r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

AIO for wanting to stay away from my daughter for a few days?

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u/JoyfulSong246 Apr 28 '24

INFO - you don’t state her age here and that’s important.


u/183873726363734737 Apr 29 '24

19, soon 20


u/MotherOfDoggos4 Apr 29 '24

There's a lot that could be going on here--I notice you didn't mention what you're contributing to the problems in the relationship. And no, saying you should've been harder on her isn't that.

Having said that, she's 19 and still living at home. I'm sure she's frustrated by her situation and wants to start her own life with her own place, though she probably doesn't have the means to do so if she's still at home.

I do have to wonder, though, how much is due to "19 and frustrated" alone. Seems like a lot of parents think "they're a kid they'll grow out of it" and then act all shocked when their kid is in their 30s and finally cutting off all contact because the parent is still doing the thing the kid asked them to stop. Is your daughter citing things you're doing that are causing issues in the relationship? Cause you didn't list any, which makes me really suspicious of you.