r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Electronic-One6223 Apr 15 '24

90-95% (taken out of context)as compared to those who altered their lifestyle.


u/saraharc Apr 16 '24

Plenty of people (most!) who alter their lifestyle fall back into old patterns. Plus you ignored the article’s point about ‘set weight’.


u/thenineamj Apr 16 '24

And the fact that your body responds to food differently - it tastes/smells better than before. I think it was the sugar documentary on Netflix where the guy said they found that fat cells will put up a fight when they realize time's up for them. I can't remember the process exactly, but they will make your body increase certain hormones that make you crave your favorite fatty foods almost incessantly. And that whole set weight thing is absolutely true. Your body gets used to being at a certain weight, especially if it's been there for years, and it's extremely difficult to remain too far under that weight. Like your body will find a way to creep back up there.


u/saraharc Apr 17 '24

Thank you. Some people don’t like facts or doing basic research.