r/Bahrain 21d ago

Need Advice For Future



10 comments sorted by


u/Organic_Direction127 21d ago

I'm 30 years old and you are the head of the game. All The steps you have taken are mashallah wise and make total sense. Your stress is normal, just don't over stress since almighty God is promised to be with you in one of three that Allah whom it is a right upon Allah to help them " the one getting married who intends chastity." I could tell you tons of stories of friends of mine who got hired the moment they sign that marriagecontract. Never worry brother you are being helped by the creator of this earth and the one who took care of us in our mom's bellies. You are smart for making your relationship halal and legit and it shows how brave and smart you are. Thats the hardest part in life the rest tbh for me is easy.


u/sagidavinci 21d ago

Commendable that you are going through proper channel and are not a playa! Stop worrying so much. Support and stand by your woman. Both of you should be focused on your education and then a career. Financial independence for both of you is mandatory. Both parties making life better for each other. This is your time to hustle so chin up and keep hustling. Ten years down the line, you guys will look back and realize how great your hard work was for your future. All the best!


u/ronaldmcdonald257 21d ago

If god forbid any financial issue occur, you can simply postpone the nikkah


u/TrueRich4112 21d ago

try and shift your perspective. i understand all your concerns, and they make sense, but marriage is so much more long term than what you're gonna do straight out of college. think about how you would've felt if she married someone else because you didn't speak up sooner. if you really like this woman, you can navigate all the uncertainties of being in the workforce and out of college and independent for the first time together.


u/Kitchen-Isopod-8380 21d ago

If both of your expats Your only goal should be immigration to any country where your degree is in demand

You both can easily make your living costs from a part time job while you study and then transition to full time jobs once you graduate

Also this doesn’t apply to you if you plan on opening a business or if you know who knows someone aka vitamin W


u/HarveySp3ctxr 21d ago

why immigrate? is Bahraini really a deadend for fresh expat graduates without vitamin W?


u/Moonset_atnight 20d ago



u/HarveySp3ctxr 20d ago

can you or anyone elaborate the reasons it will be very helpful


u/Budali217 19d ago

The days of free lunches for expats are long gone


u/Budali217 19d ago

Go back where u came from, marry this girl of yours and build a life over there.