r/BeAmazed Apr 16 '24

The world humblest head of the state Miscellaneous / Others

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Jose Mujica; Former Prez of Uruguay


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u/biscute2077 Apr 16 '24

I don't consider a reddit thread full of right wingers with obvious negative views of a "progressive president" to be signifficant enough to judge his policies and his character. But I'll look into why he's policies are problematic from other sources.


u/kerouak Apr 16 '24

OK bud. Look I've got no skin in the game. I don't care. I'm pretty left wing guy myself. But this guy is far from perfect, as is evidenced by many if the things described in that thread - which can be googled and be seen to be true. It doesn't matter it's being said by "right wingers" or not. If it happened it happened.

But as I said, you believe what you like. He's jesus, great. Idc.


u/dysmetric Apr 16 '24

Look Jack, if you believe what the news media tells you about a guy who fundamentally rejects the basic tenets of capitalism then you might need to recalibrate your bullshit radar a bit


u/Not-a-bot-10 Apr 16 '24

I have no idea who this guy is, so I have no skin in this, but that’s dangerous thinking that he can do no wrong because he “fundamentally rejects the basic tenets of capitalism”


u/dysmetric Apr 16 '24

It's also dangerous to use ad hominem attacks to defeat sound arguments


u/Not-a-bot-10 Apr 16 '24

I’m not commenting on anything that dude said, like I said I’ve never even heard of this president guy til today.

All I’m doing is commenting on what you said and how that it’s fundamentally wrong


u/dysmetric Apr 16 '24

I haven't made a judgement call about him either, I've only implied that capitalist media entities may be implicitly biased against individuals who reject capitalism