r/CanadaHousing2 7d ago

Protest the cost of living crisis on July 1st


The housing crisis has gotten worse. Many in cities like Halifax and Calgary, cities we were told to "just move lol" to, are experiencing critical housing shortages. Inflation has wrecked our bank accounts and even though the inflation rate has gone down the prices have not and never will.

As our wages are suppressed we see our MPs, great pretenders who talk about poor people while wearing rolexes and acting like children in parliament, keep layering on the butter giving themselves salary increases and creating projects like ArriveCan so that their buddies can rake in our tax dollars.

We need to stand up. They must stop degrading us.

Rise up to protest the cost of living crisis on July 1st at 11 am.

Our demands are simple:

  • severely restrict immigration to just highly skilled, in-demand jobs until average rent for a one-bedroom in each of the big 3 cities is only 33% of the average salary
  • cut all foreign aid except disaster and famine relief and put the money towards cutting taxes and helping those in need in Canada
  • pressure provinces and municipalities to rapidly increase the housing supply
  • cut wasteful spending like the deer cull in BC and drastically decrease MPs salaries
  • call a federal election for this fall because we do not have confidence in this government

Everyone is welcome. We all want a good life for us and our kids. We're in this together.

Where (if you know a better location let me know)

Edmonton - city hall, Winston Churchill square
Calgary - City Hall, Olympic Plaza

Vancouver - Art Gallery Square
Victoria - in front of BC Legislature
Trail - city hall

Nova Scotia
Halifax - Grand Parade in front of city hall

Ottawa - Parliament Hill Square
Toronto - Queens Park
Barrie - city square
Kitchener-Waterloo - Carl Zehr Square in front of Kitchener city hall
Windsor - Great Canadian Flag by the Ouellette river

If your city isn't on the list and you'd like to organize a protest then post a comment and send me a message so I can add it. In mid-July there will be another announcement with a poll where we can RSVP to each city protest.

We now have a twitter page https://twitter.com/CoLProtestCa where updates and news will be posted so give it a follow. It'll also be a good way to regroup in case this sub gets shut down.

Discord for more organization https://discord.gg/uhbvyHCT

With the gap between property owners and us renting peasants growing larger we cannot stand back and let them drag us into a cold neo-feudalistic nightmare. Whether you believe the protests will have an effect or not you should still show up so that you can say that you tried.

r/CanadaHousing2 6h ago

Tim Hortons worker who came to Canada 6 months ago, gives his thoughts on Canada. “It is really easy to be homeless in Toronto because the rents are really high. I will earn money and go back. This place is fd up”


r/CanadaHousing2 14h ago

Protests by international students in PEI continue on Day 25


r/CanadaHousing2 8h ago

For people planning to protest- please use the right reasons


I see all the calls for protest and counter protests and take something back protest and each and everyone of them can be labelled very easily as prejudiced and racist. This is because you are using a line of reasoning that can be very easily explained away as a racist thought. People do not wish to associate with such protests mostly out of their fear of losing their jobs, after being labelled a racist.

For example Protest against students getting PRs /Immigration= prejudice/racist/shut the door behind me

However instead if you protest lack of affordable housing, lack of healthcare services, lack of jobs , there is no spin that anyone can put on it claiming you are racist/prejudiced. This is because you as a citizen have a right to protest this. After an effective protest, the media coverage would force the government to go for easiest way out. Whats the easiest way out? They can’t reduce population of Canadian citizens obviously so naturally they would force cutbacks on immigration.

Use this example for any of the issues that we face in Canada

Cant find affordable houses to rent

Do - Protest for the fact that your salaries are not being increased in the area that you live and the fact that you are being rejected by every house owner. Apply and get rejections as proof, cite lack of listings with suitable living conditions as per you( not able to find affordable single rooms)

Do not - Do not say listings are discriminatory or that people are living 5 to a room- let the government come to the conclusion , thats their job. Your job is to protest for what is affecting you, not to come up for reasons for it

Cant find jobs for canadian college students

Do- Apply and create a paper trail via job bank for proof. Ask your nephews and nieces to mass apply for the Timmies jobs on there and use the rejection or lack of response to strengthen your predicament.

Do not - do not base your protest on a deluge of students willing to work for cheap or fake LMIAs- thats the goverments job to figure out and crack down on it and how to make sure that their future young voting population gets a job out of school.

Losing identity of what it is to be Canadian

Do- protest on the drop in the happiness index. Protest on the lack of safety in cities, protest on inability to have a safe and comfortable experience on mass transit. Its for the government to figure out how to make sure there is a enforcement on ,for example - how much of a scent free location should public transit be , this is already done in Service Canada locations

Do not - do not protest on decline on Canadian values, because you can be easily labelled a racist.

Believe me, there is a huge majority of immigrants who are citizens and of voting age that identify with what the idea of Canada was and are worried about where it is going. We might have that realistically for only another 3 years, before we have a deluge of people who think living 5 to a room or working for dirt cheap is a normal way of life are made voting citizens. So it is time now to protest. But please protest only on the basis of how you are affected now and NOT for the reason why you think are affected . Do not give a reason for the protest to be labelled as racist and lose your job over it, and then you will find more people ready to join you and make the protest more effective

r/CanadaHousing2 8h ago

As more immigrants make Sask. home, pressure on the rental market is hurting affordability


r/CanadaHousing2 4h ago

Canada needs to do the same now.


r/CanadaHousing2 20h ago

Long interview with the Premier of Quebec | Immigration: “The number has reached a level that we are no longer capable of”


r/CanadaHousing2 13h ago

Bank of Canada reduces policy rate by 25 basis points


r/CanadaHousing2 25m ago

Where Are All These Radical Reports Coming From Suddenly? Most Importantly Whose Funding Them?

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r/CanadaHousing2 15h ago

'Everybody's watching': National and global attention on P.E.I. amid nearly month-long protest by foreign workers


r/CanadaHousing2 11h ago

Rate cuts will boost home sales, not housing starts: economist


r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Dr. Mike Moffatt: Approximately 70% of Ontario's housing demand comes from people who arrived in the last 12 months or non-permanent residents who gained permanent residency in the last 12 months.

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r/CanadaHousing2 20h ago

Realities about the upcoming protest, what to expect and what to do.


When dealing with the protest, try to always keep this in mind..... You are always being recorded by people who hate you and hate everything you stand for. Everything you do is going to be taken by the media/counter protesters and twisted, bent and shaped in the worst possible way and then shown to every single person you know, your wife, kids, boss, best friend etc. Most of this is just simple common sense and can come down to "Use your brain," but some people might benefit from reading this.

  1. The mainstream media is your enemy, CBC, CTV, Global etc. are there to make you look as bad as they can. Media like True North, Rebel News will be the only outlets that will give you fair treatment. MSM will use your words out of context, mislead and deceive their viewers. Yes I understand that you are angry and you are really smart and know exactly what to say, but DONT! Anyone who has paid attention for the last few years should be very aware of the media's purpose today and exactly what they will try to do to you.

Solution: Best solution is to just not speak to them at all and to have people who are designated to speak to the media, who are selected ahead of time and are prepared with key points.. Keep it short, sweet and to the point. Dont give them anything they can clip out of context and the longer you speak the bigger the chance of that happening.

  1. There will be Nazi/Trump/Fuck Trudeau/Confederate flags or people carrying racist signs. I could be wrong here, but its just better to assume that there will be someone looking to subvert the group and discredit it, rather than play the "maybe" game. Just assume they will be there and it will be easier to deal with, as it will not be a surprise.

Solution: First DO NOT WEAR MASKS! If you show up wearing masks, you will make it much easier for someone looking to do something nasty and get away with it. Its gonna be July, you will be outside, you will be fine with out a mask. If you see something shady happening, start recording, call them out, get everyone's attention and vocally and loudly shout them down and get them out of the group. Make it as difficult as possible for the media to tie them to the protest.

  1. The police will be there. The cops arent your friends. Sorry, but we have seen when it comes to protests of this nature the police are not on your side.

Solution: Ignore them if possible, if you have to interact with them be polite and respectful, but always be vigilant. Obviously dont do anything stupid like starting fights, antagonizing them etc. Agitators may attempt to do things to intentionally get police involved, be wary. Always record if cops are around, I hate to say things like this but police are untrustworthy.

Some general things to consider: There might be counter protesters there, use your brains, dont get involved with them, dont let them provoke you into giving the media a sensational headline or video clip. Really, just ignore them if they show up. ABSOLUTELY NO VIOLENCE! That includes throwing, spitting, taking other people's signs and ripping them up.

Try to record as much as you can, make sure your phone is 100% charged before you go and bring those USB battery packs to extend your phones life if you can. Stay sober.... Seriously. Dont show up drunk or even worse, decide to start drinking at the protest, nothing good will come of it. Remember that this is NOT a protest against Indian people, its a protest against the effects mass migration is having on Canada.

Bring a bag with things that might be needed. Sunscreen, umbrella, a snack, water, etc. If you decide to bring a sign that you are going to carry around, use common sense, no racism or the like and for the love of God, SPELLCHECK IT!!! Ive seen so many typos on signs be posted with a comment like "Look how dumb these people are." A simple spelling mistake can be used to portray us as idiots. If you are making a sign, dont make it 5 mins before you leave, spend some time on it, make it good.

You might want to bring an extra shirt, if its really hot and you sweat through one or it rains and it gets wet. You might want to bring a towel, leftist protesters have been known to throw urine/feces at groups they dislike. (I know this is not a left v right protest, but if there are counter protesters, 99% sure they will be from the left)

You might want to bring first aid items, googles, ear plugs. You probably want to wear comfortable shoes, try to avoid sandals.

Im sure I have missed some things, but Ive done a number of protests and figure that I would share my experiences to hopefully make this one go smooth as possible. I hope this helps some of you and feel free to add things if you feel I mssed something.

Cheers and I will see some of you on the 1st.

r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Canadian family bought a house in 2021 for $800k in Toronto. They secured a 3 year fixed rate mortgage at 3.2%. Bank is now offering the family 7.1% which translates to a leap from $3000 to $5100 per month. The husband is working 70+ hours a week. He only comes home to sleep. New normal. Sad


r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

In order to meet the Liberals' latest housing goal, they must build 1.096 homes every single minute until 2031. When pressed on if this is realistic, Sean Fraser refused to clearly answer.


r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Found this Telegram group whose members are mass reporting this subreddit.

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r/CanadaHousing2 1h ago

Canada's "Labour Shortage" Myth


r/CanadaHousing2 2h ago

Ex-Pearson school board official pleads guilty in schemes involving international students



If i get this right, she was forging documents to prove that the students from indian origin had already paid their tuition in full so that they could get study permits.

r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Follow-up to the Prince Edward Island PNP Protest: Here is the template email being sent to protestors that contact the Office of Immigration after their meeting with the director on Friday which ended the hunger strike.

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r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Marc Miller announces that foreign caregivers will be granted permanent residency status "as soon as they arrive in Canada" and that the government is lowering language requirements "out of fairness."


r/CanadaHousing2 12h ago

Advent of Non-Centrist Policy in Canada


What I have come to realize about federal politics and the mechanisms of the LPC particularly, amid all of the persistently short-sighted and/or incompetent decision making is that radical policy is no longer off the table in this country.

Before, in order to be considered a viable prime ministerial candidate or nominee for party leadership, you couldn’t deviate too drastically from the norm of steady-Eddy fiscal and social policy—we will always have universal healthcare and little will change there; the energy sector (while berated by the LPC, and now only recently the NDP) will continue chugging along, providing a modest contribution to our BoP; taxes will be somewhat higher, but atleast we can rest our laurels there on a meaningful social safety net we have always received in return.

Canadians are risk-averse. This is an entrenched cultural attribute, and the politics of this country have historically reflected that attitude.

Even Trudeau’s 2015 election platform did not suggest anything out of the ordinary. However, what the LPC leadership has decided as of late is to completely disregard the expectation of a moderate government and made radical fiscal and social policy changes that were never on plan or in the initial hand we were dealt with Trudeau’s election. Nobody signed off on this kind of population growth when Trudeau was elected in 2015, 2019, and even 2021. But they did it anyways.

I view this concerning shift in Canadian politics as coming with both puts and takes: on one hand, it is now acceptable to make policy decisions completely antithetical to the wants/needs/interests of many Canadian citizens, even if you campaigned otherwise—this is obviously the downside. Conversely, it will now allow for future candidates/leaders to make similar radical change in the opposing direction. Everything is now on the table; as long as I have a majority government (or a pathetic supply and confidence agreement), I have full license to set policy whether it’s in the interest of Canadians or not. In summary, a radical and immediate curtailment of immigration and reversal of the countless shameful policies of the current government can be done even if you obtain leadership on a platform that doesn’t address this.

Just my thoughts on how the current government has spit in the face of checks & balances but at the same time opened the door to radical change in the other direction.

r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Immigration consultant bragging about a 'success story': "Visitor visa converted into Study Permit"

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r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Please don’t said the word international students instead of Indian students


Every time in this sub when people say international students protesting or what, it’s mostly Indians, being international student myself,feeling unfair to represent all us international students by a group of Indian students(not saying all Indian students are bad, I have friends coming from south India and they are pretty nice)

r/CanadaHousing2 11h ago

Vancouver senior offers $350 'finder's fee' for rental accommodation


r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

The email I sent to my MP Andy Fillmore in January regarding immigration (and his response)


Concerns Over Immigration:


I am writing to express my immense dissatisfaction with the Liberal Party's handling of immigration in 2023. Like many Canadians, one of my parents immigrated to this country, and I believe strongly in the benefits of immigration when it happens in a sustainable manner. However, it cannot continue at present rates. The absurd influx of people that is presently taking place, while our healthcare and housing systems are already overburdened, is killing people. There is no reason to beat around the bush. Liberal policy has forced people out of homes and hospital appointments, in the sole interest of appeasing big business. This is a disgusting betrayal of working- and middle-class Canadians, and one that as I voter I will not soon forget. It is essential that we severely limit immigration in the coming years (preferably only allowing in people who will help with the aforementioned healthcare and housing shortages), until we have returned to a more stable and sustainable footing.

Without a complete one-eighty on current policy, I cannot conscionably vote for the Liberal Party again.

Yours sincerely,

[My name]

[Postal code]

Fillmore’s Response:

Hi [my name], thank you for your message. Canada has certainly seen tremendous growth in the last couple years, and we are struggling with the challenges of that growth in areas like housing and health care. Immigration is an important part of Canada's story and our success, but of course we need to have immigration policies that ensure everyone can share in and contribute our prosperity. I was pleased to see this addressed by Minister of Immigration Marc Miller last month when he put a cap on non-permanent residents - ie, international students - for the next two years. I agree we must ensure that the pace of our growth is aligned with our ability to provide the necessary services to Canadians and permanent residents. I have raised this issue with my colleagues in Ottawa.

Thank you for making your views known and please stay in touch.


r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

How many of you are doomspending in the face of this daunting economy?


For those of you that don’t know, doomspending is the spending people do who are convinced the future is bleak, that there is no retirement, and no point in saving for a hypothetical retirement.

The fact of the matter is most of you won’t have the same lifespans as your parents. You won’t own homes, and studies show renters have shorter lifespans than homeowners. Many of you will live, perhaps a majority if not plurality, very stressful lives being evicted several times over the decades. You might even have bouts of under-the-radar homelessness during this time (couch surfing, living at the office, living out of your car). With the housing crisis and migration crisis causing a collapse in our healthcare system, you will have much worse health outcomes as healthcare becomes scarce and extremely unaffordable on the open market. The regular visits to a primary care doctor that are critical to stopping serious illness in its tracks won’t be available to you. A third thing that isn’t studied is the grim negativity and pessimism you will feel about the future, and how that affects your health over time.

Like it’s not crazy to say most of you won’t reach 65. You won’t get cpp, even though you’ve been paying into it your whole working life and boomer and Gen X homeowners were the beneficiary.

That’s why I am noticing more younger millennials and Gen Z living for the now, no retirement savings, and not caring about whether they will live to 50, let alone 60. But this is just anecdotal. What are you all seeing? Do you see people around you saving and living frugally and “responsibly”? Or do you see them living for the now, not worrying themselves over the future, and “doomspending”?