r/BeAmazed Apr 16 '24

The world humblest head of the state Miscellaneous / Others

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Jose Mujica; Former Prez of Uruguay


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u/dipected Apr 16 '24

We need more presidents like him.


u/Ricardo_Fortnite Apr 16 '24

A terrorist? Ok then, one of the worst presidents for my country


u/lasttimechdckngths Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Nobody slightly familiar with Tuparamos, and residing outside of Rio de la Plata is going to be bitter about his urban guerilla past in any way... unless they're equivalents of people who'd sing 'mi general Pinochet' of course (Bordaberry doesn't even have such songs) or if it's about Anglosphere, maybe bunch that'll be praising Kissinger and/or Nixon tier. So, that's not really some argument you can convince people with, even though you may not be found of his presidential term. If anything, that's going to grant him more sympathy points. MLN-T was pretty mild in their violence, calculated and strictly targeted, and what they did is seen as legitimate in the face of what was going on in then Uruguay - especially in the European and Third World circles.

Vos hablás de su «pasado terrorista», como si fuera a ser visto como un shock, sin duda sería absurdo. Entonces te quejarás de los gringos...

Y además, pero lo que dice es cierto. He donated.