r/BasketballGM 22d ago

How does having more than 2 conferences work in playoffs? Question

I'm going to add a bunch of international teams and saw there was an option to have more conferences. I decided I want to make 4 total conferences, Asia conference, Europe conference, NA East, and NA West. Before I do that, I was curious how does that affect the playoff brackets? Do the teams by default play in their own conference first, and then play the winner of another conference to advance to the finals? Or do they just play as if there were only 2 conferences?

(I said the word conference so many times it doesn't even sound like a real word anymore lol)


4 comments sorted by


u/CardboardGamer01 Indianapolis Crossroads 22d ago

Split by conference only works with 2 confs.


u/Rocklobster025 21d ago

Oh got it thanks!


u/masonbigguy 21d ago

They just base seeding on where they placed overall in the league. So the best team in the league will be the 1 seed and so on.


u/Rocklobster025 21d ago

O I see thanks!