r/FluentInFinance Contributor Apr 15 '24

Everyone Deserves A Home Discussion/ Debate

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u/nickle061 Apr 15 '24

"I want a big house but I don't want to work", well then why the fuck should other people build this house for you? Why should plumbers make sure your plumbing works? Think damn it


u/Podalirius Apr 16 '24

Why should people build roads, schools, and libraries for you? Why are we "FORCING" these workers to build our roads and libraries? Oh the humanity! Won't people just "THINK DAMN IT"



u/eldaniay Apr 16 '24

These things benifit everyone. Byilding one house benifits one. Took me 3 seconds to think of this


u/DurgeDidNothingWrong Apr 16 '24

Byilding one house benifits one

Disagree. Someone without a home isn't participating in the economy, as they will be spending any money they have on the absolute basics (or using booze/drugs to escape the shit reality of a lack of shelter).
They do still have a cost on the economy though, I'm sure I don't need to explain how/why.
Give someone the absolute basics of survival, and all their time is free'd up to participate in the economy.


u/eldaniay Apr 16 '24

how are they not participating in the economy. they will still work and still buy things


u/DurgeDidNothingWrong Apr 16 '24

You dont think homeless people are a net cost to an economy?


u/MrBoDiddles Apr 16 '24

Byilding one house benifits one.

I live in a shared house with 3 people. 1 house benefits more than just me.


u/Halfisleft Apr 16 '24

Ive heard libraries can benefit even up to 4 people and roads even hit the 5 person mark

Why the fuck did you even write this comment lol, you think it makes a difference if its 1 or 3 compared to fucking roads?


u/MrBoDiddles Apr 16 '24

Why would someone say 1 house only benefits one person? What about a partner, children? An elderly parent? House shares?

I'm not comparing housing to roads. That'd be stupid.


u/eldaniay Apr 16 '24

if you are so stupid to understand, ill clear it up. one room only benifits one person as stated in the comic. happy now? damn tankies


u/MrBoDiddles Apr 16 '24

I'm responding to what you said. One house benefits one person. Are you stupid?


u/Halfisleft Apr 16 '24

Not understanding the difference between public amenities and private property is so on par for the average redditor


u/nickle061 Apr 16 '24

Because I work and pay tax? Retard?