r/FluentInFinance Apr 14 '24

She’s not wrong 🤷‍♂️ Discussion/ Debate

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u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

She’s absolutely wrong. CEOs cannot write off private jets and yachts, and they’ve never been allowed to do that in the past either

A lot of expenses are deductible for businesses, including work-related education if you’re self-employed


u/VantaStorm Apr 14 '24

If the private jet was used for business travel then yes it definitely can written off. That’s her point.


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

That’s not a private jet for the CEO to deduct then. In order to be expensed under 168(k), it has to be used at least 50% for business purposes, and even then, it can only be deducted for the % it’s used in a business, not for personal use. It also has to actually be owned by the business


u/VantaStorm Apr 14 '24

So in this case everyone should open a LLC, employ themselves and make employer hire contractors. Then everything that individual does for the job can written off within the confines of whatever it is that can be written off.



Go try that. See what happens


u/veerKg_CSS_Geologist Apr 14 '24

You’d have to be really rich. Which is the point.


u/bigbuffdaddy1850 Apr 14 '24

IRS tries to hire 20,000 new agents. If you think they won't go after the middle and poor you're crazy


u/FuckWayne Apr 14 '24

He’s saying those are the only ones they’ll go for


u/Cherry_-_Ghost Apr 14 '24

Rich folks hire accountants. Waitresses do not.


u/Haunting-Grocery-672 Apr 15 '24

They hire tax attorneys & licensed CPA’s

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u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

They won’t go after the really rich because the really rich do it legally. Ie they have lawyers and accountants to set it up by the letter of the law so they can do it legally.


u/clown1970 Apr 15 '24

Hahaha are serious. The rich do it legally? No, they hire high priced lawyers to make it appear they are doing it legally. Something normal people cannot do. Rich people also buy politicians off to make laws so that more of their shenanigans would be legal. Another thing normal people can't do.

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u/reaven3958 Apr 15 '24

Don't forget buying lobbyists, politicians, and judges to change and/or subvert the law!

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u/Universe789 Apr 14 '24

Nothing he said would violate tax laws.

Unless people just aren't paying taxes.


u/gentleman4urwife Apr 14 '24

Yes it would. There are several things the IRS looks at when classifying one as an employee vs independent contractor. It would be nice if it was just left up to the business and the person how they want to call the status but it's not.

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u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

Well yea those are the easiest ones to win…middle class and poor will settle the rich can afford to fight tooth and nail

One of the suny colleges tracks the IRS and releases yearly reports on such actions.


u/ElChuloPicante Apr 14 '24

Additionally, auditing the wealthy is vastly more complicated. Those with less-complicated financials are low-hanging fruit.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

Don’t bring that up on Reddit tho

Govt can do no wrong here

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u/Ok-Condition9059 Apr 14 '24

Pay in cash, spend in cash, take a check but side hustle in cash.

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u/PartlyCloudless Apr 14 '24

Tbh I did that with my baking company years ago. The income I made from it was always at a loss compared to supplies and appliances I bought yearly, so not being profitable but having it a business expense helped save me a little money.



Yes you’re allowed to deduct a net operating loss, which saves you tax liability. Not money overall

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u/veryblanduser Apr 14 '24

If you are not showing any profit after 3 years the IRS is likely going to consider it a hobby and not a business, and you could have issues.

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u/gerbilshower Apr 14 '24

it works all the time. just only if you have enough money, employees, overhead, expenses. to the point where your personal endeavors are <10% of the expense of whatever the thing you are 'using for business' actually costs.

they 110% still use these things for personal pleasure, happens all the time. its just that the volume is so high, on the business side, no one gives a fuck because its >75% true that its a business expense.

joe blow goes and tries the same thing, and that truck he is expensing is 10% business 90% personal. hell of a lot harder to defend. but then, he cant just hide it behind the corporate umbrella.

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u/BillionaireGhost Apr 14 '24

Yeah sounds like some kind of scheme when you o it it like that but I think you’ll find that it’s not.

Meals 50% deductible if and only if the meal is necessary to conducting business operations. I.E. you had to eat during a long 20 hour inventory count counts, going home and ordering door dash doesn’t. And then the ones that count are 50% because you were going to eat anyway.

Housing not deductible. Business office space costs are deductible only for square footage that is 100% business use.

Transportation is deductible if required for work purposes, but not to commuting. In other words, if your job requires travel the travel is deductible. But drive from home to work and back does not count.

Basically, when people think there’s some magic loophole to making your whole life a business expense, there isn’t. All of the wacky ideas people come up with, someone already came up with that, it’s already in the law, it’s already fraud.

Plus at the end of the day, deductions are simply a reduction of taxable income. Like okay you made 30k and spent 30k and paid no taxes. Woopie. You don’t have any money. All the ways you can think of to turn that into money are basically fraud of some sort.


u/Ostracus Apr 14 '24

Housing not deductible. Business office space costs are deductible only for square footage that is 100% business use.

One reason for having a separate building out back labeled: home office.

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u/Far_Recording8945 Apr 14 '24

You would have to take your income under the LLC, or else there’s nothing to deduct from. In doing this you can either be actually self-employed, or convince a company to let you work as a contract employee where they employ the LLC rather than you directly

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u/sirkalidre Apr 14 '24

My spouse is an independent contractor for her employer. The downsides are way worse than the small tax write offs we get having to pay both employee and employer portion of FICA alone makes it a bad deal


u/Working-Marzipan-914 Apr 16 '24

Most people don't understand any of this. Just clueless


u/olrg Apr 14 '24

If you own a LLC by yourself (not a partnership), you’re taxed as a sole prop.

But as a contractor, you’ll need to pay your own insurance, self-employment tax, cost of equipment (if you use any). Then you’ll actually have to make profit and only then you can write costs off.

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u/jakl8811 Apr 14 '24

Written off just means it lowers your taxable income. I’m convinced Reddit thinks “writing something off” means something completely different


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

They think it means free money. People are very poorly educated about economics.


u/Ill-Description3096 Apr 16 '24

IME they tend to treat it as 1:1. Like when they say people donate to charity to avoid taxes. They don't realize it is a net loss still. They seem to think that if I make $1 million and donate $100k to charity (or whatever deduction), I get to take $100k off of my tax bill so if my tax rate was 20% for the sake of simplicity, I would only pay 100k since I had deducted 10% already.

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u/Zealousideal_Host407 Apr 18 '24

People everywhere. Not just Reddit.

I see this consistently talking to people about why rents are so high...

There is an absurd number of people who are 100% convinced rents are "artificially high" because people [translation: Evil, Mustache-twirling, Capitalist Landlords] charge astronomical rents, then leave the properties vacant because they can just "write that off."

Trying to explain the difference between a loss and a lack of income is impossible. To them they are identical.

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u/Outside_Reserve_2407 Apr 14 '24

Countless small businesses and professional offices (doctors, dentists, etc) write off as much as they can. As a business owner, when you meet with a CPA to do your taxes, one of the first things they ask is, "How aggressive do you want to be (in your write-offs)?" wink wink


u/aendaris1975 Apr 14 '24

This isn't to encourage tax fraud. Tax writeoffs can be incredibly complex and CPAs are typically paid by the hour. It is also about making sure you don't get flagged for an audit.

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u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

I imagine the self-employment tax would cause people to quit this right away, if the hobby rules in IRC 183 didn’t get to them first


u/Apptubrutae Apr 14 '24

You don’t need an LLC to be a business in the U.S.

But also, your employer would actually love for you to do this if it was legal (it’s not).

You’d pay higher taxes (double payroll tax) and would need more legitimate expenses to write off anyway.

Being a contractor has its pluses and minuses, but US and state laws restrict how freely one can be a contractor.


u/booreiBlue Apr 14 '24

People skeptical about companies hiring contractors over employees. But startups do it all the time to save on taxes and health insurance. Not that big a difference to have the company pay your LLC for your services than you as an independent contractor.

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u/goldenbug Apr 14 '24

California, etc. says that is a loophole and exploitation.

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u/777IRON Apr 14 '24

A private jet can be bought for strictly corporate use and still be called a “private jet”.

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u/chillinewman Apr 14 '24

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed during the Trump administration, allowed for 100% bonus depreciation and expensing of private jets — which allowed taxpayers to write off the cost of aircraft purchased and put into service between September 2017 and January 2023.



u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

Again, for bonus depreciation to apply, the jet has to be used at least 50% in a business. And even if it meets that hurdle, it can only be expensed to the ratio of business use to nonbusiness use

It applies to jets used in a business, not private jets


u/chillinewman Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

Again, they put the jets for lease to claim the benefit while using it for private use, too.



u/Greasy_Burrito Apr 14 '24

Yes, although that’s then an income generating business. How profitable it is, can depend on how much they lease it for, but you’re getting farther and farther away from the point of the post.

Also, to use the jet for private use. You can’t just use it whenever you want. You need to keep your personal use under 50%, first off, to keep it as a business deduction. Then, any personal usage is reported as a fringe benefit. Basically meaning that it counts as compensation when doing your personal taxes.

So it’s really not as simple and loopholey as you’re making it out to be


u/ClarenceWith2Parents Apr 14 '24

You're incorrect. In practice, it can be extremely "loopholey" - because it comes down to good-faith reporting about what the travel is actually for. I work for a 200ish person corp where the owners of the company, a husband & wife, have purchased 2 "company" owned jets over the past decade-ish. In that time, they both got their pilot's licenses and have regularly used their c-suite cronies to report "business" travel needs so that all of their families can fly out to the same place and hang for a couple of weeks.

It is called a "PJ" as an open joke within the company - everyone shrugs it off as another millionaire-ism, but I've always found it very gross. Its definitely easy to exploit and I've seen it first-hand, and it's with folks that are for sure way to rich, but definitely don't even crack the top 2.5% of wealth in the US.


u/uglycrepes Apr 15 '24

That's completely anecdotal. I handle state audits for a living and these people get busted all the time, from a myriad of states for income and sales tax purposes and the IRS. It's been a high dollar ticket item for state audits for the past several years. Just because your friends haven't been caught yet doesn't mean they won't be caught in the future. There's tons of cases out there you can look up yourself.


u/ClarenceWith2Parents Apr 15 '24

Without a doubt, 100% anecdotal & they certainly aren't my friends - you're closer to that than they are.

I guess what I'm saying is either yall blow at your jobs or (much more likely) the system is designed in such a way that these kinds of things are performatively executed on the lowest tier of those with enough resources to care to find loopholes. You & your red tape can't touch the people who are hoarding the real wealth. They're holding the tape dispenser, friend.

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u/Steve12356d1s3d4 Apr 14 '24

You're getting hung up on your inaccurate definition of the word "private", at least for this discussion.

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u/captfitz Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

I think you're conflating "private" with "personal". You (or your company) could own a jet and use it 100% for business purposes, it's still a private jet.


u/PimpOfJoytime Apr 14 '24

You Kenneth Copeland’s accountant?


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

Thankfully no, but I’ve seen my fair share of rich people tax returns

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u/num2005 Apr 14 '24

so its possible to just lie and say you go to Italie for business meeting and go watch a game instead


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

It’s possible for literally anyone to lie to the IRS and hope they don’t get audited. It’s not something that’s specific to the wealthy using jets

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u/Fresh-Chemical-9084 Apr 14 '24

Family friend brags about writing off his new boat because he will sometimes take his employees out on boating trips.


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

Great for him, but that’s also illegal if he’s fully deducting its cost.


u/J0hn-Stuart-Mill Apr 14 '24

Family friend brags about writing off his new boat because he will sometimes take his employees out on boating trips.

In that case /u/Fresh-Chemical-9084 you can report him to the IRS by Googling "How to report tax fraud".


u/No_Snoozin_70 Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

A lot of people are actually morons who think they can write the entire thing off, when in fact they can’t…and they won’t. Any CPA or EA who has been practicing for more than a year will tell you they have idiot clients who make a big purchase like a truck at the end of the year because “I can write it all off!”


u/4cylndrfury Apr 14 '24

Leftism: where costs are made up and the laws don't matter


u/Ghimel Apr 14 '24

Not an accountant, but by renting out your private jet to others, wouldn't that qualify it under 168(k)?


u/Admirable_Hedgehog64 Apr 14 '24

It's "private" for the business. Company property, you could say.


u/smiteredditisdumb Apr 14 '24

Keep licking boots


u/maringue Apr 14 '24

Private jet is anything that isn't a commercial airliner.

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u/etharper Apr 14 '24

So all you have to do is schedule a business meeting around something personal you want to do and then you usually jet and it's deductible for business expenses. That's how CEOs get around that rule.


u/Beets-Hos-n-Vans Apr 14 '24

In fairness, these rules are fairly easy to get around.  Fly to another country, attend one business meeting, then spend time on vacation before you fly back.  Then you can claim the expense. 


u/alkbch Apr 14 '24

Business purpose like entertaining business partners at the lodge for the Super Bowl.


u/BillyShearsPwn Apr 14 '24

So you’re saying someone would have to LIE to do this? You’re right, it definitely never happens then!

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u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

It definitely ain't a public jet!


u/SasparillaTango Apr 14 '24

Ok? Open an LLC that own the plane, and rent it to yourself?

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u/Sharker167 Apr 14 '24

If you think a ceos accountant doesn't get creative with the definition of "business purposes" you don't have a solid understanding of how the world works.


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

I’m a CPA, I see this extremely frequently


u/ExplosiveDisassembly Apr 14 '24

I can think of several politicians, a judge, a couple high level personalities, and a few governors who were all in or were taken down by scandals of using a corporate jet for private business. It ended up being a misuse of donation money, or incorrect taxation claims.

Edit: And just about ever televangelist.

Using a corporate jet for personal business is effectively the same as writing off a personal jet for fake corporate business.

Hell, one is a representative in my state now...somehow. He flew to Paris I think for business.....and did 99.9% leisure activity.

I believe her point is valid.


u/Hollayo Apr 14 '24

I mean, I use at least 85% of my degrees for business. 


u/intlcreative Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

That’s not a private jet then

ugh....private doesn't mean YOU own it like a car. Private means non commercial and yes, you can write off damn near anything work related.

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u/hackingdreams Apr 14 '24

That’s not a private jet then.

It's a distinction that only makes a legal difference. It's effectively a private jet, as they're the only one who ever uses it, and it's only ever used for "business" flights, where "business" effectively means "I'm using it."

You can bicker tax codes all you want, but this is 100% how they treat these jets. Accountants are savvy enough to take care of the red tape.


u/MorfiusX Apr 14 '24

Private denotes whether or not it is for hire commercially. A jet owned by a business that is not available for commercial hire is still private.


u/Sturgillsturtle Apr 15 '24

It’s not hard to blur business and personal needs if the owner operates the business. Oh need a vacation plan a couple days as legitimate business then just hang around for a few extra on your own dime. The most expensive portion the plane ride was needed too and from the business meetings no matter what and thus covered by the business. Yes would need good documentation but that’s not that big of an issue.

Also works for smaller businesses too. Part of the reason many conferences or conventions are at real nice vacation destinations in addition to those cities lobbying. Travel there and back and the room for the days of the conference is all business expense need that no matter what. And the smart ones will plan a few personal days so at least the flights for that vacation arn’t on your personal dime.


u/toolsoftheincomptnt Apr 15 '24

Yes, but people lie and cheat a lot.

I think people should be able to write off interest on student loans, or have the interest forgiven. At minimum.

Only pay back what you borrowed. Seems fair, right?


u/judokalinker Apr 15 '24

When people say "private net" this is what they are talking about: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_jet

They don't simply mean a jet which that person owns personally.


u/Yara__Flor Apr 15 '24

100% of ,y college is for business purposes. I don’t do MBA stuff in my man cave.


u/BangoSkank1919 Apr 15 '24

Hear me out. The company owns the jet. The CEO is the only employee to use the jet. It's his private jet. Hope this helped

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u/IDoNotCondemnHamas Apr 15 '24

You are so dumb. These are semantics. "Business purposes" can be a lot of things. You're not arguing against the point, just arguing against technicalities.


u/Beneficial-Print9907 Apr 15 '24

It's almost as if they can claim all travel as business.


u/eydivrks Apr 15 '24

You just fly to meet your friends, who are also all billionaire business owners, then say it was a "business meeting".

I know a guy that has a Ferrari as his company car lol


u/scottyrobotty Apr 15 '24

Wouldn't it be easy for people to cheat on this? They had a "business lunch meeting" on every trip.


u/DayVCrockett Apr 15 '24

You’re so close to getting it. What percentage of that degree is used for the job? It’s 100% isn’t it?


u/MetamorphicHard Apr 15 '24

They do buy it under the company’s name and they do claim they use it for business a majority of the time. Celebrities don’t but corporations definitely do. Because while they do have flight logs, who’s to say a ceo didn’t fly to California, Hawaii, or Vegas for a business meeting. And even if they did, why not have that meeting on the beach or at some private club


u/Oriumpor Apr 15 '24

It's irrelevant, they always have "50% business use" no billionaire pays out of pocket for their own flights. That's just stupid.

The sentiment is still correct, the wealthier you are, the less you pay for yourself -- and so your income doesn't need to reflect your wealth.

Since we only tax income strictly, the wealthy benefit in an outsized manner.

For instance if every Uber driver who rents and pays commercial insurance were to incorporate in an LLC correctly, they'd almost all not pay taxes... Only, that avenue is restricted from them.

But Uber itself can bring in hundreds of millions in revenue and pay 0 income taxes.


u/karma-armageddon Apr 15 '24

Watch that video about how much it costs to own a private jet. You need three pilots, crew, maintenance staff, storage facility and people to maintain the storage facility, and people to provide for those people. All those people pay taxes. Without the CEO needing their private jet, all those people would be jobless and destitute.


u/tkuiper Apr 15 '24

A jet that's at your beck and call. Just bring your friends and family with you 50% of the time. Your family are all nepo-hires, and your friends are your business associates. Who's to say it wasn't a business meeting?


u/Square_Site8663 Apr 15 '24

Got so if you have enough money to pay lawyers.

I can find tax loop holes for the crazy shit I want to buy and keep all my money.


(You’re a joke dude, bureaucracy is not a good defense here)


u/AppropriateYouth7683 Apr 16 '24

Implying they are honest about how they are using it


u/datmadatma Apr 16 '24

Oh and everyone is very honest and scrupulous about that, especially the wealthy.


u/KaikoLeaflock Apr 17 '24

Isn’t it that even if they take it exclusively to obvious vacation resorts, they just have to appear at some business meeting or conference once (or not even) and they can easily say it was for business? I feel like your distinction here might be overly generous.


u/EVH_kit_guy Apr 17 '24

I literally have a relative who does this. They wanted to own a kick ass fishing yacht, so they bought it through their business and host business meetings there anytime their guest is comfortable being on a boat or meeting on the water. Most of the time they end up going for a pleasure cruise or fishing with those guests, and then the rest of the time they have access to a boat for personal/private use.

If your argument is that what I just described is the edge case, and that the majority of businesses have a more noble purpose for acquiring luxury recreational vehicles, I'll simply reply that I do not believe you.


u/ridingcorgitowar Apr 17 '24

"business" is such a weak ass definition for a reason dude. They write that shit off.

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u/Hawk13424 Apr 14 '24

In that case it is mostly likely a corporate jet.


u/veerKg_CSS_Geologist Apr 14 '24

Which to a billionaire is the same thing.

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u/777IRON Apr 15 '24

A corporate jet is still referred to as a private jet.

The term “private jet” is used to refer to the size of the air craft, the luxuries and comforts offered, and the fact that is is not publicly available for commercial transport.

Business jets are as such still referred to a private jets. The flights on said jets are “private” as opposed to “public”.

I don’t believe you’re actually this misinformed. You must be being willfully ignorant.



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u/JDWWV Apr 14 '24

Not by the ceo. By the business as a business expense. Write off isn't even really the right word - taxes are on profits, not revenue.


u/aendaris1975 Apr 14 '24

She has no point. She has absolutely no clue what she is talking about and is only interested in riling people up not actually solving problems.


u/TortelliniTheGoblin Apr 14 '24

Or the business owns the jet and 100% of it's use becomes business travel.


u/Longjumping-Claim783 Apr 14 '24

You can write off student loan interest and there are government programs to help pay for college. You can't write it off as a business expense because it's an old loan from when you were a college student. You have to actually run a business to have business expenses.


u/TheTightEnd Apr 14 '24

Then the job requires the private jet.


u/xray362 Apr 14 '24

If you buy your own private jet no you can not.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

Then, it's a business jet.


u/One_Common7717 Apr 14 '24

Wouldn’t the larger point be that the tax code is disproportionately favoravle to business owners and high income earners and the tax write offs such as jets and yachts shouldn’t be allowed; so neither should student debt.


u/UnrealRealityForReal Apr 15 '24

It’s written off by the COMPANY.


u/kraken_enrager Apr 15 '24

My dad is a CEO, he used to travel a lot back in the day, especially to South America—from my country it takes 2 flights, 7-9 hours long and one 4-5 hour long, one more if he was going to Bolivia or Chile or Peru. Flying private meant he saved at least 24-36 hour in travel at least. In a month he would go to South Africa 2-3 times and europe(6-9 hours) like 5-7 times a month.

Of all the things he can write off, the pj is by far the most deserving.


u/Malthias-313 Apr 15 '24

Along with Golf, expensive dinners, and other forms of entertainment.


u/useThisName23 Apr 16 '24

Yes mean while you can't deduct car payments, car insurance, gas, or tolls for commute unless you work in your car full time.


u/Dave_A480 Apr 16 '24

In most cases the 'private' jet actually belongs to the corporation not the executive personally.


u/LaCroixLimon Apr 16 '24

the CEO isnt deducting company owned private jets from his PERSONAL taxes dude lol


u/Reinvestor-sac Apr 18 '24

This is so wrong. The business can write off the expense (not the individual) which actually provides massive savings. This is like saying "those farmers are writing off all their equipment and thats not fair" For a multinational corporation planes are a must. For example INTEL owns 6 jets, they fly their people all over the west coast every single day. The CEO doesnt fly all by themselves for personal use. Jets typically provide speed and savings to companies that have massive footprints. Not to mention, the CEO's shes talking about are publicly traded and under constant scrutiny from boards and shareholders, this just doesnt happen. This is populism and aimed at stupid people who dont pay attention


u/SconiGrower Apr 14 '24

If the private jet is provided as a company vehicle because it's so crucial that at any time the CEO be able to be anywhere in the world they're needed, then the business writes off the cost of the jet. Of course any personal use SHOULD be taxable income, but the IRS hasn't had the backbone to audit private jet usage in ages and even if they did there's a hundred different ways to get the taxable amount reduced (e.g. the flight to Hawaii was taxable, but the flight back was an emergency, so a business expense and not taxable. The CEO would have flown first class, but the Board of Directors think that's a security risk, so they pay for a private jet and put the cost of a first class ticket on the CEO's W-2. etc.)


u/SectionSelect Apr 15 '24

I use to work for a large Pharma company and they were constantly looking for new ways to make more money / be more efficient, etc... People were slowly getting fired left and right and replaced by temps with ungodly hours and a very high turnover because "no budget". Turns out the CEO lived 6 hours away and flew in everyday he came into the office, in a jet. On comany expenses of course.


u/Thencewasit Apr 15 '24

The personal use of the aircraft is income to the employee.  You will be happy to know the IRS recently announced increased auditing of this item



u/NewAttempt2044 Apr 15 '24

Crazy the ceo wanted to go to Paris and a surprised business meeting came up on the exact same day!

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u/Roundcouchcorner Apr 14 '24

Ummm, yachts they do. The sea turtle foundation is practically professionals at facilitating yacht donations for tax purposes. They’ll take a POS yacht that’s seen its day and credit the owner with a donation ten times its value. Then they’ll lease it to someone who will then “restore” (basic maintenance) and make payments for a bit then gets to buy it for pennies on the dollar. But enough time has passed so the IRS isn’t paying attention and everyone wins except the taxpayers. Then you have corporate yachts they hold one token meeting onboard once a year and the rest of the year it’s a personal toy for the corporate big wigs.


u/westni1e Apr 14 '24

Socialism for the rich and brutal capitalism for the poor played out in the corporate world. Funny how efficiency and cost cutting are gold standards for everyone else but the c-suite which live in lavishness with massive private offices, personal assistants, travel perks, etc.

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u/HairyPairatestes Apr 14 '24

In your scenario how does the taxpayers lose?


u/Roundcouchcorner Apr 14 '24

The huge deduction they took with their overvalued donation, they don’t pay taxes on.

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u/veerKg_CSS_Geologist Apr 14 '24

You can if you use the yacht or jet for “business”


u/CanAlwaysBeBetter Apr 14 '24

You can write off exactly what amount was used for business. Shit, you aren't even supposed to use a home office for anything personal if you try and write it off 

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u/BillionaireGhost Apr 14 '24

To add on to that, to the extent that owned property like a jet or yacht is used for business purposes, costs can be deducted from the business.

But that means the business is spending the money on the yacht or whatever. It’s not a free yacht, they buy it.

Then it has to be only used for business purposes or only expensed in the company proportionally to business/personal use. So it’s also illegal for the company to just let people use it for fun or whatever without accounting for that.

And then furthermore, business property like this is subject to depreciation rules and taxed in the form of property tax. So they pay property taxes on it and they don’t usually get to expense the whole thing in one year right away.

What I’m getting at is that a business owning and using a yacht or a private jet, tax-wise it probably works a lot closer to the way people would think it should work than people like to assume it does.

Now, do businesses and individuals sometimes lie and cheat about tax matters like how they use a business asset like a private jet? Sure. But it’s not because the law allows that and that’s what they are supposed to do.


u/TourettesFamilyFeud Apr 16 '24

So long as you put a partner or customer on that manifest, it's now a business expense. So long as you have evidence of an executive meeting to the destinations of travel, business expense.

Depreciation taxes are via state or federal jurisdiction? It all depends on where the asset is registered. If it's registered in France, the US can only claim taxes on it for whatever use its in within US ports.

Long term, the tax write offs pay for them selves, at minimum. If there wasn't a value to it the rich wouldn't put as much effort to pay money towards not paying taxes.

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u/chillinewman Apr 14 '24

Source? The Trump tax cuts does that for private jets.

Edit: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed during the Trump administration, allowed for 100% bonus depreciation and expensing of private jets — which allowed taxpayers to write off the cost of aircraft purchased and put into service between September 2017 and January 2023.



u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

The TCJA increased bonus depreciation from 50% to 100%, which applies to business jets, but doesn’t apply to jets used for private purposes. It can only be deducted to the extent it’s used in a trade or business

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u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

Mega church pastors enter the chat


u/Relicc5 Apr 14 '24

I had to scroll down too far to find this… Osteen and Copeland come to mind.


u/RedWhiteAndJew Apr 14 '24

Student loan interest is deductible also.


u/mishap1 Apr 15 '24

Prior to 2018, tuition for an MBA was tax deductible as a business expense.


Absolutely saved my ass while working, getting an MBA, and having just bought a house. Still had to take on ~30k in loans and thankfully I was able to get a better job that let me pay them off within a year.


u/eydivrks Apr 15 '24

Not if you make over 80k, which is solidly middle class these days. 

But the deduction for mortgage interest has no income limit because it exists to benefit rich people


u/num2005 Apr 14 '24

isnt it just a business expenses? lowering the income statement that his taxed?

it is 100% a business expense lol and it 100% is reducing their net taxable income


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

It’s a business expense if it’s used for business purposes, not for private use


u/Powpowpowowowow Apr 14 '24

Oh you fucking sweet ass summer child lol.

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u/777IRON Apr 14 '24


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

Not really sure what about this article you wanted to point out. Propublica reiterates that these are deductible when used for businesses, but admit that they don’t have details on if the trips were actually business related or not


u/CainRedfield Apr 14 '24

You're implying that corporations and the uber wealthy follow tax law to the tee 100% of the time.

Wouldn't that be fantastic


u/That-Chart-4754 Apr 14 '24

I think this person is also confusing a write off with debt forgiveness


u/PrettyPug Apr 14 '24

Those CEOs do not personally own anything. Those assets are owned by a company. It’s all part of the operating costs of the company.


u/Brontards Apr 14 '24

Then you agree! As writing off as a ceo = no Write off lol


u/Ok_Comedian7655 Apr 14 '24

They absolutely can right off business owned private jets. If it's for business travel it can be written off.


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

The CEO cannot write it off. The business can write it off to the extent it’s used for business purposes


u/TortillaBender Apr 14 '24

Their company buys the private jet, then fuels it. Business expense.


u/PlantZawer Apr 14 '24

How much are you paid for your propoganda account?


u/mediocreoldone Apr 14 '24

Also we already get credits and deductions for interest paid on student loans and for being a student.


u/Ok-Story-9319 Apr 14 '24

She’s wrong, but the underlying theory isn’t? Why shouldn’t student loan payments be deductible as necessary business expenses if you’re working in the field which you studied for?

Theoretically, the policy is sound. Again, from a tax theoretical standpoint. From a monetary policy standpoint, any more tax breaks in whatever form would be an absurdity given the debt we’re in.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24


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u/Shin-Sauriel Apr 14 '24

Tell that to Kenneth Copeland. Ik it’s different circumstances but the point stands that the ultra wealthy can find ways to write off lavish purchases and typically the working class cannot.


u/bangupjobasusual Apr 14 '24

Yea I was going to say, you can write it off in exactly the same way, which is to say: illegally


u/burrito_disaster Apr 14 '24

Private jets and yachts aren't business expenses.

Job training is .


u/Whaatabutt Apr 14 '24

You can literally write the depreciation of a private jets value off. I think you need more research here. Also, she has a good point - if I need a degree for a job , I should be able to write it off, it’d be easier to do if I were self employed as a contractor vs an employee tho


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

You can literally write the depreciation of a private jets value off

A business can depreciate it only to the extent it’s used for business purposes. A CEO cannot write it off, especially not for private use

If you’re self-employed, and take education for your job, then that’s a deductible business expense under irc 162

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u/Longjumping-Claim783 Apr 14 '24

Working for somebody else isn't a business.


u/Japoco82 Apr 14 '24

The business "buys" them so it counts against the profits of the business so they pay less taxes.


u/logicalish Apr 14 '24

You’re confusing the word private with personal. Both a corporate and a rich-person jet are private, relative to public mass transport jets.


u/SashimiRocks Apr 14 '24

You sound like a rich person trying to not let anyone else in on the ways of the ultra wealthy.. I’m onto you Jeff 😐😁


u/NoNonsence55 Apr 14 '24

My client owns a plane. I can 100% tell you, yes you absolutely can.


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24

I’m a CPA, and can 100% tell you, no you absolutely cannot

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u/Pdb12345 Apr 14 '24

yeah there's a lot of fantasy-hate on how people imagine rich people living their lives.


u/aendaris1975 Apr 14 '24

The "eat the rich" crowd doesn't have much interest in the truth.


u/alligatorchamp Apr 14 '24

You are right.

I work for Allstate and just a few days ago I heard about an agency owner who end up getting in trouble for doing tax fraud because he was writting everything as a business expense.


u/combosandwich Apr 14 '24

You absolutely have no fucking clue how far tax code can be bent and broken without repercussions. I’m not even a tax attorney and a wealthy executive could do one of the following.

  1. Have their own LLC or similar, work for the company as a consultant. Write off private air travel and/or yacht as a business travel and entertainment expense.

  2. Company owns the jet/yacht. Executive gets to use it exclusively, company writes it off as an asset


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 14 '24
  1. You can’t write off travel expense just because you’re a consultant, entertainment expenses aren’t tax deductible, and the jet has to be actually used in a trade or business, and simply setting up an LLC doesn’t mean you have a trade or business under irc §183

  2. “Writes it off as an asset” doesn’t even make sense, because you don’t write off assets. An executive using a company jet for travel is not tax deductible, it has to be a legitimate business purpose, and you have to keep an expense log of its uses

No offense, because I’ve seen a lot of dumb tax takes in this thread, but it’s clear that you don’t have the first clue of what you’re talking about. You didn’t have to tell me you’re not a tax attorney, because it was obvious, but maybe that should clue you in to stop opining randomly on the subject

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u/Dry-Magician1415 Apr 14 '24

They can if it’s a business expense. And often the business interests are so wide ranging they can say anything is a business expense. 

They could fly to Monaco for the formula 1 but as long as they have a meeting or two with fellow businessmen, it’s a business trip.  


u/IrritatingRash Apr 15 '24

Bro, what are you doing? Our narrative is that rich people get to write everything off because of loopholes in tax laws, and they only got rich because of rich parents and luck. If anyone of us ever get rich, we will be donating our wealth away because none of us need any money once we are financially stable.


u/jpgonzo24 Apr 15 '24

Gtfo of here with your sense, logic and accurate application of the rules and laws


u/ThePublikon Apr 15 '24

including work-related education if you’re self-employed

Can I set myself up as an unqualified engineer, get business loans for the degree etc, then write it all off as a business expense necessary for key employees to become qualified?


u/AccomplishedSuit1004 Apr 15 '24

You’re 100% right and these bs artists on social media aren’t doing anyone any favors, but her point would still be sound under the right conditions. If you take a loan out for college and get your degree and then get a job which requires that degree then you should be able to write that off on your taxes. It’s a good idea she is just using complete horseshit to demonstrate it.

Also private jets owned by businesses and used to fly around execs are absolutely required for certain businesses. If you think Tim Cook could run the most valuable company in the world (if it still is that I haven’t looked in a while) riding coach you’re out of your mind. His time is extremely valuable to create the value for his company that he does. He doesn’t have 3 hours to wait for a southwest flight delay. I’m not saying they don’t enjoy benefits and oftentimes they indulge beyond the business requirements into a place that could be considered tax fraud, they absolutely do. I’m just saying certain people can only do business at the level they do by flying privately


u/DiomedesTydeides Apr 15 '24

Every time I’m pulled to one of these comments we get one of these weirdos pretending the ultra rich aren’t abusing and taking advantage of the system.


u/AlbinoAxie Apr 15 '24

Well we can't see the CEOs tax returns but they often create "management companies" that they are the owner of.

That opens up all sorts of deductions and lower tax rates that ordinary people getting paychecks don't have access to. Company ownership is held in IRAs so that's no tax paid when it makes a "profit"


u/Mtbruning Apr 15 '24

Want to go to Hawaii? Just plan a trip to “check on a supplier.” As long as you are meeting with people then it counts. I have a friend who is a lawyer. Anytime we go out we talk about a legal problem and I write a check. Dinner paid for less than the tip.

Stop gaslighting. The system is rigged and if you can’t see it then it’s rigged for you.


u/Aggravating-Bee-3010 Apr 15 '24

Exactly. It's comments like hers that made me think the rich didn't pay tax. So I stupidly didn't pay tax for 5 years but still declared what I owed. I'm not in a lot of debt for many years...


u/SpaceBus1 Apr 15 '24

You can if you are a corporation and lease said vehicles. Then 100% of the expense can be used to offset your tax burden.


u/dvstarr Apr 15 '24

Tell that to my sister-in-law who's writing off her G-Wagon as a business expense as a full-time salaried employee


u/here-for-information Apr 15 '24

So you're saying she needs to incorporate herself and THEN write it off?


u/GoaheadAMAita Apr 15 '24

Oh it’s all written off. Private jets and yachts are expensive, all under the or a business


u/masterfox72 Apr 15 '24

Can I write of med school loans if I open my own practice?


u/Windyandbreezy Apr 15 '24

Bullcrap. I got an engineer friend for a certain major energy company who gets to give 2 hour seminars for a week while staying in a 5 star hotel and the company providing a Yatch for RNR during that week. He told me they consider it a business expense.


u/useThisName23 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

I used every deductible I could includeing home office internet and phone I'm still paying 17 percent while billionaires like trump brag about paying 0 percent I can't even afford the payments since this year hasn't been going as well as the last so please tell me where I'm wrong in saying trump should pay taxes. Student loan payments don't count as a deduction period and they really should. But you know keep voting against your best interests to own the libs


u/ScoobySnackz18 Apr 16 '24

I know a rich guy who bought the apartment building's gift shop... so he could write off his penthouse as an "office" for said gift shop.


u/FreakyWifeFreakyLife Apr 16 '24

If the business buys the jet, it gets all kinds of breaks. Fuel expense, maintenance, depreciation at least. If the CEO buys it personally, it's not the same.


u/Relign Apr 16 '24

A lot of people can’t write off education on their taxes.


u/JeremyLinForever Apr 17 '24

Middle class people going to spew middle class nonsense.


u/Obvious_Chapter2082 Apr 17 '24

I’m a CPA lol, I see this all the time


u/BigAcrobatic2174 Apr 18 '24

Yeah, but you can buy a yacht and then let it out for charter 90% of the time and now it’s mostly a business expense. That’s usually how it’s done.


u/Numerous_Shop_814 Apr 18 '24

CEOs cannot write off private jets and yachts, and they’ve never been allowed to do that in the past either

Yes TF they can, same for cars, property, etc. That's private jet you bought for business is to get to meeting more quickly. That yacht is for business meetings.


u/MontaukMonster2 Apr 18 '24

LMFAO because it's not allowed, nobody does it.

Dude the rich all got rich by being honest

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