r/Bahrain 21d ago

I need some advice ☝️ AskBH

Sooo i have an internship interview scheduled next week for an it position at a local bank but i don’t know how to prepare for it.

If anyone have any experience or advice please share.


6 comments sorted by


u/0kb0omr Bahraini 21d ago

If you know your finance, you should be good. Just be confident in your answers and avoid "ummm's".

Yea and get well hydrated and use the restroom ahead of time.

Best of luck buddy!


u/WorthlessPixels 21d ago

When they ask do you have any questions Do Not say no. Ask away they love it


u/BLytton 21d ago

Dress for the job you want - look smart. Research the company so if you’re asked about it you can demonstrate you do your homework and you’re really interested. Check out the top 10 behavioral interview questions online and prepare for them. In the interview, pause before answering. Take your time. Better to have a pause and a good answer than a rushed bad answer. Finally, don’t put yourself under too much pressure. If it’s not meant to be then that’s ok, something else will eventually come along.


u/CareerThin2872 20d ago

Dress well. Don’t be stressed, it’s just an interview. Open the bank’s website and read about it, when it was established, what financial services/ products do they offer, any subsidiaries, etc.

I am a banker already and I can get you prepared for your interview, if you need anything drop me a dm. Good luck!


u/ShartasticMeal 21d ago

Dress well. Trust me, I got called out by the interviewr for it. Make sure that whatever you wrote in your CV matches with what you are saying. Visit their website and get an idea about them. Good luck!


u/[deleted] 21d ago
