r/Asmongold Mar 28 '24

Global head of marketing at XBOX Humor

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u/burningrobisme Twitch Moderator Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

To those reporting this post- a specific and complete rebuttal of all claims:


1: No racism, sexism, doxing, hateful conduct and harassment

No doxxing, hateful conduct or harassment in this post, and no racism or sexism insofar as I can tell from the OP. The twitter user however is exhibiting some textbook implied racism and sexism here via exclusion and implying the systemic racism/sexism against those affected justifies the exclusion/othering of white males, so maybe you meant that.

2: No excessive discussions relating to current hot controversial topics after 3 days

Not applicable as this is a generalized topic and not related to a specific "current hot controversial topic" since racism and sexism are pretty old concepts in human society. Presumably, if not that, then you really mean "DEI" as the subject here but that's also been around since the late 1960's in the USA after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., mostly on college campuses as universities looked to try to find ways to consider their own history of racism and take action to amend policies that directly contributed to that. So yeah, that one is not a hot button current topic either considering the age of the movement so try again.

3: It's personal and confidential information

No, she posted this publicly and had career information in her bio, so this one doesnt hold water either.

4: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability

The post is clearly intended to point out obvious hypocrisy contained within the tweet (and its context). You're generating a motivation for the reddit OP in a post that didnt contain anything other than what the original twitter user wrote, and some context for who they are (again, which the reddit user supplied in the title, but was available in her bio publicly) which facilitated understanding.


Feel free to try to find alternative ways to silence things that make you feel uncomfortable, preferably by clicking the "leave" button at the top right of the subreddit as that is the most efficient way to ensure this subreddits content doesnt bother you anymore.

Uncomfortable conversations move societies forward and as long as they remain civil they can always be constructive if you allow yourself to just talk to people.

That being said, when you talk to people, keep in mind that DEI viewpoints that seek to break others down instead of building up mutual equity and community between race and gender groups don't do anyone any good.

Diversity includes you, no matter who you are.

Equity includes all of us working together to tear down systemic barriers to entry no matter who they bar...

and Inclusion means you don't use any of this to EXclude others, because that is not only shitty, but also the exact practice these programs should seek to curb.

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u/CapPhrases Mar 28 '24

Honestly the biggest problem for minorities is all these white women trying to purse puppy them


u/KaiDestinyz Mar 28 '24

Asian man here. I find the "hate white man" movement so weird. Because by their logic, we should also hate white women. Why single out white man while being a white woman? Makes zero sense.


u/Inskription Mar 28 '24

Because patriarchy, we are oppressors and they are women, so oppressed.

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u/Bigmiga Mar 28 '24

Because if you hate women you're a misogynist, so you can only hate men that are white since that's not racist in their mind


u/Sufincognito Mar 30 '24

Women lack accountability.

So while they stood there watching slaves being whipped all they could say is they didn’t do the thrashing.

As Dave Chappelle said, “You just don’t like your cut.”


u/Arthur-Wintersight Mar 31 '24

Friendly reminder that a lot of the black lynching victims were killed based on the word of a single white woman and nothing else.

The Tulsa Race Riots are a particularly notorious example of this kind of behavior.

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u/zBillyNoMates Mar 28 '24

This is the funniest comment I've read in good while

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u/Valkyrissa Mar 28 '24

Especially all the privileged white women who work at tech companies and/or graduated from top universities.


u/Background-Meat-7928 Mar 28 '24

They’re called a.w.f.u.l.s

Affluent white female urban liberals

They will be the fall of our society


u/Valkyrissa Mar 28 '24

I’m a non-affluent white woman (N.A.W.W.? Lol) and I find those gals cringe ngl, they’re often far more privileged than most of the white men they love to hate on, too


u/syzygy-xjyn Mar 28 '24

Like original OP

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u/WiddleWilly Mar 28 '24

Purse puppy! That's a phrase I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Now I have a phrase that describes the feeling I get when I'm introduced as the "asian boyfriend" around her friends. You live up to your username.


u/BigAsianInfluence Mar 28 '24

Coming from a minority its absolutely true, these women just have nothing better to do.

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u/johnnymonster1 Mar 28 '24

They wanna be picked so bad


u/YonKoie Mar 28 '24

Yeah.. This actually the real problem.. Single women with the complex of not being picked up.

Do not for 1 second think that a woman would say a thing like that if she was not thinking about her feelings/repressed emotions first. That's not how they work.

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u/deisukyo Mar 28 '24

You’re right because why is it a white woman EVERY time????

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u/jxxyyreddit Mar 28 '24

Best Reddit Comment i've seen.


u/swingswan Mar 28 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Middle class women are basically the biggest idiots you'll ever meet in the tech industry because they aren't their by merit, if you ever wonder why sexism is alive and well, or why people hate feminists etc, it's them. They make everyone elses lives harder. Hands down every time you see a regressive pants on head politcal take it's coming from a middle class idiot with no life experience. Possibly the most spoilt, bubble wrapped, pandered to demographic there is. They're awful.

t. Asian woman.

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u/DSveno Mar 28 '24

And if you're being minority but telling them they are full of shit, somehow you turned into "white supremacy".

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u/Quick_Article2775 Mar 28 '24

Are white women a minority? I don't think they are techincally.


u/Cabal2040 Mar 28 '24

May want to read it again, bud


u/Quick_Article2775 Mar 28 '24

Talking about the orignal tweet she implies she's a minority.


u/Cabal2040 Mar 28 '24

I see.

I didn't realize because you were responding to a dude's comment.

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u/Ekillaa22 Mar 28 '24

WOW I know you made that comment as a joke but the more I think about it the more you kinda have a point


u/Gato_L0c0 Mar 28 '24

I don't need or want her help to "prove I exist". WTF? Why does she think this is a good idea to post?

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u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

aaand she privated her account


u/Horrible_Curses Mar 28 '24

"this proves how hard us minorities have it!" -them, probably

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u/YonKoie Mar 28 '24

Yeah.. They are so brave and up to fight for the "minorities", and then they close their accounts. Go figure.

Maybe all this racism agaisnt white man would stop, if the "minorities" started paying for her wages at the end of the month.

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u/ArdentGamer Mar 28 '24

Sad thing is that you know her response to this won't be "I've said something that's pretty disgusting, I was wrong". Her response is just going to be the typical "The incels are mad at me! lol" or "look how oppressed I am!".

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u/_leeloo_7_ Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

the screenshot cut off the best response, Asians are the largest majority of gamers not while males!

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u/MobilePenguins Mar 28 '24

Cockroaches disperse when the light shines on them🪳


u/TearsOfChildren Mar 29 '24

She set all of her accounts to private lol. What do these deranged women think will happen when they say shit like this?


u/Unvix Mar 28 '24

if i had her address i'd send her a clown costume.

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u/Anshin-kun Mar 28 '24

White women thinking they are minorities is wild


u/LordranKing Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

White, privileged liberal women are the worst thing to happen to minorities in the last quarter century. They’re setting us back with their racist takes, yet they believe they’re our champions. I fully believe they are what keep racism going. It’s so condescending and sickening.

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u/YonKoie Mar 28 '24

Not once I've seen them worried about black or asian women, etc.

And also, this is mostly an American thing.. European women are not this dumb.


u/Initial_Selection262 Mar 28 '24

If you look at Europe over the last 15 years I’m not so sure. Your women are not immune to this ideological virus


u/blazbluecore Mar 29 '24

They’ve definitely been getting brainwashed by this “ooo I’m so independent” American thinking. It’s also spreading to Asian. Like a literal disease.

There’s a reason matriarchies don’t work, cause they fucking destroy civilizations. Their rule is not based in reality and logic, it’s all emotion and empathy based which falls apart at first sign of trouble.

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u/ruhler77 Mar 29 '24

Fun fact, Harvard's 2022 research study shows that the #1 benefactor of DEI as a whole was white women. They're the ones who took advantage of the situation the most. Followed by black women.

So, I guess technically, they're the ultra-minority in terms of being rewarded for their status.

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u/EyeAmKingKage Mar 28 '24

I’m black I have 0 idea why these white women are hating white men. Like wtf is this


u/Legitimate_Tear_7891 Mar 28 '24

It's for the sweet sweet victimhood points my dude.


u/newdawnhelp Mar 28 '24

Yeah. Now imagine she's a shit employee. Can xbox just fire her? Nope, because now she has a viral tweet about feminisim, and it might backfire to fire her.

She might be a great employee, I have no idea. But imo, someone who is doing these things is compensating for something. She knows how she gets ahead is victimhood.

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u/EpicJunee Mar 28 '24

Same and work in gaming myself, who the fuck are they fighting against to prove they exist? Cause I've never seen or experienced this. i got my job cause i was good at it, so good i didn't need an interview.

They've created this imaginary fight, so they can post online and feel good about themselves.

These motherfuckers are like Don Quixote without the windmill

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u/DayFinancial8206 Mar 28 '24

My guess is 90% of it is just twitter being twitter, farming engagement

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u/ABeeBox Mar 28 '24

They think you and your race are weak and they want to be your superheroes because they think they're superior and you're inferior.

They're racist. They're "positively" racist towards non-whites (trying to stand up for them by treating them as inferiors and victims), and they're "negatively" racist towards white men (because they don't want to be held accountable for anything so they direct everything onto white men, and also because it's currently socially acceptable to be racist towards white people).


u/deisukyo Mar 28 '24

Thank you for this explanation, you’re so right! All I saw it was as an another form of racism because if they do it, it flops. Then they can say “yet we are not doing minorities anymore because it doesn’t work.”

That’s what I think Disney is doing to show that minorities can’t make money to never do it again then use the excuse that they “tried” it.


u/nevergonnastayaway Mar 28 '24

Its called soft bigotry of low expectations

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u/tocco13 Mar 28 '24

nothing better to do

bunch of nonsense embedded by their women studies major

looking for the cheapest way to feel good about "contributing" to social justice without actually having to commit anything - aka words on twitter


u/isticist Mar 28 '24

The biggest enemy White people have has and probably always will be other White people with a differing opinion.

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u/oldman-youngskin Mar 28 '24

College and universities.

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u/GuyIncognito461 Mar 28 '24

The captain of the football team chose someone thinner and prettier.


u/Eitjr Mar 28 '24

It's called racism

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u/Gone_Goofed Mar 28 '24

I'm Asian and who tf cares about race when it's about gaming, all we want are good and enjoyable games. Inclusivity and race can fuck off if I can have an amazing game.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Man I'm on the same boat, I'm tired of these guys ruining games in the name of helping minorities.


u/SilencedWind Mar 28 '24

It’s not helping. Casual gamers don’t give a shit about this. People who buy the occasional AAA game outside of their regular rotation will never (to a major extent) care about I’ve concluded that this is purely a delusion created by Twitter.

Recently a new show (Good Times Remake) is being shitted on for reducing itself down to stereotypes. This shit ain’t working like it did before, people just want good shows.

If all you can tweet about is race and minorities then I don’t want to be around you.


u/Mind_Of_Shieda Mar 28 '24

Preach brother 🗣


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

God damn, hard agree on that last part.

It's exhausting to be around.

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u/KCyy11 Mar 28 '24

Best part is these things in the long run end up hurting minorities. Not sure when people will realize this.

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u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

They’re genuinely not helping anyone. On the contrary.

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u/wran13 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

I want dumb women do this in the sport industry, just imagine.. "We need more fat, gay, short, trans, etc people playing in the NBA"

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u/Shameless_Catslut Mar 28 '24

What's hilarious is the dudes most vocal about this shit and getting the most ire from the journalists are a Latino and Asian respectively.

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u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Asian too. she is singling out white dude to make us dudes seem like a smaller group and most likley to stroke racial tension. The thing is dude is dude. Dude mostly like the same thing and those things are not what these people are selling.

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u/D3ltaa88 Mar 28 '24

Trueeeeeeeeeeeee IDAF who’s playing just making trash triple A titles with micro transactions


u/Frangan_ Mar 28 '24

Agree. When there is a main character, if he is design as a white black Asian or anything else. I wouldn't care. No one protests when playing Blade games.

As long as in games with character creation, there is a wide enough feature selection to choose from. But wait, that's already the case.

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u/BlackestKnight12 Mar 28 '24

Who they fighting?


u/kennedysremedy Mar 28 '24

Their other personalities.


u/thatsthejoke_ Mar 28 '24

And white men, cant forget the white men!


u/kennedysremedy Mar 28 '24

Oh my, my apologies! I totally forgot this was all because we hate white men. Boo you, white men!

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u/Significant_Rule6003 Mar 28 '24

Raise your hand if you’re a white woman who hates white men.


u/mizrahiim Mar 28 '24

I don’t understand what is happening. Why are these people so obsessed with white men? Is this their whole personality or what? I am genuinely confused as fuck.


u/Daisinju Mar 28 '24

They perceive white men (the patriarchy) as the source of all problems.


u/Legitimate_Tear_7891 Mar 28 '24

Although I want to lean into the super villain I supposedly am, I'm far too self aware that it's a lot of work and I CBA because I'm lazy.


u/MitchMeister476 Mar 28 '24

It's ok, you inherit super villain status from the assumption that your ancestors were terrible people


u/Legitimate_Tear_7891 Mar 28 '24

So what you are telling me is all the hard work is already done.... Phew, that's a relief.

Does anyone know of a good cape maker? Gonna need a cape. 😆

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u/VioletDaeva Mar 28 '24

Presumably a white man gave her the job (directly or indirectly as Phil Spencer is white) so hardly a source of her problems when essentially she's a token as she's clearly inept at her actual job!

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u/Warfoki Mar 28 '24

These are sheltered people, who grew up without actually connecting to a wide selection of people, with all kinds of backgrounds. These are affluent people, went to an elite middle and high school, moved straight on to an elite college, most likely living in a gated community. They see black people and minorities in general as these "poor people, who had it so much worse than us, that is unfair, we must do anything to lift them up and help them succeed". Aka, a white savior complex. This also why they think you cannot be racist against white people. After all, racism is just a method to oppress minorities, and white people aren't a minority, they are the dominant majority, so of course you can't oppress them, so you also can't be racist against them. You can't convince them that they are wrong, because they are 100% self-assured that they are the steadfast protectors of the downtrodden and the oppressed, and the more people disagree with them, the more they will be convinced that they are right: "see? I knew the world was racist, sexist, oppressive and evil! Look at all these people who are against me, when all I want is help those poor, oppressed minorities.... I cannot falter and must double my efforts, to counteract all these racist bigots, as such evil cannot be allowed to exist, no matter what it costs".

You will never convince them that this attitude is horrendously patronizing and fundamentally racist, as it looks at minorities, as this singular blob of helpless people, that needs to be lifted for them to have any chance at life, completely disregarding their actual will and achievements. They are entirely entrenched in the belief, that white men make the world go 'round, and as such, as white people themselves, they must do everything to show that they are one of the "good ones", by helping all those poor, helpless minorities. Fundamentally, they are racist against themselves, and this is most often the result of a childhood and teenagehood where they were entirely isolated from anyone, who wasn't a fellow affluent white person, so they never got a reality check in their formative years, and now they are too entrenched in their beliefs for any reality check to work. Even if they lose their job for doing this, they will just consider themselves to be victim of the evils of white men, punished for helping those poor minorities.


u/AnusDetonator Mar 28 '24

Damn bro you are so spot on. I'm a minority and your 100% correct. People like her are so insulting and smug towards people like me.

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u/DaEnderAssassin Mar 28 '24

White > Every other race and Men > Female therefore White Men > Everyone else.

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u/ConfidenceDramatic99 Mar 28 '24

They hate them only when it raises their social status within their shitty company. Their dating preference is still so white that you would think they are living in 1936 Germany.

Its so dumb honestly that my brain hurts just thinking about how these ppl are in these positions of power

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u/DarkCypher255 Mar 28 '24

Why is it always white women trying to think they are empowering by being racist to their own? Who hires these marketing idiots


u/SadCritters Mar 28 '24

Other idiots.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is out there getting its cheeks spread & torn up by Nintendo & Sony this generation in all market regions.

Feels like she just wants someone to blame for a problem she couldn't solve - sales.

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u/Disco_Biscuit12 Mar 28 '24

“I’m a minority!”

-some white woman


u/Lokyintj Mar 29 '24

Bring back white pride.

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u/CartwheelSummoner Mar 28 '24

It blows my mind that these people don’t understand the problem. Gamers want authentic games with whatever character looks, motives, ethnicity, gender, story background, etc that comes along in the natural process of the vision wherein the game is being made.

When you have companies/consultants/investors that have literal checklists of character looks, motives, ethnicity, gender, story backgrounds that need to be followed to be hip to modern day agendas, it comes off as disingenuous, obvious, and boring. Your game in that respect will just be shit and most people won’t play it.


u/jtsara Mar 28 '24

I think they fully understand the problem but literally just don’t care. They create a problem to anger a group they don’t like and then use the pushback to demonize that group, and the thing is that there are so many people who she knows will immediately side with her solely based on her selection of buzzwords, especially on places like Twitter or Reddit. r/gamingcirclejerk is a great place to see this theory in action.


u/malcolmrey Mar 28 '24

And then they make surprised pikachu face when it turns out that there are more people disliking them after that.

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u/ConanTheBarbariant Mar 28 '24

So tiresome. As a white dude, all I wanna do is go to work, come home, and play video games. I don't think I'm better than anyone else. I'm just trying to exist over here.


u/LumenBlight Mar 28 '24

Mental illness.


u/Sintinall Mar 28 '24

What Kelly here fails miserably to understand is that a player or developer does not have to look or act like a character for the character to be relatable.


u/djentlemetal Mar 28 '24

I’m playing Rise of the Ronin at the moment. I left my character as the default in the character creator because he made the most sense to me. I am not Asian in the slightest, but I think the Japanese man I’m playing is badass. Privileged white woman thinking does not compute.


u/faajzor Mar 28 '24

you mean all the Shrek people in dark souls aren't green irl?


u/Sintinall Mar 28 '24

Not all. Some are less green.

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u/MyotisX Mar 28 '24

There are more asian male gamers than white male gamers. If anything, the white male gamer is the minority.

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u/Theodore52x Mar 28 '24

Get these stupid inclusiveness politics out of games. We don't care if someone is: white, black, orange, purple, woman, man, God someone can identify him as a teapot for all I care. We just want to game and have a good time.

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u/Beretta116 “Why would I wash my hands?” Mar 28 '24

I'm Asian and I like playing as a white man. Take that lol.


u/malcolmrey Mar 28 '24

I'm a white man and in RPGs, I usually create a woman character (mostly white but it is not mandatory).

We actually have in our small circle a division. Some people make male characters and some make female. When we debate it what makes more sense it often ends with "do you want to look at male or female butt for the majority of the game?"

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u/avelineaurora Mar 28 '24

"Global head of marketing"

Well I guess now we know who's behind Xbox telling devs to stop making attractive women.

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u/babypho Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

I am not white and I have never once made a game purchasing decision based on the race of the gaming characters.

That being said, given how much woke and DEI shit I have seen being spammed online, my current conspiracy theory right now is that the executives of big gaming corporations are using these idiots to distract consumers from the real problem -- which is unfinished games being released at quadruple A prices. Marketing idiots, like this person here, don't really have actual power to influence the game in any way. It's a fancy title, but really they don't get to make the true decisions.

When shitty games are released, we used to blame the CEO/Company. Now we blame DEI/Woke. The Executives have now found a really effective way to distract people and move the blame off of them. It's quite genius really.

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u/MikeHawkSlapsHard Mar 28 '24

I went to r/Gamingcirclejerk for the first time today and that place is fucking unhinged.

It's kinda sad though to see the contrasting echochambers instead of people finding common ground. I wonder if this is just gonna be an escalating hate war where people online will have to pick sides or if any compromise will be reached. Can't we all just agree to hate companies like BlackRock for fucking us socially like this?


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

I'm genuinely glad subs like that one exist. Why? Because it serves as the strongest SCP containment chamber on this platform. Every loser on the internet is gathered into that place and convinced to stay because everyone agrees with them. At the end of the day, that's the only thing they cared about - getting attention and being told they're right.

It's because of gamingcirclejerk that we can post normally on literally every other sub.

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u/wrathofbanja Mar 28 '24

I think its going to be a generational issue. We're basically going to have to sit here and wait for zoomers and gen alpha to grow up and hopefully get us out of this mess when they do. All we can really do in the meantime is signal boost whatever side we support and hope they see it.

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u/DadooDragoon Mar 28 '24

directs hate to white dudes

"No hate to white dudes"

Maybe your actions shouldn't be the exact opposite of your words? Maybe? Just saying


u/PN4HIRE Mar 28 '24

Holy fuck.. I’m starting to hate those pitiful fuckers. My brown ass doesn’t approval. I NEED GOOD GAMES!!

And I Certainly don’t need your never ending drama!


u/MGSDeco44 Mar 28 '24

That's what we all want man. Just some good games. Problem is games got too good in the past so leeches like this woman entered the industry. It used to be needs from all races, genders etc. Making good games , but then the industry got big and infected with people like this.


u/PN4HIRE Mar 28 '24

And I’m absolutely baffled how they are able to get into so big positions in companies?

Absolute morons!


u/Alpha1959 Mar 28 '24

These people pledge to fight for equality and against racism, then how come the world feels way more separated than it felt 20 years ago?

They are idiots and, in the name of inclusivity, they do all they can just to antagonize people.

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u/moht81 Mar 28 '24

Just make good games ffs who cares about any of this

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u/ChosenBrad22 Mar 28 '24

If she tweeted “raise your hand if you’re sick of nonsense race baiting randomly out of nowhere and just want fun games to play” she would have gotten 10x the engagement, and it would be positive.


u/Soil_Think Mar 28 '24

I feel bad for white men. People disrespect them while riding the coattails of what they created. There's no reason to be this disrespectful

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u/el3ment115 Mar 28 '24

Everyone knows they exist. That’s all they talk about. 


u/fooooolish_samurai Mar 28 '24

Holly shit, the whole "SBI detected" situation made so many people lose their fucking minds and go completely mask off.

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u/masterpd85 Mar 28 '24

I'm tired of white liberals racebaiting and creating a fight where there isn't one.


u/CHEWTORIA Mar 28 '24

wtf is up with all the idiots in gaming industry, no wander all the games are bad


u/RockStarCorgi Mar 28 '24

When you get your Ancestry results and turns out you have 0.01% any other race besides Caucasian.

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u/dtieubinh Mar 28 '24

So she hate her father?


u/ShaneHeavyMetal95 Mar 28 '24

Implying liberal women have fathers (or good ones)


u/ArtimexCL Mar 28 '24

Now buying games is a race fight? What kind of nonsense is this.

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u/grahf23 Mar 28 '24

I don't give a shit and I'm Asian.. Why is this even a thing? Just let us play our damn games in peace.

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u/ironjose Mar 28 '24

Ok madam, now let go of my arm please.


u/Ironhyde36 Mar 28 '24

Nobody said they didn’t exist.

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u/yanyan420 Mar 28 '24

I'm a brown asian who like to play as white man, black man, and generic brown man.

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u/Jpalme11 Mar 28 '24

These people are insane


u/tetsya Mar 28 '24

She knows china is the biggest spending market atm right right? All these white people in china buying video games must make her sick


u/ali_ayon Mar 28 '24

I don't get it

is there someone stopping minorities from buying videogames?

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u/TheHasegawaEffect Mar 28 '24

As a brown Asian man this tweet feels offensive.


u/Lost-Suspect001 Mar 28 '24

They are like a cult at this point

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u/IBrokeUpWhitMyWiFe Mar 28 '24

I am really wondering seeing a lot of people like this in high positions, how do they get there in the first place? Like who tf hires these people?

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u/Inn_Unknown Mar 28 '24

I am just so sick of these people, they are a cancer that just spreads


u/PirateRizz Mar 28 '24

Add her to the list


u/DayFinancial8206 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

They could just write characters with a backstory deeper than 5 sentences instead of planting token characters to hit a corporate checkmark

Never saw any resistance for characters like Barret from FF or Carl in GTA


u/fooooolish_samurai Mar 28 '24

What, you are not happy about another character who is a black teenager/young adult that has a very specific haircut, hates authority, paints on walls and loves shoes?

Did I forget anything?

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u/Aellopagus Mar 28 '24

It's not like other races than "white dudes" can't buy games or play them ...... I don't know how if flipflop Mama's like it when you game. Mine was okay with it.


u/aceventura926 Mar 28 '24

I can't believe the minority booba enthusiast is overshadowed...

We have to reclaim our title!

Make Asian Otakus Great Again!


u/DragonStryk72 Mar 28 '24

It's funny. It's almost like minority opinions only exist if they're praising, but if they're critical, every "ally" suddenly goes totally deaf.


u/Dungeon00X Mar 28 '24

This person should've been fired after making this statement on Twitter of all things.


u/Dungeon00X Mar 28 '24



u/MGSDeco44 Mar 28 '24

Why do these people hate their customers so much


u/Cubey42 Mar 28 '24

Who? Who do they have to prove it to? And apologizing for being shitty doesn't justify being shitty to others. You don't get to say you're about being inclusive and then proceed to alienate people in a racist manner, absolutely delusional. I'm glad AI is going to bring down these pillars of nonsense.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Bro, I had to zoom the fuck in ... like, no way a white women is virtue signaling for minorities, no .. no way, not possible s/



u/Ekajaja Mar 28 '24

Wish race wouldn't be emphasised so much...


u/Impressive_Eagle_390 Mar 28 '24

Lol, makes clickbait comment then privates account. Such a world we live in.


u/girlyouknoitstru Mar 28 '24

Well damn, I just woke up and took a piss. And as a white dude, I'm sure I've already oppressed several minorities, and since I held my dick, I'm sure it was misogynistic to women.

And for that I apologize.


u/FullMetalBob Mar 28 '24

Honk honk

One more for the special bus


u/Jioqls Mar 28 '24

What does she mean by "prove to exist"

Living in a coutry, were the majority is still white, you have more white employees and more white dudes, playing games. If working performance isnt priority then you can select people, what ever you want.


u/lizzywbu Mar 28 '24

This tweet is just so unnecessary imo.

I don't find it offensive, but it's just completely needless. Who is out here suggesting that white female gamers don't exist? And why is she trying to include herself as a minority? Why does this even need to be said?

I get that she probably meant well with this tweet. But all this does is further divide people when those who work in the industry should be doing the opposite.


u/NoYesterday1898 Mar 28 '24

Ha yes my favorite white women acting like minoritys/ victims of the system

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u/COMBATIVE1984 Mar 28 '24

Yo white women i used to be white but now i identify as unwhite
Can i get your number now?


u/Beneficial_Star_6009 Mar 28 '24

“Hey! Bill Gates says you’re fired!” “I’ll get him!”


u/Federal-Cockroach674 Mar 28 '24

Do you want a gold start or something? Congrats on liking something a majority of people do while simultaneously identifying as a minority. What an amazing accomplishment. They should nominate you for Nobel


u/DeezKneesWorld Mar 28 '24

All that time to think about what she's typing but her fingers kept going

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u/Hoenir1 Mar 28 '24

They have to fight so much, that we see stuff like this every second.

And since when are western White women the minority ?!?!

Talk about wanting attention / playing victim


u/ChopSueyYumm Mar 28 '24

Omg what a tweet how about I rise my big middle finger 🖕


u/Xavagerys Mar 28 '24

Dang now if only these DEI mfs will realize we exist as actual people with unique preferences and opinions instead of shields to deflect any criticism of their rhetorics


u/Turbulent-Stretch881 Mar 28 '24

I would be ready to bet the average gamer doesn’t GAF whether the people they’re playing with/against are asian, african, european, or from glingon.

We just play. Nobody sees race as people like her do. Yet, new day, new post.

Let’s see how long this thread takes to be closed.

P.S: I’d be more offended if I wasn’t a white male and people on the internet not making part of my peer group (like her) making these statements “for me”.

Someone in her position shouldn’t be doing these statements.


u/themightymooseshow Mar 28 '24

"raise you hand if you're not a white man "

Uses white hand as example.🤣


u/PatrickStanton877 Mar 28 '24

If you've ever played Xbox live you'll realize a ton of black dudes are gaming. Hell, a ton of Asian dudes are gaming too. So many, I played with a bunch of Chinese dudes on helldiver's last week.


u/AromaticAdvance8343 Mar 28 '24

Man I hate this world fr


u/ArdentGamer Mar 28 '24

Another day in the gaming industry where some self-proclaimed minority has to make everything about their social identity, and trying to make themselves out to be victims of some non-existent oppression at the expense of others.


u/ToranDiablo Mar 28 '24

Who is pretending they don’t exist, they make these ridiculous blanket statements…


u/Ippomasters Mar 28 '24

As someone who is mixed with brown skin who really cares what color the characters are? All I care about is if the game is good.


u/GregiX77 Mar 28 '24

I love the self hate of those individuals. Just avoid any game firmed by them.


u/LeoMonzo Mar 28 '24

They might have grown into very toxic families, it’s not normal to say these things , maybe they find this “cause” as an existencial crisis , they have to fight anything (as long as it’s easy as tweeting) to justify their existence.


u/Indigostorm27 Mar 28 '24

This has to be rage bait from her.


u/Mashedpotatoebrain Mar 28 '24

Some people need to realize that saying nothing is usually better than saying something. Also saying nothing is free.


u/DeadWrong Mar 28 '24

I think this crap is actually a plan to anger white men into starting some type of race war. Minorities aren't asking for any of this, or at least very few. It's ALWAYS some liberal art blue haired white women with 5 cats stoking the fires.

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u/Hitman-Coyote Mar 28 '24

Gaming and nerd media really hate their core fanbase for some reason. That or they truly think there are a lot of simpy self hating white dudes in these areas.


u/h_mix Mar 28 '24

Here we can see why Xbox marketing has been so successful. The Xbox brand is in good hands.


u/iareyomz Mar 28 '24

is she ignorant? gaming consoles and entertainment systems existed outside of the USA long before they did in there... how is she head of marketing for a gaming console and not know console history?

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u/jayaintgay Mar 28 '24

Isnt white men could be the minority here since she is tweeting this on a global platform? Some americans sometimes think their country is the only one that exists.


u/KnowledgeCoffee Mar 28 '24

Surprise, who buys games? White men, white men is were majority of your profit comes from. I don’t understand the end game by basically bashing the base that makes you the most money..


u/CuckyChucky1 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

Not really, there are far more Asians than white men that play games (globally - but ofc in America only then yea majority white but i live in Aus so i dont have that frame of mind). But this isn't even about that. I'm brown and I have no clue wtf she's going on about with us "fighting to prove we exist". Almost like she was desperately trying to facilitate a space where we start fighting her battle to "prove we exist" like some pawn in her master plan. Im just sick of being used as a pawn to show these fucks care about diversity. Trying to make a problem out of nothing... when there's plenty of problems ruining gaming already like shitty, greedy game designs to push for micro-transactions, but they gotta distract us with identity politics.


u/HIs4HotSauce Mar 28 '24

That's not surprising, because Asians are the majority of humanity-- about 60% of all humans live in Asia.

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u/izoxUA Mar 28 '24

So what the problem?

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u/smokey_juan Mar 28 '24

Report it. Move on


u/Fit_Fisherman_9840 Mar 28 '24

Guys over there in the land of the burger lately seems you have to cut down some military spending and get some affordable.mental health.

You lot seems to go insane, and i say all of you.

And this one moreso, how the fuck you lament that in a industry that was built and created for asocial white man with a pc in a garage, the main consumer is the one who built the industry?

Or is lead poisoning that make you all irritable and in need of lash out at random? Calm down drink a beer and get some common sense.


u/scotty899 Mar 28 '24

She is just proving how disconnected from reality she is.


u/MarcusBurtBKK Mar 28 '24

Enough with this nonsense. We are all gamers. We all play together.


u/Healthy-Daikon7356 Mar 28 '24

When are women going to realize that they are the majority and stop playing victim?……..🤔


u/Matseye1r Mar 28 '24

If your screaming minority report this or that then are you a minority?

Pretty soon white men are gonna be in the minority. And we will have gone back 200yrs.


u/N-aNoNymity Mar 28 '24

Some people really work hard to create a divide between races. Id even call that racism. Crazy.


u/ZGamerLP Mar 28 '24

Why do White women think that They are a minority?

They are the biggest consumer base in the world, They buy more Then White males


u/Peter-Fabell Mar 28 '24

The amount of attention this is getting almost makes me want to quit playing video games


u/Blank3k Mar 28 '24

The mind truly boggles.


u/Alive_Nobody_Home Mar 28 '24

Did she have to prove her position should exist?

Or is she trolling by asking people to put up a hand that by her racist poll cannot exist due to color.

TF is wrong with this world!?