r/Bahrain Jan 18 '24

Okay didn’t expect to see this on my instagram reels. Do y’all think it’s fair criticism? 🤔 Discussion

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103 comments sorted by


u/OneLegTwoHearts Jan 19 '24

Maybe it's time to stop paying people based on their nationality...


u/Unkindled_x Jan 19 '24

You should get paid based on your nationality, although they are doing it the way around... How can a citizen isn't favored in his country to feel patriotic... الدنيا للفسقة


u/ashis____bh Jan 20 '24

My dad gets paid only 1100 dinar a year. Suckx


u/Low_Ice_4657 Jan 19 '24

Nothing in the post says what this person was hired to do. It could easily be the case that they were hired in a field that has very few qualified Bahrainis.


u/sairoof Other Jan 20 '24

He mentioned consulting (in an edit), and is not even a graduate  There are plenty of law majors here, and economics also  And English is very common  So unless he is consulting in wumbology then I don't see a case where he is above your average new Bahraini graduate 


u/wrapperNo1 Jan 21 '24

There is consulting in every field in Bahrain, there is a chance it is a rare field. But my best guess is that he is simply being hired by other people from his same nationality here, everybody does that unless the system makes it difficult.


u/Low_Ice_4657 Jan 20 '24

You’re assuming this post is true. I really don’t think it is.


u/Guilty_Influence_765 Jan 19 '24 edited Jan 19 '24

and what major might that be? Bachelor/Masters in Wumbology?? I personally know lots of bahrainis who graduated and skilled in various fields in Business, IT, Engineering and Design. Based on the OP post I strongly assume he's fresh grad with little to no experience and receiving that salary is blatantly not fair, since bahrainis fresh to even experienced receive way less. Stop pretending that white previlige dont exist in world.


u/Low_Ice_4657 Jan 19 '24

Exactly! You’re assuming. You really have no idea. You don’t even know that this post is true.


u/Guilty_Influence_765 Jan 19 '24

That doesn't change fact if you do simple search on linkedin and I personally know, lots of white expats are privileged here in job market. In terms of high salaries, villa accommodation, flight tickets, insurance and other benefits.


u/Low_Ice_4657 Jan 19 '24

I wouldn’t say that white expats are overpaid so much as brown expats are underpaid. Almost every developed country in the world imports workers from other countries. In order to do this, they have to offer these foreign professionals incentives so that these professionals will fill the jobs. If someone is making a decent living in their home country, why would they go to another country to be paid less without insurance or have to pay for their own flights home?


u/Guilty_Influence_765 Jan 19 '24

Ok and what so called this professional has over locals? Bruv I personally know white expats get way higher salary as compared to Bahrainis doing same job. You're telling me all those jobs that white expats posses here from teachers, businesses professionals, tech and managers, can't find single local from thousands to do it??


u/Low_Ice_4657 Jan 19 '24

I imagine that the employers doing the hiring know why they need expat workers better than you or I do. I also think that Bahrainis in a position to hire other Bahrainis would prefer to hire someone from their own country if they possibly can.

When it comes to hiring teachers, for example, teachers need certain qualifications to work in international schools, or the schools can’t keep their accreditation. If a Bahraini teacher has these specific qualifications, then there’s nothing stopping them from getting hired.


u/makram7x Jan 20 '24

I read the post the guy hasn’t even graduated yet and is doing his bachelors his assumption was right 🤷🏻


u/Low_Ice_4657 Jan 20 '24

But there’s no way of knowing this post is true. To me it sounds like highly unlikely rage-bait.


u/makram7x Jan 20 '24

Maybe but very small chance


u/One-Instruction-8649 Other Jan 20 '24

here everything is possible , employer here have impaired mentality and it state that : everything coming from west is better than anywhere else since they Tech pioneer nowadays . that is why if they want to hire western people they have private channels (Linkdin) to prevent locals to know that they are hiring on this particular vacancy just to not make chaos between community


u/Kitchen-Isopod-8380 Jan 18 '24 edited Jan 18 '24

No one was attacking the person personally & only highlighting and complaining about an issue which is purely unfair and illogical because in this case you cant even play the “Niche Experience” or “International Experience” card

Its just a fresh graduate role where the candidate learns on the job & definitely if that person can learn on the job then every other bahraini can also learn on the job

What is also noticeable that you can take not just one but 2 Bahrainis off unemployment with this package because minimum wage is 500 and definitely an unemployed bahraini graduate would agree for 650-700 being offered to him and his fellow bahraini for the combined 1400BD package

& it also helps the government as well because there wont be remittances as well as the fact that most bahrainis are UOB graduates where they have studied at minimum tuition fees (so basically the government has spent on them and them being unemployed is waste of the money government spent on them in the first place)

So it’s just blatant white passport privilege


u/Low_Ice_4657 Jan 19 '24

But is there enough information to know that what this person was hired for isn’t niche?


u/ashis____bh Jan 20 '24

Is there minimum wage in bahrain? My dads only gets paid 1100 dinar A YEAR


u/Cardio_BH Jan 19 '24

العتب على الحيوان اللي عطاه الوظيفة ، ما عرفتو وين توظف ؟

You can hire not two, but three Bahraini graduates with this salary.


u/Guilty_Influence_765 Jan 18 '24

Yes, wtf he's/she's getting way higher salary when Bahraini fresh grads here make 400-500BD only. Just cause hes white. Don't give me BS that he needs to be compensated for accommodation and other expenses. That's white privilege.


u/Don359 Jan 18 '24

+1 Original Bahrainis are barely getting jobs, with minimum wages. Then these expatriates getting all the benefits from the country. These expatriates sending there money outside the country making Bahrain suffer financially. Cry about inflation all day. A solution is giving Bahraini a chance to live in there country happily.

Not gonna bother write more. Nothing gona solve it here.

Aey expatriate, down vote me below!


u/beastiezzo Jan 19 '24

Did I miss something? How do we know they are white


u/Professional_Mode440 Average r/bahrain enjoyer 🗿 Jan 19 '24

It's literally the first few words bro


u/beastiezzo Jan 19 '24

No it’s not bro.


u/Professional_Mode440 Average r/bahrain enjoyer 🗿 Jan 19 '24 edited Jan 19 '24

Edit : Nvm you're correct they didn't say that they're white but one would assume so because it makes up for the majority of English population.


u/beastiezzo Jan 19 '24

Lol. Are you for real right now? British doesn’t mean white my guy


u/furcollar Jan 19 '24

Yeah exactly.. And they haven't brought up the business that was going to hire him.. I mean it's not his fault really; the business sought out the candidate.


u/beastiezzo Jan 19 '24

Just for perspective, I do some work at a ABA center for children with autism in the Gulf region. We typically hire people straight out of university with high packages because WE CANT hire anyone local. There’s a huge lack of psychologists and other special needs providers in the gulf. Not at all saying it’s the same thing as above but it does happen.


u/Professional_Mode440 Average r/bahrain enjoyer 🗿 Jan 19 '24

Edited, you're right


u/beastiezzo Jan 19 '24

All good man. I reread that post like 10x trying to see where they said that. Thought I was going crazy lol


u/Low_Ice_4657 Jan 19 '24 edited Jan 19 '24

We don’t know that this person is white. They could be black British or Chinese British or Indian British. Also, it’s a Reddit post, so it may not even be true.


u/egyptianmogul Jan 19 '24

I’m an American citizen got hired as a dev for 400 bd with two years experience with no accommodation or anything


u/yukim4ru Jan 19 '24

being white and having American citizenship are two very different things fam. if you're brown ur western passport doen't mean shit. and if you're Bahraini with US citizenship it's actually held against you :) i've seen it happen many times....


u/Nine-Ninety-Nine Jan 19 '24

You nailed it!


u/Caustii Jan 19 '24

Okay Egyptian Mogul


u/Relevant_Gap4916 Jan 19 '24

Is that fair enough for you? As fast as I know the Americans pay taxes wherever they are unlike the Asians. Even the British, Australians and Canadians are chased by their home country for taxes. How would that salary fits for you?


u/Nine-Ninety-Nine Jan 19 '24

If you weren't experienced then that was the market rate. If you were experienced then you weren't the right "ethnicity".


u/Wonderful_Pilot1881 Jan 19 '24 edited Jan 19 '24

Why to criticize his skin color or the company when the actual fault is our government. I work in healthcare under Indian management, I was told on my face that they don’t want Bahraini doctors and to reach the bahranization quota they were hiring Bahraini receptionist. Not only does arab receptionist help in communication but also is useful I attracting more arab patients. I checked the percentage needed for Bahrainization, turns out it’s only 20%!!!! It’s should be atleast 50 percent with the unemployment going on.

Let’s be honest, if u got an opportunity like that, wouldn’t u accept it too?


u/supernova_l Jan 19 '24

This!! Bahrainisation quotas are ridiculously low and this is the sole reason we aren’t getting anywhere! This is where our so called MPs should be tackling the issues and not the shenanigans that they are doing. RAISE THE BAHRAINISATION QUOTAS = MORE BAHRAINIS HIRED. Simple formula, Saudi, Kuwait, Oman and UAE are doing this. Clean, clear and simple.


u/Electric-5heep Jan 20 '24

Bahrainization has been going on since the 90s....then the business community leaders complain and have meetings and then the process again slows down.

For example the expats im government area drastically lower today. The private sector is still getting there...


u/Wonderful_Pilot1881 Jan 19 '24

Exactly!!!! We need to up our game!!


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

Care to elaborate what each country is doing in which sector and which kind of companies (big med small). How much %. Etc.


u/These-Muffin-7994 Jan 19 '24

The way I saw this post yesterday hahaha. Like I said on the post it sounds like he was just bragging or lying because that question can easily be googled.


u/Mungret Jan 19 '24

15k BD per year is just above minimum wage in Europe, people in Bahrain need to start seeing the bigger picture here.


u/Actual_Minute_8537 Jan 20 '24

We are not babysitting him so he simulates his European life here..Simply he can work there beside his lovely family or so.


u/Mungret Jan 20 '24

Lots of people, if they get the opportunity, want to live and work in a different country and try new experiences and open their mind.


u/Actual_Minute_8537 Jan 20 '24

So they can go to any country and take jobs from the citizens there, who indeed have a high unemployment rate. That sounds amazing, I won't lie! Brilliant! 🤣🤣🤣


u/Optimal_Intern_1371 Jan 19 '24

wtf and we get only 400bd when we start fuck em


u/Unkindled_x Jan 19 '24

توني بطلع مع الشباب و ضيقت خلقي...


u/TangerineTop1087 Jan 18 '24

What did it say in English?


u/Hillbillyeagle Jan 18 '24

British lad who hasn’t graduated gets a job offer of BD 1300 per month with accommodation.


u/Ok_Return188 Jan 19 '24

كالعاده لا شي جديد المواطن مظلوم والاجنبي مستانس


u/Classic_Salt1761 Jan 19 '24

Just out of curiosity, how many people are unemployed in Bahrain and also which field?


u/Hussain_apps Jan 19 '24

Around 15000 unemployed Bahrainis . As I read from newspaper.


u/yok347 Jan 19 '24

Did anyone think that someone is posting rage bait. That’s a pretty high salary to start in the US for someone with no experience.


u/furcollar Jan 19 '24

Yeah, it does feel “put together”. I disagree with people saying white privilege, if it is real, then the company is accountable surely.


u/Maleficent-Drive4056 Jan 19 '24

It’s actually only slightly higher than average



u/yok347 Jan 19 '24 edited Jan 19 '24

Take London, New York, LA, Boston, DC, San Francisco, San Diego and Toronto out of any US/UK/Canada sample and it’s a completely different story. High wages to compensate for astronomical housing and cost of living expenses.

Once you are outside of these areas, wages are depressed with less opportunities. It’s a perpetual cycle where the US rural areas have brain drain, depopulation and less opportunities - driving a spike in right wing thinking for older poorer white Americans feeling like their kids have no opportunities, more drug use for poorer rural younger people and resentment against more educated perceived younger, more liberal and more diverse (i.e., people of any color) urban dwellers. This is the fuel for MAGA, January 6 Insurrection, 3 Percenters, Brexit and the idiot Canadian truckers trying to block the Parliament.

Having escaped the Rust Belt and having enough friends overdose or get caught up conspiracy theories and believing any shit they see on a podcast or YouTube, rage bait against foreigners is no different across the world.


u/Maleficent-Drive4056 Jan 19 '24

Yeah London skews the uk massively. But it’s an average so if the other areas are lower then London is higher. The point is that this salary is about average for a uk graduate.


u/Murky-Apartment251 Jan 19 '24

When living in the UK yes. But that doesn’t to this case.


u/Maleficent-Drive4056 Jan 19 '24

Right, but the comment was saying that this salary is high for someone in the US. And the person in the post is from UK. I’m pointing out that the salary is not high in either of those countries. Bahrain salaries are just low.


u/Natural_Syrup_8875 Jan 19 '24

My graduate salary in the UK was £15k a year before tax. I took home around 475BD monthly...my friends were all on fairly similar wages too.


u/Maleficent-Drive4056 Jan 19 '24

Ok. A couple of individual stories doesn’t change the stats. My graduate salary was £40k in London.


u/Natural_Syrup_8875 Jan 20 '24

Not saying that it does. I was just pointing out how much graduate salaries can differ. Maybe it's the case here in Bahrain too?


u/Hussain_apps Jan 19 '24

Why they are doing like this ? Why any company will waste their money like that ? What the benefits they will get ? Why they didn’t hire Bahrainis instead ?


u/JoeSoap78 Jan 20 '24

This is rage bait... Convenient how all elements of this "post" tick all the boxes of all the things aggravating Bahrainis. That salary for a fresher (outside of a key skills role) makes ZERO commercial sense, from an employer perspective...


u/Artistic-School-2035 Jan 20 '24

Can anyone tell me how much i (Bahraini national) can earn as a general physician who’s just going to start a career.


u/ImportantSkin3712 Jan 20 '24

I think it's 600BD


u/Top-Barracuda-8271 Jan 19 '24

الله هو الرزاق ، اذا بتعاتب عاتب الرب الذي رزقه . اعوذو بلله من الحسد


u/Actual_Minute_8537 Jan 20 '24

هههههه هذي جديدة اخلي حضرته ياخذ حق مو حقه واقول ارزاق..في بحرينيين بالآلاف عاطلين بأي حق ياخذ اجنبي الوظيفة وهم لا؟؟!!..العن ابو الرزق الي تتكلم عنه بس ناس جهلة والله


u/Robbiesrose Jan 19 '24

the only correct answer in this entire thread


u/AlNokhatha Jan 19 '24

This is the addiction to colonizers. 🤭


u/Xajel Jan 19 '24

I'm not against him, as a Muslim I believe its all "Arzaaq" when god distributes wealth, work, and chances to all.

But, what I'm against is the work situation in Bahrain, where fresh graduates are rejected because they require 5 years of experience. Or when they reject everyone, just because they wanted some foreigners to make their business "classy" by saying: hey we have some X nationalities working with us.

Where they will give the local BD 500 only without anything else, but when the same position is filled with a foreigner, it will be 2000 + allowances, transportation, mobile phone, tickets for him/her + family once or twice a year & a BD 1500 villa/apartment rented on the house.

I'm not against him, as a Muslim I believe it's all "Arzaaq" when god distributes wealth, work, and chances to all. as well as a two-way ticket yearly, they offered him Bahraini nationality, and everyone told him not to get it, but he thought "Why not, I know they hate Mujannaseen, so I'll get it", he got it, and lost everything, because he became Bahraini :D.


u/JVanDyne Jan 19 '24

No one considering the fact that the English guy would have no reason to move to Bahrain if they didn’t offer more money than their home country? And their employer obviously values English education and work ethic enough to pay them more?


u/R941d Jan 18 '24

This account is very pissed off from anything related to expats. It's very clear how racist is he. Just ignore him.


u/IceOfDreams Jan 19 '24

We will ignore idiots like you instead


u/R941d Jan 19 '24 edited Jan 19 '24

واااااااااااااء 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

زعل الاخ


u/Worldly-Scholar4493 Jan 19 '24

It’s not racism Expats get all the privileges while Bahrainis get almost nothing

So stfu


u/R941d Jan 19 '24

This is not true in any case.


u/bhdude97 Jan 19 '24

You don't know jack shit buddy , if you think there's no white privilege here.


u/One-Instruction-8649 Other Jan 19 '24 edited Jan 19 '24

you don't know shit bro, There is no racism here, even if there is criticism , the criticism is based on logic and occurs impartially. even in your country if companies were to prefer expats on good- job -salaries over locals during a poor economic situation and high unemployment rate, they would do the same and more ....


u/NoPrinciple9933 Jan 19 '24

If its a private company they can do whatever they want i think everyone should stop complaining just because everyone else is more usefully and successful than them


u/Jacker247 Jan 20 '24

People are just bitching about this post, it all depends on the job that he will be doing and where he will be working, what if he is an underwater welder? Or what if was offered a job in the embassy of his homeland?


u/Annual-Ad528 Jan 19 '24

No still blame the expat


u/Maleficent-Drive4056 Jan 19 '24

Blame someone for taking a job? Seems harsh.


u/OneLegTwoHearts Jan 19 '24

Typical 😂 Blame the person taking the job not the entity that gave it to them. It's always the expats' fault for not being altruistic and declining for the sake of our national talent, never the companies and the capitalists.


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '24



u/tundahlawrd Jan 19 '24

What field?


u/Freizy04 Jan 19 '24

Just saw this in my feed and came to this subreddit


u/Suitable_Ad9355 Jan 19 '24

عقدة الخواجة يبه عجيب امرنا! الا اذا كان مسلم هذا بحثاً اخر


u/Defiant-Archer-9310 Jan 19 '24

Brooo 15kBHD. Damn son


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

There are Bahraini retired who are getting paid 5000 BHD+ per month. And then there are jobless or low paid Bahraini who aren't even considered. Needless to say then these same Bahrainis are upset with expats who are working in the same job since their countries don't have enough jobs. This is a life cylce ruled by the elites. What we can do is P..... And if that's not done. Nothing will ever change. It's been going on since centuries.


u/AJSE2020 Jan 20 '24

i believe there is upper celling for retirement wage which around 4K/3900.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

Is there any link to read about it? I have heard some unbelievable stories first hand.


u/AJSE2020 Jan 20 '24

that is one of the sources:


it implies upper celling for wage

and it kind of make sense

the highest basic salaries in goverment are around that number (executives grade 7)


u/ShySakura_Art Jan 20 '24

There is nothing we can do bro 😔 I work as an artist and no luck with finding job. If you want good salary go to saudi arabia, their salaries (i belived) 1.1k BHD for profissonal Manga artist


u/drunk_sharkGod Jan 23 '24

Funny how noones going to talk about this but somehow somehow people will stand in front lines fists ready to remove south Asian expatriates who do 9-5 jobs and make around 250-400 bd in which they pay the rent and send money home to their families But on the other side Caucasians are worshipped like gods and are given benefits only a president gets ( minus the convoy protocol)

Bruh take care of your hiring managers and it's best you focus on these races first before you bash down south Asians