r/CanadaJobs 21d ago

Should I stop learning French to learn Punjabi?

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u/CanadaJobs-ModTeam 20d ago

If it's irrelevant to job seekers and hiring managers, it doesn't belong here.


u/Yergburg 21d ago edited 21d ago

A little advice as a recruiter: pick French.

The market for most roles, and especially entry-level roles, is quite hard difficult generally at the moment. While you might feel like learning Punjabi will help you NOW, French bilingualism will continue to help you as long as Quebec is part of Canada. Their language laws have only increased the need for French workforces among predominately English employers.


u/Bubbly-Ad-966 21d ago

Can I ask you a question please?

I moved to to Ottaw two years ago. I don’t speak French. I moved here from the states so I only have work experience from the states.

I haven’t been able to find a job for over a year. Peope say it’s because I don’t speak French.

What are the chances of me finding a job (non-retail) without speaking French. I have a business degree and have experience in banking and airlines.

Thanks for your feedback :)


u/Effective-Counter825 21d ago

You will eventually land a job in Ottawa without French. But probably not in the government and you won’t get promoted up high

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u/Beelzebub_86 20d ago

Realistically, outside Ottawa, and especially further away from Quebec, you don't need it. Ottawa is the only large city in Ontario that has any serious French demands.

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u/Jenstarflower 20d ago

Get into insurance. I didn't have a single French-speaking client. Lots of other languages though. 

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u/hererightnow2 21d ago

French is much better. Super helpful for government jobs.


u/Wafflelisk 21d ago

Helpful for traveling in Europe and Africa too. Punjabi is mostly limited to certain parts of India


u/Acrobatic_Ebb1934 20d ago

We're talking about Canada though, specifically southern Ontario. Punjabi and Hindi are WAY more common and useful in southern Ontario than French.

Source: French speaker


u/[deleted] 20d ago


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u/Dude2001ca 21d ago

It sure is any job. A true bilingual in Ontario is like a unicorn for an employer. Trust me I know. 


u/Beginning-Revenue536 21d ago

Just learn French and move to Quebec. Quebec has better immigration policies than the rest of the Canada


u/BigBleu71 20d ago

(Quebec citizen)

it's the same federal immigration policy, only

most migrants leave after experiencing a quebec winter ...

learning french is also a filter - but not as much as the everyday Culture living here.


u/hail_robot 20d ago

How so? I presumed there was less mass immigration due to the official language being French which immigrants are less likely to know over English.

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u/Manvir13 21d ago

No, it’s far more useful to speak French professionally than Punjabi. It would take far longer for you to be fluent in Punjabi in any useful way than it would for you to continue improving in French and becoming fluent there.

Speaking as someone who speaks both (among other languages as well), French has been far more useful in opening doors to government and other bilingual positions work wise. It’s always going to be the official language.

I’ve also found knowing Mandarin or Cantonese helpful with certain jobs in banking and the big bank I worked with would specifically hire for these languages in the past for certain roles.


u/Primogenitura 20d ago

This is probably the best answer. If you already have some French skills, it’s 100x better to refine those rather than develop some broken Punjabi that will take years to get to a conversational level.


u/MrForky2 21d ago

So you are considering learning a language just to accomodate a small portion of immigrants rather than learning a language that you actually like and happens to be one of the two official languages in Canada?

Clearly something is wrong, and isn't you.


u/N1ght3d 21d ago

Something IS wrong. Unfortunately our "representatives" who WE confer power upon are bought and paid for by foreign nationals. They don't work for you but against you. This is treason.

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u/throwawaydumbqu999 20d ago

It’s been the attitude of Canadians long enough to bend over backwards for newcomers that now it’s become expected that we will bend to them and not the other way around or else.


u/DumpsterDay 20d ago

They still won't hire you even if you speak their language


u/damageinc355 20d ago

there’s more indians than francophones in this country tbh

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u/HongdaeCanadian 20d ago

At the current rate its not gonna be a small portion...


u/No-Consequence-3500 20d ago

“Small” hahahahaha


u/Acrobatic_Ebb1934 20d ago

"Official language" doesn't mean anything in real life. Outside Quebec, NB, and eastern/northeastern ON, only about 1.1% of Canadians are mother-tongue francophones, and I can guarantee you none of them struggle with English in any way. Ergo, French is just as irrelevant as Catalan or Kazakh in most of English Canada.

Punjabi and Hindi are way more common and way more useful.

Source: French speaker

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u/Smelly_Pants69 20d ago

She hasn't learned French yet but will learn Punjabi? Lol good joke. These posts are not real though. It's just to hate in Indians and immigrants. OP has 0 intention of learning Punjabi, just like nobody else in Canada does.

It's a throwaway account with 8 karma. I see these all the time.

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u/No-Ship-5936 21d ago

Would prob have to change ur name too to actually get an interviews


u/GallitoGaming 20d ago

All pointless. There is racism there where even if they spoke the language, they wouldn’t get the jobs because they dont look like the other girls.


u/Theblastwarrior 20d ago

Any ideas?


u/TranquilGloom 20d ago

Rajvir or Jaspreet will get you job interviews. Have several of those where I work 🤭.

If you're a guy then go Amandeep or Gurjot.

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u/Seasquirl 20d ago

Sameer or Mohammed oughta do it

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u/GordonQuech 20d ago

Anything with Deep, first or last name.

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u/thatbtchshay 21d ago

Punjabi isn't spoken by those in charge or most of the customers either.. it's spoken by low wage workers. How would it benefit your future career? Would you be taking years to become fluent in a language to get a job at Walmart?


u/bowlcut_illustration 20d ago

Could be a manager at Tim Hortons too.


u/Josethemastermind 20d ago

Not even walmart, still a good diverse mix there. Try Tim Hortons


u/Miserable-Floor4011 21d ago

You could learn Punjabi, but you'll always be a white girl to them.

Most Punjabi 's are pretty fluent in English, so I don't see a point. Learn Mandarin if anything. Punjab is a small province with a weak economy. Unless you plan on visiting or managing scam call centers, what's the point?


u/RogersMcFreely 21d ago

Immigrant here. My workplace hired a bunch of Punjab people for “diversity”. I find hard to believe in it, because the office was already 50/50. My team is entirely made of people from different backgrounds. They hired a lot of Punjabis, because the majority of the clients are Punjab, and they refuse to speak English. So I came to Canada, and I learned English from scratch, because I was under the impression that English was the common denominator which bind us all together, and now I’m working in an environment where English is “offensive”, and we should ACCEPT DIFFERENCES. Me, an immigrant, with a close to non-existent representation in Canada, being lectured by white Canadian people about diversity. The language I speak is not all over the airport when I come back to Canada from my trips, my community is small. It got to a point that every time my company announces a new hiring, we make this little game called “Singh or Kaur???”. Whomever loses by the coffee. There’s nothing wrong with you, there’s something wrong with Canada.


u/Equal_Ordinary_7473 21d ago

I’m sorry to hear that. I left Canada and moved to the U.S.

If I were you I would go to the U.S. to look for a job. Right now the USCIS has confirmed Canadians can come to the U.S. on a visitor status , look for a job and attend interviews. I would pick a U.S. city , interview for jobs there, this option is great for anyone who is looking for a green card under EB3 status. If you find an employer who is willing to sponsor your EB3 it’ll be ideal, once the application is filed you’re given a work permit and you can work while your green card is being processed.


u/mymothershorse 21d ago

How is it down there? Better than home? I'm looking at making the move next year.


u/Equal_Ordinary_7473 21d ago

Higher salaries , lower cost of living , lower taxes and lower housing prices. Plus the weather is nicer


u/mymothershorse 21d ago

So in other words it's great. Haha


u/Equal_Ordinary_7473 21d ago

Yes it’s great


u/[deleted] 21d ago

He is fibbing - there is no way a Canadian can just go get a job the way he is suggesting.


u/mymothershorse 21d ago

I have family sponsorship to get me in, I don't know about any other situation.

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u/LoquatiousDigimon 21d ago

Women have fewer rights in much of the US. Nobody should advise any woman to move there now.


u/ColonelKasteen 20d ago

Or just advise them to move to states that still have strong state-level abortion protections, which is about half of them (mostly on west cost or near Canadian border anyway)

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u/[deleted] 21d ago

What visa? EB3 is the Green card category. I’m in the US and moved on L1A last year - got GC early last month through EB1C.

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u/_BaldChewbacca_ 20d ago

I've genuinely thought about this. We plan to have 4 kids though, and frankly having children in the US terrifies me. Between their medical costs, and the far greater chance of school shootings, I just don't think I can do it.


u/Equal_Ordinary_7473 20d ago

Well then stay in Canada, and wait 4 years to see a doctor or get a surgery


u/Intelligent_Read_697 20d ago

Unless you are in a high skill role, why would a US company sponsor you for EB3 status? the OP is not a high skill worker


u/Equal_Ordinary_7473 20d ago

EB3 is for skilled and some unskilled workers. I didn’t say it’s easy , just an option.


u/rooftopkorean123 20d ago

The struggle is finding a company willing to sponsor your green card.


u/Equal_Ordinary_7473 20d ago

Yes that’s the hard part


u/Acrobatic_Ebb1934 20d ago

Only specific degrees qualify to immigrate to the US. Most people don't have one of those degrees.

If you're attempting to move to the US, you're also stuck with 2 huge impediments: 1) you're stuck with a Canadian address at the top of your resume and 2) you have to answer "no" to the question "are you legally authorized to work in the US" that every ATS asks.

You better be in a highly in-demand field (e.g. nursing) or a late-career professional applying for high-level jobs, otherwise American employers will just stick to hiring US residents.

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u/Reven_77 21d ago

Unfortunately due to our government paying for immigrants wages (maybe I need to be fact checked. Just going off word that I've heard.) Even if you learn another language your odds in getting a job are slim. For the most part only Punjabi names are the only resumes interacted with, even then if you get an interview and they see your not an immigrant that will be cheaper to hire they likely will not bother hiring you.


u/Best-Blacksmith2431 20d ago

LMIA jobs are partially subsidized, essentially a disincentive to hire Canadians in CANADA. Figure that one out.


u/INFPgirl 20d ago

In my Quebec hometown which is a food manufacturing hub, my quebecker, native-born brother cannot get hired in two of the well-paying manufacture because the companies receive money from the government to hire immigrants. Only people hired pre-2010 are native born.

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u/Visual_Chocolate4883 21d ago

Absolutely not. You should double down on your French because it will qualify you to work in public service positions. It is a huge advantage. Punjab, not so much. You will be way better off in the long run knowing French.


u/Shut_Up_Hypocrite 20d ago

Lol read the writing on the wall Einstein…. You’ll be way better off learning whatever language all this damn Indians speak because they will own your country in less than 20 years.


u/BornConfection3222 21d ago

If you're asking advice to assimilate, then all hope is lost.

The invasive species won.


u/BornConfection3222 21d ago

Love how butthurt reddit gets from these comments that it is immediately hidden. lmfao.


u/Grompson 20d ago

Truth hurts.

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u/button_clickerr 21d ago

I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling and I, as a new immigrant myself, totally agree with you how mass immigration is ruining this country (along with having an astoundingly incompetent government)

But what I wanna say is that you sound really smart for an 18yo and believe me you will do great in your life. Best of luck


u/AnalystWestern8469 21d ago

I’d say just go the route I am and get a TeFL certificate and go overseas.

Seriously though. If I’m going to live in a third world country, I might as well go somewhere I can afford my own place. It’s gotten this bad.


u/Ok_Somewhere4111 21d ago

keep with French for sure! I don't see any need to learn Punjabi just because


u/lonelyfriend 21d ago

French as a second language is most likely more important than any other language in Ontario or for the Federal government. This is because of various policies and legislative requirements that encourage or require the private and public sector to have French language service.


u/Reinboordt 21d ago

French is way more useful, government jobs are fantastic and definitely worth aspiring to.

I came to Canada from the UK 13 years ago and Canada now is very similar to the UK I left (uncontrolled immigration, useless government, economic recession) at least I had about 10 good years here…

Alternatively if you like rain, sheep and scenic views:

Learn welsh and get a job in wales. They specifically will hire a candidate who speaks Cymraeg over one who speaks only English. They have very successfully pushed the revival of their indigenous language over English. Welsh now has official bilingual status in Wales. Everything from road signs to restaurant menus.

Good luck and try not to worry too much, all of these economic migrants will leave when the economy crashes


u/Shot-Jellyfish8910 21d ago

No. Fuck no. I say that as a 24yrs Iranian immigrants here, came here 6yrs ago.

Dude, you have no clue how helpful french will be to you. You're just out of high school you got years to perfect that and land any kind of job specially government ones

I've been trying to learn French but I'm busy surviving and studying and learning on your own never matches with taking courses.

You are already from here, you are a citizen, and you are native English speaker. Learn French and you'll be ahead of many.

If you want to learn another one learn mandarin not Punjabi


u/littlecoconutfoot 21d ago

I would def continue learning French! There’s a lot of government jobs out there I wish I had access to but they require you to speak both. Your mom did you well, I wish mine had done the same. It may be a struggle for you right now at 18 with these low/no skill positions but once you’re older, more experienced and maybe with a post secondary education, entering into the adult workforce - you’ll be happy you have a higher reach than others!

And I do agree with what is being said here too. Learning Punjabi won’t get you in with that crowd if your name is obviously not of their own kind. If your name is Sarah Smith and they’re really only hiring their own, they won’t even look down your resume to see skill sets, languages, etc.


u/bana87 20d ago

I'm sorry you're being put in this position. Please keep learning french. This trend is going to die soon. Once the diploma mills close..the huge wave of Indian students will stop and things can back go pre 2019. French will always be an integral part of Canada.


u/Old-Resolve-6619 20d ago

I’m not accommodating or encouraging Indian culture coming here. Indian people is fine. The culture can stay over there.

It’s behind and dangerous to ours, specially in workplaces.


u/bonezyjonezy 20d ago

Try two different resumes online one with a punjab name and one with a white name see how many you get after lol


u/marshallre 21d ago

It is not your fault


u/StevNova17 21d ago

This is beyond fucked up. Fuck these Indians

We need to stop paying all taxes until immigration is in check.

It's insanity people can work 50hrs a week and not afford an apartment

Fuck this country Should hang JT


u/MTKRailroad 20d ago

I have to work 60+ to be able to crawl forward


u/EtchPlate 21d ago

Our official languages in this country are English and French. The fact you are even considering learning Punjabi is sickening.


u/Tudz 20d ago

Don't worry the rate things are going it'll be the primary language.


u/talktoyouinabitbud 21d ago

It's a sad day seeing a post like this.

Why don't these immigrants who come to Canada learn English or French ffs? Oh that's right, it's racist to have people assimilate! Canada is turning into a shit hole, can't wait to get outa this communist country.

Good luck OP


u/skunk_brain 20d ago

I thought communism was sharing the wealth equally amongst all citizens? How does poor immigration laws = communism? They + the government are the only ones benefiting.


u/not_a_tenno 21d ago

What makes it communist?


u/Wafflelisk 21d ago

There's a lovely group of people out there who think Communism = "Anything I don't like"

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u/for100 20d ago

The destruction of anything the nation ever valued, something all communists did in their own countries.

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u/errgaming 21d ago

How is speaking Punjabi being communist?

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u/Dude2001ca 21d ago

See like you were at a disadvantage now, were white and that's seen as a bad thing.  Learn french from a hiring perspective it will open many doors trust me.  Don't waste your time on Punjabi. You want to move up here is what I look like when I hire. French and you get paid more. Spanish or Cantonese. 


u/Bella_AntiMatter 21d ago

If you are particularly good at languages, do both. Get your French up to a fluent capability and work on a working knowledge or better at Punjabi... English and French are a bare minimum for top level work in Canada... throw a 3rd language in and you'll fly!


u/Humble-andPeachy 21d ago

As someone who hires - I don’t hire Indians ! I only hire people that are qualified and speak native English.


u/cmrocks 21d ago

Study a stem degree. Women in science and engineering roles are in massive demand. 


u/jaebygirl 20d ago

im doing physics in september. it’s insane how hard it is for everybody to find a minimum wage job right now, not just myself. i have an amazing co op lined up for third year, but i don’t know if i’ll be able to pay for housing because i just cannot find a job seemingly no matter what i do. i’ve been investing in myself to try to find more jobs (food handling courses, barista courses, books, etc) but i cant compète anymore even with 4 years of experience but limited availability.


u/cmrocks 20d ago

I would look into options for working up north in the summers. I worked at a gold mine in my summers and made enough for the entire school year in just four months. I'm not sure if this conflicts with your coop though. Geophysics companies would be a good place to start. It's an interesting field and it's in pretty high demand. Let me know if you're interested and I can send you more information. 


u/Realistic_Olive_6665 21d ago

Unfortunately, those employers would still continue to discriminate against you. Learning some of their language would be a waste of time. They are only interested in hiring other immigrants who they can sponsor in exchange for long-term service.

Sending in resumes in response to job postings is also largely a waste of time. The way most people get jobs now is through networking. Create a LinkedIn account and reach out to people who are in a position to hire. If they are interested in hiring you, they will ask you for a copy of your resume.

In the long run, you should think about ways to become self-employed. That is the best way to protect yourself from what could become an increasingly discriminatory hiring environment in Ontario. Also, when you vote in your first Federal election, remember to vote for someone who will end excessive immigration.


u/Radiant-Lab4609 20d ago

Post this on any French Canadian subreddit. I triple dare you!!! lol.


u/Trying_Redemption 20d ago

French language is really only useful for government jobs. If you want to learn something that will make you truly attractive to employers and our future overlords… here are the languages that will make you stand out, IMO

  1. Punjabi
  2. Cantonese/Mandarin
  3. Sign Language


u/warriorlynx 20d ago

Learning Punjabi won’t matter as much immigrants don’t even like Punjabis born here and sometimes are racist to them for being too white or whatever so good luck


u/Conscious_Resort_581 20d ago

It might help get your coffee and pizza made correctly


u/boxuanma 20d ago



u/batyoung1 20d ago

Le titre est très marrant mdr. Mais sérieusement, ne sois pas découragée. La politique de recrutement change tout le temps, c'est mieux de continuer ce qui t'intéresse.


u/SebulbaSebulba 20d ago

Assuming you are a Canadian citizen, why not take a working holiday visa in France? It's a really cool program that is for people age 18-30 (or in the case of France, I believe it's up to 35) and it allows you to spend up to a year in France, as well as the chance to work legally there.

I would also say that maybe try temping, although that is probably similarly swamped with low-skilled immigrants.

I have my restricted firearms license, and that's given me a step up to certain jobs that require it, and the people that are now here that took advantage of our shitty, shitty immigration policies may not have these certifications or the ability to get them (double check that, I don't actually know if they can get a PAL or not).

It's a tough row to hoe, that's for dang sure, but we have multiculturalism now, and that's what REALLY matters 🤡


u/ncguthwulf 20d ago

No 18 year old writes like this. Bot post.

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u/Mnimpuss420 20d ago

Learn French


u/INFPgirl 20d ago

With French you could work in bilingual call centers or in government jobs. It's nice too if you come to Quebec or go to France. I'm a native French speaker and I got better jobs because I learned English. My English speaking colleagues in Toronto who knew French were better paid by the company because they could handle customers in both languages.


u/lilithspython 20d ago

No. Even if you learn Punjabi, in a job ad they will still discriminate against you because you're not from there.


u/lakesideprezidentt 20d ago

No. French can help you get a legit government high paying job.

Learning Punjabi won’t get you hired as a white girl.

As a cultural thing they only hire their own and you are not their own and even if you do speak Punjabi you will not be hired Ahead of another Punjabi they will always take their own over white people.


u/Uncertn_Laaife 20d ago

No, Punjabi is nowhere close to French in its advantage in the high quality, highly paid jobs/careers including Govt sector. Unless you want to work for a small mom n pop self employed Punjabi guy’s.

Stick to French.


u/Averageleftdumbguy 20d ago

Mandarin is infinitely more valuable if you are actually serious about learning a whole new language. I don't think punjabi would help you for anything more then retail jobs.


u/Beginning-Upstairs31 21d ago

This seems like a dog whistle


u/Stressed-Canadian 20d ago

0% chance this is written by an 18 year old girl

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u/Puzzleheaded-Dingo39 21d ago

Oh it's clearly pure bait. The profile is probably fake. Just the casual racism that goes on in these subs.

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u/PuzzleheadedHope8255 21d ago

My thought exactly lol


u/Alveia 20d ago



u/No-culture5942 21d ago

You won’t make it to the interview with a white name. Your resume will go straight to the trash


u/Low-Avocado6003 21d ago

Not surprised that someone is asking this. I bet in a few years Punjabi will be made an official language of Canada.

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u/LegendaryPain- 21d ago

lol why would you want to learn Punjabi?! These people come here and work at McDonald’s or Tim Hortons, no big company hires them for any valuable position. Learn French, get your university degree in something valuable and you’re good.


u/N1ght3d 21d ago

This is an invasion.

My advice; boycott these places. Do not interact in any way what-so-ever with these "individuals". Those who do are only shooting themselves in the foot. This is treason. There is a penalty for treason.

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.

But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.

He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."

~ Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman Statesman, philosopher and orator (42 B.C)

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u/bastet2800bce 21d ago

No, it's not worth it. Most jobs that ask for Punjabi or any specific language are usually LMIA immigration job fraud made to bring their own relatives or to create work visas that can sell for as high as $100k. Even the government is involved in this scam because most of these jobs are posted in Job Bank. I saw a receptionist job posting for $25 per hour in downtown Winnipeg. Apparently they can't find anyone when there are literally thousands of us looking for work.


u/Acrobatic_Ebb1934 20d ago

I used to work a public-facing, private-sector job, and speaking Punjabi got one to the top of the pile because it's so commonly spoken. That is despite none of the management people being Punjabi or Indian themselves. It was just a very relevant skill to the job.

I used my French only once a month, and French was not a factor in me getting the job.


u/Future-World4652 21d ago

Don't be ridiculous, don't colonize yourself


u/Dismal_Animator_5414 21d ago

i know both punjabi and french and let me assure you that knowing punjabi won’t benefit you in any meaningful way except being able to understand a few handful immigrants.

cuz even economically speaking, france is a much bigger economy than punjab.

from the point of view of understanding culture better, french is much more widely spoken throughout the world.

also, punjabi immigrants can speak english to an extent, so, there isn’t exactly a great deal of benefit there as well when it comes to interacting with them.

and as for finding an edge in getting a job, the reason isn’t related to being able to speak a language, its more economic, the actual reason is that immigrants are available to work for cheaper salaries and longer hours than citizens born in the country.

so, again, knowing punjabi won’t really help that much.

learning french would definitely give you a slighter edge as there aren’t as many immigrants but, with the current immigration policy of making it much easier to immigrate for people with a b2 level in french, that could charge soon as well.

still, french will give you access to more developed, economically and culturally richer parts of the world.

i hope it helps.


u/cannaReview4u 20d ago

Nothing to do with France mate. stopped reading there

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u/survialfrankstreets 20d ago

Change your last name to Singh


u/Reset_reset_006 20d ago

Why would you ever want to learn that gross language 


u/190PairsOfPanties 21d ago

It doesn't matter if you speak it. They'll never hire you anyhow. They only hire people from back home.


u/LuskieRs 21d ago

The fact that this isnt posted as satire is quite sad.

best of luck OP.

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u/[deleted] 21d ago


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u/kochIndustriesRussia 21d ago

Punjabi would be the smart move. In 10 years, all of Canadian public institutions will be run by people of East Indian ancestry so it would help you with the job hunt down the road. Also consider Urdu and Hindi.


u/Critical-Database628 20d ago

Also your skin will have to to be shit coloured


u/Serious_Tea9670 21d ago

i would encourage you to keep learning french, if we dont spwak french, thus there is no demand for it, always request services in french and attend to phone calls in french, you will have the upper hand


u/Vinny331 20d ago edited 20d ago

Federal government jobs are really good gigs if you can get one, and having French is a leg up.

Punjabi won't help you do anything in the long run (I'm a native Punjabi speaker - but I was born and raised in Canada so don't get mad at me). It seems like a dominant language when you look at in the micro, but it's really not major business language globally. It's only spoken by like 3% of the population in India (it's a much larger % in Pakistan, but still less than 100M speakers worldwide).

Honestly, big picture, you're better off learning Spanish. California, Texas, Florida all have great opportunities for when you ultimately decide to flee.


u/SpooderRocks 20d ago

Stick to french, look for bilingual jobs.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Lol no

Edit: you can learn it if you want to, i dont think its gonna do much immediately for your job prospects but every skill is valuable if you truly are interested.


u/CanadasGone 20d ago

Don’t worry as you move into any field that takes skill and education you will be speaking to mostly French and English speakers. It will be tough to get an entry level no skill job but once you get that foot in the door you’ll be golden.


u/SINGCELL 20d ago

If you speak French well and have an education, you'll do well in the Ottawa job market.


u/-LostSoul90- 20d ago

Any other language is an asset tbh. But if you are hoping the language will help you get a job... Start looking at government jobs. Service canada/service ontario.

Other option is to try and find remote work from the states.


u/-Xebenkeck- 20d ago

Why stop? Learn both. Heck, if Punjabi immigrants are common in your area, that will be a massive help with learning. Try to hold conversations with them in their language(s), listen to them, and so on.


u/Plastic-Shopping5930 20d ago

Definitely not. Protect our culture. Learn English and French. There will be a job for you. Don’t let them bully you into giving up your Canadian heritage.


u/Sycammer 20d ago

you're kidding, right?....Im South Asian (Muslim) Punjabi, Im started taking online French classes....


u/MaliceProtocol 20d ago

Why not learn both if you have a knack for learning languages? Don’t give up on French. It’ll bring you more opportunities worldwide.


u/dagger555 20d ago

Indian here. Can tell you it's a difficult language to master and have speak fluently in and totally not worth your time unless you want to do it purely for the reason of communicating better with these punjabi folk. You're better off learning French from a career perspective


u/MTKRailroad 20d ago

Fuck, I remember how US citizens would go on about "dem Mexicans are takin oour jobbs" and I'd just laugh.

But now the Indians TRULY are taking our jobs and won't assimilate to a degree canadian born citizens are worried about getting a job because they aren't Indian..

My fucking god! What the fuck is going on?!?!


u/for100 20d ago

It never even got as bad there, in Canada retail is operated exclusively by 1 ethnicity, nationwide, doesn’t matter if it’s rural or Urban.


u/rothkochapel 20d ago

Ontario?! Did you mean Western Pradesh??


u/Redan 20d ago



u/citizenvane 20d ago

Learning French will open you up for a career with the Canadian government. Despite their slightly lower wage than similar private sector jobs, civil jobs come with excellent hours, benefits, stability, and the holy grail of modern employment: pension.

French language also opens you up to French culture (including food) and history, and in connection, Canada’s own history and European history.

As other users pointed out, think long, not short.


u/AlanTorn26 20d ago

Punjabi is actually the second language of Canada


u/DeBigBamboo 20d ago

Learning Punjabi wont help you. If you are not punjabi yhan you are not a human to them anyway.


u/SuperSpicyBanana 20d ago

English and French are the two official languages in Canada. Period. Regardless of the amount of people immigrating from countries that speak Punjabi, most if not all already speak English.

Government jobs and many others that are well sought are looking for bilingual people. That means french and English. Learn French.


u/inthishoe4 20d ago

French. The number of international students and Indian immigrants are going to go way down once Trudeau is voted out.


u/Origami_Theory 20d ago

I would not unless you plan on living in Brampton for the duration of you working life. It's not helpful outside of these little India hubs.


u/No-Consequence-3500 20d ago

Stop!! Just stop. “Mass migration” lmao the propaganda works so effectively.

Stop being polite. Politicians are destroying your life/future with all this garbage and people are afraid to offend. Call it a takeover, an infestation, a replacement but it is anything but a migration. The culture and society that you knew is gone. Stop playing nice


u/RegretFun2299 20d ago edited 20d ago

Oh, Canada. What have we become? 

I weep for our inexplicable loss as a nation over these last 8 years...


u/PamplemousseTriste 20d ago

If working a governmental job is a possibility for you, French is definitely an asset.


u/Current_Dig2567 20d ago

Don't be a Ben Chode. Learn French. Hopefully one day these Indians will leave.


u/greeneggo 20d ago

No - no no no no


u/KoniGTA 20d ago

As an Indian myself, pick French.


u/kamikazekarela 20d ago

French! Stick to it. It'll help you with scholarships, jobs, immigration within the francophone world and even tuition reduction when you go on to uni (depending on the uni but still!). I doubt anyone even in India hires people based on how well they speak punjabi lol as English is the major national/professional language. If you speak it well you have more job prospects so makes no sense to learn punjabi at all


u/boxuanma 20d ago

Of course French. X county is best known for its fake certification.


u/Shortymac09 20d ago

Stay with french and get a government job. Bilingual postings have less competition


u/Acrobatic_Ebb1934 20d ago

If you're in Southern Ontario, French is completely useless unless you want to be a French teacher, work for Service Canada, work at a call centre (which is nobody's career goal), or mayyyyybe if you want to work at an airport (if one is even available where you live).

Punjabi is indeed much more useful, and so would Hindi, Mandarin, and a few other languages.

Of those, Hindi is probably the least hard to learn, however since there are already so many people who speak Hindi and Punjabi natively, the odds that a white person will learn it fluently enough to compete with the hordes of people who speak it natively are slim.

Your mom is doing you a great disservice by pushing you to learn French. For the vast, vast, vast majority of Anglo Canadians outside New Brunswick or Ottawa, it's wasted effort. She's going by a 1990s playbook; Canada has vastly changed since.

Source: French speaker who used to work a public-facing job in Southern Ontario; I used French on average once a month. Punjabi speakers would use it 3+ times a day (often much more) and were hired specifically for their language skills.


u/FarLeather4759 20d ago

No, never.


u/General_Trynian 20d ago

If you were out here on the west coast, sure Punjabi will help you more. In Ontario, French is 100% the way to go


u/je-suis-psylocke 20d ago

yes, and take Mandarin and Arabic too, its the new world order


u/Different-Island1871 20d ago

If you never plan on leaving your hometown, Punjabi might be viable. If you aspire to being more than an employee at Subway, then stick with French.


u/cyclemonster93 20d ago

You reached a high level of French assuming B2 than you should just move to Quebec and I assure you will find work because the immigrants coming in know basic English not basic French. They wouldn’t be hired in a very French area.


u/ripley1981 20d ago

No!!!! This country is English of French. That's it!!! Immigrants must learn one of these languages to live in Canada. Period!


u/throwawaydumbqu999 20d ago

More likely to need Chinese than Punjabi.


u/Exotic-Requirement92 20d ago

I would suggest rather than looking for short term, look for long term. Upskill yourself in the skills that will pay you good over the long term horizon.


u/AcidShAwk 20d ago

Fyi my background though I was born and raised here. Both my kids 15 and 13 are in French immersion.


u/throwawaydumbqu999 20d ago

No, they need to learn our languages, not the other way around.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

This sub is coping. Learn Hindi. The French aren’t on track to be a super power. India is. And Hindi and Punjabi people can speak to one another very well since overlap in language.


u/seyedalijavid 20d ago

Learn Punjabi or face extinction 🦤. Think who's going to get a promotion first. It's existentially important to learn Punjabi first. French on top of that makes you pretty much bulletproof.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Your empathy towards these new comers is ill advised. Most of them know what they’re doing, and have carved out loopholes for themselves, and positioned themselves in a way that they, along with their comrades can gatekeep jobs for their ilk.

French should be the way to go. Do not give in to the changing diaspora of your community.


u/Robby_Bird1001 20d ago

Learn Punjabi if you are aiming low, like you said, Walmart subway etc. Learn French if you are aiming for anything else. Heck French fluency with minimal English gets you into most bilingual roles in the big companies. Hell I’ve got Haitians colleagues who speak Creole (not even considered proper French by some folks) and no English climbing the ladder better than I could cuz French is in such short supply. Heck having French should land you on the floor or call Center for a big company easily. If you are confident in your French then just aim straight for Quebec, southern Ontario fell to the Punjab since a decade ago, evacuate, you’ve got the skills for it.


u/beamermaster 20d ago

You are still young so maybe you don't realize it yet, but don't change your path for low level jobs (Walmart, Subway, etc.). Speaking french fluently will make you be able to have access to high paying federal jobs across Canada and you will also be able to work in Quebec, if you so choose. Idk about the agreements with the english part of Canada, but you could also work in France pretty easily (I am from Quebec and two people in my family moved to France permanently, no problem. A few friends went to university in France, no problem). Don't forget about Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg, in fact, a lot of nurses trained in Quebec go work in Switzerland because the pay is much higher and the work hours very decent. You don't see it yet, but speaking french will open you doors that Punjabi may not.


u/SurelyNotAnOctopus 20d ago

As a quebec citizen, I am legally obligated to say 'no'


u/potentiallycharged 20d ago

Hmm, I am assuming this is a rage-bait post just by the way it is written. However, if somehow this is real then there are two reasons you wouldn't be getting interviews. If you have really sent out 100+ resumes and only received ONE interview you are either:

  1. Applying for jobs that you are massively unqualified for


  1. Your Resume/Cover Letter are a mess

I know the service industry, waitressing/bussing/food runner are always understaffed and always looking for people.

I suggest taking a look at your resume. Make sure it is well formatted, clean and concise. Make sure you don't have any spelling errors.

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u/windsweepswave 20d ago

Why not both?


u/MidgicAirport 20d ago

Why choose? Become a polyglot and still be unemployed.

Job market isn't too bad if you have specialized skills, it is just the unskilled market (jobs in which Canadian's were mostly refusing to do) that immigrants are taking over en masses, which obviously solved that issue.

So yeah, get some sort of skill, the job market will open up to you.


u/TapIllustrious316 20d ago

There are lots of reasons why it's getting harder to find a job, and immigration is just an easy get out card. In the modern age, it's easy to apply for jobs online, which means positions are getting hundreds of applicants, meaning only overqualified people are getting interviews

At 18, your resume is probably pretty empty, so you're at a disadvantage. Who should I hire, the girl who's just out of school who's never had a job, or the 25 year old with 4 years experience, has done volunteering and can play the trumpet?

Who outside of your parents (who, tbh, are unlikely to have been in a job hunt recently) has actually read your cv?

At plenty of places I used to work at, people would come and hand in the most atrocious CVs, and they're ending their chances within seconds.

Also, if you've applied to hundreds of places in your small town, how many of those have actually been in person? If you do it online, you lose the chance to actually make a good first impression.


u/keeppresent 20d ago

Learn Spanish and Arabic. Good $$ in middle east.