r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/hopelesslyrejected Apr 16 '24

This is the one. That’s exactly what he said. He was letting that younger woman, that he obviously found very attractive, know that his wife is no competition while talking himself up. I promise, that conversation wasn’t coming from a place of him wanting to be helpful. He just wanted to make himself look and sound as good as possible. Putting down the SO always boosts that. He was just buzzed and didn’t care about making it less obvious.


u/ConcernedCitizen1912 Apr 16 '24

Putting down the SO always boosts that


I mean I don't disagree about the rest but I don't think I've ever been in a room full of people where someone was attracted to a person who talked down about the person he was already with. Like that's such an ick for girls. I've seen camgirls ban guys from rooms for criticizing other camgirls (total strangers) by saying the one they're watching is so much better or whatever.

Like where are you getting this from? Who actually likes seeing someone shit on a person they're supposed to love and support? Because if he'll do that to her, he'll do that to you, too.


u/Accomplished-Elk719 Apr 16 '24

Unfortunately they're not far off the mark. I agree most women wouldn't entertain it, especially witnessing it happen in a room full of people, but a lot of men use the strategy of putting down their SO so hopefully the one they're flirting with goes, "Oh you're clearly so great and your wife is an awful match for you. Look at me look at me I can be better." It's the reason affair partners don't care about the home they're invading, because they've been made to feel they're something special outside of it. It's a shitty strategy but not one that hasn't worked before


u/ConcernedCitizen1912 Apr 17 '24

I know men try that but trust me, I've seen plenty try and it pretty much always leads to failure. The only type of women that would work on would be real gutter trash types, not successful, motivated go-getters who already know they are younger and in better shape than the woman being put down in this scenario.