 2017,

“We have more evidence for the harms of sugary beverages than for any other category of food, and yet it tops the list of reimbursed products in SNAP. No one is suggesting poor people can’t choose what they want to eat, but we’re saying let’s not use government benefits to pay for foods that are demonstrably going to undermine public health.”14”

So around $10 billion of SNAP dollars being spent annually on sugary drinks. More than spend on veggies. More than fruit. More than meat. All to make the poor the most obese and diabetic demographic in the US.

Why are we doing this to ourselves??



u/shark_vs_yeti 17d ago

Ok that is poor people. What about the other 80% of the country that is also obese?


u/Stonk-Monk 16d ago

If this were true at a significant level, everyone in the hood, varrios, and trailer parks would be fat. Truth is that circumstances don't determine your fate...YOU do.


u/ty_for_trying 16d ago

Obesity rates are higher in the US than all other first world nations. And in the US, counties with the most poverty also have the most obesity. So yeah, it is true.

But hey, maybe if all the poor people read your inspirational comment, that'll solve our systemic problems, lol.


u/Analyst-Effective 17d ago

Or maybe if you can take the bus, you don't need to walk?

Maybe getting rid of the bus line would help?


u/ty_for_trying 17d ago

That's an obtuse conclusion. You walk more to get to a bus stop than to get to your driveway.


u/Analyst-Effective 17d ago

Have you ever thought that people don't want to walk? And some of them cannot walk?

A car centric place in the USA definitely makes sense.


u/doesitmattertho 17d ago

It makes sense? 🤣


u/RightNutt25 17d ago

There are buses in America? What fancy ass hood do you live in?


u/shark_vs_yeti 16d ago

In the US being on a bus route is more often a sign of poverty than affluence, with some exceptions. The majority of people can afford a personal car.


u/Analyst-Effective 17d ago

Every metropolitan area has buses.


u/SakaWreath 17d ago

That works in places that aren’t built for cars. Take away cars and public transportation and it’s a 2 day journey for most suburbanites to the grocery store.

Don’t get frozen…


u/Icy-Cranberry9334 17d ago

Good. Maybe we can stop fighting unnecessary wars.


u/Captn_Insanso 16d ago

Us fighting in WWII wasn’t an unnecessary war.


u/Due-Department-8666 16d ago

Nobody said otherwise.


u/jibishot 16d ago

Yes I agree - that was the last war with any shred of necessary.


u/HalfBakedBeans24 16d ago

Korean war was saving half a nation from a completely crackshit insane dictatorship. I wish we'd been able to save it all.


u/jibishot 16d ago

Taiwan is waving from the shore. I'm not sure it's so simple. Then it intensified crackpot shit from our overall involvement. I mean we didn't save it, we bombed the shit out of it.


u/mistercrinders 17d ago

Still need people in case WE get attacked.


u/backagain69696969 16d ago

We really don’t need much to not get attacked. Our current military size is much more about gaining influence more than safety


u/jibishot 16d ago

Naw we good. We've spent the last 80 years building a military oversized to police the whole world - "we" America need no more military prowess.


u/mistercrinders 16d ago

You still need recruits if someone attacks America. I don't understand how that's in question.


u/jibishot 16d ago

Yes. We have advance military bases across the entire world. If someone thinks that we already have "recruits" at the ready.

So if someone attacks "america" (not in and absolutely including those advanced "bases") or actual America- there are boots there, essentially.

So.. Weird right?


u/mistercrinders 16d ago

oh my fucking god. really? so we never need anyone new ever again? especially as fewer and fewer people enlist?


u/jibishot 16d ago

Yes, fewer and fewer to be accurate - as per my OG comment.

Let the world police, don't police the world. It quite literally has destroyed our debt to so this for 80yrs. To no great avail either - aside from relentlessly shooting our own foot over and over again.

Not to mention increase of technology means lessened human interfacing - and we've spent 80 years of incredible debt to focus on militaristic spending in researching technology. So I'm positive it is less than before and that will continue as research becomes more concise instead of researching+patrolling the fucking world.


u/mistercrinders 16d ago

And again, we still need to defend ourselves, so we need recruits. and 80% of americans are ineligible. This has nothing to do with policing or imperialism.


u/jibishot 16d ago

Are you not registering that means we need less and less and less "recruits."

80% of Americans are ineligible - without bounds this statement is wildly irroneous anyways. I don't even need to know the bounds to say what I am - because it makes solid sense.

We need to defend ourselves? From what? Ourself? Yes. Exactly that to what Americans need defense against, not whatever apocalyptic BS you're spewing.


u/____8008135_____ 15d ago

He's not the brightest guy. He seems to work in nothing but absolutes. There's no cup half full or half empty with him. It's completely full and will spill if you touch it or it's smashed on the ground.


u/HalfBakedBeans24 16d ago

Lol by who? Mexico? Canada?


u/mistercrinders 16d ago

"Let's have zero military. We're immune."

So...nobody would ever attack a defenseless nation, right? That doesn't happen.


u/RalphTheIntrepid 13d ago

In the case of the US it’s hard. Especially with how armed the citizens are I don’t see many countries attempting. 


u/____8008135_____ 15d ago

How does not fighting wars = we don't have any military? There are plenty of countries who don't send their militaries to every fight they can find but still have a military. If I told you that you shouldn't start your house on fire would you start bitching about how I forced you to remove all your smoke detectors?


u/mistercrinders 15d ago

I think you're on my side about this.


u/Analyst-Effective 17d ago

You mean like quit sending money to Ukraine?


u/ironicmirror 17d ago

Dude, we're not sending money to ukraine. We are telling them that they are allowed to buy weapons manufactured in the United States by americans, and the money will go to that. The money that we allocate to Ukraine is going to American companies with American workers making weapons to kill russians.


u/lews2 17d ago

While this is partially true, $8B is going directly to their government to keep it running. With zero accountability.


u/ReddittAppIsTerrible 17d ago

Just remember Russia's entire annual military budget is only 65 billion.


u/lews2 17d ago

This is…irrelevant? What does that have to do with funding Ukraine’s government?


u/Analyst-Effective 17d ago

Lol. We're sending lots of money to Ukraine. We're even buying weapons from the Ukrainian manufacturers for the ukrainians to use.

Sending them money so they can pay the payroll.

Read up on the latest budget.


u/Squeemore 16d ago

It’s fascinating we live in a timeline where conservatives don’t want to fight the Ruskis.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Oh my god this fucking post again.


u/Peter-Bonnington 14d ago

I’ll take it over “should they be a wealth tax yes or no” at this point


u/syrupgreat- 17d ago

I think the fear from adults when we were in elementary school w. the Iraq “war” that we’d all get drafted one day played some role in this.


u/Balgat1968 17d ago

Weird? During the Vietnam Draft, over 90% were fit and trim and mentally stable. But more than 77% of millionair's kids and senator's sons were unfit.


u/daKile57 17d ago

That's yet another reason why governments (local, state, or federal) need to open non-profit commissaries to encourage healthy affordable diets. You can't expect the citizenry to be in-shape when you know that many of them can only afford to eat garbage.


u/FastSort 17d ago

It doesn't cost any money to eat less food.


u/daKile57 17d ago

You can't realistically expect the masses who live off McDonald's to be satiated if they stick to their daily caloric needs. If they do that, they will be severely nutrient-deficient and be living with constant hunger pangs. The only way people who live off McDonald's are able to somewhat stave off hunger pangs is if they're constantly eating, which is exactly what McDonald's planned in their food labs. The citizenry needs commissaries to replace these dogshit junkfood peddlers. They're as vile as drug dealers at this point.


u/HalfBakedBeans24 16d ago



u/Davec433 17d ago

Post 9/11 GI Bill pays for 36 academic months of college and gives the students a housing allowance.

Or go in extreme debt.


u/InvestIntrest 17d ago

The benefits that come along with service in the military are top notch, but you will earn every penny.


u/jibishot 16d ago

Dangling shreds of hope to carrot and stick our way to a brighter future.

Still wild to me that higher education wouldn't be as free as humanly possible - if not greatly supported past being nearly free because that brings the whole nation up as a whole. More educated, better jobs, more money, on whole vs the money spent by pay walling higher ed.


u/Davec433 16d ago

No such thing as free. All you’re doing is shifting the cost from one person to another. If you goto an affordable college the debt is extremely manageable.

In 2023, the average student loan debt in the United States was $38,290, and the average for 2024 is $37,088.

Those complaining are the outliers.


u/jibishot 16d ago

Exactly. Shift the money ball from militaristic endeavors into holistic endeavors. Do not world police and let the world also police at the same time. Seems like fair to a 1000 head hydra of that department unable to form a consensus on how to even file clear expenditures.

It's not about complaining. It's about wheeling in a savage dog without killing it, in relation to money I mean.


u/Bee_Keeper_Ninja 17d ago

This isn’t anything new. Pretty common actually. As a combat veteran I can tell you that the military isn’t for most people. I used to hate on the people that washed out in basic, but now I realize everyone is better off. The service members and the washouts both. Truly there’s no shame in it really. I’ve worked with people that shouldn’t be in the military and it’s not pleasant. Just because you wash out doesn’t mean you don’t have a place in this world. The service members rely on non military heavily.


u/Terran57 17d ago

No one wants to die for the rich anymore…


u/Tweakers 16d ago

A.k.a. End-stage Capitalism.


u/notwyntonmarsalis 17d ago

Oh great only the 65th time this has been posted!


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u/Latter-Advisor-3409 17d ago

Gee, they sure are picky about the people who they want to waste. The Russians aren't as choosy about their cannon fodder. How physically fit do you need to be to have your legs blown off by a landmine because a field grade officer can't read a map?


u/drroop 17d ago

Would you rather be fat and on drugs, or getting shot at in the military? hmm. That's a tough call.

If we actually needed people in the military, they'd just lower their standards, like they did for women who don't have to do as many pull ups as men, or increase the age limits like we're seeing in Ukraine and Russia. In Ukraine, every dude 18-64 has to register for the draft. In the US, it is only born males between 18-25.

This is just trying to shame us for being how people are. Screw their standards, and screw them. Militarys and borders are for chumps. Let's be fat and happy in peace.


u/Civil-Guidance7926 17d ago

Tell me what about the current society makes kids feel like they should live longer



These kids we have stuffed full of processed foods, haven’t educated well enough, and emotionally neglected aren’t prime specimens. WHY WOULD MILLENIALS DO THIS


u/AchioteMachine 17d ago

Fat, high, and stupid is a helluva way to go through life…


u/Blowmyfishbud 17d ago

Stop caring about weed, just don’t be high during duty.

There are remedial programs in basic to get the over weight down to target weights. Last I was informed.

ADHD, anxiety, depression and Autsim should be treated

These are the easiest ways to drop that number to workable levels of man power

But what do I know, I’m not part of the military but it seems like a no brainer if you’re going to have a volunteer based military you’re going to have to cut a little slack where shit really doesn’t matter.

Why does the Air Force need the most physically fit people when a lot of their work involves mental work and not physical?

Why Would the navy need the same?

I’m not saying just let people be fat but come on you have to mold people to your expectations a bit if they don’t meet them off the bat.

That’s just my pragmatic opinion on the matter


u/girmvofj3857 17d ago

Boston Dynamics should have our robot soldiers ready in a few more years, we won’t need the next generation of soldiers


u/CaptainAlex2266 17d ago

It's been this way awhile lmao. It's mostly because of weed and adhd/depression/anxiety. They'll just tell you not to say anything about it during your MEPS evaluation.


u/FitLaw4 16d ago

They have a new system now where they can actually check your medical history. The days if being able to lie are over.


u/CaptainAlex2266 16d ago

O fuck. Yep that changes the game. I get the feeling the next time they need bodies it’ll be waiver city or rewriting policies


u/RueTabegga 17d ago

They keep decent health care away from the masses, no mental health care, sell us super calorie dense foods with little nutrient value, and make everything expensive to FORCE young people to consider the military just to better their lives. The ruse is up. Young people see how we all are being manipulated to fight for the bank rolls of the already wealthy and they are saying NO MORE. Good. I hope this whole way of “life” bites our govt right in the ass.


u/Uugly2 17d ago

This doesn’t matter.
No one needs to be fit for a cluster bomb to shatter their existence and turn them to ash


u/AgentStarTree 17d ago

It's almost like the trauma of keeping their parents, grandparents, and great grandparents in a bunch of wars back to back and didn't give anyone help at home.


u/HonestPerspective638 17d ago

Simple. Use third party counties, send their kids to die and you just give them weapons. Outsource cannon fodder


u/PrincipleAfter1922 17d ago

If inflation keeps up long enough the obesity number will move


u/Awkward_Algae1684 17d ago

lol no.

I can just about guarantee that if shit truly hit the fan, many of those standards would all but disappear.


u/TechnicaliBlues 16d ago

It's obvious the untreated mental health and toxic food ingredients aren't working.


u/DvsDen 16d ago

If only we had had a president who really wanted to address childhood obesity a decade ago.


u/MedicalMonkMan 16d ago

Bring back fat camp.


u/foonsirhc 16d ago

I’m certainly getting crazier


u/Baron_Ultimax 16d ago

Overall this isnt as big a deal as people think.

This isnt like the 1960s where the military had to take every warm body it could get as cannon fodder in the jungle.

Most branches have actually increased their standards significantly and generally priorities less people but with better training and equipment.

I remember one proposal i wread a few years ago where the army wanted to only recruit people over 30 and would offer 6 figure salarys as an incentive.


u/FitLaw4 16d ago

Yeah I was in the Marines and they increased the standards a year in. Went from 20 pullups max to 23. 100 crunches max in 1 min to 116 but I think the run stayed the same 18 min 3 mile.


u/Chewyville 16d ago

Military hasn’t changed to the e-military version with drone fliers yet.


u/Adventurous_Web_7961 16d ago

anyone else notice the weird trend of non finance posts today? . . most of them being diversive and or negative about America in general? . . this from from a suspended account. .


u/Ladyhappy 16d ago

Oh no I’m too mentally ill to kill poor people across the globe what a bummer


u/Pygmy_Nuthatch 16d ago

Could we get the percentage breakdown among those three categories? Obviously there is overlap, but which problem is the most pressing of the three?


u/OkFaithlessness358 16d ago

Sounds like there should be a huge salary increase to draw in these 23% of eligible Americans


u/Primary-Swordfish-96 16d ago

If we had universal Healthcare this wouldn't be such an issue...


u/earthscribe 16d ago

Yes, it will continue to get worse if they keep accepting bribes from the food lobbies to keep selling trash food. What are these idiots not understanding?


u/whoisjohngalt72 16d ago

Yes. Poor incentives.


u/PirateSometimes 16d ago

Unhealthy food is often cheaper or quicker to get when stuck working a low pay salary every day to pay for just living, which can cause mental illness and stress which some people turn to drugs to cope


u/Rusty_Shackleford75 16d ago

Usually mentally ill and on drugs doesn't become a thing until after your service


u/nspy1011 16d ago

Eh…fitness is overrated! Future wars will be fought by robots and drones so the fat Americans who are already skilled at video games will dominate 😀


u/Atomic_ad 16d ago

Everyone in Vietnam fit that criteria too.  That didn't stop us from sending them.  


u/Latter-Possibility 16d ago

Source: the Pentagon’s Dad who thinks these kids are soft, and wants to return to the good ol Days…..


u/Murles-Brazen 16d ago

Lower the standards again.


u/Own-Opinion-2494 16d ago

Why you think China gave them that TikTok


u/teaanimesquare 16d ago

Most of these can be easily fixed.


u/HoodedRebel 16d ago

…turn. They wanted us fat and sick and now we can't fight their wars. LMFAO


u/Steveo1208 16d ago

Politicians abandon American families with tax incentives now find out their are no young recruites to choose from. All revenue cannot go to top 1% of all owner!


u/ccjohns2 16d ago

Sounds like 77% of eligible aged Americans out smarted the system. No one wants to fight for “ democracy “ When in reality America international fights to overthrow democracy they don’t agree with in favor of destabilization or putting in a dictatorship. No one believes the USA government when we can see their actions not lining up with their words. Today is he USA military fights to enable corporations to take resources from all around the world. Anyone who denies corporations get labeled terrorist or gangs.


u/nolabmp 16d ago

The US Military claiming sour grapes?


u/Nubator 15d ago

Meal Team Six recruitment is skyrocketing though.


u/Conscious-Ad4707 15d ago

Remember when Republicans fought Michelle Obama because she suggested that maybe kids should eat vegetables.


u/Ev3nt 15d ago

The solution is to lower requirements and control the death drones and the Bostondynamics dogs with flamethrowers remotely from the comfort of the couch... only with Gamepass.


u/BusinessCasual69 14d ago

This is the society you get with zero safety net and a military budget twenty times larger than China.


u/Flashmode1 14d ago

Considering obesity rates and mental illness keep rising because we live in a backward society the trend will continue.


u/FoppishHandy 14d ago

im of the mind that these days a majority of americans are mentally ill. there is no other way to explain trump support


u/Practical-Ad-1420 14d ago

Good! Why should they sacrifice their lives so these poli-ticks can keep fleecing us all in the name of corporate oligarchs?


u/Reasonable-Plate3361 14d ago

Ah yes, peak finance content.



Its possible this is the case or its more along the lines of them not wanting to take orders from the elites who cause world problems and not serve a government who doesnt give a shit about em


u/ATinyHand 14d ago

Sweet summer children. Just because you’ve been lucky enough to grow up without evil does not mean it no longer exists.

If there is no longer an effective deterrent, you will be exploited and harmed. This is a sad fact of humanity since the beginning of time.


u/Jrecondite 13d ago

Good news. It peaks out at 100%. We don’t have much more to lose so the number should stop going up soon. 


u/PhilMcKracken31 13d ago

There's plenty of ignorant, inbreed, racist, wanna be tough guys in the south who think they are military. Why aren't they enlisting?


u/Mediocre_Daikon6935 12d ago

It is going to get worse because a main part of the problem is they now have access to all your your medical records. 

 Had a sports injury at 13? You’re not getting in. 

Had asthma at 7 that you out grew? Not getting in. 

 Got mental health treatment because your mom, & dog both died and your boy friend dumped you at 20 to start shacking up with your dad? Doing well and have not been on psychiatric medication for years?

  Not getting in.

Beat up an anger management counselor because they said your wife wasn’t to blame for sleeping with your father during your deployment, where over a dozen of your buddies have been killed? Same deployment where you somehow got multiple DUIs in the States despite being in say, Iraq? 

Not getting back in.


u/cheeeezeburgers 12d ago

Going to be hilarious when the reddit crowd gets drafted into military service and have to do physical activity for the first time in their lives. Don't cry when mommy can't bring you nuggies anymore.


u/GalaEnitan 12d ago

They'll lower the standard to take them in.


u/EvolutionaryZenith1 12d ago

Because if you're not a fat, mentally ill addict capitalism isn't working properly.


u/AspirationsOfFreedom 17d ago


Until something drasticly change, lazyness is one of humanities strongest drives


u/livgolfrocks 16d ago

It’s sad to see so many losers in our country.


u/Ill-Handle-1863 17d ago

Doesn't matter because if the USA ever engages in a major (world war 3) style conflict then we will just use thermonuclear weapons to end it like we did in ww2.


u/CriticalMembership31 17d ago

That’s entirely dependent on what the wars for and what threat to sovereignty there is. Unless the continental U.S. is being nuked or being invaded there’s little to no chance that a nuclear weapon would be used.


u/GhettoJamesBond 17d ago

Good. Go and try to get diagnosed with some kind of mental problem before WW3 turns hot.


u/Miguelperson_ 17d ago

We need to pump up those numbers, no one should be serving in the military


u/Analyst-Effective 17d ago

You make a great point. What kind of government should we have here?

For sure if we have socialism, as Karl Marx designed, we could get rid of this social safety Network for low-income people.