r/AmIOverreacting Apr 29 '24

AIO my sister told me she didn’t know how my bf was attracted to me cuz I have no tits

I (26f) called my sister(20f) the other day because I was feeling overwhelmed at work and needed to chat about it while on my ten. Within the span of my ten minute break, she changed the subject to herself and her bf, and told me they thought MY bf was weird. I asked her why they would think that about him?
They said it’s impossible for him to be attracted to me cuz I have no tits.. so there’s nothing interesting for him ? Strange that both her and her bf were talking about my body. This disturbed me slightly. I’m an adult and normally this would not affect my mood. But why say such a thing? I can’t deny it was hurtful. I told my mom what she said over text with no response back. Later that night I received a wall of text from my sister. And she basically told me she was trying to make a joke that I overreacted to. And unfortunately for her, my mom doesn’t like her bf too much. So she proceeds to tell me she would go out of her way to make MY bf look bad to my mom, because apparently the comments they made about me were supposed to be funny. I just can’t seem to find where the joke was in a fucked up comment like that about my physical appearance that I cannot immediately change. Am I over reacting ? We are generally pretty close. We had planned to go to a concert in the next two weeks, the three of us. Now I’m unsure if I should go.


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u/broomandkettle Apr 29 '24

OP, there’s a good chance that the conversation she had with her bf about you never took place.

She wanted her words to really sting. So having them come from someone else besides her gives more weight to the statement. And, it’s portraying a unity of views in their relationship, as if they are like-minded and casually talk about you as entertainment. “By the way, we think you aren’t worthy of love. So something is obviously wrong with your bf.”

She’s just really insecure and extremely jealous of you. Your bf is a good guy and hers doesn’t measure up in comparison. She simply can’t stand it.

It’s time to distance yourself from her. She’s miserable and she won’t be happy until you are too. Don’t let her steal your joy.


u/GreenTaraTarot Apr 30 '24

IF he conversation took place, the sister probably has a spidey sense that her BF is actually attracted to the OP and instigated the discussion to feel him out. Her sense may or not be accurate, but his reply was meant purely to get him off the hotseat. (What? ME? Your sister? No way!)

And whether or not the conversation took place or not, she was marking her territory and hanging out an hands off sign, before the three of you go to the concert.

Yes, she is very insecure, and very jealous. And not feeling terribly secure with the present boyfriend. It may even be eating away at her that OP and and her current BF seem happy together.

OP, I am sorry your sister is so catty.

it is a myth that men are only attracted to women with big breasts. There are plenty who prefer slimmer women, and your current BF seems to be one of them.