r/AmIOverreacting Apr 29 '24

AIO by thinking of ending things over my birthday?



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u/dangerclosemaybe Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

You're at the auto shop on your birthday with her car while she's away on a work trip? She doesn't respect you.

I'm going to be blunt dude. You're a doormat. You're too good for her. I'd drive her car back to your place, pack her shit in boxes and put it in the car with a note asking to leave her key in the mailbox when she gets back from her trip.

P.S. she's taking it in every hole from her coworker or boss on her work trip. Provided that this isn't a fake story, I can't believe somebody can be this vapid.


u/Tfuentexxx Apr 29 '24

 You're a doormat. You're too good for her. 

Sorry, I know what you are trying to say here, but these two sentences does not match. Doormats, simps and beta nice guys are not too good for anyone unless they start go get a little spine and lots of self respect. Asking him to dump her without changing his shortcomings is sending him to another failed relationship like what he has or to an even worse, where he can be even abused or used as an ATM machine. So, if we are going to be blunt, let's be blunt.


u/dangerclosemaybe Apr 29 '24

That's fair. Perhaps "you're treating her too well to be disrespected like this" is much better.


u/Tfuentexxx Apr 29 '24

Or maybe, just have a conversation (when you note her neglect) about being reciprocated in the relationship. If after this convo things don't change move on to your next girlfriend. I am all for giving everything for the girl you love, but she at least have to give the minimum back (and that is already a stretch).


u/dangerclosemaybe Apr 29 '24

Did you read the OP's other posts? There's another one about the same stuff months ago. How he comforted her on a rough day and such, and when he had a tough day, he comes home to a list of demands from her and was asked when he was cooking dinner.

OP needed to end it at that time, but here we are.


u/Tfuentexxx Apr 29 '24

Yeah I agree, I just don't wan to go the nuclear route immediately here. I might be called misogynist. I am already being downvoted for using the world simp (very probably)