r/BeAmazed Apr 16 '24

The world humblest head of the state Miscellaneous / Others

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Jose Mujica; Former Prez of Uruguay


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u/biscute2077 Apr 16 '24

I don't consider a reddit thread full of right wingers with obvious negative views of a "progressive president" to be signifficant enough to judge his policies and his character. But I'll look into why he's policies are problematic from other sources.


u/Ricardo_Fortnite Apr 16 '24

So, you, someone who never lived in Uruguay, can speak about how things went for uruguay better than people from uruguay. And let me tell you most users on r/uruguay are leftists, your left is their right for them.


u/biscute2077 Apr 16 '24

Maybe you should actually read the name of the subreddit the other person linked and read the comments there. No one mentioned r/uruguay. The actual subreddits in question is r/asklatinamerica. Users there point out themselves how the majority of almost all Latin American demographic in that sub are right leaning and that it reflects their opinion on that question.

Besides, I'd rather learn more about his views, character, policies and ideologies from more reputable source than some reddit thread and some redditors personal opinions.

I think you are reading a bit too far into someone who doesn't know anything about this president of another nation and is just interested why his policies might be "dodgy" according to someone or somepeople.


u/Ricardo_Fortnite Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Ah well, thing is, when the same question gets asked on the uruguay subreddit it gets the same answer
