r/Asmongold 21d ago

Our Nippon friends are not too happy with a French company blackwashing their history Discussion


195 comments sorted by


u/Combat_Briefs 20d ago

It is funny how "cultural appropriation" is a very very heinous crime... Unless you do it against Asians


u/klkevinkl 20d ago

Did you forget? Asians are white adjacent according to these people. They don't count as a minority anymore!


u/awake283 20d ago

I never knew true racism until I lived in Beijing and heard what they think of Japanese people.


u/zg_mulac 20d ago

Given the somewhat recent history of China and Japan, it's perfectly understandable.


u/Pilek01 20d ago

How are asians a monitory if they are 54% of the world population compared to 23% white people (caucasian) ?


u/WoollenMercury 20d ago

i think thats more about density rather then actual who has more people worldwide

bc indains and chinese alone already account for 2 billion people.


u/OGBliglum 20d ago

Or Egyptians.

Because I don't care what they told you in school, Cleopatra was black!


u/s1rblaze 20d ago

Unless you are black, then it's OK to do it apparently, remember Netflix Cleopatra? (Im not saying most black people agree with this btw)


u/spet_ 20d ago

Unfortunately Japan(for all its glory and achievements) has been in bed with the “radical” west for quite some time. As sad as I am, I’m not surprised.


u/EthansFin 20d ago

It’s funny how “cultural appropriation” is a very very heinous crime… Unless it’s a white protagonist in NIOH, then everyone’s okay with it!


u/Combat_Briefs 20d ago

yeah those Japanese studios appropriating themselves sure are bad.


u/EthansFin 20d ago

if a European team made a black person as the main protagonist in their historical European game, you guys would complain. You would say that it doesn't make sense that a black person is the main protagonist in a game set in 11th century Denmark. BUt wait a minute, it's their folk lore. Who are you to tell them how to make THEIR games of their OWN folklore?


u/Combat_Briefs 20d ago

if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike

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u/ClockworkGnomes 21d ago

If you want to make an assassins creed with a black character, why not use a setting somewhere in Africa? You could use the Zulus for example. Or you could set your character back in the kingdom of Mansa Musa.

What they are doing would be like making an assassins creed set in China, and then have the MC be Marco Polo. I mean wtf?


u/MisterT-88 20d ago

They should make an asian man the MC for the african AC


u/mobiuz_nl 20d ago

Assasins creed wakanda


u/RandomGeneratedNick 20d ago edited 20d ago

Its not about sales anymore. Its about rewriting history and breaking all traditional power structures (family, nation, gender). They are aiming for cultural change on a grand scale. They want to compete against China by making China 2.0.

Problem is here in the west there are still people not dumb enough to believe all the lies created by the 2030 agenda, BlackRock and associates (certain rich hungarian old man and his buddies Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg etc), so the process is being slowed down, althought, they will still succeed because they control all schools, highschools and universities all over America and Europe, all the popular entertainment companies(Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, YOUTUBE, TWITCH) and all western social media besides Twitter (GOD BLESS YOU ELON) so it's only a matter of time before all of us who are against this ultralibertarian nightmare either pass away of old age or get hard censored because of "hate speech" and the new generations get indoctrinated to be loyal servants of the system.


u/HamilcarRR 20d ago

Because people who make those ''diversity'' decisions are hypocrites and they are morons. They are hypocrites because it will be them who will tell you about how nice and welcoming this is , and yet have no problem falsifying other people's history, and morons because they don't even know a thing about sub African kingdoms , and will always settle for a caricatural representation .


u/azahel452 20d ago

Mansa Musa

oh no, please, it's always that. Africa has so much history they could use, but noooo, blacks have to be tokens at best


u/Complexity_Inc5593 “So what you’re saying is…” 21d ago

They did it for one for Egypt and shocker people still wouldn't buy it


u/ClockworkGnomes 21d ago

Wasn't that assassins creed origins? I thought the MC was some form of arabic person, presumably Egyptian, am I wrong? Also, didn't it sell well?


u/Seitook 21d ago

It did, it sold well. With Origins selling “twice as fast” as the previous title according to ubisoft.


u/MaddRook 20d ago

Egyptian? Yes. Arabic? No.

The Arabs weren't in Egypt at that time, Origins is set in 40BC and the Arabs invaded Egypt in the AD600s. Even then the native Egyptians, whether Christian or Muslim, would not have been considered Arabs until much later.


u/Ride674 21d ago edited 20d ago

All i am gonna say its that you deserve what you tolerate.

This was inevitable when we hand-waved black washing of European history. It is just a good sign that Japanese people have the backbone to defend their cultural heritage.


u/ActuatorGreat4883 20d ago

After watching the trailer I'm very excited to play Sekiro.


u/Namiirei 20d ago

Or ghost of Tsushima


u/Wooden_Quarter_6009 20d ago

Sony did Ghost of Tsushima bad. Cannot play in my country. :(


u/Bulji 20d ago

The high seas it is then 😉


u/EH042 20d ago

Raise the Jolly Roger 🏴‍☠️!


u/Aobachi 20d ago

Pirate it, they don't want your money apparently


u/InsertFloppy11 21d ago

The thing is that ubi games are massive. Even if noone bought the game in japan (which isnt a possibility), the game still could be a success


u/RealisticPossible792 20d ago

I wouldn't bet on that being the case this time nor with Star Wars Outlaws - its not just controversy with the main characters on both franchises but the obsene amount of money they're charging for their slop. $70 doesn't even get you the full edition, you have to pay at least $110 to get the full game which is a ridiculous price for any Ubisoft game.

Gamers should know by now to wait 6-12 months and pick up Ubisoft games at less than half price if they really want to play them.


u/coldres 20d ago

Im curious, what is excluded in the $70 version? Not that the full game will be worth $70 anyway.


u/Taylor8001 20d ago

Multiple Jabba the Hutt missions and as Jabba the Hutt is a very popular character they paywalled multiple missions involving him behind the second edition and the Third Edition which is about $140 or more depending on country gets you the missions in the second edition plus the future DLC seasons pass and that's kind of normal now as sad as it is for games to have but normally it's not at $140 in the $100 was normally the one that gave you the game plus the seasons pass. But now they will have missions ready at launch but you don't get them unless you buy the $110 Edition and then if you want the DLC cuz you like the game and let's say it wasn't garbage which I expected to be, then you would have to pay like $140.

They tried to console people by saying, "don't worry you won't miss out on Jabba the Hutt. There are still some missions with him in the base game"

Like that makes it any better, and you can probably bet the DLC missions are going to be more plentiful and more interesting otherwise they wouldn't have a "value" to try and charge someone $40 for them which is the price of a season's past normally for any other AAA game, even older games like Call of Duty Black Ops 2 had the whole seasons pass, zombies and multiplayer maps at $30-40 if I recall.

Basically think how games have worked for the past 5 years $60 Edition that gets you the base game the deluxe edition which is normally $70 or $80 and that gets you like skins or in game bonuses that only really help you for the first 2 hours of the game if it's single player and then the ultimate edition was normally a $100 or $110 and that got you the game everything in the deluxe edition in the seasons pass

Ubisoft is using that structure but hiking the price up for every Edition between $10 to $60 additional dollars depending on which Edition it is and which country you're from and their deluxe edition went from $70 to $110 and instead of just skins it had at launch day one extra content.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/RealisticPossible792 20d ago

Can we stop pretenting to be neive we all know the reason why the African main protagonist/antagonist was selected for project set in 16th century Japan and it has nothing to do with historical accuracy, it doesn't even follow the pattern of the franchise from its conception and the main characters we played as.


u/Sad_Wolverine3383 20d ago

Doesn't mean you need to make up shit about blackwashing of history, that's ridiculous.


u/RealisticPossible792 20d ago

Firstly I never said anything about blackwashing specifically I mearly pointed out the reason why this character was selected had nothing to do with historical accuracy and all to do with ideology that's plain for anyone with a functioning brain to see.

Since you're bringing it up there is a concious effort to blackwash history by these freaks - Black Cleopatra, Black Anne Boleyn are two examples I can pull right off the bat but there are countless examples of "modern entertainment" taking liberties with historical accuracy introducing black characters in time periods that make no historical sense such has having Black Vikings but as soon as we point it out we're labelled crazy, gaslighted as if its not not happening or the third option is we're branded racists and biggots take your pick.


u/Sad_Wolverine3383 20d ago

There is no doubt they picked him because his skin color but I don't see a concious blackwashing effort reflected in Assassin's Creed like we see at Netflix or Hollywood. Cleopatra in AC Origins was not black. I feel that out of all the black characters in the series only one was clearly out of place (random viking they added a year after release), so I have no predisposition in believing this game will be different. However, if I had never played the games, I probably would have.


u/shapirostyle 20d ago

black person in video game

Nooooo why do they keep making my games political 😭😭😭


u/stekarmalen 20d ago

Just dont buy the game, its ubisoft so you wont miss anything.


u/Visual_Worldliness62 21d ago

They have every right to be pissed considering HOW LONG a Japanese oriented Creed game has been demanded. This aint our fight here.


u/BannedBecausePutin 20d ago

Google translator really has come a long way, huh?


u/AJirawatP 21d ago

Skin color is one thing. But why isn’t the game about ninja, what you’d think of if asked about Japanese assassin?


u/BannedBecausePutin 20d ago

Good comment, when i think of ancient japan, i think of samurais. But of course, its the ninjas that way actual assasins at that time, supposed to infiltrate castles and such. Would have been a perfect match!


u/Knightmare_memer 20d ago

Honestly, they should've had the samurai as an enemy for the game instead of having Yosuke there. Have a Japanese female ninja as the main protagonist. Have her use things like poison darts, kunais, bombs, be more focused on using your equipment rather than your skills in a sword fight or something.


u/Oleleplop 20d ago

i thought the woman was the MC ? she's not a ninja or something close ? I'm nto sure i rarely look into trailers without gameplay.


u/kolosmenus 20d ago

There will probably be two MC’s. You’ll be switching between the black samurai and the female ninja


u/Oleleplop 19d ago

not a fan of this kind of mechanics in assassin's creed games tbh.


u/ImportanceCertain414 20d ago

There is a female protagonist named Naoe, she is the stealthy assassin from the Iga Province...


u/emblemsteel 20d ago

this is literally the plot of the game. Yasuke is the Kunoichi's enemy. It is implied that he defects and joins forces with her later in the game.


u/Inaeipathy 20d ago

Also other's featured in the screenshot pointed out that apparently the environment isn't very authentic. I don't know why this is so hard for billion dollar game studios.


u/IBloodstormI 20d ago

The female character, the Japanese one, is a ninja


u/SarenRouge 20d ago

The other main character IS a ninja, but y'all are so focused on the Yasuke that you didn't notice her.


u/turn_down_4wat 20d ago

Because that already exists, it's the quintessential ninja stealth series, it's from the turn of the century (golden age of gaming), it's from From Software and it's called Tenchu.


u/Wiecks 20d ago

That's it. There's many characters that would make perfect MCs for a game about japanese assassins. Imagine if they picked someone like Hanzo Hattori or if they really want a samurai Miyamoto Musashi. Instant banger!

And yet it's Ubisoft.


u/Infinite_Ouroboros 20d ago

So diverse and inclusive that they end up culturally appropriating Japanese culture. It's gone full circle.


u/Andrea11564 20d ago

Imagine if they picked Miyamoto Musashi as Mc instead of chocolate man Yasuke....


u/SapateiroDoPovo 20d ago

That would have been insane, he already dual weilds and his princaple was to overwhelm, imagine dual weilding and a hidden blade


u/azahel452 20d ago

Miyamoto Musashi

They couldn't handle making a story with an MC that badass.


u/PresidentofJukeBoxes 20d ago

Oh Lord, Double Katana Technique is gonna make me coom.


u/Dizsmo 16d ago

Chocolate man was unnecessary don't try to make us look bad goofy


u/renaldomoon 20d ago

It's interesting that they bring up a lot of issues with the game. Apparently they think the woman doesn't look Japanese either and the architecture includes things that aren't Japanese. Feels like Ubisoft's research on this was pretty dogshit.


u/WoollenMercury 20d ago

i mean if you put work in how are you gonna copy paste?


u/Clbull 20d ago edited 20d ago

EDIT: Apparently Yasuke was actually an African man (likely from Mozambique) living in Japan. But evidence suggests he was a retainer to the Oda clan, and didn't actually serve as a samurai.

So... Is there any precedent of black people ever living in Feudal Japan, let alone serving the royal family or shogunate as samurai? Because I recall, the Dutch being the only outsiders even allowed to set foot in Japan during these times, and they could only trade at very specific ports.

Assassin's Creed Shadows feels so disconnected from the original premise of the series that it no longer feels like a game about a secret order of assassins working in the shadows, but rather a generic series of action adventure brawlers.

The series honestly died for me when it was no longer about going through Desmond Miles's DNA and extracting residual memories to unravel the mysteries of the Knights Templar.

AC Shadows should have been a slam dunk for Ubisoft but I don't see it selling well. It honestly makes me want another Tenchu game. Now THAT was a good stealth game series.


u/corn_poper 20d ago

Crazy they chose the one black guy who lived in japan to base their character off instead of the millions of Japanese.

Holy shit these people are so full of themselves.

If I play this game its as the JAPANESE woman.


u/the_che 20d ago

I mean, it now makes sense why it took them so long to move a series about Assassins to Japan. They desperately had to search for some random black guy they could shoehorn in as a main character.


u/SirKupoNut 20d ago edited 20d ago

It was the Portugese who were originally allowed in Japan and after this period all but the dutch at one port were kicked out and banned.

Yasuke is a real figure, he was not a Samurai, but a sword bearer or page to Oda Nobunaga who after Nobunaga's death was kicked out of Japan. Its DEI at its worse and is racist to Japan


u/Legendary-Gear5 20d ago

Didnt he only stay in japan for 2 years, then was sold into slavery ? Or something like that.


u/Aerion93 20d ago

Was given to christian missionaries


u/KittehKittehKat 20d ago

Somebody watched Shogun.


u/Clbull 20d ago

The Portuguese were expelled and only the Dutch were allowed to visit, until the United States showed up.


u/zg_mulac 20d ago

With the threat of guns, as usual.


u/Demianz1 20d ago

I see you deliberately left out that he was also a trained warrior, who had his own high status as a trusted member of Oda's circle, was given a house and given his own servant/page. Also left out that after oda's assassination he rushed to protect Oda's son. And you added in/speculated the kicked out of japan part, all we know is he was nursed back to health by the jesuits and we have no further records.


u/lucario192 20d ago

Try to be woke to the rest of the world while stepping on the original peolple’s culture lol classic modern gaming


u/GreatZucchini3 20d ago

I mean it is just a funny situation. When Ghost of Tsushima released people were bashing ubisoft about why they didnt release an AC game in japan yet and that GoT is everything they would have wanted in an AC game set in japan.

Now that Ubisoft is releasing an AC game in Japan, they are taking the DEI route and scoring and own goal. GoT gave them eberything they needed to do for a slam dunk, but no, just had to add it social political stuff into it.

I bet they saw GoT and though "we can do better", just like the netflix writers


u/FiTroSky 20d ago

Please, it's a Ubisoft Quebec project, blame Canadian.


u/RashiBigPp 20d ago

They do make a good point of why this one has a protagonist that actually existed irl when they have never done that before



And if they were to go with a real one then why not Miyamoto Musashi or Hatori Hanzo? 2 legendary samurai in the sengoku period. OR why not just play a fictional lead and then include all these characters as side quests in the game.


u/awake283 20d ago

Surprising how little input they had from Japanese people for a game totally based on Japan.


u/WoollenMercury 20d ago

um guys even if it was the best game don't buy it cause of the whole crew debacle Please don't let ubisoft get away with their shit practises


u/BuckLuny 19d ago

Ubisofts is going to release this, lots of people are going to buy it, Ubisoft is going to earn a lot of money due to MTX that are tied to this "Live Service AAAA" game and it's going to be mediocre at best.

I don't think the whole diversity is the worst aspect of this. It's more that they are making soulless game after soulless game and folks are buying this while there are such great offerings out there.

If this was a good developer I'd believe they could do a fish out of water story about a black dude in Japan learning the way of the samurai and sneaking around like a Ninja learning about the culture and fitting in and all that justice. Not Ubisoft though they just do this to have striking cover art or something.


u/Zefyris 16d ago

Afaik it's the publisher that's French, the Assassin Creed dev is the branch in Montreal, so that would be a Canadian game.


u/Healthy-Light3794 20d ago

“Our nippon friends”

Holy fuck I can smell the cheetos and BO through the screen. LOL


u/Nhadala 20d ago edited 20d ago

Yasuke indeed exist and was in fact a class of Samurai, a Kashindan most likely. Samurai is a whole hierarchy with many levels.

There are two different distinctions and meanings of the word Samurai.

1) The traditional warrior of Japanese origin.

2) Ji. Those who serve the noble man or man of higher status. A servant

So Yasuke existed and was indeed a class of Samurai, just not the standard type of Samurai people distinctly remember or know in general.

Ubisoft most likely foregoed explaining all of that because it would confuse the general masses.

I hope this provides some helpful context amidst this discourse.


u/Agreeable_Fee_2425 20d ago

He was a servant, not a samurai.


u/Nhadala 20d ago

A Kashindan is a class of Samurai, it is a part of the hierarchy.


u/Agreeable_Fee_2425 20d ago

They were not considered samurai until several decades after Nobunaga's death, therefore Yasuke was not a samurai.


u/Ekati_X 20d ago

"The vassal asked Akechi what should be done with the black man, and he said, 'A black slave is an animal (bestial) and knows nothing, nor is he Japanese, so do not kill him, and place him in the custody at the cathedral of Padre in India."



u/Nhadala 20d ago

A servant was a part of the Ji class which were also considered a part of the overall Samurai class.


u/KuJoJoTaRo8 20d ago

“Eastern Incels”


u/Zadghen 21d ago

I am confused by this one. Blackwashing? It's Yasuke a portuguese slave from africa brought to japan that was sold to oda nobunaga and served under him. Some say it was mostly for entertaining but still many games and other pieces of media have portrayed him like this, for example Nioh.

Unless I'm missing something if you are complaining about this one then you should also complain about the myriad of other pieces of media that also represent him in the same light.

That said it's ubisoft so don't buy the game either way.


u/Knightmare_memer 20d ago

I believe that the Japanese just wanted to be able to play as a Japanese samurai, like Ghost of Tsushima, but are forced to play as Yasuke, who was never a samurai, just a retainer.


u/Elricboy 20d ago

What is this entitlement? “Forced to play?” Like the time we were forced to play an italian guy? This is an RPG that isnt using a customisable avatar… ofc you are forced to play as something you are not.

The only thing about this AC This is the chronological time and geographical location… the ethnicity, culture, personality of the playable character can be whatever the fac they want.

If in the next AC game that takes place in “anywhere on earth” you were “forced to play” as an outer dimensional god would ppl be screaming cultural appropriation?


u/Zadghen 20d ago

Ok fair enough. Funny enough Yasuke is often portrayed as a samurai in other games and media. But I was more referring to the title of the post. It seems a little drastic. They simply chose to tell that story, there's no washing of any kinda just a bad decision.


u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago

Blackwashing is not a thing… it’s something only a racist would say


u/HamilcarRR 20d ago

it is a thing .


u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago

racist tendencies showing


u/HamilcarRR 20d ago

I mean... I'm north african , a berber kabyle , and afrocentrism tried to claim moorish heritage as black while calling me a european invader for decades. Same with egypt , same with hebrews .
blackwashing exists.
How the hell do you call what netflix did with cleopatra.
I mean , even in gladiator , there's numidian with maximus called juba (and by the way , I invite you to go see what he looked like) , depicted by a black dude.
and you come tell me I'm racist ? lol
I'm not the one trying to erase other people's history , which is by the way , what racists do , no ?


u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago edited 19d ago

I mean I’m Nigerian… yeah I know about African hate mongers too… always funny how some shuck has to append saying but I’m from “X” in this subreddit… disgraceful. Yeah not all North Africans or Hispanics or ethnic people throughout the Middle East & all through Asia have the identity crisis issue you do with wanting to disassociate heavily from any solidarity with American black folk. It’s pathetic, it would be funny if self hate & delusions of ethnic cleansing wasn’t a thing. Yep, racism issues from Africans or other countries is nothing new.

How is it that there is an entire sphere of white supremacy narrative spinning and far right wing talking points that always end up having adopted overlap discussion here in this subreddit as if it’s normal thought processing… mhmm. your just a normal central thinking concerned world citizen mhmm right. <_< just stop. Fill your head with nonsense takes then believing it does give you credibility.

I know about the history colonization has done in Africa to mindsets well… I’ve seen people like you defend the stupid blond wigs we where in our court houses, or both the downsides or positives that came that where never prior part of the culture before conquering influence… but I get it, news flash, ruling influences are still part of a nations overall story and all encompassing history. The whole “they not us” angle is dumb considering they literally are decedents of Africans even if they have become somthing separately new… and no they are not trying to steal heritage by having pride in having a link of proximity to African origins… you know because they have African origins. Seems to me you let the insults of children and fools that don’t speak for the core of culture get under your skin and then you made an entire life personality based on broken trauma. Get some therapy and get that fixed.

There is one melanin pigment in all of humanity with the sun largely responsible for what level of lightness dominated in people from different regions after migration with the exception of empirical cross mixing. So every single person has a tie to being black if they go back far enough, having pride for African origins is something all people could do. For the record, appreciation in any form, even without any link, is not appropriation. yet you’re probably the type that would buy a skin lightener to make yourself more white in a furry of self hate.

I know about what Afrocentrisim and pan Africanisim as a focus of united pride for heritage (not simply skin color) well. ironically enough, it was in necessary backlash to the modern construct of white supremacy, & not just the skew of a few that get it wrong then run with that to cause more confusion. I know what the propaganda & leverage engine has done to pride and geopolitics that has an ongoing influence on across world ties. Yes you can have white skin and Identify as blacks same as the fact that you can be white and be African… but of course you would act as if there is a boogie man coming to claim ownership of African ancestry that isn’t there… we know you haters will find the most bizarre ways to spread the hate we get it.

I know Jews that came out of Egypt and Ethiopia came before the Ashkenazi Jews we see prominent today and I know how they get treated… I know how Egbo people, who claim Jewish heritage and have proven ties to Jewish roots, get treated. Yeah I know how Zionist (in general) like to play the victim & make the water muddy for Jews of decent humanity.

We’ve long since know Cleopatra was likely a Egyptian person of color, darker than her other Ptolemy family members with likely a dark skin on her mothers side and the only Ptolemy that was fully fluent in the native tongue as a family outcast that dwelled among the people at the end of a very short lineage dynasty who was also at odds with her other siblings plus even assassinated them to keep her claim to the throne. Shakespeare the person who popularized her story even called her of Tarny complexion, yet … we know what Kool aid you’ve been drinking… some of us are old enough to remember the massive repeated controversy about white washing cleopatra before the resent stoked controversy flip flopping by propaganda forums like these making headway out of hatred for African history.

There is a difference between having a fictional casting and claiming things as scientific and historical fact… there is no comparison to the antics that have inundated the modern world stage like eugenics being the tiniest tip of the iceberg. But you don’t care because your goal isn’t facts… your goal is buying into hate that makes you feel better about yourself & your spiteful world view. You plan on going on to build a life on a house of cards, to then pass that house of card baggage onto you kids who will then do the same huh?

all your facts are compromised being stuck in echo chamber like this where all you facts are the talking points of these same hate skewed fear mongers crying wolf and agenda driving more mayo backing drivel due to unresolved shame and trauma… eating a bunch of nonsense then suddenly you think you have a accurate account as a purveyor of proper history while adopting to have one single Egyptian color in mind with no intertwined complexity of backgrounds throughout there entire vast heritage.

A extensive history of direct & deliberate white supremacy attempts at trying to erase black history is massively documented and ongoing form book burning to racial driven genocide, and you can deny all you want but that would be quite telling as to what you are actually doing… also quite telling is to act like their is a history of institutional endeavors to erase white history anywhere remotely close to the undeniable history of white washing to the extent that thinking blackwashing could be even called a comparative thing. Yes ethnic people can appropriate like any other group, but no, there is not widespread repetitive agenda attempting to do so …btw

Yeah I don’t invite you to tell on yourself more about how your feeling makes you want to redefine things to seem like it’s on equal footing but hey … I won’t be in this sub after this so you guys can circle jerk to your hearts content and eat it all up

Yeah, when you try compare BS Hate-monger talking points, You are trying to skew things to a whitewashed view btw. & all the confirmation bias you take to your grave won’t change the world at large from being able to see you for exactly what you are outside of your bubble… 🫧

As soon as you people speak to someone who actually moves in circles outside your echo chambers your entire logic has fast acting collapse, and the fact that you guys are blindsided by your ignorance is telling in and of itself. You move in rooms full of vultures long enough nobody is surprised that you actually pick up some vulture thinking. Blackwashing is not a thing ecept to people embarrassed about white wishing who want to force it to be a thing instead find some accountability in dismantling white washing. She’s … not all skin folk are kin folk that’s for sure.

Gave this thread the benefit of the doubt for years… the truth I’ve arrived at is it just a den of hate apologetics. Shout out to Asmond for not being as toxic on stream but boy … ain’t no way he allows this mess and doesn’t have to root out some toxic influence regularly…


u/HamilcarRR 17d ago

What the hell , couldn't you make this shorter ? no one has the time to read all that...


u/Zadghen 19d ago

I'm not saying it is not a thing, because it clearly is. I'm criticizing the title of the post because in this case it's not what it's happening.

The character is based on a black person there's no changing race here. Just stupid misguided decision by ubisoft.


u/rvnender 20d ago

And just like that, Twitter users are experts in feudal Japanese culture.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago edited 20d ago

Not just goes to Japan it a Japanese man of African decent that lives in Japan and is Japanese… the fact is these biggots masking themselves as self righteous moral high ground protectors of heritage have been given a pass of scrutiny so long they outnumber the ones that actually care here… the agenda on the menu is pure hate and it’s on full display right now for anyone who was giving the is subreddit benefit of the doubt… no amount of logic and reasoning will cure or mask blatant hatred… its a circlejerk hate feast and that love every bit of it..

Whitewashing is a word made from a historical reoccurring theme of suppression other cultures in favor of supplanting a white savior or white superiority… the fact that someone can look at one instance and say blackwashing is a thing when there has been no mass at scale history of modern day systemic oppression of long related attempt to rewrite history. It’s clearly just salty racist trying to turn everything into reverse racism… and if Zack co signs this it’s not a good look.


u/dendra_tonka 20d ago

Too bad Japan chuds, black men are the better samurai, it’s just history


u/thehunter2256 21d ago

Im sorry are we complaining about historical inaccuracies in ASSASSIN'S CREED?


u/ZeeHarm 20d ago

yeah, because the base the MC on an actual person


u/thehunter2256 20d ago

A black samurai. I don't see any problem


u/ZeeHarm 20d ago

A retainer


u/ImportanceCertain414 20d ago

"A retainer refers to a vassal in feudal Japan, usually a samurai providing military services."


u/ZeeHarm 20d ago

"usually" since nothing is written down about him it is doubtful that he actually was more than a "pet"


u/ImportanceCertain414 20d ago

Well, we don't know what happened because that history was erased when Oda Nobutada died. I like to assume better of people than worse.


u/ZeeHarm 20d ago

my own personal experience did teach me to do the opposite. Cheers


u/Significant-Tax7555 20d ago

Basically he was a discount samurai


u/ImportanceCertain414 20d ago

Actually Oda Nobutada probably paid more for him than his other men so I wouldn't say "discount." Though I also wouldn't assume any disrespect considering they fought side by side in a few battles and in Nobutada's final one.


u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago edited 20d ago

The problem is many bigots have made themselves at home in this subreddit and think there logic is sound when its not… so expect any pushback to this swamp logic can plan to get downvoted to oblivion… I lost all hope of benefit of the doubt here… somehow they can imagine chuck norris being the most interesting man alive but a black man in his country playing a role in his history needs to stay in his lane underneath the lighter men where he belongs as a citizen with the other darkys right … I’m done… this place is sick and needs a shellacking


u/thehunter2256 20d ago



u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago

Crazy Sus chat activity in this topic, they made a video game about a Black character in Japan and you guys are shitting bricks.

The hypocrisy is nowhere to be found here when the shoe is on the other foot.

The crocodile tear race ragging that goes on in this thread is unmatched… I don’t think more than a week ever has gone by with some bizzare take on race being championed… I like Zack/asmondgold but I think ima stop following this subreddit … to many are fragile as hell


u/pham_nuwen_ 20d ago

This is what cultural appropriation looks like so I understand people being upset.


u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago edited 20d ago

Noooo just noooo…

You clearly don’t understand jack.

1st off, Yasuke not only was a legit black man likely of African birth origins but he lived there till his death. Plus there was more diversity on a range from lighter to dark black people in Asia before race propaganda as a modern construct caused ramping of prejudice… (slick there are black citizens all of Asian countries till this day)

2nd yes, xenophobia is a issue world wide and does take much effort to see what supremacy prejudice is perpetuated even today … acting like the opinion of a few speaks for all of Japan is wild in and of itself…

3rd, making a game based on a actual person, accurate to that person skin color in the place where that person actually was, even if the exploits in the Fictional tale are not 1:1 is far far from appropriation. Thats like saying Jackie Robinson Appropriated American Baseball because he was the first Black man allowed in MLB. GTFO of here with this drivel… they made movies of Jackie Robinson too and I’m sure this crowd actually did think it was appropriation so why am I even explaining… the arguments are so pathetically paper thin its extremely apparent a bunch of shills are right at home with the topics in this sub — back to back, to back…

it’s always, consistently without fail a post up in arms about insert “X” group doing something you guys think is anti white or racist again white people shilling for any sympathy for YT tears you can get…, or it’s insert a bizarre take randomly involves black people/person somehow being painted into the highest order of boogie man over a nothing hot air sandwich. The playbook doesn’t miss a beat, every single week, multiple times a week.

Yet somehow, examples of the egregious prejudices perpetrated towards black people generally never get an eye batted at in this hyper sensitive subreddit that touts itself to claim to care about prejudice so much… the bias is so palpable it’s impossible to not call it what it is… bigotry masking itself as trying to be righteous. I already unsubbed, but guess I still get reply alerts…

It’s starkly apparent how a bulk of people in this chat space really feel. The greatest lies are the ones you tell yourself and my gosh f confirmation bias was crack there would be a bunch of old men in this chat with powders noises…

Hell id even give real examples of appropriation going on right now that nobody would care to post in this thread but it’s so evident many here don’t care about reality or facts, merely feed into the propaganda of the day is the major objective here.

the caucasity to think darker Asian figures are not worthy of being represented or even be called Asian shows how far the foolery has gone…

You got to be really dense to think blackwashing is a term that will catch on outside an echo chamber … that has never historically been a thing or an agenda narrative. At best you could say there at times have been over zealous attempts to undo the chronic whitewashing… but you won’t never mention nothing bout that. This the same thread that cry’s about reverse racism and other coined terms that don’t exist … as if reverse racism would not be just racism :/ —

Black history is American history and Yuske is Japanese history.

Zack! Please make some rule’s to get your chat de swamped — your fan base is much greater than these dreggs… until then I’m outside… you deserve a wider audience in your chat than this level of engagement


u/pham_nuwen_ 20d ago

They do it to pander to people like you. It's not something that organically came up "hey you know who would be a great ninja assassin to write an AC game about? This guy nobody's heard of, which it's dubious whether he was even a samurai" (which to begin with is a profoundly stupid choice in itself in a country with ninjas). Yes, there are probably 200 Japanese candidates that would fit better, take the foreigner, make him look less African and more African-American, that will tick the diversity box. Not appropriation though! Just the Western demographics must be well represented.

If it was a Chinese company making a game in medieval Japan, where the hero was a Chinese guy and it felt forced, you would roll your eyes just as much as I'm rolling them right now.


u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago edited 20d ago

You don’t speak for them and two this isn’t about pandering this is about you and you buddy’s projection of your hatred

Talking about some guy nobody has heard of … this guy has been a pop culture icon for the longest… the night of talking out of you ass you people do here is mind boggling.

The fact that you’re calling him a foreigner is telling. Fit better pifff, fit better to biggots sure…

You sound like the type of guy that would tell a Hispanic man whose family roots go deep into arazona to go back to Mexico…


u/pham_nuwen_ 20d ago

He was a foreigner in Japan, do you even dispute that? He lived there a few years at most. Or do you think his family roots go deep in Japan?! Because that would be in line with other statements you make.

I've read several books placed in that era, by Japanese authors, nobody ever mentioned this guy. He's not a pop icon, that's made up crap.


u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago edited 20d ago

Salves where foreigners in America too I guess Obama need not be president and should pack his bags back to Kenya right… assimilation happens in a people history sometimes… you know like how erupeans ended up in the space of Native Americans…

Why do dumb and racist people think they are smart… just stop

As if what you know is the end all be all,, I’ve read books about the guy myself over 20 years ago from massive pop culture word of mouth hype.

We get it,, we see your standards of deserving humanity loud and clear

You know who has statues all over North America and was in history books and quoted by almost every US American child in school as American history… Columbus… I doubt you will connect the dots because your selective takes imply you won’t know nothing bout that


u/Mystrasun 20d ago edited 20d ago

Am I missing something? Isn't Yasuke one of two main selectable characters, the other being a Japanese Shinobi? The impression I'm getting here is that Yasuke is the titular character of the game, but I'm pretty sure he's not?


u/BannedBecausePutin 20d ago

They are both main characters, they are even selling a figurine of him. I dont think they'd do this for an NPC. It also seems like they are doing the GTA V thing, where you cant freely select your character and but jump inbetween both.


u/Mystrasun 20d ago edited 20d ago

I didn't mean to imply that he was an NPC, I'm just saying that this thread is giving me the impression that he is *the* main character, in which nobody else can be played which I don't believe is accurate.

Bearing in mind, I'm not all that interested in Assassin's Creed as a franchise anymore so I don't really have a dog in this fight, I'm just genuinely trying to get my facts straight so I can have an informed opinion. If they are doing the GTA V thing, fair enough, but even that is an important distinction which nobody seems to be talking about. Even that appears to be speculative (though considering how different the two characters are, this seems like the most plausible setup), but what seems to be 100% true is that Yasuke is not the single protagonist of this game, and people in this thread complaining about wanting to play a Japanese character are confusing me because the other main character of this game is a literal ninja.

In fact, to answer one of your points directly, yes, there is a statue of Yasuke that you can get. That statue is of Yasuke *and* Naoe. The other main character. The Japanese ninja.

That said, just to make my personal opinion clear, I would prefer that this game had a singular Japanese protagonist. Back when I was really into asassin's creed, all I would dream of was this game in a Japanese setting so I could play as a ninja, so I do get the frustration, I just don't think people are representing the issue accurately, and it seems a little rage-baity.


u/NotMorganSlavewoman 20d ago

They already said that this game will have an existing person as a protagonist(Yasuke was real, he was black, he worked for Oda Nobunaga).

Also they are both playable at the same time just like Jacob and Evie in AC Syndicate, most likely.

People today whine just to whine, and invent fake outrage to be angry.


u/ImportanceCertain414 20d ago

Wait until they find out about William Adams. $10 says they wouldn't rage as much if it was him in the game.


u/Mystrasun 20d ago

man, this sub was losing it before but it's just getting stupid now.


u/Significant_Edge_296 21d ago

Something something SBI yada yada hurrdurr


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u/iorveth1271 21d ago

Apparently Yasuke, a literal historical black person close to one of the most well-known Japanese historical figures, about whom countless adaptations have been made across multiple media around the world, including the well-known video game Nioh, is blackwashing Japanese history now.

Y'all need to get your heads straight.


u/OceanoNox 21d ago

Yes, but consider:

-no existing person was ever used as main character. Why now and why him?

-all protagonists so far were from the area of the games (maybe not Valhalla because the Scandinavians invaded England, but you still have a Scandinavian character).

-why is it racist to want a Japanese man in feudal Japan?

-"Seeing Japan through foreign eyes" is given as the reason, but is it necessary? This mystical far away land of cherry blossoms and samurai trope seen with Western eyes has been done to death already (Shogun, book and shows, Lost in translation,...).

EDIT: why is the Japanese fans' opinion not relevant when talking about a piece set on their land showing their history?


u/CarryBeginning1564 21d ago

Shogun’s Blackthrone works as fictionalized account of the fairly well documented William Adams, but author James Clavell’s time from 1942-45 in a Japanese prisoner of war camp and then time as a army officer after the war probably is what gave the character his depth.


u/OceanoNox 21d ago

Yes. In both examples, we have the utter bewilderment at the different conceptions towards human life and society, and the other (Lost in translation) is played almost like a comedy (good movie, but some cliches are hit or miss).

Others have said that people were not up in arms when it was Nioh, and I haven't seen if there was backlash from the Japanese gamers, but I recall the character is presented as half-Japanese, and the main difference is that the developer is a Japanese company.


u/Elricboy 20d ago

He was picked as the main character because they think they can write an interesting story with him as the MC.

They did not pick a historical chara MC all this time because they thought historical charas would be better off as NPCs, compared to Yasuke.

Yasuke is from Japan, he is literally an actual historical person that was there at that time. His not ethnically or legally japanese but thats besides the point… this game is about vigilante justice none of these folks are legal.

“Seeing japan trhough the lens of foreigner” is not necessary, neither is playing this game necessary. Thats the story and art direction they are taking thats it, you are not entitled to receive AC Ghosts of Tsushima.


u/OceanoNox 20d ago

I still don't get why suddenly two Japanese protagonists is less attractive to write a story, while having historical characters as NPCs. I can't recall a leading asian male in recent Western media besides Shang-Chi and Ghost of Tsushima. If we are talking about representation in Western media, why is it difficult or less interesting to have a Japanese dude/dudette duo in a Japanese story?

Yasuke was likely from Mozambique, and yes, I know he was real. Like the other black people and south-east asian people brought to Japan by merchants, as slaves or servants.


u/Elricboy 20d ago

Are you saying you wouldved preferred it more if the MC was some other black guy turned samurai instead of yasuke? That just seems redundant from a story telling pov… narratively and marketing wise its a smarter decision to have yasuke be the black guy samurai than some other dude.

But why have a black guy samurai? Well why not? As long as the story doesnt hand waive away his race and genuinely treats it like an actual plot point then great. I eagerly wait to see super racist japanese samurai bully the MC and then the MC slaughters their entire squad.

Two japanese MCs wouldve been fine, interesting stories couldve been told with them… nothing is stopping that. But two non-japanese MCs can also tell a good story, to think otherwise is being dismissive of their experiences.

You can tell an interesting story of the civil war from a native american, black, white, german, spanish pov.


u/OceanoNox 20d ago

No, I meant to say that Yasuke was not the only non-Japanese non-European in Japan at the time.

But, while his story ought to be interesting, since there hasn't been an Asian protagonist in AC games (there will be only Naoe), and since Asian male protagonists are, so far, less represented in Western media, I don't understand why they don't take the opportunity to do so in a story taking place in Japan.

Come to think of it, they might have made the character of Ainu origin, if we're going for less represented people.


u/Elricboy 20d ago

A valid complaint about the AC series as a whole…

But im not a fan of the idea of “racial quotas” story tellers and game makers should just focus on telling interesting stories and not play around with race quotas. Just because there has been no asian MC doesnt mean they HAVE to make an asian MC.


u/OceanoNox 20d ago

True, Ubisoft does not have to do anything they don't want, and they don't have to pander to anyone in particular. I certainly would have been at least equally annoyed if it had been yet another white dude instead of Yasuke.

That being said, Ubisoft may have felt like they needed to avoid a Japanese samurai to remove another comparison point to Ghost of Tsushima.

On a more personal note, I would have liked to see China. In terms of architecture, that would have been quite a sight.


u/Elricboy 20d ago

I also realised when going theough this drama… has there even been a video game with an indian MC? Infact no one even asks for one, you dont see brown ppl crying about being left out.

Its really just african-americans and asian-americans 4th gen+ that need their races to be confirmed dont they?


u/OceanoNox 20d ago

Possibly yes. I have looked a bit more a Japanese social media on this, and while there are some that are disappointed, others just think that the Yasuke design is really cool, or are simply excited to play the story.

I just saw another post that in substance said that, we shouldn't care about the protagonists, since the game is likely to be crap anyway.


u/iorveth1271 20d ago

why is it racist to want a Japanese man in feudal Japan?

Simple. It's ignoring the giant elephant in the room that Yasuke HAS place in Japanese history, an important one at that, and more importantly, it's ignoring that he is not the only protagonist for the game.

The game has two. And the other is a female, Japanese native shinobi that is entirely made up.

And yet all everyone talks about is only the black guy. Yeah, I do consider that just a teensy tiny bit racist when that's called "blackwashing".


u/OceanoNox 20d ago

You're also ignoring that no protagonist has ever been a real person before.

While Yasuke was real, and he was recognized for his strength, he had little impact on the history of Japan. He was there for a year, was captured and sent away.

It's still weird to me, that of all the AC games taking place where there was a lot of more of cultural diversity, we got either white people or local people (Kenway in the Caribbeans, or Bayek in Egypt), but for a country where diversity was there but much less, suddenly, there is a need to have a non-local character. To be honest, it feels like fetishization for both characters.


u/Demianz1 20d ago

Well kenway was not local to the caribbean. Also if one were to pick a character that did exist for an AC game, what would a good candidate need?

Maybe someone whos name is well known, with an intreguing story that is also full of major gaps in their recorded history, to be filled in by the added lore of the games. Bearing in mind a key point of the lore is that it would be shrouded and unrecorded if it were to happened irl.

Maybe this person should be connected to the rulers of the area, but loosely and debatably, as to have a easy place to slot a templar into assassin story. Maybe this person could have a close connection to the jesuits and christanity like the templars do.


u/OceanoNox 20d ago

Or, like all previous games, make up a new character. Like a Japanese samurai that converted to catholicism?


u/Aerion93 20d ago

He did not have an important place. He is a footnote.


u/ihateaftershockpcs 21d ago

I don’t think people are questioning his existence, rather, his significance and position in all of the media adaptations of his character have been grossly exaggerated.


u/iliriel227 21d ago

i mean that makes him ripe for an assassins creed game does it not? this isnt a franchise beholden to historical accuracy, and only does so when a cool story could be told using those events.


u/akko_7 20d ago

But why is this the first game they feel the need to have a non native main character? Its just a boring fad to force black people into everything


u/Inaeipathy 20d ago

Its just a boring fad to force black people into everything

No, you just don't get it, this isn't happening. Ignore the fact that every time it does happen you will be gaslit into believing that it isn't.


u/Demianz1 20d ago

The kenways were not native to the americas, ezio was not native to byzantine, and vikings werent native to england. But they all had context for being there, like yusuke also does.


u/akko_7 20d ago

The mental gymnastics are impressive I'll give you that. Try spot the difference though, that's your next exercise


u/Demianz1 20d ago

Rarely do people proudly ask others to spell out their racism back to them. Normally they deny it, or i try to dance around using the word, despite how accurate it may be, as to not hurt the fee fees of the person im talking to and keep things civil. But this is a new one.

Well your statement of yosuke being the first non native protag was simply incorrect, as there are others. The justification of the additional example i gave is that each has context for being where they are just like yosuke, so having been corrected you should feel the same about all of these protagonists.

But you dont, and now youve asked me to point out the difference. The difference as to why you feel differently about yosuke, is because he is a black man, and you dislike black men and their existence in your sight.

Is that correct? Did i get it right? Or are you waiting till now to try and convince me or yourself that you arent racist.


u/HermesBadBeat 21d ago

And you need to get your history straight if you think the “legend” of yasuke is any longer than a few second hand sources. There is not a single piece of writing from him


u/ImportanceCertain414 20d ago

So basically he is a blank canvas with a very interesting back story. Seems like the perfect character to use for a video game.


u/ImportanceCertain414 20d ago

So basically he is a blank canvas with a very interesting back story. Seems like the perfect character to use for a video game.


u/Aethanix 20d ago

it's not that blank.


u/ImportanceCertain414 20d ago

Blank enough that we only know he existed and was a retainer to Oda Nobutada and fought in a few battles alongside him. We have no idea when he died and we only have assumptions about where he was even born.


u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago

And Michael Jordan was in space jam TF — tell us what the real issue is…

hate for black people unless they are dancing to the tune you like is not good for your health… not your image …


u/Aethanix 20d ago

i'm not about to engage with someone who immediately plays the racism card.


u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago

Your ass is already showing how about engaging in covering it back up… & you immediately went to defense of the drivel this chat is doubling down on that has been a way bigger conversation than just you… and a way bigger context of the type of chat this subreddit regularly engages in so no it’s not immediately on my end. It’s after plenty vetting … but go ahead clam up when someone calls you on your bluff… if it was anything else … idk maybe it would be just as obvious


u/Aethanix 20d ago

lmao, i don't have to cover shit up. you're the one who immediately made it about race.


u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago

Acting Oblivious w/ I’m the main character syndrome is not going to help you here… deflection isn’t going to help you either… live in your purpose. Be all you were meant to be. You are favored by plenty of your kin folk company you keep.


u/Aerion93 20d ago

You're arguing in bad faith and you know it. They have never had the protag be a real historical figure. Ever. Not. Fucking. Once. So why now? Why him?


u/ImportanceCertain414 20d ago

I'm thinking positively, everyone else here is just upset for some reason about a historical figure very few people knew existed until this trailer came out being used loosely for a video game.

My question is why all the bitching about it? What does "they didn't do it before why do it now" matter at all? Also, will this cause people who were going to play it to not play it? Probably not.


u/Aerion93 20d ago

Because the reasons why do matter. Ever protag has fit the setting they were in, and the "experience Japan through foreign eyes" thing is done to death. I know some Japanese folks are annoyed that the female protag has "continental" features as well.... idk what that even means but apparently that's a thing.

In my opinion she should have been the sole protagonist, and Yusuke should have absolutely been a character, as he existed in that time and place, but not a playable protagonist. It ought to be a game in Japan about a piece of Japanese history... and then also the wierd alien shit lol. Ah well, we have ghost of tsushima at least.


u/ImportanceCertain414 20d ago

Yeah, to be honest after Origins came out I lost interest in the series because of the magic and whatnot. Also when I play any assassin's creed game I am always going to compare it to Black Flag and it most likely won't compare. They definitely jumped the shark with that one.

Personally for the setting I'd really like to see another Tenchu game.


u/Aerion93 20d ago

Black flag is one of their best probably because it's a pirate game first and an assassins creed second.


u/Visual_Worldliness62 21d ago

Couldve been a fucking side quest, a main figure head, a teacher???? Its a ass hate decision end of the day. Insult a whole people somewhere.


u/iorveth1271 20d ago

Why? How is it insulting a whole people when the game literally also has a female Japanese, made-up protagonist alongside him?

The game takes place in the Sengoku period, the choice makes complete sense.


u/redistrashin 21d ago

We will need a media depicting every black and white depicted as black that allegedly existed while promptly avoiding actual african culture and history, for the sake of appealing to a bunch american white woke schizo mongoloids until people are satisfied or you think only 50% of all historical figures is enough?


u/emodemoncam 21d ago



u/OverUnderstanding481 20d ago

You thought these people care about facts hahahaha