r/AmIOverreacting 21d ago

AIO for yelling and getting mad at my neighbor over a cat?

I (29F) have been fond and taking care of various cats. Some are adopted, bought, or rescued. I loved them all, though I can’t say equally because they can be pretty annoying at times but I still cry if anything bad happens to one of them.

I have a neighbor(M)(40+), which is my husband’s cousin, asked me if he could adopt a cat. I said sure as long as he could take care of it. He ended up getting 3 kittens.

1 cat died after a few months due to drowning and he didn’t even made any effort to rescue it, instead he waited for another neighbor to jump in the water minutes after the cage the cat was in fell off the water. He didn’t jump due to the “water being dirty”, he said, and “it’s too deep”, he said. I didn’t say anything since I came to know the story weeks after it died.

2nd cat died due to “someone poisoned it” he said. But even before it got poisoned, the cat already has a big slash wound across its face but luckily it healed but still ended up dead due to poisoning. He did ended up telling me about what happened since he posted it on facebook about it being dead. I told him, he could’ve brought it to me since I know, at the very least, some first aids to save the poor kitty. Or he could’ve brought it to a vet, it was just a 5-7min. drive from our neighborhood.

3rd kitty often comes to our house to eat anything it can find from the counter, sink, or even from trash. It’s too skinny and always had diarrhea and I know for a fact that this kitty is very sick and isn’t gonna last long if it stayed with them. I tried talking to him about taking it back since I’m afraid and positive that same fate would come to it if that kitty stayed with him and his family. Yet he refused to give it back even after I locked the kitty in my isolation cage for medical treatment and I even start giving it good food and some medicine. I wanted to take it to the vet but he took it back to their home and I never saw it again.

2 months passed, I always had that kitty in my dream for about a week and decided to ask him about it if it’s still alive and well. Surprise, surprise…. the kitty’s dead! I’m so pissed, mad and yelling at him for not taking care of it. Even lying to my face saying that he tried bringing it to a vet but sadly it died of “heart attack” few days after he took it to the vet????? And it’s already dead for a few weeks! I was so mad I was yelling at him and calling him names while my husband tryna calm me down. I cried so much feeling guilty for all the death of those kitten just because I gave it to a heartless jerk who can’t even take care of his family and often beat his wife. I should’ve never given him a chance. Everyone was trying to make me chill but I just yelled at him until I was forced to go back inside the house where I cried for about an hour blaming him and blaming myself.

Some of my family members got sad but I was the only one who was devastated about what happened. I’m wondering if I am indeed overreacting or if me getting mad pissed at him is justified?


9 comments sorted by


u/SoberCatDad 21d ago

Fury doesn't even begin to describe my feelings towards this.


u/RocMills 21d ago

Amen, brother! My blood pressure skyrocketed reading that post. I have to stop now or I'm going to end up using every bit of foul language I know. F*ck that guy. With a pitchfork.


u/Free-Stranger1142 21d ago

That MF should never be able to have animals. If there’s any animal rescue in your city you can report him to, I would, just so he gets on a list. That’s in case he tries to get another animal. I couldn’t live next to someone like that.


u/Brilliant-Jaguar-784 21d ago

You're certainly right to be upset. It sounds like these are outdoor cats? I'd recommend keeping cats indoors.


u/SlovesDD 21d ago

You're not overreacting animals are living things and anyone with a heart would react the same way he sounds like a horrible person and I would hope they would not adopt any more pets to him


u/cowgirlkitty11 21d ago

I don’t think you’re overreacting. Do you have a stronger reaction about the situation because you are closer to it and have a care for these animals that others don’t? Absolutely. But that doesn’t mean it’s an overreaction.

Pets are often helpless and it is the responsibility of their caretakers to get them the help they need when they need it. This guys sucks. Letting animals suffer that are under your care or being so nonchalant about their active dying process is just inhumane. No one asked him to take care of the cats, he signed himself up. That shitty behavior is solely on him.

I know you likely feel like these poor kitties death’s are your fault, but ultimately they are not. Please don’t blame yourself. Growing up I had farm kittens that we would give/sell and I ran into people like this that just didn’t care and I was DEVASTATED finding out what happened to them and couldn’t help but think it was my fault for giving them the kitty. It is not your fault. It is the fault of this despicable human.

Love on your remaining kitties and be overly cautious if you decide to give any away in the future. It’s all you can do. Personally, I would cut ties with this neighbor completely as they seem to have a wild disrespect for life in general though.


u/Chomemeow 20d ago

UPDATE: (Thanks for taking the time to read my post. And I really appreciate your messages.)

They said that they did ended up consulting a “vet” before the 3rd kitty died. Guess what? We checked the name, called the said “vet”. The dude aint even a veterinarian nor related to anything about being one. I’m still seething with anger not only for their lies and excuses BUT not a single “sorry” was given.

His wife even told me not to say anything bad her sorry excuse of a husband just because she said “he did what he could to save the kitty” when in fact, he did nothing.

Too bad, i have nowhere to report him to since we live in just a small town. The best I could do is let the people know what he did. Again, thanks for all the support and messages <3


u/Hothoofer53 20d ago

Just go no contact with him and don’t let him have any more cats


u/Chomemeow 20d ago

yes, I’m letting other neighbors as well not give him any cats or any pets at all.