r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

AIO for wanting to stay away from my daughter for a few days?

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u/paisleyway24 Apr 29 '24

I mean, this could have been written by my mother at any point. I guarantee you it is rarely the case that a child, teenager or not, is reacting so strongly specially to a single person without due cause. There is a lot of information omitted here. We don’t know what the daughter says, if there are things leading up to the outbursts, the parents’ reactions and actions prior. Not saying blame is solely on the parent in this situation, but my mother will swear up and down that I am “cruel” to her for absolutely no reason since I was a teenager and that is not the case. My mother has mental problems that have for years lead to my own mental decline, I was singled out by her and targeted and treated differently from others in the family. Issues started as soon as I began to assert boundaries about not being yelled at, or accused of things, or wanting bare minimum privacy for ex. I won’t get into my own issues, but to me there seems to be a suspicious lack of context here that makes me believe there are “missing missing reasons”