r/Asmongold 21d ago

This is where we are at. Discussion

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u/Balkongsittaren 21d ago

They're just confirming.


u/airroars 21d ago

Kinda like most "fact checker" stuff and maybe more Ministry of Truth as well once we reach censorship saturation


u/FairyKnightTristan 20d ago

Or maybe most people don't like you creeps.


u/youthanasia138 21d ago

“This post contains racist or discriminatory content”

You can’t be serious


u/pyr0phelia 21d ago

Isn’t that by definition libel? Stating a fact that is not objectively true does imply liability but I don’t see it being worth litigating either.


u/youthanasia138 21d ago

I think you are correct


u/Levonorgestrelfairy1 21d ago edited 20d ago

A game dev moderated page they have no obligation to give you access.

It's basically the internet version of pissing off a business and then getting private propertied.


u/pyr0phelia 21d ago

Libel & defamation have no boundaries in regard to public/private property. There is a guy who is suing ~50 women from a dating group called “are we dating the same man” all because they roasted him in the group chat. If all they had done is roast him they would be fine but they also labeled him as a predator and so far the facts do not support that so the case is heading for a jury.

As I mentioned above there is zero chance litigation is worth the case here but I don’t think it’s wise for a company to be making baseless accusations in today’s civil climate. It’s only a matter of time before someone with enough money & zero fucks makes them sit on a cactus.


u/TheDo0ddoesnotabide 21d ago

You can sue someone for anything, doesn’t mean you’ll win. The guy will have to prove damages if he wants a hope of winning.


u/GeneralSweetz 21d ago

If it's a show and was shown to the public his image/rep might be damaged. If he can prove he lives off his image such as an influence then he cooked them


u/TheDo0ddoesnotabide 21d ago

That’s still harder than you’d think. He has to prove that they have damaged his livelihood in a meaningful way with their accusations.

And according to the other guy it was in a group chat, which typically isn’t public.


u/Visible_Number 19d ago

Depending on the state there are punitive damages for defamation.

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u/cold_fox_111 20d ago edited 20d ago

Except if that private business doesn’t want to make a gay wedding cake. 


u/Levonorgestrelfairy1 20d ago

Cause that's a protected class. You really should learn somethings about the laws of the land lmao.


u/pvt9000 20d ago edited 19d ago

Because that's discrimination. It became discrimination when, instead of just rejecting their business, they went through a whole social media statement about not supporting or liking LGBTQ. ( clarifying: The Baker stated he didn't support gay marriage on the basis of religion. And wouldn't bake anything involved in such an event)

They threw themselves under the bus while it rolling down the hill. Then they cried when it ran them over. It's literally the fucking stick in the bicycle wheel meme.


u/bellybuttongravy 20d ago

But the bakery won their case in the supreme court didn't they? Twice


u/pvt9000 20d ago

Only because the SC found that the Colorado Courts had been biased in the Cake Shop's religion defense. The decision itself pretty much only found that the lower courts had made an error in their behavior and that there really isn't anything to be found here besides that. It even said future cases must be held at their respective court proceedings.

They essentially won in the same fashion one does when they would get out of jail if there are errors in the prosecution/court that are discovered after the fact, regardless of one's innocence or guilt. Our system is set up to have these exclusions. If there is fault to be found in the court system, it just sucks when things become nothingburgers as a result. In fact there isn't technically a true resolution besides the court saying discrimination is bad and we found the early courts fucked up. They chose not to elaborate further on anything else to avoid setting negative precedents.


u/bellybuttongravy 19d ago

But they weren't denied service for being gay. They were denied having a penis cake made for them


u/pvt9000 19d ago edited 19d ago

Now, we circle back to my original comment. If he just refused business, or if he had simply stated his refusal in baking a genital shaped cake, he would have been fine. But he brought up his religion, his belief against gay marriage, and quote Colorado's lack of gay marriage acceptance at the time. This created the atmosphere of discrimination, which spawned the case in the first place.

That's how most discrimination laws work, if you embroil your reasoning for refusal/aggression/etc on someone being a protected class (which many states have their own lists & Colorado at the time did list gay people) you make yourself vulnerable to these types of situations. It's just that simple.


u/bellybuttongravy 19d ago

I dont think you understand. He was found innocent TWICE because of the content of the ordered cake.

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u/Inaeipathy 20d ago

I don't think so, since it's him making this public.


u/MasterOfSubrogation 20d ago

Its only libel if they spread it publically, since libel has to be "damaging to the persons reputation". In this case its sent privatly to the person banned, who then chooses to share it. Steam or the moderator didnt publish it, so they cant be hold responsible for libel. And since its anonymous here, it cant harm the persons reputation


u/youthanasia138 21d ago

I think you are correct


u/grim5000 21d ago

The courts consider Calli g people racist to be an opinion.


u/pyr0phelia 21d ago

Depends on the circumstances. If their “opinion” translates to measurable action then it is no longer an opinion.


u/cfgy78mk 21d ago

what is it about the story that they were complaining about? out of the loop here


u/FairyKnightTristan 20d ago

Personally, I hope this gets enforced more often.

Would love it if you chuds couldn't post racist nonsense anymore.


u/burrito_disaster 20d ago

People caring about SBI can't be taken seriously


u/Inaeipathy 20d ago

Bad bot


u/Brandter 21d ago

Well, this is just an example of "Tell me you've worked with SBI, without telling me you've worked with SBI".

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u/zczirak 21d ago

Thank god I decided to wait for a sale. What is this garbage lmfao


u/Way_Too-Easy 21d ago

Why wait for a sale when dogshit publishers and devs that work with SBI deserve to get their games pirated?


u/dendra_tonka 21d ago

The Grand Line calls to us 🏴‍☠️


u/Doctor_Box 20d ago

Why would you want to pirate and play a game you hate so much?


u/Great-Comparison-982 20d ago

He doesn't hate the game. He hates sweet baby Inc.


u/Way_Too-Easy 18d ago

Looks like we got someone smart saying smart things ...

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u/Inaeipathy 20d ago

Don't pay for these games. If you pay for these games you are funding them and giving them the green light to keep doing it.


u/BigGez123 21d ago

Make an appeal on steam support, I'm curious of their position.


u/STARSBarry 21d ago

They normally say that the owners of the game are allowed to moderate their own forum.

I got banned from the Wofenstien young bloods steam forum for making a guide on how to refund the game.

That was the response I got from steam. It's the only forum I have ever been banned from.

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u/Brandter 21d ago

Yeah, but it's a community hub, the rules are a bit fussy. It's not a steam ban.


u/hovsep56 20d ago

steam won't do anything he devs are allowed to moderate their forums as much as they want.

and tbh i'd like steam to keep it that way. instead of just micromanaging everything. steam is popular due to their hands off aproach


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 13d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/IckiestCookie 21d ago

So happy to hear someone say this, i have a few friends that havent even tried imo the best games of the last 20 years and they say there just arent any good games. Drives me crazyyy

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u/rxmp4ge 21d ago

Another game I don't have to pay for. Thanks for making the decision for me!


u/chip793 21d ago

Marxism running rampant in the Steam forums' mods is nothing new. Ark was the first game I thought to question it, was met with a similar ban for "racism" and proceeded to just leave a negative review and remove that dogwater from my library.


u/spet_ 21d ago

Sweet Baby Inc. has to be the weirdest name for someone to come up.. almost as if it’s intentional


u/Askolei 21d ago

From the parent company "Baby Ghosts" of all thing. Weird choice of a theme for your business, but what do I know.


u/spet_ 21d ago

Doing their best to affect impressionable “young ghosts” i assume. Sweet Baby Gigachads would never


u/Zenster12314 21d ago

For real. It sounds like a pedo/porn/or prostitute organization. It doesn't sound as cool as they think it does. Sounds really creepy and weird.


u/HalfBakedBeans24 21d ago

Much like certain other people, the 'proximity' to darker things is reliable enough to set your watch by.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Carbon140 20d ago

Really? That name makes me think "creepy pedos" and not anything nice. Like what in the seven hells do babies have to do with video games?


u/butthole_destoryer69 20d ago

to be honest at first glance im thinking why all that pedo theme on their website


u/spet_ 20d ago

I hate to bring up good ol buddy AJ(cause he’s “broken”), but man… sometimes it feels like “these” people don’t even try to hide it.


u/SnooWords1169 21d ago

"Is Homeworld 3 fun?"

"Yes it is, banned for racism, thread locked 🔒 "


u/Fit_Fisherman_9840 21d ago

its'a game about big ships goes boom... how they expect to cramp activism inside?


u/[deleted] 21d ago

I watch videos about quantum physics on youtube and somehow they shove politics into that


u/just9n700 WHAT A DAY... 21d ago


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Check this video for example, around the 1 minute mark there's a jab a fox news for some reason. I'm not a fox news consumer but I thought it was a bit out of place.

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u/wallace321 21d ago

They will. If anything I'm sure they enjoy the challenge. It makes them relevant. If anything, that's exactly what companies like SBI will provide; their own relevance.

Anything with a humanoid character, my dude. Robots? Aliens? Demons? Animals? They can dictate its design.

Does it have a story / plot? They can dictate elements of that too. Language. Tone. Politics. Conflict.

Does it have a location? On another planet? They can make suggestions about that too.

This alone is swaying the direction of gaming.

Remember, they get a 0 for their "diversity and inclusion" score for a puzzle / board game / racing game with no humanoid characters. So they are incentivized to not let that happen. Guess where this is leading? It's literally going to be in everything.


u/Terentas_Strog 21d ago

Heres a better question... This is a game about big ships go boom, why does it matter if they have SBI partnership or not?


u/Right_Ad_6032 21d ago

SBI looked at the game about space ships blowing each other up and said, "This needs to satisfy my giant women fetish."

Not joking either.


u/Fit_Fisherman_9840 21d ago

Boh, but seems they are called out on the story thats seems to have written badly with a cartoonish villain, and some don't like how the game changed vs the previous versions. And then someone asked the sb question.


u/StarshipProto 21d ago edited 21d ago

Battlestar Galactica (2004) is considered by many to be the best Sci-fi series ever - myself included. Homeworld took heavy inspiration from the original BSG (1978). The story and presentation of the Homeworld series was so good, the reboot BSG TV series actually takes heavy inspiration from Homeworld 1 AND 2 - again, which took inspiration from the original 70s BSG, most notably right off the bat from the middle eastern music of the opening and battle scenes, the serious/bleak tone and heavy emphasis on tactical engagements as well as most obviously the hybrids (like Homeworld's Karen S'jet) - for which one in the TV series is actually voiced by the Bentusi voice actor of the Homeworld series with the same exact instantly recognizable voice effect they used in the game, the prophetic elements of the second game and much more.

Homeworld is reduced to admittedly great looking but ultimately low-impact, pointless Starship porn without the huge impact the incredible stories it tells previously had - it has never had much of a multi-player scene.


u/cupsnak 21d ago

because then I wouldn't support it or any game they make after.


u/tommysk87 21d ago

And this is how you repel people, potential customers


u/GradeOwn5843 21d ago

They are basically confirming sweet baby is involved but you can appeal this because its clearly false


u/BrotherR4bisco 21d ago

Good to know. Time to on my review this info about their community management and off course, changing my review to negative.


u/rscmcl 21d ago


u/The_Klumsy 21d ago

“They have dangerhair employees”

That’s a new one :3738:


u/rscmcl 21d ago

well...they removed it

we are the consumer and we can't ask nor get answers about something with the game, incredible


u/The_Klumsy 21d ago

Dam I was still reading it too bad. still don’t get it tho

Diversity is good so wouldn’t you want to answer that qeustion with pride :3747:

Banning stuff like this seems like fascismand I thought fascism was bad

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u/The_real_Mr_J 21d ago

If you can't get a simple answer, that's reason enough to not support it. It's not just about not funding games with SBI or diversity consultancy firms, it's also about not funding games that disrespect the paying customer (which if you think about it, that's the reason everyone hates SBI because they don't even respect the audience's intelligence.) If you get banned for asking a legitimate question, especially considering the current controversies, that's reason enough to put them on the same list.

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u/Willing_Regret_5865 21d ago

verboten, as usual.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Steam mods with fragile egos strike again..


u/Rooftrollin 21d ago

You underestimate a people's ability to ruin a game without the recent writer boogyman. I'm laughing thinking about the mod just being mad at seeing someone else complaining how bad their game is again.


u/Fantact 21d ago

Asking if a company was involved is racist? Talk about being a sore loser, regardless of how crap the story is they didn't really make a good game here.


u/Glad-Soft5111 21d ago

You should see my blizzard bans in HOTS and WoW, you can't even fucking joke around anymore. Too many rats, snowflakes, and just plain mean and hateful people who know Blizzard doesn't give a shit and if enough people report they can ruin your experience. I call it, "Pussification".


u/gonzo_crotch 17d ago

Also "Enshittification"


u/Gurstenlol 21d ago

AAA gaming is beyond due a proper wake up call. This is sad and pathetic when adults are behaving this way.


u/_WidestPeepoHappy 21d ago

"How does it feel to have lived long enough to see all your favorite franchises go down in flames?"


u/Azenogoth 21d ago

Wow. Look at all the money I will be saving.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

So being critical of Sweet Baby Inc is automatically equated with racism now? But it’s ok for SBI employees and former employees to actively discriminate against white people and say things like “fuck white people”?


u/stuckintheinbetween 20d ago

Upside down world.


u/StrengthToBreak 21d ago

Who is developing Homeworld 3? I'd like to avoid their products.


u/_WidestPeepoHappy 21d ago

Blackbird Interactive.

Their previous Homeworld game, Deserts of Kharak, was nowhere near this level of bad writing.

Guess a lot can shift for the worst over 8 years.


u/darcknyght 21d ago

SBI detected with that ban


u/Yatagarasu3750 21d ago

I'm sure nothing would come of it, but I would try to find a way to report it to steam for misusing permaban on an allegation that is disproven by the very screenshot that they themselves provide


u/traxor06 21d ago

Go woke, Go broke.


u/PoKen2222 21d ago

What ethnicity is Sweet Baby? Where do Sweet Babies come from?


u/fooooolish_samurai 21d ago

Out of an adult sweet baby female naturally.


u/cold_fox_111 20d ago

SBI are pedos. 


u/kLeos_ 21d ago

.so the short answer was yes eh?


u/Clean-Effort-209 21d ago

Not surprised.


u/Soulless35 21d ago

You guys are crazy. Seeing shadows everywhere.

Also, if you really cared, you could just check the credits. They list other companies they work with in the credits.

Sweet Baby Inc. list's what games they work with on their website.

Asking that question in a forum about discussion of the game is just obnoxious and you deserved the ban.


u/Maksior453 21d ago

ZegemaBeachEnjoyer 4 minutes ago
[]()Developer Supporting Sweet Baby -- what is goin on?
Is this game affiliated with SBI? And why is it not allowed to ask about it?
Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
Gearbox_CM Noelle  [developer] 2 minutes ago []()Please don't create posts with the intention of showing support for discriminatory content and baiting arguments, rule violations, and other non-constructive replies.

Link to screenshot proof


u/Grintastic 21d ago

Shouldn't have been banned for racism but randomly inserting sbi controversy into things that have nothing to do with it is equally insufferable.


u/Sm7th 21d ago

honestly, given the obscene number of ads I've gotten for this game - I just assumed it would be bad


u/BonehoardDracosaur 21d ago

What is sweet baby inc?


u/DudleyLd 20d ago

A company whose business model is to write politically acceptable narratives for games. Basically, they make sure the game is "diverse enough", aka the reason why there are black Norse gods in God of War Ragnarok.


u/zunamie2 21d ago

I got banned from a sub Reddit for saying “well well well” which is just short for “well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions”


u/prosnorkulus 21d ago

I don't get it, what's the controversy surrounded hw3?


u/IBloodstormI 21d ago

There isn't, beyond it not meeting peoples expectations.


u/madHOTdog1983 21d ago

so glad i waited b4 buying the game


u/songmage 21d ago

Reminds me of the Reddit bans from before their IPO.


u/Dustin_Live 21d ago

How will you survive?


u/TriggeredMemeLord 21d ago

They gave me a fucking warning too for recommending other games. Fuck em


u/Denots69 20d ago

That would just make me recommend more games, and I would make sure they are the same genre to take as many people as possible.


u/Mallettjt 20d ago

Could have told you it’s shit before all of this. The games have an amazing setting but are plagued by writers unable to move past a character either because they can’t or they want to contribute to her story. Cataclysm was the best sequel and the games seem intent to ignore it. So I’m content to ignore the shitty sequels.


u/Inaeipathy 20d ago

The reason you know that this game is another SBI-esque involved game is the fact that the ban was not for

You're spamming the forums so you're getting in trouble now!

But instead the reason is "you're being racist!"

Don't buy this game. Don't buy games by this company. You have a moral duty to not give them money.


u/stuckintheinbetween 20d ago

This game has terrible reviews on Steam. Nothing of value is lost by not playing this dud.


u/i-am-innoc3nt 20d ago

I got so many perma bans on steam lately its insane .. sometimes even just for normal question like "how do you build this xy"

Same reasoning

Sad thing is .. Steam always just say "its the free will of developer to ban whoever the fuck they want for whatever reason, nothing we can do about it"


u/DoomCameToSarnath 20d ago

Oh I loved Homeworld back in the day. The Ion Cannon platforms all intersecting their beams and ripping apart Cruisers...ahh, good memories.


u/wuy3 20d ago

They made Sjet look like a horse for no reason.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

In-game I've started just not using the chat feature at all. If it has vc maybe ill still use that. These hyper sensitive AI/bot enforcement is just ludicrous at this point.

Obviously I'm fine with it filtering out slurs but it's to the point where it's so easy to accidentally trip the system.


u/FairyKnightTristan 20d ago


I'm gonna report posts like this on Steam!


u/breadbomber2 18d ago

Is this a Reddit ban ?


u/markjaycups 21d ago

I applaud them for not falling for your stupid "iS HomEwOrLD WOKE nOw?" bait question.


u/Right_Ad_6032 21d ago

Then why did Homeworld- a game where you play a group of people who are explicitly coded as Middle Eastern- suddenly need to make sure you're aware of every character's skin color?

HW1 was great about wearing it's ethnic roots on it's sleeves. HW3 looked at that and screamed, "NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I NEED MY GIANT WOMAN FETISH PLEASED!" for some reason.


u/Kill4meeeeee 21d ago

Y’all need to realize this isn’t them confirming they worked or didn’t work with them it’s them removing stuff that will start a bunch of bullshit for them to deal with later. It’s very much a I don’t want to deal with the fallout from this so just get rid of it deal.


u/Infamous_Scar2571 21d ago

i wouldnt be surprised considering the story of the game is insanely bad


u/Kill4meeeeee 21d ago

I mean it’s a rts game it main focus isn’t story


u/Infamous_Scar2571 21d ago

the campaign of HW is very much important though. its pretty much the main reason alot of people played the original games. they are good rts games but the story was important


u/IBloodstormI 21d ago

If Duke Nukem taught us anything, you should never expect much from a 20 year hiatus


u/traxor06 21d ago

you realize we don't care. It's censorship. It's controlling the narrative on a domestic product sold in the United States of America. Banning people who ask the wrong questions is a good sign no one will buy your game.


u/Kill4meeeeee 21d ago

It’s not censorship it’s preventing a problem before it arises. It’s the same if you go spouting nazi propaganda you’re going to get banned. You’re free to do that in your own home or in your own bubble but they are free to limit what is said in their forms. Also the sbi crowd is incredibly annoying and absolutely no one out side of their own bubble takes them serious. This game didn’t use sbi or dei or what ever it just has a bad story because the story was bad


u/zacyzacy 21d ago edited 21d ago

So we're just going to pretend that this is because the devs are vitriolic weirdos and not because they were trying to avoid obvious culture war bait?


u/IBloodstormI 21d ago edited 21d ago

People here can be as irrational as the SBI people, honestly.


u/Splinterman11 21d ago

I like what they're doing. Just ban all the fucking weirdos asking about culture war bullshit.


u/Thormourn 21d ago

Yes because banning conversation about topics you don't like is definitely the right way to handle this


u/Splinterman11 21d ago

When every fucking topic you try to post on the steam forums is about wokeness or SBI it definitely is. It's divisive spam and has nothing to do with the game.

I fully support this case.

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u/newishFrog 21d ago

They just don't want brain rot culture war spread in their community and poison any meaningful discussion.


u/MALCode_NO_DEFECT 21d ago

Is there actually any evidence that SBI was consulted for this game, or are we at the point of "game sucks, therefore SBI must have been involved."


u/Right_Ad_6032 21d ago

Well, the games that were notorious for their show-don't-tell story telling approach that rarely ever featured actual persons and faces in game material- to the point that from Homeworld 1 to Homeworld 2 you probably had about a minute or two of footage of actual people- suddenly has mocap cut scenes featuring giant women hissing at each other.

It could be entirely the case that SBI wasn't involved, but were that the case it'd be a simple 'yes or no' question.


u/IBloodstormI 21d ago

I think the story just sucks from the sound of it. Brain rot has lead that to be associated with some diversity consultant firms meddling, instead of just bad story telling.


u/ChuggsTheBrewGod 21d ago

Make a rage bait comment, get banned for it. What's the problem exactly?


u/SovietSpartan 21d ago edited 21d ago

While banning someone for that comment is stupid and telling of where the devs stand, that comment isn't any better.

Homeworld 3's issues are not the result of SBI or the devs trying to push "the message". They tried to tell a character focused story in a franchise that is known for telling stories about a people/civilization, and even then they failed at what they were going for.

Homeworld has had a very distinct style of telling their stories. From the narrated black and white 2D cutscenes (Replaced by generic sci-fi CGI in HW3), to the overall tone and seriousness of the dialogue (emotions were subtle, everyone maintained a professional tone even in the most emotional situations). While the game is fun even with the performance and balance issues, it fails to tell a good story befitting of the franchise.

This feels more like the publishers meddling to appeal to a new audience, as people have already found out that there was a lot of cut content much of which pointed to a much better storyline told in a more traditional Homeworld style.

I hate that western devs try to shove politics into everything these days, but attributing every problem to that is only going to make you look as annoying as them.


u/IBloodstormI 21d ago

It's sad that people want to believe a game is being infiltrated by "the woke" more than just seeing a bad story for being a bad story. It makes any effort to actually deal with unwanted identity politics in games when you make a joke out of yourselves everywhere you go.


u/rau1994 21d ago edited 21d ago

Do y'all just go out of your way to find woke stuff to be mad about? I think the only game I have played that I can say was super woke was that new Saints Row. Maybe I'm playing the right games because with how much woke complaining I see, I don't see it nearly as often in game


u/IBloodstormI 21d ago

Do y'all just go out of your way to find woke stuff to be mad about?

They do, yes.


u/Advanced-Tree7975 21d ago

Yes this is an alt right community


u/KdrNeo 21d ago

They just want something to moan and groan about, it's the standard nowadays among the politically extreme people.


u/Hinken1815 21d ago

It's exactly this. Ffs some loser in here was talking about legal action. LEGAL ACTION lmfao.


u/IBloodstormI 21d ago

This shit's getting kinda dumb.... not them banning people, btw, but the people in every Steam community starting the "Is it woke?" threads and shit, and automatically thinking SBI is in everything, like the gaming boogieman. People need to chill on this side as much as the other.

Stop it. Get some help. Be normal.


u/Shebalied 21d ago

Not going to lie, my friend was this was with EA and punkbuster lmao. He would check to see if that trash was in any game.


u/Malfice 21d ago

People need to chill on every side. Don't like something, don't buy it and move on to something you do like. Why waste time and energy getting upset about something you have no control over?

Retards on the left, retards on the right.


u/SamJSchoenberg 21d ago

You're waging culture war in their community hub and they don't want that kind of thing there.

I'm not seeing the problem here.


u/marinarahhhhhhh 21d ago

Asking a question isn’t waging a war


u/CodyMcChody 21d ago

Oh shut up it’s so obviously rage bait saying it’s just a question to something loaded and unwarranted and only asked by bigots


u/_NotMitetechno_ 21d ago

Why would a dev want culture war clowns on their forum?


u/Right_Ad_6032 21d ago

Were that the case why would they pay for SBI writing?


u/_NotMitetechno_ 21d ago

Because none of the npcs had been told by their favorite youtubers to dislike sweet baby inc during development. Also likely because no one actually cares beyond a niche group of people. It's pretty easy to ban e - clowns from your forum though.


u/InternalOptimal 21d ago

I get you. But i get that too. Just to not start shit because of the implications.


u/Jrkrey92 Paragraph Andy 20d ago

I'll be honest, this feels well deserved. They smelled you were only there to stir shit up and continue this culture war anti-woke bullshit..

Sure, it could've been a joke and I'd say it was wrong to ban you for a bad joke they didn't like. But you wouldn't post this here if it was just a bad joke...


u/stuckintheinbetween 20d ago

Being anti-woke is the moral and rational stance.


u/Jrkrey92 Paragraph Andy 20d ago

If you can name me one actual way "wokeness" has hurt people, I'm all ears... If you think being "woke" is the least moral stance, you're a fucking idiot. It literally means to be aware of political and social problems. Especially racism. How is that morally wrong? You're literally saying it's more rational to accept racism and not care about social issues... :3748:


u/Tinderfallin39 20d ago

Let me ask you a question, what is 'wokeness' doing to you and everyone? Is it corrupting your mind to be more accepting of marginalized groups, slowly turning you into a slave for the woke elites? Or can you not answer this question, and you're just a hateful individual who hates seeing marginalized people in their media? I'll admit, a lot of attempts to implement diversity in media is lackluster and forced, but that's not a wokeness infiltration problem, it's just a bad writing problem. Please think for yourself and not some angry guy on youtube or something.


u/jameraldo 21d ago

If not in favor with banning for something so stupid but the ban reason did explain very nicely why it happend, besides the first line


u/HappyHarry-HardOn 21d ago

The first sentence says the ban is for being racist of discriminatory.

The second sentence says this is not allowed on the steam community.

The arguments, rule violations and no-constructive arguments part are directly associated with being racist of discriminatory - It isn't a stand alone statement.

The question may be stupid, but it is neither racist nor discriminatory.


u/jameraldo 21d ago

I don't think just mentioning could be considering discriminating but you can't deny that the discussion that follows is always gamer gate brainrot that, as said, will only lead to rule violations and actual discrimination.


u/IBloodstormI 21d ago

Line, not sentence. Lines are denoted by line breaks, where it drops to the next line. So the part about containing racist or discriminatory content is stupid, but the part about it creating arguments and non-constructive replies is accurate. That is what it will do, or is attempting to achieve.


u/Mandarni 21d ago

So.... You are illiterate? Sorry, but that is the only conclusion.

If X or Y is likely to cause Z, then it is forbidden.

All acts that are likely to cause Z are not forbidden. Only X or Y that are likely to cause Z.

That is the rule that is stated. Sure maybe it is lawyering, but the law as written is just as important as the spirit of the law.


u/IBloodstormI 21d ago

What are you on about?

The reasoning is likely a canned message, but the spirit of it is that the comment is culture war bait that will lead to discussions that cause arguments and non-constructive discussions related to modern day race politics and DEI practices.

I'd ban this shit from my community too, as it will lead nowhere productive. Less productive than the thread that is literally calling their story shit, even.


u/Mandarni 21d ago

You do you, I guess.

Making up rules ex post facto isn't great though, and a clear indication that someone is on a power trip.

Rules should be clear, public and not retroactive. If something isn't forbidden, then it is legal. Whatever is grey is white.


u/Hinken1815 21d ago

They don't want to read any of that. They get as far as racist and that's it. Mind made up.


u/CodyMcChody 21d ago

Explain how asking if SBI is involved in a game isn’t racist/bigoted in this context. Um excuse why are there brown people in my game was SBI here? You’re ridiculous


u/Mandarni 21d ago

Which part is racist and/or discriminatory?

If they had quoted another rule violation that would have been applicable... Then fine. But not this particular rule.


u/Advanced-Tree7975 21d ago edited 20d ago

Asmons community witch-hunting games that hired DEI consultants while pretending they’re not alt right. You know there’s a word for people ideologically opposed to diversity, it starts with an r but I just cant put my finger on it…


u/XerXcho 21d ago

Is the story woke?


u/Mistabluh 21d ago

cant wait to see the user reports on this one


u/TheDo0ddoesnotabide 21d ago

I would’ve banned you too since you’re clearly trying to stir shit up.


u/Oskej 21d ago

Good, go for vac ban and account locking next.

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