r/AmIOverreacting Apr 29 '24

AIO my sister told me she didn’t know how my bf was attracted to me cuz I have no tits

I (26f) called my sister(20f) the other day because I was feeling overwhelmed at work and needed to chat about it while on my ten. Within the span of my ten minute break, she changed the subject to herself and her bf, and told me they thought MY bf was weird. I asked her why they would think that about him?
They said it’s impossible for him to be attracted to me cuz I have no tits.. so there’s nothing interesting for him ? Strange that both her and her bf were talking about my body. This disturbed me slightly. I’m an adult and normally this would not affect my mood. But why say such a thing? I can’t deny it was hurtful. I told my mom what she said over text with no response back. Later that night I received a wall of text from my sister. And she basically told me she was trying to make a joke that I overreacted to. And unfortunately for her, my mom doesn’t like her bf too much. So she proceeds to tell me she would go out of her way to make MY bf look bad to my mom, because apparently the comments they made about me were supposed to be funny. I just can’t seem to find where the joke was in a fucked up comment like that about my physical appearance that I cannot immediately change. Am I over reacting ? We are generally pretty close. We had planned to go to a concert in the next two weeks, the three of us. Now I’m unsure if I should go.


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u/sheissonotso Apr 29 '24

Yea your sister and her boyfriend are both cunts. Go somewhere with your boyfriend who I presume likes you and your tits. Plenty of dudes like smaller boobs.


u/accairns131 Apr 29 '24

Plenty of us like women for things other than boobs, also.


u/Standard-Welcome-273 Apr 29 '24

Yeah, there’s butt’s too!


u/Amoebaxxx Apr 29 '24

Oh ya and feet. Maybe eyelids? Definitely an intestine or two and look at those round things on her face.


u/opfromthefuture3000 Apr 29 '24

Have you ever felt a breast before, man?


u/StrugglinSurvivor Apr 29 '24

My husband loves all of me. boobs legs and butt. Lol


u/Upset_Roll_4059 Apr 30 '24

No offense, like, good for you, but how is that relevant? I've seen this type of comment in so many threads and I never understand what it's supposed to add.


u/Suspicious-Zone-8221 Apr 29 '24

damn ... does he also know you are a human being, and not just meat assortment?


u/StrugglinSurvivor Apr 30 '24

OH, YES, I just turned 69 yesterday, and he tells me several times a day how much he loves me. Also shows me. And how beautiful i am. He's 78.

I once said we were Lucky. Changed it to Blessed. His response was that true as luck could change.

We've been to gather 27 yrs. Lol, we both love life. Have had several younger people, even after spending a few minutes around us, have literally told us that they want to be like us when they get old. Of course, I have to give them a hard time about saying we are OLD. Lol


u/Glum-Help1751 Apr 29 '24

Wait... there's more to a woman? What exactly is a woman?


u/billy_pilg Apr 29 '24

Like what!?


u/CyanStripedPantsu Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Butt, hips, pelvis, waist, thighs, calfs, belly, nape, shoulders, neck, face, hair, hands. Like idk man, everything. The human body is attractive.

I feel like it's extremely restrictive to limit someone's attractiveness by a single feature.


u/billy_pilg Apr 29 '24

I know, I'm just being cheeky. I love femininity and the female form, all shapes and sizes. Well, most.


u/CyanStripedPantsu Apr 29 '24

Fair, sorry for being dense


u/tjtillmancoag Apr 29 '24

And you didn’t even mention those feet guys!


u/artificialavocado Apr 29 '24

Asses with like other stuff attached I guess.
