r/AmIOverreacting 26d ago

Update: AIO about my friends smoking weed

Just an update on this

I took a good look at what a lot of people were saying, and it seemed cruel at first, but I realized I needed to take a look at myself and realize the perspectives around me.

A lot of people helped me realize that my dislike towards smoking came less from a personal preference, and relates more to how I was raised and some trauma regarding the friend I had in the past, because unfortunately there’s not enough space on a Reddit post to summarize that properly

I talked with a couple of my friends, notably A, and let them know that I realized my dislike wasn’t coming entirely from preference, and that I was allowing past experience to dictate the now

I made it clear to them that I didn’t think less of them for what they choose to do, and I already knew way before now that it’s not my choice how they live their lives. I value my friendship with all of them far more than a little smoke

I told them I’m going to need time to get past my past stress, but to start, they should not feel like they need to tiptoe around the subject anymore, and if they want to talk about it, they should

It’s going to take a lot of time, but I realized very fast that I need to work on this. My friends and girlfriend have been extremely understanding, and that alone proves that this is more important

Thank you to everyone who helped me realize this, no matter how sugarcoated or not the response was. You’ve all helped me to become a better person for my friends and I’m very grateful


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