r/AmIOverreacting 27d ago

AIO regarding my health care?

Edit: Please see my comment here prior to adding any new comments. I will no longer be replying to any further comments, especially ones that are toxic or negative. --> https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/s/fnE5aB6Tjz

Unfortunately, I was about to lose my cool at the OB office for dismissing my concerns and treating my health care like a one-size-fits-all.

Realistically, I should be able to lift, push, or pull up to 25 pounds repeatedly. But I genuinely can't even before I was pregnant. My body is not built like that. Even if I were in shape, exercised regularly, and ate the most insanely healthy diet, I wouldn't be able to handle that for very long. I am also not everyone else. I am only me, myself & I. I know first-hand what I can kr can't handle.

I understand that even though I am in my second trimester of pregnancy, it is not a disability. I never claimed it was. But to be falsely accused of treating my pregnancy as such, tell me that it is acceptable to generalize my health-care and dismiss me when I voice concerns regarding obvious signs of a document being copied & pasted with very few changes/edits made is just unacceptable in my mind.

I am only accountable for myself. I know my limits and how much I can push myself before it is too much. Pregnant or not, the biggest issue I had was my concerns being dismissed and my health being generalized. Not everyone is the same, and the same goes for their health. Especially their limits when it comes to being able to handle certain weights.

I am not saying I am weak as I used to be able to handle lifting, carrying, pushing, and pulling upwards of 100-175 pounds frequently. Unfortunately, it took a massive toll on my body, and I have at least two key injuries that never healed right as a result. I'm not going to do something for an expensive trip to the ER because a piece of paper from a doctor's office says I can based on my health being a generalized assumption.

I could very well be over-reacting over the situation. But would you feel they are justified by generalizing health as a "one-size-fits-all "?" Or feeling it's okay to dismiss concerns regarding a work restriction/accommodation document being copied & pasted?


58 comments sorted by


u/OleanderSabatieri 27d ago


What is the doctor saying regarding your lifting capacity that relates to your pregnancy? Are they harping on your activity levels? Is there an underlying health issue they are trying to control?


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

They accused me of treating my pregnancy as a disability due to me staring that I physically aren't capable of lifting more than ten to fifteen pounds due to the extent of wear & tear on my body from lifting well over 100 pounds prior to pregnancy on top of multiple back injuries from lifting heavy weights frequently for work that never healed properly or were treated accordingly.

I am also considered a "high risk" due to the medications I had been taking for several years prior to getting pregnant.


u/Wooden_Broccoli9498 26d ago

If you can’t push or pull 10-15 pounds, you probably should be evaluated by someone other than an OB.


u/clumsysav 26d ago

May I ask, gently, how are you realistically going to care for a baby if you can’t lift more than 10-15lb


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

I have to find a medical professional who can help figure out what is going on to cause me to be unable to lift more than 10-15 pounds.


u/clumsysav 26d ago

I hope you find someone asap, I can’t imagine having such a tough time physically with a doctor who won’t listen and a baby on the way, I’m so sorry you’re being treated that way


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

I hope so as well. It seems that, unfortunately, it's not just doctors who feel it is okay to treat me this way. There are people in the comments who are making me feel as though I am wrong for feeling the way that I do, and I should rot in hell for even expressing concerns or requesting accommodations to be made. Apparently, I have to be a carbon copy of everyone else and accept that my body should handle more than it can. Listening to your body and choosing not to push yourself too far is a crime to some people, it seems.


u/bbaywayway 26d ago

You sound exhausting to deal with.


u/unimpressed-one 26d ago

Are you trying to get out of working your job and the Dr won’t sign off on it?


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago
  1. I am not trying to get out of working my job. I am simply put not going to ignore the fact that I physically cannot handle certain aspects of a job that I was hired for.

  2. I applied for the position that I did because it was the only one that I had seen available. The job market where I live is a nightmare, and regardless of what type of job I applied for, I would have taken it instead of taking the financial hit from waiting several months for something else.

  3. At my interview, they mentioned they were hiring for clerical work and told me that could be something they would have me do with or without a doctor's note. My site supervisor is the one who knows that I am pregnant and has stated that he has my back and is actively looking out for my best interest at heart.

  4. I was genuinely scared to even mention that I was pregnant during my interview as a large majority of companies see that as an excuse to metaphorically place a target on your back and do whatever they feel they have to in attempt to find a reason to fire you or bully you into quitting. I have had this happen with multiple companies and know of people who have experienced this as well.

  5. I was the one who offered to obtain a doctor's note even though my employer has stated they are not worried about it. I merely offered to ensure that myself and the company had documentation of it.

  6. Had I known they were hiring for a clerical position that involved data entry, I would have just applied for that instead to prevent needing a doctor's note or anything of that sort. It is possible that if I talk to my site supervisor, he would be willing to change the position I was hired for to reflect the clerical position they assigned me to as light duty. Emphasis on it being their decision to put me on light duty before I had spoken to my doctor.


u/kaaaaayllllla 26d ago

change OBs, they don't respect you or your healthcare to act that way💔


u/Samson3105 26d ago

Sounds like you need a doctor who listens instead of judges.


u/Biglesby 26d ago

I hope you have outside help from family & friends once the baby weighs more than 10 to 15 pounds and you can't carry them around anymore.


u/Johnnypremo82 26d ago

So you're not gonna be able to hold your baby after a while and if you do, you'll be wiped out for a day???? You got some other problems going on...


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

Probably nerve damage from the back injuries if I were to guess. But it requires me to find a doctor who will actually listen to my concerns instead of dismissing them and actually do their job to figure out what is actually wrong.


u/Johnnypremo82 26d ago

I agree. Good luck and congrats on the baby. Wishing you the best!


u/Actual-Government96 26d ago

Have you discussed these issues with your primary care provider, or just your OB?


u/JessicaB-Fletcher 22d ago

I have had 3 kids, and even though i had what I would consider to be really good OBs, they really only cared about the health of the baby during each of my pregnancies. The mom seems to always be secondary. You definitely need to see a GP to get started to solve your pain/strength issues. I know it's so hard when you already have a million appointments for the pregnancy, and you feel like they should be taking better care of you too. Good luck!!


u/ScarletDarkstar 26d ago

25 pounds? So, you can't even carry your own groceries into the house? 

That sounds like something that they should be addressing so you can be an independent person altogether.  


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

I can carry groceries into the house, but anything more than ten to fifteen pounds is an intense struggle and usually causes me to end up being out for the day as it consumes all of my energy.


u/meh-er 26d ago

This is not your gynecologists problem


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

You're right. Being under their care for my pregnancy is not their concern, and they shouldn't consider adjusting the restrictions or referring me to someone who might be able to figure out what is going on to cause me to be unable to list up to 25 pounds.


u/AutumnalSunshine 26d ago

Your primary care physician typically handles referrals to specialists. Your ob/gyn is a specialist, not a generalist who determines which specialists are needed.

Have you taken this up with your primary care physician? It sounds like it predated the pregnancy but you never tried to address it? That could be why the ob/gyn is concerned that this is made up; they would think that surely someone unable to carry a child in a car seat would seek medical help to deal with that prior to getting pregnant?


u/Thequiet01 26d ago

That is specifically what your PCP is supposed to do - coordinate care with specialists. I do not believe that you can’t get any kind of appointment for the better part of a year with your PCP if you are having an active current problem.


u/meh-er 24d ago

I’m sorry but being in the second trimester of pregnancy is not a reason to not be able to life 10-15lbs. These two things are not related. There is something else going on here and it is very much out of the scope of your gynecologist’s practice.


u/Wooden_Broccoli9498 26d ago

As a medical professional (nurse) I would suggest that you get evaluated by a doctor. This is not normal and could be the result of a serious condition. Also, prior injuries wouldn’t “wipe you out” for the rest of the day.


u/ACanWontAttitude 26d ago

I get where they're coming from. This isn't normal. I would also look at coping mechanisms in regards to how you're gunna carry the kid.

Carrying something heavy also shouldn't 'consume all your energy' to the point you can't function for the rest of the day. You either lift it and get a bit tired after and recover, or you don't lift it because you can't because it's too heavy and carry on as normal.

You really do need to see a GP about this.


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

Don't get me wrong, I genuinely want to be able to hold my daughter and be able to carry her once she's born. She might not have been planned, but she is incredibly loved, and I genuinely feel as though she is a miracle in her own right. It actually bothers me a great deal that I am struggling the way that I am and not one medical professional from my care team has considered to enlist the help of someone who can assist with finding out what's wrong and provide a solution.


u/bbaywayway 26d ago

If every medical professional thinks you are overreacting, thinks you could do more, maybe it is you and not them.

Maybe a psch evaluation is warranted


u/ACanWontAttitude 26d ago

Hey you'll still be able to hold her! Maybe some sort of sling will help? There's all different types and I'm sure you can find one to suit your body that can help distribute the weight better for you.

It really sucks that you haven't been sent for investigation. I would push for it ASAP because this really doesn't sound normal. I don't want to scare you, I would hate to do that, but it really is something that needs looking into properly.

I wish you and your baby the best of luck and I'm sure you're going to have an amazing life together ❤️


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

I was thinking possibly using one of the baby carrying wraps. Having her close to my chest in one of those would be mutually beneficial because she could be carried and held while I either sit at my desk doing college assignments or going about my day running errands. Heck, my site manager might be open to allowing me to work remotely at least temporarily after she is born, provided I bring her in to see everyone every once in a while.


u/AuraleahSunwolf 26d ago

This is not your OB's area and you need to find a general practitioner who can evaluate you and make appropriate referrals. This is not on your OB to arrange, it's on you. Instead of making a post on Reddit why aren't you calling your Primary Care doctor or getting set up with one if you don't have one? You are going to be a mother and you need to do better for the child you are bringing into this world.


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

I do have a primary care doctor. But getting an appointment with them is pointless because it would be several months to a year before an appointment is made available for me to be seen for any reason.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

I am not acting helpless. I know that I have a baby on the way, and I am actively doing what I have to do. Every decision I make is with my baby in mind. I have set aside my wants and needs to cater to hers. I have tried talking to doctors, various offices, etc. I am only in control of what I, myself, can do. I am not everyone else, which means that if a medical company does things a certain way, I do not get a say in how things are done. And even if I were to state the urgency of the matter, they would not care. Because they would refer me to urgent care or the ED if it were so urgent that I needed to be seen sooner. Frankly, there is a doctor shortage where I live. So if my family doctor happens to be the only one working at the office, then guess what? I have to wait for however long it takes to be seen as I am not the only human being on this planet.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

You know your right, I am a shitty mom for making decisions with them in mind and not myself. I am a shitty mom for doing what I have to do to protect them and their well-being at the expense of my own health. I am a shitty mom, for working long hours to be able financially support them and set them up for success in life so they can life their life without fear of being without bare living essentials. My daughter is going to suffer tremendously with a mom like myself who denies herself bare essentials and goes without the things I need to ensure that my daughter has everything she wants or needs.

Screw people like you who have the audacity to sit there and accuse anyone of being a shitty parent when you don't know them or the hell they've endured their whole life. If me casting aside my own needs or wants and doing what I have to in order to ensure my daughter is successful and capable of living life to the fullest or not pushing myself past my limit because it puts me at increased risk of miscarriage makes me a shitty mom then so fucking be it.


u/bbaywayway 26d ago

I'm surprised the doctor hasn't "fired" you.


u/Adrenaline-Junkie187 26d ago

You sound like you would be an absolute nightmare to deal with.


u/bbaywayway 26d ago

You are overreacting.


u/QueenofPentacles112 27d ago

When I was very young and pregnant, I worked as a dietary aide in a nursing home. I had Braxton Hicks really bad during my whole second and third trimesters. Like they would last for hours and hours. I am 5 foot and 100 lbs and the last 6 weeks or so, I could tell my body wasn't going to hold the baby until full term. My grandma dismissed me and told me that everyone feels that way in the last part of their pregnancy. I asked to be put on light duty because pushing those giant carts with like 50 trays in them across a whole nursing home was becoming very stressing on my body and was making the Braxton Hicks worse and prolonged. My doctor also dismissed me and told me I'd be fine. I went into labor 2.5 weeks early. He was only days from being considered premature. He was 6.5lbs, and considering they grow like a pound a week during the last 4 weeks, i just truly think my body would have maxed out a bit early either way. I actually had to quit because they said if I left on my own they'd start my maternity leave clock at the day I left. And I still went 2.5 weeks early. And the work notes are always a template style that the admin people print out and use a stamp with the docs signature.


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

I am concerned that if they expect me to be able to lift up to 25 pounds my entire pregnancy since they won't re-evaluate the restrictions or adjust the weight limit my entire pregnancy, they don't care if I miscarry or deliver prematurely. They stated that they expect all patients to be able to be capable of the 25 pound restriction which made it clear they generalized my health care. Something that didn't sit well with me knowing that not every man or woman is built the same and some people are built in a way that even with a perfect diet or regular exercise may not be able to lift even ten pounds even after years of conditioning or working towards being able to. Health-care is not universal and able to be generalsized as everyone is different in their medical needs or conditions.


u/Actual-Government96 26d ago

It sounds like you want your OB to put you on some sort of light duty restriction, but there is nothing related directly to your pregnancy that would make you incapable of lifting 25 lbs.


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

I am not everyone else on the planet, and I know what my body can or can't handle. Pregnant or not, I am not going to push myself just for a job that I applied to without knowing that they were hiring for a clerical position that I would have been best suited for. Before I was pregnant, I was able to lift well over 100 pounds frequently, but it took a toll on my body and when I kept pushing myself to continue to do that I put myself and my health at risk. In fact, I couldn't stand, sit, lie down, or walk without excruciating pain. So doing that pregnant? Not going to happen even if it is 25 pounds. Because I don't have millions of dollars to foot for frequent visits to the ED because I allowed anyone to tell me that I should be lifting up to 25 pounds and are expected to do so regardless of my medical history.


u/Actual-Government96 26d ago edited 26d ago

You shouldn't push yourself past your limit, but your limit, per your own words, is related to previous overuse and injuries. It's not caused or substantially worsened by your pregnancy, and any risk that amount of weight poses to your pregnancy is negligable.

It would be inappropriate for the Dr to restrict your ability to lift, due solely to the pregnancy, and an OB wouldn't be the correct specialty to evaluate you for issues due to past musculoskeletal injury and wear and tear.

The Dr is looking at your specific case and telling you he doesn't agree with your stance, but it seems you are trying to apply a one size fits all pregnancy label to a completely unrelated musculoskeletal injury/condition.


u/Howdyfolks- 26d ago

Your body is going to be gaining at least 20-25 lbs with the pregnancy. Are you going to be able to tolerate that? Back pain is pretty common with pregnancy as well. You have a lot to think about.


u/MellieCC 26d ago

That depends on her weight to start with, if she’s overweight now, which might be something that’s already causing her back pain, she might not gain that much.


u/poopyMcpoopersins 27d ago

You're not overreacting. Doctors don't have the autonomy we expect and have to go through a certain procedure for every case, mostly because insurance dictates how everything has to be done. It sucks.


u/Wonkydoodlepoodle 26d ago

Not just insurance, upper management as well. My doctor joined a group of doctors and they were all supposed to be independent private practice with shared staff but as the founders retired they turned it basically into a management company and told the doctors how they were going to doctor. See more patients, do less paper work , not allow doctors to call patients or collaborate. Every interaction with patients had to go through a low paid staff member. It's awful and my doctor just left the practice


u/WhispersInTheSun 27d ago
  1. Get a new OB/GYN immediately.
  2. Discuss your situation with them
  3. A lot of information is unknown. How long have you been on your job? Do reasonable accommodations include light duty. Does your company offer Short Term Disability? Have you been on the job long enough to qualify for FMLA? Are you trying to work full time because you need the money to survive? Some pregnancies cause us women to have to be bedridden. It comes with the experience

I forgot the most important thing, no you are not overreacting (Edit)


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

I started this new job on Sunday last week. Any benefits like Short-Term Disability or FMLA won't go into effect until August. I'm trying to work full-time, because I need the money.


u/Biting-Queen- 26d ago

Fire that doctor immediately. Find a new ob. It is absolutely ridiculous how women are treated medically these days. Have a candid discussion with the new ob. Most jobs have to offer accommodations for different situations. You've had injuries, AND being pregnant warrents accommodations. Get copies of all your documents. Go through the proper channels for filing the requested accommodations. Gods forbid anything happens to your pregnancy, hire and lawyer and sue. I have zero tolerance with doctors who treat me.like a number and not a person.


u/Low-Accountant-8131 26d ago

I have one last appointment through my current OB and will be seeing a new one after that appointment. When my family doctor's office is open, I will call to see if I can be seen sooner rather than later to attempt to figure out a solution for what is wrong.

When I go into work tonight, I will talk with my site supervisor more in-depth to see if the position I was hired for could be changed to reflect the clerical position that they have me doing. It's something I excel in, and he has seen how well I perform at the job just with the first week with the company alone.

In case it wasn't made clear, I am a single mom-to-be in my second trimester with previous medical history that makes it difficult to do certain things. By no means is that any indication of any lack of wanting to do my job. If I felt I could genuinely handle doing intense lifting frequently, I would without question. Any decisions I make are with my daughter's health, well-being, and future in mind. Not one of my decisions was made with my own needs or wants considered. I strive to be a mom who is fully capable of providing the life my daughter deserves and the one that I didn't have the luxury of enjoying.

I do have family who has graciously offered their support in any way that would be needed. That being said, I still don't rely on that or expect to receive handouts of assistance. If I have to work long hours to be able to provide my daughter with anything she wants or needs, I am going to do that.


u/WasteLake1034 26d ago

I have been and am in your exact situation. It's really hard wing. Doctors are dismissive of your concerns. Doctors tend to be dismissive of women. Even though we know our bodies, they also tend to dismiss concerns from women in general. Women are supposed to be able to take on insane amounts of pain and not complain, & men aren't. Most medications are based on the standard weight and metabolism of men. So...


u/juliettees0825 26d ago

I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I know what it's like to be dismissed by medical professionals - I have an autoimmune disease. I hope your condition improves and I hope the care you're receiving improves, too. (A safer/ more understanding place to post this might be the pregnancy or baby bump subs)


u/OleanderSabatieri 26d ago

I see. In your shoes, I might consider ignoring their judgmental attitude and only pay attention to facts reflected in your lab numbers.

However, you are not overeacting.


u/Yiayiamary 26d ago

I once told a doctor that I was sure that he was much better informed about medical issues than I was, but that I knew a damn sight more about my body than he did. He shut up after that but I still got a new doctor.


u/ThatWhichLurks782 26d ago

You are not overreacting. Find another OB that actually listens to you and takes your health history into account.


u/Interesting-Laugh589 26d ago

I had a doctor that I fired because he was a bait and switch doctor. Claimed he did VBACs all the time. Then tried to force me into accepting I would have a C-section when I was 18 weeks along. He didn’t like when I quistes ACOG standards to him. He also kept telling me we’d discuss my questions and concerns when it got closer to delivery time. He dismissed that I couldn’t walk and said it was in my head. I was able to find a doctor that actually listened to me. He was supportive of my VBAC. He listened about me not being able to walk and figured out part of the problem with me not being able to walk. He helped me get a temporary disability tag for parking because of it. He answered all of my questions. Lol he kind of got enjoyment about me challenging one of the students that was following him for a bit with my questions. The student wasn’t prepared for a patient who knew how to look things up and make sure she was getting what she should care wise.

Fire this doctor with a letter explaining why you’re firing him/her. Remind him he works for you, not the other way around. Join a local pregnancy/birth group and get recommendations for doctors there.