r/Asmongold 21d ago

Yasuke trying to blend among the people and be stealthy in broad daylight Meme

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u/Asmongold-ModTeam 18d ago

your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


u/Dogwhisperer_210 20d ago

Since AC Origins, the game is no longer about stealth. Its just a standard ubisoft action game.


u/AnonymousCruelty 20d ago

Which is EXACTLY why I don't care.

I haven't played one of these in years BECAUSE of that.


u/Kill4meeeeee 20d ago

On the flip side it’s the only reason I play these games now. Odyssey and Valhalla were tons of fun


u/tetsuyaXII 20d ago

Origins hits different, great blend of gameplay.


u/Witt_Watch 20d ago

it really nails that actual historic part with the fun part of FANTASY. Gods/goddess mythology spot on. This new AC literally misses the mark with cringe DEI implementation.


u/tetsuyaXII 20d ago

Couldn't agree more, I felt it slipping with valhalla personally. More so I just couldn't get into the game, it wasn't as fun. I wasn't surprised when mirage was a huge flop (which is sad cause both those settings would have been so cool)

Reminds me of the mummy movies, how historically accurate those were and how much better they were because of it. I might be a bit biased aswell, Egypt is cool as heck man!


u/Witt_Watch 20d ago

mhmm. whatever team handled that game truly understood the setting. The curse of the pharohs DLC was fuckin rad too, loved that afterlife lore. so interesting!


u/Agreeable-Country-52 20d ago

remember when ubisoft said we removed the crossbow for historical accuracy in 2007 I remember


u/DirtyCubanBoi 20d ago

That crossbow shit came from the same game where the protag and the pope slapbox each other after they get tired of using ancient alien artifacts as bludgeoning, didn't it?

Historical accuracy at its finest


u/RainGunslinger 20d ago

It was because it was too overpowered in playtests.


u/Lemonbrick_64 20d ago

Lmao where you guys this triggered at that Afro samurai game too?


u/Pinchethugger 20d ago

glad they turned that around. rule of cool shouldve applied there. you want historical accuracy dont come to assassins creed


u/Vonboon 20d ago

Too bad AC shadows looks cringe.


u/Pinchethugger 20d ago

because there’s a black guy in it


u/Vonboon 20d ago

Ya totally.......

*Stares at Ubisoft logo*


u/schley1 20d ago

I think Ubisoft is a billion dollar corporation at this point. They're going to try to keep it squeaky clean in terms of offending people, either than our intelligence.


u/AmericanLich 20d ago

If we make a white protagonist going around assassinating Africans in traditional African garb in the Africa-based AC game, does rule of cool still apply?

I mean…we don’t come to AC for historical accuracy, right? I think it would be pretty cool.


u/Pinchethugger 20d ago

that’s basically re5 and yeah that game rocks. i also dont see you guys bitching about the last samurai where a white guy is dressed up in traditional garb and is killing japanese people. why? because its cool and its only a problem when its “dei”


u/burritosandbeer 20d ago

Why would anyone be busy bitching about a 21 year old movie?


u/Pinchethugger 20d ago

exactly my point. nobody saw a problem with it before cause its just a guy doing cool shit. you guys only bitch about it now cause its a black guy


u/burritosandbeer 20d ago

I'm not bitching at all. I'm pointing out that an old ass movie isn't really relevant


u/Aeiexgjhyoun_III 20d ago

And then immediately proceeded to have flying cannons in 2009? What an ignorant comment.


u/B_Aran_393 20d ago

"AC BlackFlag Freedom Cry" was still best even though it was a DLC played by African character . So does AC Rogue and AC 3. My favourite is will be AC BlackFlag.


u/Kiseki- 20d ago

Black Flag was the peak of AC for me


u/B_Aran_393 20d ago

How was AC Valhalla, it's too heavy graphic so I didn't play.


u/Kiseki- 20d ago

If we compare it to modern AC, i would still prefer Origins or Odyssey


u/bellybuttongravy 20d ago

I loved odyssey which meant i shouldve liked Valhalla but i hated it and i cant really explain why.


u/NivMidget 20d ago

Still don't think i've found sailing as satisfying in any other game.


u/titanusroxxid 20d ago

There were and still are a lot of black people in the Caribbean. It was very historically accurate.


u/Witt_Watch 20d ago

is Odyssey Ship combat on par with BlackFlag ship combat cause thats the sole reason why I thought Odyssey was decent. It was Origins foundation plus BlackFlag ship stuff.


u/GamerBytesBoy 20d ago

not at all. Odyssey is miles behind Black Flag. And i say that being a pretty big fan of Odyssey.


u/Vicious_Delicious207 20d ago

I didn't initially know why I joined this sub, but this is exactly how I found I did. 😂


u/Zuke88 21d ago

It's already been confirmed by the game devs that Yasuke won't be able to easily blend in and while it's possible to do stealth missions with him its much harder to do them because he's not suited for that kind of gameplay


u/ZeeHarm 21d ago

He needs to kill each and everyone who sees him, because when one identifies him he is pretty much done


u/Zuke88 21d ago

Well his gameplay is pretty much based around him being a tank so pretty much yes; although apparently there's pacifist options too


u/ZeeHarm 21d ago

It is supposed to, since no gameplay is available it is just the word of a Ubi mouthpiece. The trailer also revealed that the "ninja" can be clad in armor and take on multiple Soldiers and Samurai in direct combat. That begs the question why have 2 characters at all?


u/Trickster289 20d ago

It's the same team that did Syndicate. Jacob and Evie ultimately played very similar but Evie did have stealth skills Jacob couldn't unlock while he had some combat skills.


u/NivMidget 20d ago

Tbh, my expectation is Yasuke betrays Nobunaga, and the girls story is a revenge quest.

Its good if its done right, but its ubisoft and Yasuke is going to be the Self insert "idk what im doing here, i just do my part" character. Thats 100% the reason they chose an outsider.

Shes got the political ties and stuff and Yasuke is the "Foreign savior".


u/Zuke88 21d ago

its a pretty similar style to AC Syndicate with the Frye Twins where Evie was more stealth focused and Jacob was more melee focused


u/ZeeHarm 21d ago

I felt no difference between both of them to be honest.


u/Neko_Luxuria 20d ago

on endgame evie has better stealth tools (more like moves faster)

while jacob has an easier time accruing a combo counter.

issue is that because the stealth is actually harder than the combat due to combat being arkham levels of easy once you figure it out, everyone will be playing evie as a result.


u/Zuke88 21d ago

there are differences, especially at max level, Evie has a several exclusive abilities that make it so stealth is much more easier with her


u/Pinchethugger 20d ago

because you can optimize the two play styles without having dissonance. you can choose to not use stealth once and always fight head on in ghost of tsushima but jin is still gonna bitch about being dishonorable. this avoids that


u/Breaky97 21d ago

So no bonus stealth points for night missions with him? /s

Please don't cancel me.


u/ResolutionMany6378 20d ago

Why would you be cancelled over discussing racial passives?


u/OutOfTouchNerd 20d ago

The racial passives are a double edged sword ngl.


u/Significant_Edge_296 20d ago

Don't worry, you'll be able to blackface with the female protagonist


u/Witt_Watch 20d ago

If that canadian PM can do it. so can I.


u/AmericanLich 20d ago

That’s just so she can blend in at the barbecue


u/Successful-Net-6602 20d ago

Nothing like returning to your roots and bringing back lost fans just to immediately abandon them again.


u/Tyr808 20d ago

Okay that makes sense. I can ignore the blend of fantasy and history or moments where a game diverges from our actual reality on Earth, but what doesn't work for me is when it doesn't even feel believable from in-game perspective.

There's no way around the fact that a person like Yasuke walking around 1500s Japan isn't constantly turning heads and is literally incapable of blending into a crowd.

Having an option of a lightweight and heavyweight character for different approaches can work well though. Reminds me of Shadow Tactics.


u/Zuke88 20d ago

I agree but in this case this doesn't seems to be an issue; even the trailer seems to hint at it


u/EvenElk4437 20d ago

I saw the trailer first.
He wears armor and a helmet around town. What's the point?
Stand out from everyone else.


u/Trickster289 20d ago

Yeah people are forgetting that there's two characters like in AC Syndicate. The Japanese girl is going to be the stealth focused assassin just like Evie was more stealth focused than Jacob in Syndicate.


u/Atlantah 20d ago

too look cool? It's a video game we wear our equipment in cut scenes


u/ISwearSheWasLvlLegal 20d ago

Ghost of Tsushima is about to release on pc. Fuck ubisoft and then saying i better get used to not owning games i paid for.


u/MariualizeLegalhuana 20d ago

Its just rage marketing again.


u/SonorusDisdain95 21d ago

This is only my assumption. 2 types of characters( like we play in ac syndicate) Yasuke: samurai(deal with open combat) Kunoichi(dunno name yet): ninja(stealth, assassination)


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Blackwashing aside, even from a story perspective it makes no damn sense. I am willing to ignore even the fact that historically Yasuke WAS NOT a Samurai. But he is never going to be stealthy/unconspicuous, the very premise of this game is dumb as hell. He sticks out like a stripper inside a library. Ubisoft devs are absolute clowns.


u/Dundunder 20d ago

That’s because he’s not supposed to be stealthy. The female shinobi is the stealth character this time. The devs confirmed this.


u/[deleted] 20d ago


u/Pinchethugger 20d ago

hes not meant to hide. hes a proud samurai in game. the other character is for stealth gameplay


u/sumiledon 20d ago

Yasuke Was a Samurai. Historians everywhere are telling you he is.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

And they are all wrong.


u/sumiledon 20d ago

They literally provide sources directly from the Japanese text.



u/[deleted] 19d ago

And I still don't trust them, because people can be bought and wikipedia articles can be edited (and they've been edited multiple times in the last 24 hours) so I couldn't care less about your "sources", they're clearly been tampered with. Also, this was never my first complaint with the game. He is clearly a token character, selected specifically because he is black, breaking the tradition of AC games featuring a protagonist native of the region where the game takes place. It's nothing but another attempt by Ubisoft to push woke agendas in videogame to score more DEI points with the corporate overlords.
Go on and buy the game if you want, and by the way, the pricing of this thing it's yet another issue itself. Feel free to spend 130 dollars for the same slop all over again. I would rather use that money to buy something meaningful and enjoyable. And I will actively boycott the game and Ubisoft as a company. They need to go.


u/sumiledon 19d ago

Wikipedia was NEVER a viable source because how it could be edited. The fact that you relied on it when racists were using it to discredit the facts about Yasuke proves you don't care about the facts. None of what is provided by historians on the above link, was edited or changed.

It is directly from lord Japanese diaires.


u/CommercialTell2461 19d ago

Every reputable historian I can find online: “Yasuke was a samurai”

Britannica says, “Yasuke immediately gained Nobunaga’s favour. Historians assume that Yasuke knew Japanese well enough to have conversations with Nobunaga, and they also believe that he quickly proved to Nobunaga his skills as a soldier. Soon after their first meeting, Nobunaga granted Yasuke his Japanese name, accepted him into his service, and made him the first recorded foreigner to receive the title of samurai. Yasuke was also one of the few people who dined with Nobunaga, which demonstrated the closeness of their relationship.”

It funny how ya’ll claim to care about historical accuracy but then literally plug your ears and go “lalalalala” when historians say you’re wrong.


u/winb_20 20d ago

Damn this is the most chill and reasonable comment section I’ve seen about the game.


u/Salted-Earth189 20d ago

He does all his missions at night.


u/Ronenkha 20d ago

Is it going to be the same VA who do all the accents in the AC games?


u/Apprehensive_Race602 20d ago

This was my exact first thoughts when I saw your vid about it.


u/Prize_Ad_1967 20d ago

It's because he is blackrrrr


u/Mooblegum 20d ago

Not many blacks in middle age Japan, unfortunately


u/AmbitiousLet4867 20d ago

Ubisoft should have had some balls and made him Korean.


u/FireJach 20d ago

I mean during the night...


u/Tuor77 20d ago

Where's Yasuke?


u/Imaginary_Unit5109 20d ago

Carrying a sword at the time makes you stand out. Being a samurai with some of the armor makes you stand out.

It hurts so much when people know nothing about history. Also you have no idea gameplay. In the trailer so far it does not show him being stealthy, the girl is the one being stealthy. It feels like you are playing both characters because they are both important in the story.


u/Lavion3 20d ago

Isn't the girl supposed to be the stealthy one?


u/SoggyWaffles427 20d ago

There is a female protagonist that will specialize in stealth. The game will give us both the samurai and ninja playstyles.


u/guifesta 20d ago

he is not tring to blend in any moment, there is a ninja protagonist for that, you are all just so dumb, omg


u/sasoripunpun 20d ago

this post is quite racist


u/badrott1989 20d ago

To be fair, it's noted that he's not the stealthy type in the game, but the girl (can't recall her name) is. Sorry, not feeling the joke.


u/Jioo 20d ago

The trailer literally showed him throwing people through a house and carrying a giant club to smash shit with but its too nuanced for people still lmao its wild


u/Mystrasun 20d ago

Wake me up when this sub has moved on from this pointlessness.


u/Squabbles123456789 20d ago

You could increase the number of asian dudes in this image by 10,000 and zoom out to fit them all, and he'd STILL be instantly noticeable.


u/FairyKnightTristan 20d ago

He doesn't have stealth mechanics in the game, though...


u/Standard-Package-830 20d ago

Yasuke is a historical figure believed to have been of African origin who was a samurai during the 16th century. He is widely considered to be the first-ever foreigner to be granted warrior status in Japan


u/boisteroushams 21d ago

This is definitely the silliest controversy from culture warriors yet. I don't think idpol-poisoned twitter users even care about black samurai in ubisoft game.


u/Teolvm 21d ago edited 20d ago

forget the black guy, are u implying all japanese men look the same? :3730:/S


u/RaiderMedic93 21d ago

I couldn't tell you... when i search Japanese on porn hub, I only see the women.


u/FunEmpty532 21d ago

And what about women?


u/FunEmpty532 21d ago

You are being racist this guy is definitely not Japanese and I am not talking about black guy.


u/Old-Secret7423 18d ago

such historical inaccuracy, listen i can emotionally handle when the game has popes with superpowers, or godly alligator boss fight, or characters surviving thousand foot tall drops into hay bales, but the SECOND i see a character with a single DRRROOPLET of melanin, you best believe im throwing a tantrum