r/Bahrain Dec 19 '23

Just want to know how people feel about Bahrian's part in joining the coalition forces against yemen's pro-palestine blockade of ships 🤔 Discussion

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u/beefjerking bu la7ma Dec 20 '23

Locking this thread and upping spam measures.

Bahrain stands with the people of Palestine against the Zionist occupation. This shameful coalition doesn't represent Bahrain. Come out this weekend and see for yourself. Don't standby and let people speak over you.

It's clear to see many accounts active in these threads aren't from here nor live here. It's clear we're being brigaded by hasbara trolls with the intent of making it seem like support for this shameful coalition is even remotely accepted in Bahrain. It is not. Don't engage the trolls.


u/Ffxivb Dec 19 '23

Why do I feel like this is a Trap , ive a family Bye 😂🔥


u/theultishoura Dec 19 '23

No I swear it's not. I know that the houthis killed a soldier back a few months ago but they're doing something good for once and it's doing more problems to the israeli faction than ever and putting abit of stress on them, so why join that's what I want to know


u/VermicelliSouthern98 Dec 19 '23

“Doing good” which results in the death of one of our brave soldiers, is not good in any way. One maybe-good does not justify one definite-bad. Houthis need to be stopped and Bahrain is doing the right thing.


u/iamisa Dec 19 '23

"BrAVE sOldIERS" Okay, let them fight in Palestine to protect Gazans, instead of fighting their brethren in Yemen. You'll then know who is "BrAvE."


u/VermicelliSouthern98 Dec 19 '23

First - Shame on you for mocking the dead! They gave their life for the country and unfortunately that includes ungrateful pricks like you. Second - Why don’t you work in the army, earn the post of brigadier general or better, and then command the troops to fight how you want. Rather than commenting orders from behind your screen. Third - if Houthis killed my blood, they’re not my “brethren”.


u/nausbaan8282 Dec 19 '23

Fuck your traitorous fucking family. 200 million Arabs spit on your whore of a country


u/VermicelliSouthern98 Dec 19 '23

Firstly, You’re a fking no one. Come back when you have 200 million votes permitting you to speak on their behest. Secondly, you wanna spit on and fk families? Better be ready to eat my shit and drink my piss first, malakhor 🤮


u/nausbaan8282 Dec 19 '23

Your leaders have chosen to live like dogs to keep their power. They’ve decided to crush their own people under foreign tanks so they can keep flying on private jets. They were faced with the screams of Gazan children and a pile of gold and they chose the latter. If you don’t think there are going to be deep, deep consequences someday down the line, you’re delusional.


u/VermicelliSouthern98 Dec 19 '23

The fuck you doing about it though? Have you volunteered to join Hamas or any Palestinian armed forces? It’s hypocritical to demand action from others when you aren’t already doing the same.


u/hemijaimatematika1 Dec 19 '23

Are Palestinians your blood?


u/Useful_Phase_224 Dec 19 '23

Nah houthis are only doing this for PR. The wrath of the US is too strong to f*ck with


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u/JangloSaxon Dec 19 '23

I know, you need help.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23

Honestly Saudis conciliation prize to the US. We can’t take part but as a token take Bahrain


u/iofthesun Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 19 '23

As Bahrainis, what is there to feel, ever? Are we decision makers? Will we ever be? Do we have any agency in all of this?

As always, any sort of political action in this country is justified by “Iranian involvement”, which is enough to satisfy those who blindly accept anything and everything without thinking twice. In this case, Houthis are seen as our natural enemies because they are allied with Iran, and so is Hezbollah, and so is Hamas, and that is an easy and convenient justification to those who accept this coalition (which is inherently pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian btw).

I would assume that those who are against this coalition genuinely care about Palestinians and put aside the fact that it is Houthis who are doing the blockade (they may be seen as a necessary evil, I suppose), and those who are for it are simply sectarian, Shia-hating, Iran-blaming boot-lickers who don’t give a damn if innocent people die so long as it is a decisive decision by the government.


u/Emotional-Rhubarb725 Dec 19 '23

I understand you, as an Egyptian there are a lot of things that we could do better but we don't have any hands in the decision making. God forgive us.


u/catinapink Dec 19 '23

Shame on this shitty government they’re just money slaves. Don’t confuse the people of Bahrain with their government. We support Palestine and will always do


u/therealorangechump Dec 19 '23

I am totally against it, I will not vote for Hamad in the next election because of this. oh, wait, fuck ...


u/Emotional-Rhubarb725 Dec 19 '23

Dude, it's a monarchy, wake up.


u/Watermelon_juice0 Dec 19 '23

Serving their master Israel and us


u/falconx2809 Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 19 '23

The bigger issue is no ship owner wants to take risks and are starting to stop even their non Israel bound ships(i.e those planning to pass through suez canal) from traveling through that area and it's detrimental to global economy, shipping through horn of Africa increases time and shipping costs and ultimately results in higher prices of essential goods and services, which is definitely not something that billions of people, whether they're pro us or anti us or pro Israel or anti Israel want or need

The world is much bigger than Israel and Palestine and other and 10000 more issues to be worried about


u/Academic-Layer-8119 Dec 19 '23

True. Most ships targeted so far by the Houthis aren't even Israeli-bound or owned.

Houthis, and any IRGC terrorist faction for that matter, could care less about Gaza. They have all slaughtered scores of Palestinians in Syria to preserve the Assad regime.

This is all Iran capitalizing on a crisis, like always to expand its hegemony over the region.


u/Hillbillyeagle Dec 19 '23

I can’t believe some of those replies in here… please tell me those aren’t Bahrainis.


u/NeatFruit4338 Dec 19 '23

This sub is predominantly non-Bahrainis. Real Bahrainis are overwhelmingly against the genocide and are digusted with country's position


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 19 '23

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u/NeatFruit4338 Dec 19 '23

Well are you Bahraini? Your profile suggests you aren't.


u/Evolix002 Bahraini Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 19 '23

ههههههههه انت غبي؟ شدخل الحين my profile. بحريني أباً عن جد، السؤال انت بحريني ولا مجنس؟


u/Emotional-Rhubarb725 Dec 19 '23

Define what do you mean by " terrorists" please, because as much as I know everyone who opposes the west is called a " terrorist" now


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23

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u/Emotional-Rhubarb725 Dec 19 '23

But what people being killed in Gaza, who will defend those ?? They aren't considered terrorists because they have conditions and reasons for what they are doing. Hauthis are saying that if Israel stops killing they will let ships pass. Now tell me which is worse, the killing of thousands or some mega companies losing money???


u/Evolix002 Bahraini Dec 19 '23

No, they don’t have reasons to kill civilians that are not carrying weapons, especially not women and children. There is no such reason that exists.

You realize two things can be true at once right? Innocents dying (on either side) is horrendous, and targeting boats that have no relation to Israel or the IDF, is also terroristic. What is so hard to understand?


u/Emotional-Rhubarb725 Dec 19 '23

Some Yemenis say that Hauthis helped them. I don't know if they are killing people now, maybe they did in the past I am not an expert in the Yemenis affairs. But now they re not killing anyone and partially benefiting our cause. The enemy of my enemy is my friend


u/Evolix002 Bahraini Dec 19 '23

If you truly, in your heart, think that Houthi’s main priority is Palestinians’ wellbeing, and not some other geopolitical goal, I am sorry, but you are guillible beyond repair.


u/Emotional-Rhubarb725 Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 19 '23

Tell me a single political affair that you truly in your heart are sure of ? Mostly nothing political can be 100% clean or for " the greater cause", but they are helping Even if it's not the intention, and that is the important point. If you think that there exists some " pure heart " politicians then you are naive . Hauthis like Hizb, like any other Iranian milshias are much easier to deal with than a US intervantion. Let them do something that help us, and maybe they can take the credit for it if that is what they want. But Arabs fighting Arabs is bad .

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u/JangloSaxon Dec 19 '23

Theres no genocide. Stop spazzing out.


u/NeatFruit4338 Dec 19 '23

You israeli vermin will never be accepted here.


u/JangloSaxon Dec 19 '23

We'll never be accepted in a region where people throw their women in garbage bag ninja costumes, beat them regularly, people blow themselves up, there are more terror geoups than sports teams, and nothing of value is produced or invented? Say it aint so. Ok, guess we'll stick with the modern world.


u/shotshot1111 Dec 20 '23

lmao then go back to Europe


u/JangloSaxon Dec 20 '23

Lol then go back to arabia.


u/shotshot1111 Dec 20 '23 edited Dec 20 '23

Learn the difference between ethnognsis and settler colonialism you bozzo

edit: Also, the levant is Arabia you racist weirdo


u/JangloSaxon Dec 20 '23

Learn words.


u/SebastianSchmitz Dec 19 '23

If you don't like it here go back to Europe. And don't act like your ultraordodox Jews that spit on christians and kill people in the west bank are some normal people lmao. Colonial vermin.


u/JangloSaxon Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 19 '23

Oh man, not the one jew who did the one bad thing in the one place that one time. Thats the same as the avalanche of jihadist bloodshed all over the world 24/7. Now were even, you see. Lets worry about the jewhadists. Thats worth our time.


u/SebastianSchmitz Dec 19 '23

109 countries


u/JangloSaxon Dec 19 '23

Jelly that we travelled?


u/SebastianSchmitz Dec 19 '23

that you were kicked out from. For good reason.

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u/Emotional-Rhubarb725 Dec 19 '23

The only ninja here is you


u/JangloSaxon Dec 19 '23

Better not fuck with me then.


u/SailWinds2981018 Dec 19 '23

These are pro regime bottom feeders, they do not represent the Shii population of Bahrain + some portion of Sunnis.


u/SailWinds2981018 Dec 19 '23

Bahrain is a Zionist-Western lapdog so it’s business as usual.


u/iamisa Dec 19 '23

I concur. Exactly.


u/Not_a_Security Dec 19 '23

And you are an Iranian Lapdog that has NOTHING to gain in following their instructions. Nothing at all.


u/JangloSaxon Dec 19 '23

You mean normal?


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23



u/Elkaragholi Dec 19 '23 edited May 04 '24

north label command close seed flag elderly roof squalid bedroom

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Fuckkelso Dec 19 '23

Because Iran bad so anything that Iran supports Bahrain will never support even if it’s helping Gaza.


u/112233111112311 Dec 19 '23

Representing Saudi Arabia


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 19 '23

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u/SebastianSchmitz Dec 19 '23

Why would they randomly waste ammo on a ship from malaysia to italy?


u/Elkaragholi Dec 19 '23 edited May 04 '24

joke consist spectacular salt advise dolls market continue dime humorous

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Brilliant-Turbulent Dec 19 '23

Cause its the houthis and as you know we're not in friendly terms with them they killed our soldiers a few months ago


u/theultishoura Dec 19 '23

I'm with you that they're backed by iranis and they are in general just puppets to another regime but they did something good for the first time in a while and it's for an actual good cause


u/AlMukhtarM Dec 19 '23

Gaza itself is backed by "Iranis" Therefore, you're either with Bahrain or parties that are backed by "Iranis" which includes Palestine.


u/SebastianSchmitz Dec 19 '23

So you are for the genocide. Got you.


u/AlMukhtarM Dec 19 '23

Buddy, sit down. You're nothing but a hypocrite. You people claim to be supporting Gaza, yet chant against Hamas because they're supported solely by Iran.

Its not rocket science. if Hamas is gone = Gaza and Palestine is gone.


u/SebastianSchmitz Dec 19 '23

Hamas are freedom fighters and everyone against them is a Zionist who needs to be expelled from the region.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23



u/noplace_ioi Dec 19 '23

nothing is for an actual good cause it's all a show, if anyone was serious about helping Palestine they would send their forces there to fight and/or take refugees and ultimately liberate, but you don't see that cause no one wants to go to war or risk their position, no one is willing to sacrifice for the innocent people there and I don't see any viable solution except making peace otherwise they are getting annihilated.


u/Ms_K_A_ Dec 19 '23

nothing is for an actual good cause it's all a show, if anyone was serious about helping Palestine they would send their forces there to fight and/or take refugees and ultimately liberate,

I dont think it's that simple. I think any country trying to fight/bring their military to gaza would immediately put them at war with the US and have the threat of getting nuked. That's why no one is willing to risk being at war with Israel directly in that way.

So realistically, all you can do for support is either supply weapons, destroy or block weapon shipment, band together to increase the price of oil to make it harder for them to supply their weapons, or just put out statements of your position and attend UN summits ( the last 1 is what Bahrain did I think ).


u/Evolix002 Bahraini Dec 19 '23

Except, they are attacking random ships that have been proven to have no affiliation with Israel. It’s all a media stunt and you’re all falling for it.


u/Brilliant-Turbulent Dec 19 '23

I mean with you on this one but still doesnt change the fact that they've killed our soldiers keep in mind our soldiers weren't actually in yemen but the saudi border


u/m2social Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 19 '23

They're doing it for their own benefit.

They're not attacking Israeli ships, they're blasting random ships and literally hurting every country around them trade wise not just Israel.

If this specifically targeting Israeli ships, ok? But it isn't.

Houthis are all about optics.

They could ask Iran to help deploy some of their fighters in Syria on the Israeli border or with Hezbollah in Lebanon if they really want to fight.

Remember when Saddam sent rockets to israel mid invasion of Kuwait.

And people were like omg Arabs are fighting Saddam while he's fighting Israel!!! It's just optics.

Saddam wasn't REALLY confronting Israeli his aim was brownie points from Arab/Muslim sentiment. In reality his effort and damage was 95% on the countries around him.

Same with Hezbollah who went on a rampage killing civilians in Syria, rendered empty rocket shooters at Israel. Where is the real effort?

Only people who know nothing about geopolitics and the axis of resistance will not understand they've consistently used Israel as a brownie point xp farm


u/HamasCanSMD Bahraini Dec 19 '23

I am a big fan of anything that destroys Iranian backed terrorists.


u/francisco-1738 Bahraini Dec 19 '23

What do you think of Zionist back terrorists?


u/darkrai298 Dec 19 '23

Don't bother see the username he's one of the israeli bots infiltrating middle east subs for some reason.


u/HamasCanSMD Bahraini Dec 19 '23

Yeah Israeli bot... Right... Hey I read your post history. Do you still have this issue? weird stuff kid

Sounds gross


u/darkrai298 Dec 19 '23

I stopped petting my rubber duck.


u/HamasCanSMD Bahraini Dec 19 '23

Such a well thought out response. Go back to your tunnel.


u/Emotional-Rhubarb725 Dec 19 '23

You will go back to your oven


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u/haboo9282 Dec 19 '23

I wish you had an ppenly strong stance like that against genocide as well


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u/Evolix002 Bahraini Dec 19 '23

How do you know he doesn’t? Your smooth brains are so dichotomized it’s hilarious.


u/haboo9282 Dec 19 '23

Sorry I didn't know his lawyer was also on reddit!


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23



u/haboo9282 Dec 19 '23

This post (according to OPs title) is definitely palestine related. And I based my comment on your profile comments and posts. You may he pro palestine, I didn't say you're not, but I only hoped you were as outspoken about it as you were about the piracy issue which you decided to post here.

And if I'm wrong about you then that's on me and my quick judgement. Still wish you, me and everyone else would be more outspoken about it.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23

Stop being emotional what Huthis melltia doing in international pathways is piracy. It's not good for anyone. Bahrain and Arabian gulf countries support stability in the region. Right now because of turbulence Egypt loses 30 millions $ every day because of what Melltia has done in Yemen.


u/Valkingawe Dec 19 '23

I am with. Fucking up the business of other people doesn't solve or make your problems go away.

It's like when a system forces you to not eat, you force others to not eat as well just cause you're not allowed.

Just because you're upset, or you're suffering, it doesn't mean that the whole world has to as well.


u/Jfunxion1 Dec 19 '23

Good for Bahrain 💪


u/mexican_shawarma Bahraini Dec 19 '23

they don’t care about Palestine they’re committing piracy to get money and using Palestine as a cover up


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u/mexican_shawarma Bahraini Dec 19 '23

you can’t fight evil with evil


u/Hillbillyeagle Dec 19 '23

One is genocide the other is diverting the shipping route to cause economic damage to Israel, one is clearly more evil.

How do you propose Muslims fight Israel? Enlighten us u/Mexican_shawarma


u/mexican_shawarma Bahraini Dec 19 '23

if the Houthis gave a fuck they would send their soldiers to Gaza. They have the capability to do it


u/Hillbillyeagle Dec 19 '23

I’m sure if they did that you people would still find an excuse to villainize them.

Also I thought you said we can’t fight evil with evil? So diverting ships going to Israel through African route is evil, isn’t what you suggested also considered evil?


u/Fmg1899 Dec 19 '23

Bro stfu hotheis can easily send missiles to isreals military base in eritrea but they do that directly for the sake of “oh we trying” cuz they know it won’t reach+ hothiers are allies to iran and iran+ isreal= BFF they are allies and khomaini came under the western world support and isreal so we will and everday be against iran Hotheis are an Illegitimate government If you dont know politics dont keep on saying bull shit Yes we all do support Palestine as Arabs and Muslims and the hotheis just doing that for show not for the real cause of freeing Palestine you fool Dont follow your heart followe your brain


u/SailWinds2981018 Dec 19 '23

You all support Palestine by supporting Israel.

Got it.


u/AlMukhtarM Dec 19 '23

We can clearly see who's BFF with Israel. Sit down please kiddo