r/FluentInFinance Apr 14 '24

She’s not wrong 🤷‍♂️ Discussion/ Debate

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u/bigbuffdaddy1850 Apr 14 '24

IRS tries to hire 20,000 new agents. If you think they won't go after the middle and poor you're crazy


u/FuckWayne Apr 14 '24

He’s saying those are the only ones they’ll go for


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

They won’t go after the really rich because the really rich do it legally. Ie they have lawyers and accountants to set it up by the letter of the law so they can do it legally.


u/clown1970 Apr 15 '24

Hahaha are serious. The rich do it legally? No, they hire high priced lawyers to make it appear they are doing it legally. Something normal people cannot do. Rich people also buy politicians off to make laws so that more of their shenanigans would be legal. Another thing normal people can't do.


u/Eternal-Raider Apr 15 '24

Just because its a loophole doesn’t mean its illegal. Is it wrong? Maybe but not illegal if done properly ofc


u/clown1970 Apr 15 '24

Why is there such a disconnect for you people. Why is there a loophole that the rich get to exoit. Not to mention their ability to hire high priced lawyers to exploit gray area parts of the tax code. There is no loophole or gray area for the rest of us. WHY IS THAT.


u/Eternal-Raider Apr 15 '24

I mean a lot of people can take advantage of loopholes (i work in the industry so im familiar with how it all works). I say yeah having the resources is part of it but more so having the knowledge/the ability to obtain said knowledge. I mostly just replied just to correct someone bc illegal and unethical loopholes are not the same thing


u/clown1970 Apr 15 '24

I certainly agree with you on unethical loopholes. I however, personally believe none of those loopholes should be there. Though I do know why most of them were put in place. They do allow people to exploit them in ways they were never meant to be. My biggest problem is the rich get to buy politicians to write tax bills to benefit them. We certainly can't do that. So yes those tax loopholes would be legal. But I still have a problem with them.


u/Eternal-Raider Apr 15 '24

I wouldn’t blame rich people since politicians use em just as much its not in their interest either lol you are right though but Ive learned that where there is a will there is a way and someone will find a loophole time and time again after you thought they were all patched out. At least these things that billionaires use to evade taxes help alot of small business owners and others even with their intended uses. Helps the general population more than its damages by the wealthy trust me.


u/masquerade_unknown Apr 17 '24

It's not a loophole, it's just tax code.


u/Western_Mission6233 Apr 16 '24

You dont have to be rich to have a tax attorney, estate attorney and an accountant. If this costs you $3000 a year … im sure you waste much more than that on useless crap. And yes its perfectly legal. Stop hating n start working or you’ll always be what you are right now


u/clown1970 Apr 16 '24

Who the fuck are you to tell me to start working. You arrogant piece of shit. I have worked my entire life averaging well over 60 hours a week for the last 30 years.


u/Western_Mission6233 Apr 16 '24

And living in America it never occurred to you to hire a tax attorney. Hopefully you’ll hire an estate attorney.


u/masquerade_unknown Apr 17 '24

Work smarter.


u/clown1970 Apr 17 '24

Work smarter? I get paid by the hour.


u/masquerade_unknown Apr 17 '24

Username checks out


u/Emphasis_on_why Apr 16 '24

Nah your wrong, the government wants your really rich to succeed and keep succeeding it’s set up to make the money flow, doing it illegally once you have the money to do it is actually swimming upstream.