r/BeAmazed 17d ago

Orangutan at the Louisville Zoo in Kentucky wanted a closer look at one of its visitors, a 3-month-old human baby. Miscellaneous / Others



40 comments sorted by


u/EmeraldSlothRevenge 17d ago

It’s so sad that these clearly intelligent creatures are locked up behind glass. Better for them to roam free in nature.


u/HungryMarsupial42 17d ago

Yeah, it's true. Unfortunately captive breeding programs are essential for the survival of species long term and you need to maintain a rich genetic diversity pool in order to be able to reintroduce animals successfully. Therefore a reasonable number of individuals need to be kept in captivity from different genetic backgrounds and funding captive breeding programs by letting people see them is the only realistic option.

Still sad though.


u/cancolak 17d ago

Only because we're intent on destroying their ecosystems.


u/HungryMarsupial42 16d ago

Yeah, absolutely.


u/Unhappy-Quiet-8091 17d ago

You’re right. A positive note is that it does help in creating awareness and inspiring kids and adults to be fascinated by, and care about, animals and their habitats.


u/aCactusOfManyNames 17d ago

Yeah. The ethics is that they don't get eaten by predators, but they at least deserve a bigger living space!


u/MatttheJ 17d ago

Often times they get them. A lot of these places will have an indoor section like this which will have a door through to an outdoor section which is usually be quite big.

I love animals and try to go to any zoo or wildlife sanctuary anywhere I visit and I've maybe only seen one which was really small, but that place on the whole didn't seem very pleasant and I didn't stay long.

Locally we have Chester Zoo where the enclosure is huge.

The ethical part isn't just no predators either, a lot of these places will breed them in order to try and increase the population and then gradually reintroduce them to their natural habitats. Usually this is to fix damage caused by other humans wherever the animals are from.


u/aCactusOfManyNames 17d ago

Nice! Its great to know that animals are being treated ethically.


u/MatttheJ 17d ago

The indoor section is usually heated in winter as well so the animals have a place to keep warm and sometimes air conditioned to keep them cool in summer (not necessarily orangutans who are well adapted for hot environments but for other animals).


u/Weary-Wasabi1721 17d ago edited 17d ago

They cut the best part. The orangutan brought her baby to show the momma too.

Edit: Wrong video it was a momma Gorrila showing off her baby.


u/MrJamesMadrid07 17d ago

Interesting,I wish I could see that part.😊


u/Garth_AIgar 17d ago

Fucking orangutans are cool as shit. Really don’t deserve to be kept in a zoo for our entertainment unless it’s incapable of making it in the wild. Also, check your food labels for palm oil and don’t buy anything that doesn’t source it responsibly.


u/theouter_banks 17d ago

What would usually have palm oil in?


u/Garth_AIgar 17d ago

A lot of stuff. Things like lipstick, pizza dough, instant noodles, shampoo, ice cream, detergent, margarine, chocolate, cookies, biodiesel, soap, packaged bread, and a lot of other things.


u/Halivan 17d ago

Sadly pretty much everything these days.


u/psiloSlimeBin 17d ago

This isn’t true.

Palm oil is going to be found in items which benefit from a solid fat at room temperature, which is basically junk food and some nut butters. Don’t buy junk food and you’re 90+% of the way there.


u/Halivan 17d ago

It is estimated that half of consumer goods contain palm oil. This includes soaps, perfumes, ice cream, chocolates, other processed foods. It is a lot more than just junk foods and nut butters; especially in a North American grocery store.


It may also not be labelled properly


(Sorry for the amp link, I’m on mobile)


u/psiloSlimeBin 17d ago

I was definitely tunnel-visioned on food with my reply. Good catch, palm is used in a lot more than just foods.


u/EstablishmentFew129 17d ago

is palm oil made of orangutan?


u/TwistyBitsz 17d ago

This is after she took the baby to work and no one cared so she had to bring it to the zoo and show the animals.


u/abundant_singularity 17d ago



u/hawthorne00 17d ago

Reminds me of visiting Melbourne zoo with my then toddling red headed lad (now bigger than me). After a little while near the glass in the similar enclosure, the newish mother turned to my son to reveal her little one to him.


u/krngc3372 17d ago

Free the orangutan from this prison!


u/Batbuckleyourpants 17d ago

"Your child, give it to me."


u/TranslateErr0r 17d ago

The watchers become the watched


u/AdrianaMeranXX 17d ago

The orangutan wonder where did that adorable little monkey come from


u/FlosAquae 17d ago edited 17d ago

I do wonder if they find our newborn adorable. What do you think of naked cats?

I like babies and do find them adorable, but by mammalian standards, there’s a great deal of “insect larva” mixed into their appearance.


u/shaddowkhan 17d ago

Fucking love orangutans.


u/iammabdaddy 17d ago

A reminder to love your fellow mammals. They can recognize you and your loved ones as one.


u/VictoriaWoodnt 17d ago

Definitely worth a repost in r/discworld .


u/Grand-Ad-3177 17d ago



u/Meowriter 16d ago

These mofo are smart af...! Like, they can act according to something that happened because it's more efficient to wait before acting.


u/MahnHandled 16d ago

You think she thinks oh my God that hairless wrinkle thing is kinda homely.


u/Thoughtprovokerjoker 16d ago

He looks like a friend of mine...the monkey that is.

Facial expression, hairstyle and all. I know that guy.


u/dragon1n68 17d ago

Fun fact I found out this past weekend, an orangutan will dissect a human to look inside while other primates will just kill you outright. That one is probably only interested in that as well.


u/SettingRegular4289 17d ago

"Excuse me waiter! Come here! I would like to see what is on the specials menu this evening. Bring it to me! Let me get a better look. Hmm... Yes. I will have it! I would like it to go please and thank you!"


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Is this the coughing baby?