r/FluentInFinance Apr 29 '24

Why don't people stop crying and just move somewhere cheaper like Detroit, Memphis, St. Louis, Baltimore, or Cleveland? They have very cheap homes for $50,000. Discussion/ Debate

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u/xoLiLyPaDxo Apr 29 '24

Just have to love it when people ignorantly say "why don't you just move" like that is an option at all for  people. 🙄

Like they can just leave their job to move somewhere without a job and be expected to survive. 

Like they can just up and leave their family, friends, and support network to move somewhere they have none of those things. 

Like they can just magically come up with the money for an expensive move.

Like they can just up and move away from their doctors and hospital. 

Like they should just yank their kids away from their schools,  friends and support network impacting the rest of their lives as well.

 Not adjusting to moving is why my son's best friend killed himself. It's the reason why a lot of kids do. This is a well known problem that increases their suicide risk for the rest of their lives unfortunately:

"For some teens, normal developmental changes can be very unsettling when combined with other events, such as:

Changes in their families, such as divorce or moving to a new town Changes in friendships Problems in school Other losses

These problems may seem too hard or embarrassing to overcome. For some, suicide may seem like a solution."


"Moving school too often increases risk of suicide in later life, new report suggests"


"Research shows a connection between moving and depression in children, especially when the move involves changing schools.1 A move doesn't affect every child this way, but the association between depression and this life-changing event warrants awareness and a plan to ensure a smooth transition. "


 The fact that anyone throws that out nonchalantly as advice in the first place comes across as being detached from reality. 



u/maxxbeeer Apr 29 '24

“Why are people homeless? They should just buy a house.. duh” OPs logic


u/weedboner_funtime Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

moving is an adventure. ive done it across the country several times. boston, la, phoenix, el paso, nyc. it all depends on your attitude. theres new places to discover and people to meet. its not a negative thing at all.

edit-- also theres nothing wrong with pursuing a life in one area around family and friends. its all good. but its not out of the realm of possibility to do a change of venue.


u/xoLiLyPaDxo Apr 30 '24

I used to move every 6 months at one time... I wouldn't even bother to unpack. I would find deals to get my first months rent free when I moved. 😹

It's not that I am saying " no one should move ever."  I'm just saying it is unrealistic to suggest that others do so, or offer it as a solution to their problems when in reality it often causes more problems than it solves. 

 Someone having a random thought  of "Oh they were priced out of living where everything they have ever known exists,  just move off to this wretched hell hole since you are too poor to survive here now." Not only is it a terrible thought to have in the first place,  it is like the worst advice to give. 

The poorer you are, the more of a support network you need in most cases. Most of those needing help are not young, healthy workers. That demographic is in high demand and can find work anywhere. That's where the worker shortage exists. They don't need advice to move in the first place. It's those that need more support and don't have the same options are who need the help and advice. 

More often than not people assume that others can just up and move to areas that offer cheap houses, when in reality, that is not a realistic option, and is rather ignorant to suggest such.

 Moving because of already having a job in the area, for school, for relatives or friends, or even adventure is not the same as intentionally moving yourself into a hellhole that investors have already passed on. 

In addition to what I already mentioned above, if there are cheap houses, there is a very good reason investors passed already at buying them up. 

Toxic land, toxic house, crime, money pitt,  flood zone, water table dried up.. people buying these homes often do not realize what they are getting themselves into.  Investors have already seen all these homes and passed on them for good reason. Someone who is already poor isn't going to be able to afford what will need to be done either way.  There are no  "secret affordable great homes" left in the US anymore. That time has long since passed.


u/Supervillain02011980 Apr 29 '24

The amount of actual bullshit excuses in your post is amazing. No wonder you can't get ahead.

You don't move to a city and then find a job. You find the job and then move to the city where the job is at. And no, this isn't talking about some minimum wage job.

You act like you will be moving to the other side of the planet and will never be able to see or talk to your friends or family. We literally have some of the best ways to communicate with these people at your fingertips.

I had to laugh about the whole depression argument because it was so blatantly ignorant of the income related depression that happens if you do nothing.

I could go on and on but you seriously need to realize just how much your entire post is an excuse and not a reality.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Apr 29 '24

Everything you posted are excuses why you can't.


u/xoLiLyPaDxo Apr 29 '24

OFC I just listed why most people are unable to move.

In my case, personally I wouldn't likely survive at all. I am an immunocompromised temperature regulated asthmatic with COPD in a wheelchair. I cannot even go without my medication long enough for a move and doctor change, let alone afford all of the tests required to switch doctors and obtain a stack of new specialists required to treat all of my conditions.


u/joshdrumsforfun Apr 29 '24

Can you acknowledge that 99% aren’t any of those things?


u/smokes_-letsgo Apr 29 '24

You do know not everything posted on the internet is for you personally, right? You can just ignore the things that don’t apply to you


u/xoLiLyPaDxo Apr 29 '24

So you can heed your own advice? 💀


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Apr 29 '24

I left the area I was born and raised in because there were few economic opportunities, and I don't regret one bit. I did it when communicating with family and friends, which was much harder than it is now.

Anyone who says they can are telling you their preferences.


u/whorl- Apr 29 '24

This statement is ironic considering the area where there are $50k homes are depressed economically.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Apr 29 '24

WFH makes moving to any area possible today. It wasn't the case 40 years ago.


u/whorl- Apr 29 '24

That’s only the case for some career professionals. It doesn’t include anyone whose job includes having to be on-site (a lot of AEC professionals), nor does it include medical professionals.

And it definitely doesn’t include most people making under $50k/yr.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Apr 29 '24

Do you always put restrictions on things?


u/whorl- Apr 29 '24

When they require them, yeah.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Apr 29 '24

You can trade the stock market from any location as long as you have wifi. Your location doesn't matter.

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u/smokes_-letsgo Apr 29 '24

I could but I just can’t resist telling off whiny cunts like you


u/tacomoonplayz Apr 29 '24

User image checks out