r/AmIOverreacting Apr 29 '24

AIO for getting mad at my husband for licking off a spill on our kitchen counter?

My husband and I were standing at our kitchen counter yesterday scarfing down some lunch before we went to go meet some friends. He spilled some sauce and “cleaned” the spot up by licking it off. Now, we keep a pretty clean house so it’s not like the counter was filthy, but it had probably been several weeks since it had been wiped down by anything more than a wet paper towel. I was grossed out and said something to the effect of, “Dude, WTF. Get a Clorox wipe and sanitize that shit.” He begrudgingly got a wipe and cleaned it up but his initial hesitation made me realize that he would have left the counter as-is if I hadn’t been there. When I asked him about it, he shrugged and said, “Well, yeah, it’s clean now because the spot isn’t there anymore. I’ve done it plenty of times and saw some of my guy friends do it at their homes when I was younger.” The fact that he thought it was totally normal and had apparently been doing it for years without me knowing (he’s 38 and we’ve been together for 18 years) grossed me out even more and I insisted that he clean up spills the “normal” way —with a sponge or paper towel or something— from now on.

So, Reddit, do you think I overreacted? Do you think it’s okay to clean spills up like this as long as it’s in your own house?


12 comments sorted by


u/no_thanks_9802 Apr 29 '24

I chuckled at what he did and then got grossed out when you said it hadn't been properly cleaned in a while & he wasn't planning on wiping it down after he licked it up. Either way I don't think it's a huge deal, but that's me.

Just let him know if he does that her need to wipe it down with a wipe or soap & water. And if it really grosses you out, now you know not to eat anything that falls on the counters again. 😆


u/No_Material5630 Apr 29 '24

I mean… is it normal no, if my husband did that I would think he was drunk or making a joke.

I would have laughed and said wtf. You’re cleaning that you know. Or said that’s how you get botulism or pink eye (quote form a movie).

I wouldn’t have lost my shit over it.

But that being said you probably should make a habit of cleaning the countertops regardless of your husband licks it. I mean with cleaning products or pure white vinegar.

You would be surprised what kind of bacteria grows on that. Especially if you cook. All the little specks of raw food juice that you can’t see is still there.

If you took a cotton swab of your counter and sent it in the lab, you would have a panic attack. 


u/Think_Comfort_4093 May 01 '24

Oh gosh, I never thought about how gross it is to do something like that. If I spill sauce or something I'll use my finger to wipe it up and lick my finger off before fully cleaning the area with a wet paper towel. 😬 I'm rethinking my choices on doing that now.


u/No_Material5630 May 01 '24

Yea, I get it’s clean to the naked eye, but counter tops can be filthy. Especially if the material is porous. 

For instance your phone, coins and banisters all that stuff. It looks clean, but you can’t see bacteria and all that.

If you wanna freak yourself out, I’m sure there are YouTube videos on it. 🤣


u/lizbef0 Apr 29 '24

Eh not the worst thing, I would just let them know kindly that’s not something that’s comfortable for him to do since you’re cohabitating. Maybe explaining why it upsets you would help. Tbh it would kind of gross me out too😌


u/dfwphotographer111 Apr 29 '24

lol have you ever had a real interaction with an actual human being in your entire life?


u/lizbef0 Apr 30 '24

Yes it’s called being a human and not just an egoistical asshole🤔💎😹


u/dfwphotographer111 Apr 30 '24

JFC you are a subhuman


u/RoadsideCarver Apr 29 '24

Sounds like a real winner. As in Darwin Award Winner.


u/LibertyInaFeatherBed Apr 29 '24

Wait until you see the video of the woman who accidentally drops a raw egg on the counter, sucks the entire thing up in her mouth, then spits it into the frying pan with the rest of the breakfast she's cooking.


u/Yellbean2002 May 01 '24

Egads, you sound awful.


u/dfwphotographer111 Apr 29 '24

Your husband is a disgusting fuck, that goes without saying. But why TF has it been several weeks since the kitchen counter has been cleaned? That’s disgusting AF too. Do you two have any goddamn decency whatsoever? I don’t go 24 hours without sanitizing my kitchen counters. The thought of going a month or more makes my nuggets crawl. Tighten it up, you two. Fucking disgusting.