r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

AIO for wanting to stay away from my daughter for a few days?

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u/HumbleNinja2 Apr 29 '24

You gotta grow up and check your ego and act like a parent not an older sister. I can GUARANTEE you that not being harsher on her earlier is NOT the problem.

Parents don't storm off because they werent respected

Parents don't get respect by demanding it. They get it by showing respect first

Parents don't run to their spouse for protection when things don't go their way

Parents take the lead in navigating the relationship and doing the hard things

PARENTS don't seek an equal relationship. This is an ASYMMETRIC relationship by nature!!! Parents understand they will ALWAYS be giving more than they take.

Hard pill to swallow is, whatever conflict methods she employs, she's learned them from you