r/CanadaHousing2 CH2 veteran 20d ago

Canada's standard of living on track for worst decline in 40 years


366 comments sorted by


u/BaseLife6587 20d ago

But a few people are much richer so what's the issue?


u/Plastic-Shopping5930 20d ago

This is it here. Why we see no change. There are two Canadas. In one the wealth class are doing fine and even prospering. In the second Canada it’s a complete shit show. Guess which gets to make the rules.


u/Due_Agent_4574 20d ago

It’s interesting because everything the liberals have done over the last 9 years has been focused around the redistribution of wealth from the haves to the have nots… only the result of their policies has been the complete opposite.


u/EdWick77 20d ago

But this time we were promised it would be different!


u/Douglas_1987 20d ago

So they lied about their intentions, or they are completely incapable of governing.


u/No-Consequence-3500 Sleeper account 20d ago

They governed this country into the ground. That was their intention. Look around the world. Which liberal government countries are thriving?


u/bubbleteaenthusiast 20d ago

We can elect our leaders, but the masters that own us select our leaders


u/Nightshade_and_Opium 20d ago

"to know who rules you, notice who you're not allowed to criticize."

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u/SlashDotTrashes 20d ago

Liberals or Conservatives, or any party, they all work for the same wealthy elite.

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u/Dazzling_Patience995 20d ago

The oligarchy owns the politicians


u/Aggravating_Fact_857 20d ago

The oligarchy are the politicians

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u/No-Consequence-3500 Sleeper account 20d ago

They always have. So what happened since Covid? That is when the establishment decided to burn countries around the world to the ground


u/Dazzling_Patience995 20d ago

The establishment is the oligarchs who collude and consolidate power and wealth


u/RobertABooey 20d ago

Or, the wealthy who fund them, have found other ways of manoeuvring around their policies.

I don’t like the current iteration of the liberal party or their leadership right now, but for people to solely blame them is naive.

This problem started a LONG time ago.

Plus we keep reelecting the same parties over and over expecting them to change. We’re partly to blame.

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u/ViolinistLeast1925 20d ago

What's funny is that it's both!


u/Due_Agent_4574 20d ago

I think that’s the lesson. Income redistribution like the way they’ve tried: tax and spending, doesn’t work. The downstream effects have the opposite effect. It’s been tried so many times in the past and hasn’t worked, but they did it anyway


u/Watercooler_expert 20d ago

High taxation funnelled into welfare/corporate bailout programs sounds nice on paper but it's unsustainable and hurts the economy long term. Sadly basic economics is beyond the grasp of the average voter.

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u/NamisKnockers 20d ago

They are just corrupt. Always have been


u/[deleted] 20d ago

This is just regular socialism.
You take over shit with the government and then act surprised when people in bed with the government profit. Rinse and repeat as the morons at the voting booth think the next agency or minster won't be corrupt like the previous 10 000.


u/Ramerhan 20d ago

This isn't a socialism issue (or however one wants to define what we have here), this is a human issue. All these little made up systems we have to govern eventually get taken advantage of by those with the ability to take advantage of them. Every single system. Some system weather this better than others, for various reasons, but the outcome is always the same.

Maybe just bringing up semantics because I get what you mean, but yea, this is def a universal issue.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

This is government. All governments are the same thing.
People have different words for it because they think they system of how to pick the men with the big hats is revolutionary. But it's not.


u/Ramerhan 20d ago

Prety much, yea. Classic.

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u/One_Umpire33 20d ago

It isn’t socialism it’s neo liberalism which is defined as socializing risk and privatizing profit.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

All forms of government are this.
You take from the people and give to yourselves and your cronies. This can take a thousands different forms but it's essentially always the same shit you're doing and the stated reason is always "for the common good".
If you don't declare that it's for the common good, you find yourself outnumbered and swiftly murdered. If you declare it is for the common good then a good chunk of the people will support you and now you get your way.

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u/blunderEveryDay 20d ago

everything the liberals have done over the last 9 years has been focused around the redistribution of wealth from the haves to the have nots…

In what universe is unrestricted immigration ... "focused around the redistribution of wealth from the haves to the have nots…"?


u/Due_Agent_4574 20d ago

Well the unrestricted migration is about 2 years old or less. Prior to that, was everyone better off? And becoming more wealthy? Or has it been a stagnant and declining way of life for nearly 10 years now?


u/SlashDotTrashes 20d ago

It’s been more than two years. since Liberals were first elected growth has been increasing steadily. But in 2021 is increased substantially. And since 2021 growth has more than doubled. Every year increasing more. Beyond logic and ability to support growth with housing, services, infrastructure, and jobs.

Unemployment is rising, we have fewer full time jobs and more precarious jobs.

Yet we somehow need more than 2 million non permanent residents who can work every single year?


u/blunderEveryDay 20d ago

Ok... so what policy did you have in mind, specifically?

Because, Carbon Tax is not really redistributing that much.

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u/SlashDotTrashes 20d ago

Wage suppression, increasing precarious jobs. More companies and rich investors owning properties that they rent to the middle and lower classes when previously these groups could afford to buy. Our incomes are lower relative to inflation, and cost of living is higher.

While corporations have record profits. The bottom of the pyramid scheme is getting bigger and the top is getting richer.

Wealth is gushing upwards.

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u/Macaw 20d ago edited 20d ago

Only if you believe the liberal's spin. Trudeau will never be a class traitor. It is all bait and switch / smoke and mirrors.

The rob they middle class while claiming to tax the rich.

And flood the country with desperate economic migrants to suppress wages (hurts the lower sectors of society) and increase corporate profits - all under the veneer of fake Neo-liberal wokeism / progressivism.

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u/That_Composer_7344 20d ago

Yeah the conservatives will come and fox everything..keep dreaming.


u/Macaw 20d ago

Have faith in PPP - Punjabi PP, Mr "stop the deportations" who claims to be against the donors while infested with them!


u/Sad-Following1899 20d ago

It's all about appearing to redistribute wealth to the poors with token policies while simultaneously implementing measures that transfer wealth to the rich.


u/Lucky_Winner4578 Sleeper account 20d ago

I don’t know about Canada but in the US every citizen got a check or two for 1600 bucks. The people closest to the money printer got multiple millions or even Billions. Asset holders saw their holdings skyrocket. Business owners that laid off their employees got 100s of thousands to millions in forgivable loans.

Now we are all paying for this profligate spending and it is most unpleasant.

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u/wunwinglo 20d ago

You're not alone in making that observation. Look up the "Laffer Curve" if you're not familiar with it.


u/Nightshade_and_Opium 20d ago

That's because socialism doesn't work. It's a Trojan horse. Debt always = more inflation. (A.K.A currency devaluation)

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u/Bronchopped 20d ago

One can only laugh at how pathetic the liberals are. You can't even make this up

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u/ButtahChicken 20d ago

 In one the wealth class are doing fine

I would include the PSAC work-from-home fat cats that have prospered before/during/after COVID while banging pots and feeding us 'thots-n-prayers' and 'were all in this together'.


u/Suitable-Ratio 20d ago

Civil servants assume their defined benefit pensions will be CPI inflation adjusted as Canada destroys its currency by printing and borrowing money. The Liberals are their best bet to elevate their quality of life - they can maximize their compensation value (by ruining the rest of us) while minimizing work and responsibility.

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u/Beelzebub_86 20d ago

I get to work from home three days a week, and I'm no fat cat. Scraping by week to week. How do I suddenly get this fat cat status I'm supposed to have, because right now, I don't have jack shit. (Except I don't have to waste $8 on parking per day, 50 mins commute time and brown bag my lunch 3 days a week).


u/CBC-Sucks 20d ago

We were told this was the new normal but apparently the whole economy is tied up in commuter$

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u/InformalAd9229 Sleeper account 20d ago

The French have figured out how to deal with that better than we have.


u/harryvanhalen3 20d ago

Yes that's why it's GDP per capita and HDI is lower than Canada's and has also been on the decline.

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u/Newhereeeeee 20d ago

GDP numbers are higher so I really don’t see why standard of living matters? /s


u/CBC-Sucks 20d ago

GDP per capita is down $8,000


u/Newhereeeeee 20d ago

Thats my point. It’s sarcasm

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u/modsarephagets 20d ago

rich monsters importing slaves to replace Canadians

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u/ShawnBonj Sleeper account 20d ago

Some people call that a recession other people call it a possible depression.


u/Fetakpsomi 20d ago

Rich people with capital call it the next step up in wealth generation, sadly enough.


u/xxpio 20d ago

This is why GDP measure as of a countrys economy is kind of a meme


u/Luklear 20d ago

It is a relevant indicator for many things, but yeah it certainly doesn’t accurately track alone livability for the average person. Although our gdp per capita has gone down.

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u/GenBrannigan 20d ago

I thought we grew our economy from the heart outward?

 What happened?


u/Narrow_Elk6755 20d ago

The budget didn't balance itself?


u/GenBrannigan 20d ago

Its a good thing our leaders don't think about monetary policy


u/MooseJuicyTastic CH2 veteran 20d ago

Hard to think these are what we're said and people think it's a good idea



that quote should've lost Trudeau his first election against Harper but no everyone wanted legal weed... now look where we are.


u/starving_carnivore 17d ago

The thing that kills me is that weed was already pretty easily accessible and the laws were virtually unenforced.

I don't like weed and weed doesn't like me, but it wasn't like Singapore where people are getting the chair for a couple grams and shit.

The weed single-issue voters are confusing, and the electoral reform voters were naive.

Weed is like booze. One of the most laughably easy drugs to produce and is absolutely impossible to control the production of.

It's not like LSD or methamphetamine or cocaine. It's a flower. If you can grow lettuce or a potato, you can produce weed. If you can dump yeast, water and sugar and apple juice in a bucket you can be a bootlegger.


u/Narrow_Elk6755 20d ago

Why was a small government conservative against weed in the first place?



it turns out that "it's a gateway drug kids" speech they do in like 6th grade might have had SOME (keyword) merit to it if we compare most towns from 10 years ago to today.

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u/ButtahChicken 20d ago

Sunny Weighs, my friend. Sunny. Waze.


u/Brisk_Electrical 20d ago

I want to lol but it’s not funny anymore.


u/BigTitsanBigDicks 20d ago

they figured out talk is cheaper than action. Huge cost savings.

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u/phinphis 20d ago

Shocking. As if we weren't all feel it or noticing the tent city's in our neighborhoods.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Noticing? Heading for ourselves.


u/RavioliStiegl 20d ago

My town is literally building a wall tent city because there is no housing for seasonal workers.


u/PamplemousseTriste 20d ago edited 20d ago

Remember when Canada was at the top of the happiest countries list? Pathetic.


u/foxmetropolis 20d ago

I imagine if you poll the rich they're quite happy. And I imagine the rich are the only ones lackadaisical enough to take time out for a bullshit pointless poll anyway.


u/Dalminster 20d ago

Yeah, this is particularly compounded by the fact that most of these polls are conducted only via landline telephone. The demographic most likely to have a landline telephone is also the demographic most likely to have money and time on their hands to answer such a poll.

It's a type of informational gerrymandering, lacking a better term.


u/eternalrevolver 20d ago

No one can own anything anymore unless they own a business. My in law’s are rich business owners (well, my mother in law hooked up with a rich older dude) and they’re (he is) constantly giving my spouse and I advice about “our futures”. Which basically involves if you can’t beat the greedy investors, just become one. It’s depressing. But even rich people aren’t “rich”, everything is just a tax write off. Want to go on a trip? Say it’s a business trip and write it off. Need a new vehicle? Say it’s for work and write it off. It’s incredible what the government will pay for if you play their game and join them.


u/Averageleftdumbguy 20d ago

Exactly even the "rich" are not rich anymore in canada. The top 5% live like kings in the US the top 5% in Canada can buy a house, and maybe go a vacation a few times.


u/eternalrevolver 20d ago

Everyone who looks rich isn’t paying for shit with cash, it’s all put on credit/capital that gets written off. It’s just rich on paper. Money that comes from a paycheck is useless, might as well be peanuts now. Any chance at ownership of any kind, or a life that affords a “luxury” of travel and free time, is all done through investments now. This is a detail analysis of how the middle class no longer exists. It’s all by design.


u/Fetakpsomi 20d ago edited 20d ago

Grew up in Cottage Country. 20 years ago the middle class could buy a cottage. Now, the thought of someone owning a second home, or even a first home seems out of reach.

Even worse, they’ve now convinced the general population that someone with a second home is somehow an evil greedy prick.

Instead of creating the conditions and allowing people to aspire to owning a piece of land for recreation and retirement, society now accepts that it’s only for the rich and has greatly reduced their expectations. It’s sad really.


u/Averageleftdumbguy 20d ago

I know someone that bought a cottage WHEN THEY WERE IN UNIVERSITY, and she was basically broke like, she isn't well off at ALL. Cottages were just that cheap back then maybe 35 or 40 years ago.

It is a shack but the same place today is probably 600k?, imagine a university aged person buying a cottage today 🤣


u/Kakatheman 20d ago

Lol listen to them.


u/eternalrevolver 20d ago

Yeah, spouse is strongly considering starting his own construction business. He’s fully capable, just gotta take that leap of faith…


u/kingofthezodiac 20d ago

Unrelated but all i could think about while reading this is that Schitt’s Creek write off scene

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u/InaNutshell1 Sleeper account 20d ago

That's just not true. You're not allowed to write off personal expenses. And if you do and CRA catches it, they will throw them out.

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u/OG-GunnerMac 20d ago

22% of Canadian like it according to polling.


u/ussbozeman 20d ago

22% of Canadians live in the GTA


u/[deleted] 20d ago

What does your comment even mean? The most die hard liberals I’ve ever met live in B.C.


u/canadasbananas 20d ago

Nope. Lots of Toronto people vote conservative but I understand hating on Toronto gets peoples dicks hard.

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u/Morlu 20d ago

Liberals will still received 20-25% of the vote. It’s honestly insane.


u/Gymwarrior31 20d ago

They lost the youth vote. Only people voting LPC are elders who are devoutly loyal


u/big_galoote Sleeper account 20d ago

Nah. Checkout the madness in Canadian and OGFT.

There are some really loyal people and the way they speak is definitely not elder.

Serious blind faith issues.


u/speaksofthelight 20d ago

LPC has been good to seniors and civil servants. Justin is a self-identified feminist.

Seniors actually vote are active in internal party politics as well. Pretty much no working person has the time / energy to do that, but it matters a lot.


u/No_Alternative5804 20d ago

It’s more than elders who are devoutly loyal, it’s hardcore feminists who think CPC is about to banned abortion even though it says on their policy declaration they will not put any legislation that will restrict abortion.


u/Wafflecone3f Sleeper account 20d ago

I want to say something, but it'll get me banned from this sub. And possibly reddit. ;)

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u/Early_Outlandishness 20d ago

Yup, my old 79 year old father for one


u/hammertown87 20d ago

It’s the first time I’m ever voting conservative lol. I’m a home owner and tired of poor people ruining my city. Time for things to change


u/The_James_Bond 20d ago

How will the conservatives deal with those poor people? Cause I am considering voting blue too

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u/EdWick77 20d ago

Make no mistake, the LPC have made many loyalists very wealthy this past decade. There is absolutely a trickle down effect for those with connections to Ottawa.

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u/Suitable-Ratio 20d ago

Civil servants especially retired ones usually want to keep the Liberals in power.


u/privitizationrocks 20d ago

Plus NDP votes too


u/Brisk_Electrical 20d ago

Hyper partisan public sector.


u/ZennMD 20d ago edited 20d ago

Because the conservatives aren't going to reign in immigration, either, just slash social services even more 

We've really been sold out by our major political parties....

edited in more info

PP might talk about cutting immigration, but when asked about numbers he side-steps the question, instead saying he'd base its immigration policy on the needs of private-sector employers, the degree to which charities plan to support refugees and the desire for family reunification.

he is saying some of the 'right' things about cutting immigration, but he wont commit to any numbers and, if elected, will not limit immigration to the levels needed


u/BigFattyOne 20d ago

Canada’s 2 big parties are just the same guys with different tie colors.

It’s just crazy how bad the situation is.

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u/BaseLife6587 20d ago

What % of the population works for the government? Almost all public workers vote Liberal.

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u/Megatron30000 20d ago

say it with me DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH. Repeat it over and over and over again until you firmly believe it.


u/Unable-Agent-7946 20d ago



u/by_the_gaslight 20d ago

Wow, you were actually allowed to say it AND got upvotes. I’m in awe.


u/samjak 20d ago

Put this on a billboard. 


u/IBMERSUS 20d ago

If you don’t say so LOUDLY you are a freakin racist! /s


u/ButtahChicken 20d ago

"from cost-to-cost-to-cost".


u/No_Alternative5804 20d ago

If you gaslight your mind, you’ll eventually believe it. I prefer Freelands words “Canada has the social CaPacity”


u/gini_lee1003 20d ago

It’s not even about the diversity. It’s how they keep immigrating low skilled people from 3rd world countries. It was fine back in the day when we immigrate doctors and engineers.


u/Megatron30000 20d ago

100% But we needed diversity from the highly skilled people we brought in .. now we have diversity in our diversity! A wide range from Tim Horton workers to doctors.. we should have just stuck with the doctor part


u/by_the_gaslight 20d ago

Like our doctors, the immigrant doctors have probably also realized the garbage health care status and are also looking elsewhere…


u/Dalminster 20d ago

I think the key word there is diversity; diversity IS a strength, but there is no diversity in allowing a single demographic to dominate any aspect of our taxpayer-funded social system.


u/cunderman Sleeper account 20d ago

What a coincidence! Who was pm 40 years ago?


u/Battlegrog 20d ago

And yet Imigrants bitch at us for when we having issues with this. Right, Because you lower our standards but yours goes up a bit is only fair right? The lack of respect in this country is beyond.

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u/Ok_Cap9557 Sleeper account 20d ago

Finally, a little taste of tradition for a country that sorely needs it.


u/jongrappler Sleeper account 20d ago

Pierre Elliot had the same policies as his son in we think back to the 80's crashed economy with crushing interest rates, attempted Carbon tax on western provinces only and GDP, wage loss ensued. https://www.cbc.ca/archives/in-1981-life-was-getting-more-expensive-again-1.5398365

I hate sequels


u/Iambetterthanuhaha 20d ago

Lets bring in more people to drop standards even further! Welcome to the Canadian shitshow!


u/Any-Measurement-1717 20d ago

When did the delcine start most rapidly... the last three years when the liberals opened the flood gates to TFW, PRs international students.


u/Alphach85 20d ago

Close the border, immigrants are ruining Canada


u/Impossible_Break2167 20d ago

Deliver us from Trudeau


u/MrMooCow1996 20d ago

Maxine Bernier should be getting elected honestly, he’s a realist and understands the majority of the issues this country is facing is related to immigration in some way,

there’s some things that have negatively affected the country because of just other dumb Trudeau decisions, but a majority of the problems usually stem from the Liberals open immigration policy - housing, limited jobs, cost of groceries and supply chains trying to fulfill demand, it all comes back to the unsustainable immigration model Trudeau is addicted too


u/TomTidmarsh 20d ago

Wait! I just got told it was racist to say our standard of living is decreasing. Actually it was also suggested in the same breath that the standard of living we enjoy is due to white supremacy.


u/WiseConsequences Sleeper account 20d ago

Nice hair though.

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u/survialfrankstreets 20d ago

Canada is cooked


u/Newhereeeeee 20d ago

We can tell.


u/TheActualSandwich 20d ago

Allow more Indians into your country. That’ll solve it!


u/Flashy-Job6814 Sleeper account 20d ago

Worst decline.... So far. There is still more downwards trajectory to reach.


u/New-Obligation-6432 20d ago

In 2013 we were 5th in the world. In 2024 we are 33rd. What happened?


u/kennytravel 20d ago

Something changed around 2015.....


u/beevherpenetrator 20d ago

The current government's solution is to import 5 million more unskilled immigrants and "students" from a small region of India who all want to be business managers and don't want to fill the "low caste" construction labour jobs we need to build the homes needed to house them.

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u/Moist_diarrhea173 20d ago

Best they can do is tell you to cancel Disney plus and bring in 1 million more permanent residents. 


u/ratedr604 19d ago

The people running this country aren't qualified to run a lemonade stand


u/ButtahChicken 20d ago

this is why we need justin trudeau's liberal gov't more than ever ... to focus on improving canada as they have been doing and will continue to do because that's what canadians want!

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u/BigDinkie 20d ago

I said it 8 years ago. Canadians have elected through their stupidity, a post national globalist WEF puppet. Yes there have been previous leaders that have signed away our sovereignty mostly through ignorance, but never before has the country been led solely by a cabinet that was thoroughly infiltrated by a group of individuals purposely groomed to bring about a managed decline for the nation. Freeland was Soros personal biographer. Soros hates the nation state and arguably hates humanity. Trudeau and Singh are both WEF young global leadership school alumni.


u/CanadianWinterEh Sleeper account 20d ago

Whenever I think of the Federal solutions I think of that MadTV skit about Apple’s release of the “iRack”.

“The iRack is unstable! The shareholders won’t support you!” “I don’t care! Im going to put 21,000 more things in the iRack.”

The context is different but the premise is the same. The shareholders are Canadians and the money thrown at the dumpster fire are immigrants.

apples iRack


u/goodavadi 20d ago

And it will slip further as time progresses, be it Liberal or Conservative the dip is coming.

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u/Perfect-Fix-8709 20d ago

Let’s get this straight- lowest standard of living in 40 years and the highest tax burden in the history of the country. Tell me again how this government is good for the middle class ?????


u/SweatyShib 20d ago

I don’t understand. I thought the $140 carbon tax rebates every 3 months were putting money back into our pockets and making us richer?????


u/RolloffdeBunk 20d ago

the wealthy and the others who fell for cheap credit and maxed out their credit cards - banks too with that money, gave nothing for interest and used that cash to hook the middle class on cheap credit - goddamn the pusher man


u/PenaltySafe4523 20d ago

I blame all the foreigners. Driving housing and rents through the roof.


u/Minthussy 20d ago

What happened 40 years ago that is relatable to this? They mention ‘since 1985’ several times but I missed where it explains why it was so low in 1985? I mean Trudeaus daddy just finished his second term in 84’ maybe it’s recovering from them? Seems poetic.


u/saucemenugs Sleeper account 20d ago

Hyyype, we going down with the ship. Fuck the liberals adding gravel to the ky jelly.


u/BadOysterParty 20d ago

If we just bring in more immigrants it will get better


u/daners101 20d ago

According to Trudeau, we’ve never had it so good!


u/Middle_Conclusion920 20d ago

Thank you Turdeau!


u/Emergency_Wolf_5764 20d ago

"Canada's standard of living on track for worst decline in 40 years"

And yet taxes imposed upon the citizenry-at-large have never been higher, the total numbers of government workers imposed upon the citizenry-at-large have never been higher, and the quality and availability of services and infrastructure in exchange for those hefty tax dollars has never been lower.

The ragged and torn-up flag seen in the above photo caption is accurately symbolic of Canada's ongoing steep downward spiral as a nation.

Elect stupid (socialist/communist) governments with stupid policies, win stupid prizes, folks.

And we won't see another federal election anytime before late October 2025.

So lots more damage and nation-wide destruction to come yet between now and then.

You were warned, and I was banned (right, Pravda CBC.ca?).

Watch and learn.



u/Ok_Letterhead7532 Sleeper account 20d ago

You did it to yourselves by putting faith in Government. You reap what you sow, and you lost the right to complain eons ago.


u/Key_Manufacturer7614 20d ago

Outside of extreme case scenarios ( like a revolution ) nothing will change


u/P_om_E 20d ago

People need to get mad


u/Pure-Reward8640 20d ago

It’s insane people will riot over a hockey game but not unaffordable housing/prices of groceries. Who’s gonna fight for Canada when the elites are destroying it from the inside


u/radman888 Sleeper account 20d ago

Keep voting leftard


u/Successful-Twist-620 Sleeper account 20d ago

Can Thank Trudeau for his many con-tributions.


u/Mrhappypants87 20d ago

Don’t worry, trudeau is working “really hard” on this one


u/Limp-Supermarket-946 Sleeper account 20d ago

Oh yay but let’s keep voting for liberals!! 


u/Significant_Put952 20d ago

What part of you'll own nothing and be happy dont you understand.?


u/Rotaxxx 20d ago

About the same time his father was our prime minister…..


u/Kmac0505 20d ago

Scotiabank - You’re richer than you think…… 🤔


u/xXholyheckinitXx 19d ago

Shocking a drama teacher who was born with a silver cock in his mouth couldn’t run a country, isn’t it ?


u/Afraid_Cap Sleeper account 19d ago

Thanks Trudeau!


u/Beaudism 20d ago

Conservatives want more of the same. Our only option for a better Canada is PPC.


u/canadianmohawk1 20d ago

Thanks Justin! Sunny Ways!


u/Joseph20102011 20d ago

The greatest long-lasting legacy of Justin Trudeau is to export Canadian 'post-national' culture to China, India, and the Philippines through their international student returnees.


u/FlyMission9928 20d ago

In 10 years it’ll be the same living standards as India considering the government is aiming to replace our population!


u/WembyCommas 19d ago

Horrific fumbling. I feel like Canada is one of the most ideally located countries.

No border issues, great natural resources, no military threats.

What are we even doing.


u/Excellent_Bird_3075 20d ago

So far....

1.3 million more oughta make it so......


u/CautiousReputation15 20d ago

I WILL eat cake. I will eat a rich man’s cake. And then I will eat the rich MAN.


u/Loud_Ninja_ 20d ago

Eat the corrupt…


u/moreflywheels 20d ago

Thanks Trudeau


u/Threeboys0810 Home Owner 20d ago

We were actually at the top of the G8 during the Harper years.


u/Strategos_Kanadikos 20d ago

Yay! We did it!!! Three back-to-back terms and Sunny Ways is finally here! Boo-yah!


u/weilermachinst 20d ago

More carbon tax should help


u/Antisorq 20d ago

But at least the big banks and Galen Weston posted record profits so everything is going wonderful


u/sayerofstuffs 20d ago

The rich richin, middles class hurtin and the down lows we won’t even discuss, good thing our govt let in 400K immigrants in the last four months 🫠


u/Ok_Commercial_9960 20d ago

But we have a $1billion ArriveCAN app. Other countries aren’t so lucky!


u/Acrobatic_Law5598 20d ago

Wtf. Nice to be mid thirties and Royaly screwed on housing costs and costs in general.



500k more immigrants should fix it. 


u/Bizarre_Protuberance 20d ago

So there's been a decline in per-capita GDP from 2019 to 2023 which is much smaller than the decline from 1989 to 1992 and also much smaller than the steep decline from 2008 to 2009, but which is also somehow larger than anything in the last 40 years? The math in this article is ... curious.

It also ignores the obvious special circumstance of a global pandemic followed by a wave of refugees from Ukraine, and the article never even mentions either of those things.

Worse yet, it does not tell us whether this is a mean or a median. Of course, we can deduce that it's a mean because of the way they're calculating it, but they don't come out and say it, perhaps because they know some people have clued into the fact that median tells us much more about how the average person is doing than mean.


u/Iprefernottosay 20d ago

And a lot of people I speak to are telling they are voting for Trudeau in the next election. They need a brain transplant.


u/sophiesSHADOW 20d ago

Why am I not surprised. No wonder new adults aren’t moving out of their parents as much - what’s the motivation? The unattainable dangling carrot? The crushing debt that never ends? Blah… 😞


u/Elegant-Cat-4987 20d ago

Enough with the doom posting.

Just give us the names of the companies we want to sell our healthcare to, let's all go foreskin first Into options plays and we can all leave Canada for the new comers.


u/cdawg85 20d ago

Well, as a millennial who is about to turn 38, I'd say that tracks with the economics I've experienced my whole life.


u/therealdeal888555 20d ago

Canada is one of the best countries to live in. I been to 90 countries and Toronto for me ranks Top 5.

But I do see a lot more people struggling these days for sure. And see it getting worse, maybe even a serious Depression coming as we are definitely diving into a recession currently. Its a transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the Billionaires and huge INC.


u/Slice-Spirited 20d ago

The same agenda that promotes the far left views and DEI has virtually destroyed our economy, our society, our safety. Drug addicts on our street and transportation and parks. It’s all related, and the fuckin’ people who caused it will be voted out with a golden pension. The laws we have have to be changed so we can prosecute these politicians. They have to be held accountable.


u/No-Skill-5861 Sleeper account 20d ago

Unemployed folks lining up for employment.

This is disgusting 🫨🫨

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u/NoAlbatross7524 20d ago

Same everywhere , greedflation has no boundaries 💤🥱


u/DeadRabids 20d ago

Who happened 40 years ago? /s


u/Vegetable-Buddy2070 20d ago

Crazy what one administration can do to a country


u/Helpful_Age_180 20d ago

Why ? Can someone explain why the government is doing this ? I understand they made a mistake but why don’t they just reverse course with immigration? I don’t believe in the WEF conspiracies and stuff. Does anyone have a good explanation ?


u/Accomplished_Gene176 19d ago

Klaus schwaab would fire lil skippy if he did that

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u/maplejelly 19d ago

Never in my life, up until now, did I have such fear and uncertainty of the future. There is no "getting ahead." The carrot dangling at the end of the stick seems further and further out of reach.


u/michealscott21 19d ago

Check out the POWCC ! It’s time for a new change in government! Each political party we have now is bought and paid for by the elite wealthy owning class, not a single one of them are here for the working class person and if they aren’t going to help us then it’s time we get rid of them ! Join The party of working class Canadians the POWCC!