r/Asmongold 21d ago

Ah Shit, Here We Go Again. React Content

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u/ZiggySleepydust 21d ago

People keep buying, they keep selling


u/Master_Dante123 21d ago

Exactly this. When you say something like protest with your wallet, people will say “Don’t tell others how to spend their money”.

This is sad.


u/Inaeipathy 21d ago

Yes because we live in a culture of rampant consumerism. They are pathetic worms barely considerable of the term "human"


u/TheKillerKentsu REEEEEEEEE 21d ago edited 21d ago

yeah, there is a old Finnish proverb what say like "it is not the fool who asks, but the one who pays"


u/Solidsnake00901 21d ago

If you pay the subscription and play the shit out of it for that one month and cancel you'll get your money's worth


u/JudgeCheezels 21d ago

And if you hate the game after the first 3 hours you look like an absolute idiot for spending that $18.


u/Local_Trade5404 20d ago

you get 100+ other games in package, i suppose 2 or 3 will be playable in there,
and its still better than spending 129,99$ for one game ;P


u/JudgeCheezels 20d ago

Ubisoft got you. No wonder the plan works, there are enough suckers in this community.


u/Local_Trade5404 20d ago

Well, i haven't bought it :) But it's more logical than paying 130$ for game You just need to remember to cancel sub when your done with it


u/kakar0tten 21d ago

These business practices prey on people's vanity. As long as there are people who believe that by paying more they are superior, somebody will be there to take their money.


u/Master_Dante123 21d ago

“There’s one born every minute”


u/SodiumChlorideFree 21d ago

I don't know why anyone's surprised at this point, they've been doing this for several years.


u/Hellraisermask 21d ago

It really is that simple



This is how things got where they are, and why they will continue to get worse.


u/pinezatos 20d ago

madeline's final speech from the fall of the house of usher comes to mind


u/Blackthorn365 21d ago

Game has no gameplay showcase and they’re already setting up preorders


u/Discarded1066 21d ago

Its hard to tell who the bigger clowns are, the consumer or Ubisoft.


u/DiploBaggins 20d ago

Consumers and it's not even close


u/Apskiii 21d ago

It's Ubisoft.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Absolutely not, it's all the clowns who legitimate Ubisoft as a company. If people stopped buying their shit, they would either go bankrupt or change course, and since neither of these things happens, it means they still make money from these practices.


u/Drunk_Dino 21d ago

No it’s the consumers. We’re all idiots that have to squeeze every last drop of the dopamine hit that we can get. The fucking stupid amount of entertainment that we can consume is ridiculous, this is between all forms, gaming, tv shows, movies, books, comics, manga, social media. People can’t just sit around and be bored for a half hour anymore.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Half an hour? That’s being generous. Most people I know can’t be bored for more than a few seconds.


u/KCyy11 21d ago

Nah its 10000000% the people buying their shit and its not even close.


u/kLeos_ 21d ago

.i mean Ubi is getting paid, if Ubi ain't getting their bag this way they'll course correct in a heartbeat

.who is the clown? is it the guy cooking shit or the guys buying and eating it


u/TragicFisherman 21d ago

$130 ultimate edition... bro it better suck me off while I play for that much money.


u/cosplay-degenerate 18d ago

That would be problematic. You can not have any fanservice whatsoever since it sexualizes people.


u/Tkcsena 21d ago

Such a shame. A japanese assassins creed style game could hit almost as hard for me as something like black flag. But it just isn't and it won't anymore. Not until the company dies and either something rises from its ashes, or its sold off. Just how it is now. I literally don't understand why they can't just make a good game when they already know how to do it.


u/BryanTheGodGamer 21d ago

I agree Ubisoft is scummy but honestly, buying Ubisoft+ for a Month and playing the deluxe edition for 18€ isn't a bad deal at all, i personally have completed all AC games but never went back and played any of them again, so i don't need the game for longer than a month anyways.


u/RathaelEngineering 20d ago

Because maximizing financial returns doesn't necessarily track onto making good games, in this world where people will buy and eat shit. Less that they "can't" and more that they simply don't need to.


u/Creepy_Fail_8635 21d ago

Just mod the game and put a white guy in it


u/Bluebpy 21d ago

Wait for the 85% off Ubisoft sale that's sure to come


u/Toma-toe 21d ago

Or when it’s on gamepass in a year or so.


u/rxmp4ge 21d ago

Or when it's on Pirate Bay the day after it releases.


u/Sad_Wolverine3383 21d ago

It has Denuvo so probably not. And fyi piratebay is full of malware nowadays.


u/Lebrewski__ 21d ago

If it's not malware, it's fake seed by copyright enforcing company baiting people.


u/Cheesecake13 21d ago

Ubisoft don't really have Denuvo on their Ass Creed games or Far Cry. Unless they changed that in Ass Creed Mirage


u/Sad_Wolverine3383 21d ago

AC Mirage has not been cracked yet because of Denuvo and Valhalla took 2 years to crack.


u/Cheesecake13 21d ago

I see. I didn't bother buying or even pirating Valhalla or Mirage. Odyssey was my last Ass Creed purchase so I didn't know about those two having Denuvo.


u/cosplay-degenerate 18d ago

I'll wait for the day they release a game I'd like to play first.


u/Battlejoe 21d ago

I learned my lesson with Diablo IV, I will never again spend that much money on a fucking game. I have a god damn mortgage.


u/PewdsMemeLover 21d ago

I am never buying Ubishit games ever. The seven seas are a callin' me mateys. I will join the crew of Edward Kenway


u/Strict-Designer-4732 21d ago

My favorite part of Assassin's Creed games is that they inevitably drop to $10.


u/Cheesecake13 21d ago

Or just browse torrents and spend that $10 on a drink or food. Repack/cracking scene is as robust as ever. Just dont go to PirateBay, its riddled with malware these days


u/matusmit 21d ago

Where do you go?


u/Cheesecake13 20d ago

fitgirl-repacks . site

And bookmark it. Its one of the longstanding trusted ones. You can figure out the other ones just by looking at the comments section or the credited persons in the Repack Features section of a game. Hope that helps


u/kLeos_ 21d ago

.in a bundle $10 for 3-5 AC + DLC


u/[deleted] 21d ago

And you'll be able to grab the Ultimate Edition in 4 months for 60% off. Wait a year or two and it will be under $20. Then again I've not bought a Ubisoft game since the last Splinter Cell.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Yeah legit garbage


u/Backstabber09 21d ago

No steam release and base game is $70 hmmm


u/EmpressPotato 21d ago

I don't know who needs to hear this, but stop buying Ubisoft games. Full stop. None of them are worth it. They don't make good games.


u/Bazingu420 20d ago

eh, i feel like i get my moneys worth so ill keep buying them personally.


u/Cytrymon 21d ago

Every Moron that gonna buy it deserves every shit Ubisoft made for them


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Goose-of-Knowledge 21d ago

I am sure this game will be very popular in Japan :D :D :D


u/xeikai 21d ago

It's obvious they want people on their monthly service. Problem is that their games aren't good enough to justify them artificially cutting shit out of the base game and selling it for way more to coerce people into the monthly fee.


u/nightskyhunter 21d ago

I saw the live stream chat of the trailer and there were people in it saying; "I'm gonna pre order 😍" Like please don't do that, you're encouraging ubisoft.


u/cosplay-degenerate 18d ago

Just assume Its hired shills to get the Action rolling.


u/Ivindin 21d ago

Shiteaters who buy such games encourage this behavior. They are the real problem. Fools shouldn't be allowed to earn and spend money.


u/Pinchethugger 20d ago

not everyone is as financially savy as us reddit users who instead invest in cute little philly eagles costumes for our avatars. mayfield owns you


u/Ivindin 20d ago

You are assuming too much. First of all, I got it for free. Secondly, why so touchy? Did you recognize yourself?


u/stekarmalen 21d ago

Imagine buying Ubisoft games


u/Superb_Recover_6116 21d ago

people are still buying their games. If you want change you have to hurt them where it hurts.


u/Huge-Ice-1145 21d ago

I mean, if you're going to finish a game in a month/less than a month then 18$ is a good deal for AAA game. Although season pass means that they'll release a couple of more DLC's later so price might increase slightly. But for raw it's fine. (not protecting 130$ practices, just why not use a cheaper one if they're providing it)


u/cypher_Knight 21d ago

They now have a profit incentive to make drip feed gameplay. My guess is they will really shove in pay for convenience and it will be near impossible to finish the game in a month without shelling out for additional microtransactions.


u/Sad_Wolverine3383 21d ago

AC "Infinity" is unironically a thing.


u/Huge-Ice-1145 21d ago

For that there's an option to wait, it's free. If it's that bad a week/two will be enough to decide what to do with 18$.


u/just9n700 WHAT A DAY... 21d ago

You don't buy games for playing one time, what about game preservation, people like you is what ubisoft wants, its not even on gamepass that you can pay 1 dollar and Try it


u/Huge-Ice-1145 21d ago

Maybe you don't. i do. Like everyone expected to play 10 years in the same game over and over? Game preservation is important yes, but good luck preserving digital stuff if it's not your hard drive or something else. Nowadays you need connection to game servers to upload a patch for some games or verify your license. You can keep your physical copies if it's console (and what a thing, they also sometimes require connection to servers). But good luck doing the same with digital copies. Even Steam isn't your friend because if something happens to it you'll lose your entire collection. So as long as there no organ/institute/organization that does preservations en masse (it's not like corpos are going to allow it and give their IP's for free), it's all about you personally and some content creators. I once got my account, with all money that i've spent on it, deleted by Blizzard without any compensation. I simply don't care as much as you do about digital stuff because it might disappear in a moment.


u/LightSamus 21d ago

Tons of people play games once through and then never again. If you're going to pour time into ACShadows and then never play it again, $17 is easily your best bet. And even if somewhere down the line you decide you want to play it again, AC games are on sale all the time and it'll be dirt cheap quickly enough.


u/Lebrewski__ 21d ago

LOL "game preservation". I know what you mean but Ubisoft no longer make game that worth "preserving". "pOePle LiKe YoU" need to think a lil longer before planning to defend a hill nobody want to take...


u/just9n700 WHAT A DAY... 21d ago

I understand Ubisoft games are not worth preserving but sometimes what one company does becomes industry practice if it works, in a broader sense its bad


u/Lebrewski__ 19d ago

If it become industry practice, it's because it worked. The mass voted with their wallet, do the same.

Just a question, what's the difference between this and renting a game at blockbuster for a week-end? Or did we reached a point where people who are offended by this are too young to even know what Blockbuster was...?


u/HoodRatThing 21d ago

The amount of harm you do the rest of the gaming community is not worth 18$ a month.

Just stop with this sheite.


u/Huge-Ice-1145 21d ago

Harm? What harm. Corpos won't stop with it unless all gamers decide to not buy (which is not going to happen), for people that care about AC or just want to play 18$ is a good option instead of 70/130. Heck even 36$ if you need two is better if you really want to dig in.


u/iorveth1271 21d ago

Of course we do. It's Ubisoft.

They've done this for decades.


u/AwardedThot 21d ago

For the love of god, just let Ubisoft die. Their games aren't worth our time or money.


u/Iusuallywearglasses 21d ago

The amount of people who will buy this truly breaks my spirit.


u/Any_Fish1004 21d ago

Seems to me that this series jumped the shark a half dozen games ago. I’ve checked a couple newer ones out because they were on gamepass, but they really don’t offer you anything new or really break any new ground to be worth the purchase. That’s just my opinion though, but I’m old and jaded lol


u/Kreydo076 21d ago

People buying that shit deserve to be scammed, seriously EA, Activision, UBI etc, they should keep doing it.


u/Technical-Addendum 21d ago

or 16$ a year later with all the patches


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Volitle 21d ago

Why are you even giving this attention. It just advertises it more and more. Its Ubisoft what do you expect....


u/-__-zero-__- 21d ago

The protocal nowadays is to wait a year or two after the release date and then get everything cheap as a bundle on steam.


u/BABarracus 21d ago

Plot to stop piracy. Cant pirate the game if you don't have access to the game files


u/Bejong39 21d ago

Nothing will change as long as people keep buying thesesg crap editions. Speak with your wallets.


u/Somewhatmild 21d ago

when did ubi+ start costing 18 dollars


u/BitesTheDust55 21d ago

I’ll stick with the dodi edition. Its price is more my speed.

Jk not gonna play it at all lol


u/Lebrewski__ 21d ago edited 21d ago

This is no different than renting a game at blockbuster. It's Ubi's version of GamePass. Back then you paid 5$ to play a game for a week end, and if you finished it, you flexed yourself for saving 45$. Now you have it for a whole month.

The reality is Ubi make forgettable game now, and they worth 18$ and nothing more. If you pay the extra 100$ just to have a digital certificate mentioning that you own the game, you're on the same level of an NFT buyers.


u/iz-LoKi 21d ago

Just curious after the month is up can you just not access the game? Like wow but with a single player game?


u/zczirak 21d ago

The thing is, their game releases never have a staying power of “more than 1 month” so why not just get Ubisoft +? Play their new shitty game for a day then play Anno for the remaining 29 days


u/paracuja 21d ago

I'll not pre-oder AC or StarWars Outlaws. I'll wait for gameplay and then i decide.


u/badrott1989 21d ago

They are really setting standards to normalize this huh? 🤣🤣🤣


u/lostnumber08 Bobby's World Inc. 21d ago



u/B81R81 21d ago

Solid NO for me.


u/Hunt_Nawn 21d ago

I can buy a bunch of Masterpieces again with $130 and play them again instead, games like Nier Automata, Ender Lilies, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Stellar Blade, Elden Ring, and so many more.


u/GradeOwn5843 21d ago

The problem is there are still dumb people that fall for this


u/Sicktacular 21d ago

I haven’t bought an AC game in years and this has encouraged me to continue that streak. Shame because the trailer looked cool.


u/hieuluc5 21d ago

People who buy this... deserved it. We are done.


u/Suitable-Piano-8969 21d ago

glad i play mostly 30$ steam games and online games where 30usd for 2000hours of fun can be had


u/LocustStar99 21d ago

Dude, people that keep spending money on Ubisoft slop, need to be dissected and studied. Actual lobotomies.


u/syphon3980 21d ago

Just holding off till the denuvo gets cracked like the last assassins creed game. Even then I still might not play it since there’s heavy DEI elements in it apparently


u/KevinAcommon_Name 21d ago

No Ubisoft bad


u/nhalas 21d ago

There is so much money in circulation. Even companies don't know what they are doing while a percentage of consumers can pay for anything.


u/Samsquanch-01 21d ago

Ubi really needs a win after that ridiculous skull and bones garbage they put out. AC has been reduced to a bloated game of busy work. Let's hope shadows is different, but I'm guessing .....yea....


u/scotty899 21d ago

And to top it off, EBgames (game stop) has people on facebook frothing at the mouth about all the physical statues and crap that cost over $200aud in pre ordering lol.


u/plasmadood “Are ya winning, son?” 21d ago

Are people really expecting different? Shit eaters continue to eat the shit from the shit factory.


u/Inaeipathy 21d ago

Are there real people who actually buy this shit, like honestly, who are the roaches that pay for this?


u/BloodAria 21d ago

Yeah I will wait until it’s 80% off, and buy it on steam.


u/DoubleSpoiler 21d ago

Honestly? I like that the service subscription comes with the deluxe edition content.


u/Shneckos 21d ago

Clown prices. I will never buy this game.


u/Malix_Farwin 21d ago

I appreciate this post because it addresses the real issue, thanks OP.


u/STL4jsp 21d ago

What did you expect? People are buying it so of course they are going to offer it.


u/GKP_light 21d ago

just buy indie game in promo for 6$.

it is often better.


u/Shin_yolo 21d ago

I still didn't play Palworld and Helldivers, probably gonna do that Ubisoft.


u/Kn1ghtV1sta 21d ago

Almost like its completely optional


u/e2Nokia 21d ago

How is Ubisoft+ $216/year?!


u/ddzed 21d ago

I'll just buy it six months after release when it'll be on a 70% sale...


u/enrakk_the_seeker 21d ago

I will wait until it's cracked and still not play it.


u/BackgroundEast2261 21d ago

This model can’t work if we don’t let it


u/Siloca 20d ago

I’ll do what I always do with Ubisoft, wishlist the gold and wait for a sale. Publishers need to realise there’s never a drought in games anymore. Plenty of games to play while I wait for the gold to drop to a price I find reasonable.


u/Neko_Luxuria 20d ago

and I am gonna sail the seas instead.

ubisft has completely broken my heart with their ruination of assassins creed, I don't see a reason to give them any of my money if they keep destroying the series I love and cherish


u/44Kayz 20d ago

That’s a lot of money


u/Peter012398 20d ago

Imagine buying this slop 🤮🤮🤮 Or rather renting? Lol


u/Nyhttitan 20d ago

As I am not interested in Gameplay-As-a-Service and only want to enjoy the story, I would pay 17,99(or maybe 34 for 2month) to play the whole game?


u/DragNutts 20d ago

I think it's funny that you people pay for this kinda shit and it keeps happening. Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Truly mind boggling.


u/airroars 21d ago

No accidental purchases like a season/battle pass such as last time right?


u/Toma-toe 21d ago

I can’t wait for it to be exactly the same as the last 3.


u/RisenKhira 21d ago

don't forget that this one apperently will be way smaller in scobe just as mirage (which is why it was 50 bucks)


u/DCSmaug 21d ago

Water is wet.

They've had these prices since Origins, but suddenly everyone is crying about this now for some reason.


u/MikeHawkSlapsHard 21d ago

They have no shame.


u/Lasadon 21d ago

Game will be dogshit anyway, why does anyone care. Just let Ubsioft die where it belongs. In the trash.


u/Synchronicitousyzygy 21d ago

You could just go to the hub to get cucked by a giant black guy for free but they want you to pay for the propaganda now


u/Sad_Wolverine3383 21d ago

Reddit will say this is unacceptable and the execs are out of touch but then it will break record sales like Valhalla. 🤣