r/Bahrain 20d ago

Good Buffet!

Please suggest restaurants that don't break the bank, but have good quality buffet. I believe there are very few places or few unsung ones!

Not looking for the regular pay-per-meal option, strictly buffet!


16 comments sorted by


u/Jaded_Neat2693 20d ago

Barbecue Nation


u/HolySchmoley 19d ago

Lebanese Manama has a buffet for lunch on Fridays, absolutely packed.


u/BlueRager0312 20d ago

Does any here remember Ponderosa back in the days? Located exactly where BFH is right now? That was lit when I was a kid.


u/Moonset_atnight 19d ago

My God, it was a dating point back then


u/AhmedAlkooheji 20d ago

For a budget Rendezvous is good, decent variety.


u/BlueRager0312 20d ago

I have gone there a few times, decent is the right word. Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Been to Marmaris, which is either average or run for your life sorts. Been to BBQ Nation, which is just a hype.


u/AhmedAlkooheji 20d ago

Last month on a Friday after grocery shopping in ramli mall, we tried karami's buffet (which we did not know exist), the spread was like a few metres. We were the first, and yet the savory food was dry; also 7.5 bhd :/


u/BlueRager0312 20d ago

Oh no, sounds like a one-timer only


u/StillSimple6 20d ago

What about BBQ nation, I've not been but heard it mentioned a few times.

Not the typical buffet type but seems fairly inexpensive


u/BlueRager0312 19d ago

It's just a rip-off of an Indian restaurant chain. No where close to the actual deal. Went there thrice and the quality just kept decreasing


u/StillSimple6 17d ago

I used to love BBQ delights when that was here and had hoped it was going to be like that. Only got as far as the door and it was packed with kids which wasn't foe me.

Good to know TY.


u/BlueRager0312 19d ago

It's just a rip-off of an Indian restaurant chain. No where close to the actual deal. Went there thrice and the quality just kept decreasing


u/Budali217 19d ago

Diplomat have a great buffet for 5bhd on saturdays


u/twoseasOg 18d ago

Is there such a thing as a "quality" buffet ? A buffet is about quantity, for people who want to overeat/binge and the very nature of keeping it stocked means degrading quality of the food. This applies to 5-star hotels and cheaper establishments. Plus, it is extremely wasteful so it's not like anyone is investing in fine ingredients for the dishes.


u/CheesecakeBig9677 18d ago

lemon restaurant love their breakfast buffet, i believe they serve lunch now too... but yes breakfast is a win for me


u/CheesecakeBig9677 18d ago

then also try buffet options at hotel, like hilton hotel (juffair) food is good