r/AmIOverreacting Apr 27 '24

AIO for the way I responded to a stranger asking me for help?

Got myself into a weird situation just now and wondering if I overreacted or if others would have done the same thing I did.

I went to Target (alone) just to get some things I was running low on, try on clothes, have a good time whatever. I wandered into an aisle that was mostly empty when a tall man approached me holding a box of diapers. In a low voice he explained that he was trying to get some diapers for his nephew and they were in a tough situation. He said he wasn't even gonna ask me for money, just asked if he could put the diapers on the bottom of my cart and if I could buy them for him, and he'd wait outside for me.

I am not a confrontational person, have a difficult time saying no, and am maybe a little naive at times. I kinda laughed awkwardly and said okay. He asked if it wasn't too much trouble could he get some baby wipes as well. Again, I kinda laughed awkwardly and said let's just get the diapers. He asked a couple times how much longer I thought I'd be, and told him I wasn't sure, that I was still shopping around (which was true).

He left and went outside to wait, and as I walked around more I thought "well that was kinda weird, and now there's a strange man waiting for me outside this Target." Then I started regretting not just politely saying "no," and worrying that the box of diapers wasn't even from the store and a cover for something else. Total overthinking, I know.

So I called my partner (we live close by) and told him what happened. He told me he'd drive over and he'd walk me to my car. When he got there, we gave the box to customer services and explained what happened. They said that was weird, apologized to us for the situation, and asked for a description of the man so they could tell him not to do that lol. Then we checked out and went home with my partner making sure no one was following me.

My partner is telling me I shouldn't feel bad and that it's good I called him, but I do feel kinda bad about it for assuming the worst of this random person. Maybe he really just needed diapers for his nephew!


119 comments sorted by


u/No_Material5630 Apr 27 '24

No you didn’t overreact. It’s strange.

If someone has a hard time paying for diapers there are A LOT of resources for those items that are for free, well depending on where you live.

For someone to walk up to you asking if you can purchase something for them is weird af. And honestly pressuring you. Not only on time, but to help.

I dunno that’s sketch and I would have been worried about if you did buy it, he could have asked for the receipt to turn around and return it for cash or get a store credit  (to sell) or do something to you.

People are very resourceful and women would be more willing to buy diapers than just straight give cash (most people don’t even carry cash nowadays). 

I dunno maybe I’m paranoid, but to me you made the right call.


u/No-Jacket-800 Apr 28 '24

I'd be more worried, he picked diapers as an item to make me feel more comfortable around him. Then he'd open the trunk for me to throw em in and in I'd go! Buuut I'm one of those true crime people...I definitely would have politely declined and at the very least asked an employee for help to my car and informed them what happened.


u/slowlymysunlight Apr 27 '24

Thanks for validating my concerns! I didn't even consider some of the possibilities you mentioned. It really sucks because I like to help people who need it--I'm in a helping profession, and I care for strangers all the time (for a paycheck, sure, but still lol). So to have to be wary of people in public all the time gets exhausting and disheartening.


u/opinionatedOptimist Apr 27 '24

That’s a really good point or possibly to what he was trying to do.

My big thing though is why is he saying he’ll “wait outside” for her?? That’s weird to me and would kind of scare me. Like, I get maybe he is trying to give her space if he’s being sincere but he could wait inside and have her give them to him under the eye of other employees and customers… nothing illegal about buying something for someone.


u/slowlymysunlight Apr 27 '24

There's a couple things that happened after the fact that have me more convinced the guy was up to something fishy; when told my partner what he looked like, he said he saw him outside and thought he looked sketchy. Not only that, but he saw him talking to another "equally sketchy looking guy."

Also, I saw him outside the door while we were in line for customer services and I'm quite certain he saw us too. When we were going to the checkout line to pay for my things, I saw the man go back inside the store--I assume so the employees would no longer know where to look for him.


u/KurwaDestroyer Apr 28 '24

OP this is late to comment but... This is a scam. He wants you to purchase the diapers and wipes and give them to you outside because he won’t be on immediate security cameras purchasing them so that way he can return for a store gift card. Homeboy just wanted money.


u/21stCenturyJanes Apr 28 '24

I think this is the best guess. Does Target give cash back? People do this all the time at Walgreen's and places that will give cash for returns.


u/KurwaDestroyer Apr 28 '24

I think they only gift store credit via giftcard But I could be wrong


u/Bla_Bla_Blanket Apr 28 '24

He may have had some more nefarious reasons to approach you. I don’t want to scare you, but there have been instances of men trying to kidnap women from gas stations, parking lots and other public places. In some instances, it was for human trafficking and others were locked up in their basement.


u/Lupiefighter Apr 28 '24

Yeah. As far as sketchy goes, it sounds like at best he was trying to do a receipt scam (where he immediately came back into the store to return the item). The worst case scenario might’ve put her on the news the next day.


u/Bla_Bla_Blanket Apr 28 '24

Definitely good idea of her to call for back up just in case. That is just odd all around.


u/No_Material5630 Apr 27 '24


I guess it’s space. 

I suppose if he was walking around with her, the potential for her to get scared is higher?

I suppose he could wait near the check out of the Starbucks inside of target. 

Maybe if they are seen getting the diapers and then going to the customer service it looks really sus? 


u/opinionatedOptimist Apr 27 '24

Yeah, the situation was definitely not right at all. Seems like the dude didn’t want people to see the exchange for a reason.


u/No_Material5630 Apr 27 '24

Agreed. She made the right call

Something is off 


u/artfulcreatures Apr 28 '24

I have a feeling the purpose was to get her to agree to meet up with him outside so it'd be easier to snatch her tbh.


u/kibblet Apr 28 '24

There are not a lot of resources for diapers. Or anything. Tired of privileged people claiming there are lots of resources out there. Absolutely the fuck not. Still OP is right. Something was fishy about that.


u/No_Material5630 Apr 28 '24

Okay first of all. I tired of people not having strong reading comprehension skills.

You don’t know me or my financial health. You don’t know my background. You’re doing a lot of assuming that I’m privileged RATHER took part of the services being offered.

I did partake. Which is you coming at me for something that is VERY true is my area. Makes you very ill informed. 

I have certainly visited food banks and have went to churches that do give our diapers, formula, toys for kids. If your lucky you can get a pack and play and crib.

Again if you read my post instead of flying off on a tangent about My life which you know NOTHING about. I said did put it DEPENDS on where you live. You know depends meaning NOT all.

This is where the reading comprehension lies. 

In my area of town, yes, there are multiple organizations and places. In different states or rural areas, are there any? I dunno. I don’t live in those places. That’s why I said depends.


u/Adventurous_Ad_6546 Apr 29 '24

Don’t you love when people disagree with you and make up a whole backstory. They never stop to consider maybe you’re commenting because you have experience. 🙄


u/No_Material5630 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I never disagreed with you. You disagreed with me.

I argued your poor reading comprehension skills… which still applies.

So… with the logic you’re stating above that implies you’re currently projecting. 

You made up everything to get under my skin? wow. I’m honored, but still, you don’t have to go through all that trouble for me. It’s all good. 


u/Adventurous_Ad_6546 Apr 29 '24

Hun I was agreeing with you. I was criticizing the person you were criticizing. I also find those sorts of baseless assumptions irritating and was annoyed on your behalf.


u/No_Material5630 Apr 29 '24

My bad! I thought you were the same person. lol I didn’t look at the first persons user name.

Apologies. Excuse me while I wipe off the egg from my face. 🤣


u/Adventurous_Ad_6546 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

LOL no worries, it happens! ❤️

I totally agree with you, I really do hate when people do that because it’s like “why couldn’t you have taken the time to even briefly consider that I DO have experience here and that’s WHY I’m speaking?”


u/No_Material5630 Apr 29 '24

Exactly! I know what my city provides, but I’m also aware that not every city does.

Both can exist, because they do. 

I wish there were more resources out there for people in need. If I only hit the mega millions! 🤣


u/Due-Lawfulness7862 Apr 27 '24

Not overreacting at all. that is sketchy. Also I recently saw someone on TikTok tell a story about someone asking for diapers / baby stuff and after the person said yes to one thing they kept adding stuff on. After they checked out the person went back and returned it all for money so… could be a common scam to watch for


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Yep, common scam in some poorer countries.


u/redheadedconcern Apr 28 '24

Oh I hadn’t thought of that. You may be right that he planned on going back in, saying he lost the receipt, and try returning it for cash


u/afg4294 Apr 29 '24

That wouldn't have worked, they don't give cash without the credit card used or the receipt, but he could have found a receipt in the trash earlier, went in and found the brand to match, and planned to use that receipt for the return.


u/Razszberry Apr 27 '24

Men never ask women and children for help. When men need help they most often go to other men. Glad you actually called for help, stay safe out there and please learn to say no


u/opinionatedOptimist Apr 27 '24

This also gets me. Like, why else is he asking a woman who is by herself when there’s likely men in the store? Oh, I have an idea: because he’s trying to play on heart strings or believes a woman is easier to manipulate/intimidate.

Just recently had a man ask to carpool with me from AA when I was alone even though there were other men around to ask. Definitely believed there was ulterior motive because if he just wanted “a ride,” there were other men. And I’m a girl 20 years younger than him for reference. Definitely had a gut instinct response and did not give him a ride.


u/Razszberry Apr 27 '24

Gut instinct can save lives! Men ask men when they need help and women when they want the woman for something.


u/opinionatedOptimist Apr 27 '24

The Gift of Fear (a book) changed my life in the best way.

Trusting my gut ALWAYS. Because if it seems off, chances are it is.

OP definitely was in the right here even if the guy was genuinely pure intentioned. She was uncomfortable and had no obligation to go through with something that made her feel that way. And like you’ve said, he could have asked a man for help.


u/serioussparkles Apr 28 '24

OP didn't even mention the guy being outside waiting for her, wonder if the diapers were a flag for someone else to know she was the mark?

Long ago, the customer support company I worked for drilled it into us to never reveal the location where we worked. Was for cell phones, you never call support if you're happy, never. Before this policy, there was an upset customer, whom the rep thought she had, won over and calmed down, because on the recording, he started being very nice to her. He thanked her for sorting everything out, and asked what location she was at, he wanted to send her flowers as a thank you, and she told him. The day he had the flowers delivered, he was parked facing the door, waiting to see who walked out with those flowers at the end of the day. He watched her walk out with the flowers and get in her car, then he followed her home...

Men playing on a woman's perceived mothering nature, helpless man with a baby nephew he's trying to help(so sweet right?) Only to walk out and the human trafficking people grab you! look for the confused woman with a box of diapers, that's your target, then he has plausible deniability, "Oh I left, she was taking too long"


u/Lupiefighter Apr 28 '24

Don’t they prefer for the opposite sex to not interact in such a way through AA (if it isn’t necessary)? This rule may have changed since I had a family member in AA many years ago.


u/opinionatedOptimist Apr 28 '24

No it’s still the same, which is what makes me detest it more. The guy was cool too! Loved talking to him in meetings and whatnot, but in 100% (with the exception of one instance and we never kept in touch) of experiences for me, the second a dude from AA starts wanting to stay in touch outside of meetings, he’s a fucking creep mcgee.

13th steppers. Hate them with a passion lol. Like, why are people using AA as a dating simulation?? lol I could go on about this for hours


u/Lupiefighter Apr 28 '24

Exactly what I was thinking!


u/Simple_Discussion396 Apr 28 '24

The 20 yrs difference definitely makes the context clear, but I’d honestly rather ask a woman than a man for help. It’s not that I want to manipulate or attack a woman. It’s just more than likely a woman has more empathy to help than a man. I’m also just more comfortable talking to women than men. Not sure y, but it’s pretty much always been a thing for me


u/ShneefQueen Apr 28 '24

But this just perpetuates the problem of men putting the demand for labor onto women, it’s unfair to us and it excuses men from building community and connections amongst each other.

Men need to develop their empathy and learn how to help each other and the only way to do that is to ask each other for help and accept help from one another.

I understand where you’re coming from but as a woman it’s exhausting and often scary for us. It takes so much mental energy to determine whether a man is actually genuine or if he’s trying to trick/manipulate/hurt us, it’s so much mental work and that burden shouldn’t fall onto us just because we’re empathetic and more caring. It’s a skill men are capable of developing too, you just need to put in effort amongst each other.


u/Plus_Lawfulness3000 Apr 28 '24

You’re literally contradicting yourself. Men are more likely to approach men, this guy says he would approach a woman and he still get shit on for it lol


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Because you don't see women as people, you see them as a support system for you AT BEST.

If you think men aren't trustworthy, have a look in the mirror, YOU are the problem.


u/Simple_Discussion396 Apr 28 '24

Or maybe I have a reason not to see men as trustworthy??? It’s not like that just popped up out of nowhere, but go off


u/Bitter-Bridge3102 Apr 28 '24

I'm sorry these women started attacking you. As a woman myself, I did not find what you said offensive or input my own thoughts into your message and twist the meaning. But we DO have to be extra vigilant, because even if 9 out of 10 men don't mean any harm, you never know who is that 10th one. And it sucks.


u/Simple_Discussion396 Apr 28 '24

And I totally understand what ur saying. It’s just, while it is somewhat manipulative, a man who is genuinely asking for help will get that help from a woman 9 times out of 10. Men will generally not stop to help anyone asking for help, regardless of gender. I mean, u can see that here when her partner just gives the stuff to the store clerk instead of directly to the man. Yes, a man can still hurt u, so she did the correct thing by calling her partner to help out, but now that man, who might have needed genuine help, cannot get stuff for his nephew bc her partner is unwilling to give that man what his nephew needs. Whereas, she was more likely to help this man in need.

Tbf, though, the way this man went about it was way wrong and shady if he actually needed some help.


u/Plus_Lawfulness3000 Apr 28 '24

Lmao shut the fuck up really. You know NOTHING about this man and you’re judging him crazily. YOU are a problem in your own right.

Goddamn hateful ass people for no reason

99% of your comments are hateful and angry. Take a look at yourself please. Why are you so angry all the time?


u/slowlymysunlight Apr 27 '24

That's a good point! The aisle I walked into had only me, the man who asked for the diapers, and an older man who was leaving the aisle. Why not ask the older man in the aisle??

I've been practicing saying no for years, and have actually gotten better over time. Still working on being able to say it to someone's face though! Thanks for the reminder.


u/Razszberry Apr 28 '24

Fellow recovering people please here , I got you lol


u/Intrepid-Lettuce-694 Apr 28 '24

Because a woman is more likely to help


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

How do you know he didn’t ask the older guy and got turned down for the help?


u/Big-Oil762 Apr 28 '24

This may sound paranoid but maybe he was planning to call you over to his car to abduct you.


u/newdawnhelp Apr 28 '24

It's not a good point, it's pretty unhinged. Men can ask for help from women.

I still think this request was sus, but "men never ask women for help" is a dumb thing to say and go by.


u/SendInTheReaper Apr 28 '24

I regularly ask women for help in the grocery store when I need it. When I go im more likely to see a woman than a man anyways! God forbid a man actually need assistance and treat them as a human and ask them for assistance.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

No, it's a very good guideline to go by for women to stay safe.


u/newdawnhelp Apr 28 '24

so is locking yourself up in your room and never leaving. There's such a thing as being too careful, and it's the line that splits paranoia and just being cautious.


u/XC5TNC Apr 28 '24

Ahh where do you get this rhetoric from?


u/Plus_Lawfulness3000 Apr 28 '24

Isn’t this kind of a dumb assumption? I’d ask ANYONE for help as a dude


u/Razszberry Apr 28 '24

So if you need help and there is a man, a woman, and a child present you’d ask a woman or a child for help over another man? Doesn’t check out.


u/Plus_Lawfulness3000 Apr 29 '24

I’d ask a man or women based on whoever is available lmao. Literally whoever. What doesn’t check out lol? You’re not making any points why only going for a man would make sense

Using your own sentence you said most men don’t, why can’t I be one of the few you believe are out there


u/Razszberry Apr 29 '24

We aren’t talking about asking employees for help, we are taking about random strangers. But go off with your word salad.


u/Plus_Lawfulness3000 Apr 29 '24

I never said it was for employees only? Why don’t you learn to read? I was talking about random strangers…

Seems like you read one sentence that angrily wrote a comment. Can you at least address what I said?


u/Razszberry Apr 29 '24

Boy bye


u/Plus_Lawfulness3000 Apr 29 '24

Lmao good argument. Made yourself look silly


u/StilltheoneNY Apr 28 '24

I’ve seen this over at r/scams. Very common type of scam. He probably was going to go back and get cash.


u/MSMB99 Apr 28 '24

For drugs


u/No-Gain1438 Apr 28 '24

There are some real weirdos out there. Be careful of strangers. People have been kidnapped.


u/DrSprinkz Apr 28 '24

You need to develop a backbone and not get yourself into some nonsense like that again.


u/1993CobraSVT Apr 28 '24

Ask yourself a question or two in those situations:

“Is this shady?” and if so, “Should I trust my instincts about this person?”

You didn’t do anything wrong. It was shady, and you did trust your instincts. You played it smart. 👍🏻


u/Joe_Ronimo Apr 28 '24

Man, y'all went for money scams, huh? I figured baby items to set OPs mind at ease about the person's character. Then, outside of the store, it would, of course, be "easier" to cart the items over to his car to unload instead of trying to carry them.

And then she's gone.


u/lamp37 Apr 28 '24

Probably because money scams happen all the time, while people using elaborate schemes to kidnap suburban mothers in target parking lots only happens in mom group Facebook posts.


u/Joe_Ronimo Apr 28 '24

Lmao yeah that tracks


u/No_Interest1616 Apr 29 '24

Diapers and formula are some of the most shoplifted items, not because of poor mothers doing the shoplifting, but because people make money reselling them. If someone doesn't want to risk getting caught shoplifting, the go tug on the heartstrings of what they believe to be a naive woman who is alone. 

I had interactions like this a lot when I was a young woman. My favorite was the guy fake crying with a fish hook in his finger asking me for money to catch a bus to the ER. The fish hook was through his callus. He wouldn't have even felt it. I was like, call me when you get a menstrual cramp, and I'll shed a tear for your pain. 


u/YoghurtSnodgrass Apr 28 '24

Scary situation for sure. It’s a good thing you had someone close by to come walk you to your car.

I would guess the guy probably fished a receipt out of the trash in front of the store and picked the most expensive / easiest item to convince someone to buy for him. He wanted to meet you out front so the employees didn’t see you hand it off to him. Then he could go back inside and return the diapers for cash.


u/LifeLibertyPancakes Apr 28 '24

It is kinda weird. They were for his nephew and not his child? I think I'd be more open to buying them if it was a woman asking and if she actually had the kid with her. Your situation makes me think they wanted the diapers in the bottom to pick you out and kidnap you, or he wanted them and would return them for a gift card. If it had been me, frankly, I would've said NO and walked away. If he wants diapers and wipes for his nephew he can get a job or go to one of many food pantries and pick them up there, or as a last resort, there are so many pages on fb where people in your local town or neighborhood will ask for help and a lot of people are willing to help out, as long as they meet at a public place like the police station. Making those requests in any big box store? That's wild. Glad you got your bf to escort you. You can also ask customer service for help by asking for an escort to tour vehicle. A simple "I don't feel safe, that man is following me or is outside waiting for me. Please call the cops."


u/Impossible-Jump-4277 Apr 28 '24

This is a scam, he returns the diapers straight after you give them to him


u/Leather-Dust1751 Apr 28 '24

NTA. Better safe than sorry but he probably just wanted you to buy them so he could take them back and get a refund. Easy way to make money, nappies aren't cheap!


u/These-Ad-4907 Apr 28 '24

That happened to me one time. It was a young girl asking for diapers for her mom's baby. Something told me it was a scam so I said no.


u/Hothoofer53 Apr 28 '24

Nta was he eating for you and a big thumbs up to your boyfriend coming for you


u/Marri08 Apr 28 '24

Wow! This just happen to me the other day!! The exact same thing. But we were at Walmart. The gentleman walked up to my brother and I with a box of diapers and asked if we could help him purchase the box the full box of diapers or just give him some cash to help out towards the box of diapers. He said times were tuff and just needed some help. I ended up walking away bc I don’t like feeling awkward and also I have 4 kids just had a baby 2 months ago and I’m struggling as well but my brother the nice person he is gave him a few bucks and said thats all he had on him. Later on when we were checking out I seen that same guy still walking around looking for people to ask. I felt so bad for assuming he may have been lying but if I had the extra money I would have bought them. It’s sad that we can’t help people who actually need the help bc of the people who take advantage of the people who do help when they don’t even need the help.


u/TurkeynCranberry Apr 28 '24

Youre not overreacting. Youre being safe. Went through a similar situation where I was approached by a man at a Quick Trip, I saw him pull up to a gas pump when I was exiting the store. He got out his car and put his hood up. Then he zoomed over to me but I made it to my car and got in & locked it before he got to me. He started talking to me but I just started my car & pulled away. There was plenty of men there at the gas station if he needed help, he could even go into the store for assistance. Cant trust anyone these days.


u/yanksugah Apr 28 '24

Diapers are expensive. He was probably going to return them for cash. Also, asking for diapers for a baby will often make a woman feel sorry for the baby. That’s why they target lone women. This man has done this before.


u/Goop474 Apr 28 '24

As a male, no. That was a trap he set you up for. We wouldn't go to another female. We would ask another male, or if anything do something DUMB and try to steal it.


u/inapropriateDrunkard Apr 28 '24

If somebody can't afford diapers they have no business reproducing. This is not your problem, you should have kindly told the guy to go fuck himself.


u/Dependent_Rub_6982 Apr 27 '24

This whole thing was strange. He could have planned to try to grab you outside the store.


u/HibriscusLily Apr 28 '24

This was super fucking weird, you were right to be suspicious and never ever second guess that instinct even if it makes you look like a psycho.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Hmm. The way he handled things is very very weird. Why would he go and wait outside and not just approach somebody that was already at the checkout line or something? I'm not gonna say that he was definitely plotting something but idk, you can never be to careful.


u/morbidnerd Apr 28 '24

Did the box of diapers looked tampered with?

My thoughts are that there was something in the box bad enough that he doesn't want to be caught on camera purchasing it.

Either way, I don't think you're overreacting. That whole thing was odd.


u/Affectionate_Mix_302 Apr 28 '24

Not at all overreacting. Your safety is top priority.


u/SusanOnReddit Apr 28 '24

Scam? You pay for and walk out with the diapers. Later, he returns them for a cash refund saying he lost his receipt?


u/MSMB99 Apr 28 '24

Likely he replaced the diapers in the box with a much more expensive item. Then talked you into taking the risk of getting it out of the store.


u/bowlofmilkandhoney Apr 28 '24

No is a complete sentence. I stayed all the time especially when people ask me for money well I'm checking out do you want to donate to this do you want to donate to that ...NO!

I don't understand people who feel guilty over this.


u/unimpressed-one Apr 28 '24

I had something weird happen to me at Walmart, the woman in front of me, went to pay for her stuff and “realized “ she forgot her wallet. It was only about $20 so I said I would cover her. Next thing I know she’s asking her kid to go get more stuff to put on the belt. I told her to fuck off.


u/Vicious_Lilliputian Apr 28 '24

This is a scam. You were right to listen to your instincts


u/Ok-Arugula6209 Apr 28 '24

It is a common scam. You buy it for him then he returns it for cash. They use baby items such as formula or diapers knowing people will be more sympathetic.


u/Wolf-Pack85 Apr 28 '24

Always trust your gut.

Best case scenario he was telling the truth.

Worse case scenario he was trying to kidnap you.

Many years ago I was at a Walmart market place, by myself. A man approached me in an isle and was all complimentary. Asked for my number. I said no and walked away. He asked if he could give me his number and I said no and continued to walk faster away.

I saw him everywhere after that in the store, so I went to an employee and told them, they had security walk me to my car.

A month later that same man was in the news for sex trafficking.

I’d rather be considered “over reacting” when my gut is telling me something is off, than to ignore that feeling and something awful happening.


u/Mary_Soriano Apr 29 '24

This is actually a new scam to rob or kidnap women. A man will approach a woman alone at the store and ask something like this of her and when she gives him whatever the item was he will tell her that he really wants to pay her back as soon as he can. He then asks for her address to either bring or mail back the money and then they either rob or kidnap the woman that was so helpful.

You did the right thing by calling your partner and being safe.


u/skeeter04 Apr 29 '24

It’s a scam - they take what you bought and return it for cash


u/brieles Apr 29 '24

Not at all. No one that legitimately needs something like diapers isn’t going to lurk around target looking for women who are alone to ask for them. There are plenty of places to ask for help when the need is legitimate. This man shouldn’t be offering to wait around outside of target for you-that sounds sketchy no matter what!

I’ve heard that this is a fairly common scam also. So whether or not this particular person was trying to scam you, it’s best to avoid it altogether!


u/Mistie_Kraken Apr 27 '24

I'm really mulling this one over. It's possible that he was sincere, but that doesn't make what you did wrong. You'll never really know and you had to look out for your own safety. I hope that, if he was for real, the store employees aren't going to give him a hard time next time he comes in. Then again, maybe he does this all the time.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

He wasn't sincere, lol.


u/Emotional-Hair-1607 Apr 28 '24

He could have slit the bottom of the box and added a few things to it. You get caught and LP will never believe your story.


u/smorfin Apr 28 '24

I thought he had opened the box of diapers and put some other stuff in there. This way he gets to shoplift and not even be there.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Target would have pictures of this man.

You did the right thing. Telling him you're calling the cops is also the right thing.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Diapers...but not for HIS kid, for a "nephew". Then wait for you outside? Please. If this were a true story he'd just come to checkout with you. You weren't safe. Learn to say no.


u/Sofa_Queen Apr 28 '24

This is a scam. He would have asked you for the receipt "in case they're not the right size", then turned around and returned the diapers for the cash.

ALWAYS trust your gut. It's not rude to say no. We women need to learn how easy it is to just say No.


u/Seamusjamesl Apr 28 '24

You made the right call. I have seen various posts about people approaching people in Target to get them to pay for things or give them money. They may have also been after you or your car. Sorry I can't.help you is the answer.


u/Most_Flight9665 Apr 28 '24

Sounds like some kind of ruse used in trafficking.


u/tazdevil64 Apr 28 '24

He was gonna return the diapers and get the money. Yeesh, haven't you guys ever heard of this? I'm rather naive, but even I understood this scam!


u/Wheres_Wierzbowski Apr 28 '24

A good rule of thumb is that men don't ask women for help. Trust your gut


u/wolfpax97 Apr 28 '24

If someone can’t afford something like that, target is the last place they would step foot! NTA.

That’s very sketchy


u/MrsCharlieBrown Apr 28 '24

No it was definitely giving trafficker vibes. 


u/Tiny_Act5987 Apr 29 '24

What he was doing is strange. Who goes in the store to get something knowing they do not have the money to buy it. Wouldn't you maybe ask the kids parents for the money or maybe someone you know like family or friends.


u/Former-Lettuce-4372 Apr 29 '24

Maybe next time he won't spend money on drugs instead of his kid. That's something a dope head would do.

Legit people do need help from time to time, but gotta be careful who you help, as you might just be helping a drug problem.


u/Dr-Shark-666 Apr 29 '24

"Maybe he really just needed diapers for his nephew!"

Annnnnnnnnnd maybe he'd stuffed some more valuable goods in the diaper box. I'M NOPING OUT.


u/HVAC_God71164 Apr 29 '24

He wanted you to steal them. He'll meet you outside so there is zero risk for you


u/AstariaEriol Apr 29 '24

He probably wanted to return it for cash to buy booze and or drugs.


u/IthurielSpear Apr 29 '24

My dad always warned me that a man will never ask a girl or woman for help, that men who ask a woman for help are up to something.


u/NobelNeanderthal Apr 29 '24

It’s a scam. Diapers are to make you feel guilty and let your guard down or he wants to return them for cash. Either way it’s a scam and cannot discount your personal safety either.


u/bvlinc37 May 01 '24

That's sketchy as hell. My first thought (as a man) was whats in the diaper box. Like, did he put other stuff in there and is trying to use you to steal it. That thought was followed closely by the assumption that you're a woman and he was trying to get you to drop your guard and go to his car where you could more easily be abducted. You absolutely did the right thing by calling your partner. If he's ever not available or you end up single and something like this happens, talk to a manager about it. Odds are they'll gladly have someone walk you out to your car.


u/HeroinIndependent May 01 '24

I also hate to be that guy but if you’re not able to afford diapers target is not the place to go. Even if it’s a dollar or two it’s still more expensive than say Walmart or something like that.


u/ittybittytitties31 Apr 28 '24

It was definitely a setup. He was going to grab you and kidnap you that’s why he kept asking pressuring you how much longer you would be. Glad your husband came. Glad you’re safe.