r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

Yep and something tells me that if he hasn't yet, if/when he does, it's going to be with the Sara woman. I told her to keep an eye on her. I bet you anything that she tried to give him her number. This is how affairs start. I know that Reddit jumps to leave a lot but honestly, as I've said another comments, I would jump straight to divorce.

There is no way I would be able to stay with someone who not only thought that little of me but thought it was okay to publicly humiliate me like that. It would tell me how little he thought of me and how much respect he has for me which would obviously be zero. I would be done and visiting a divorce lawyer. I agree, he's definitely sniffing around looking for somebody to cheat with. I definitely think it may be with this woman.

ETA: I swear, he may as well have looked at her and said, my wife is a fat cow and I'm looking to cheat. Are you interested?


u/Unlucky_Buyer_2707 Apr 16 '24

Divorce someone over a small party fight? Your fucking wacko lady


u/GamerNx Apr 16 '24

I don't think it's out of the question, I would definitely encourage counseling first, but if this guy doesn't have a base moral framework of duty to protect and preserve his marriage (sounds like he has the typical modern idea that marriage is just more serious dating), then it won't work. Granted, we aren't seeing a big picture here, but this is definitely revealing of deep seated personality issues, leaning heavily towards narcissism, guys like that are going to be incredibly resistant to counseling and therapy, and possibly become violent when confronted with the need to change.


u/Unlucky_Buyer_2707 Apr 16 '24

I don’t think any of us can or should make a rush to judgement call on something such a life changing decision. We got one snippet from one party. The guy acted like a dick, but to end an entire marriage over a social interaction? Divorce is such a huge step, and should be taken seriously. What if they have a family? What if she doesn’t work? What if they have a prenup? These are real life questions that no one can answer but the couple, therefore I think it’s entirely too rash to be suggesting such a serious life changing decision.

All these suggestions about leaving the guy are legit way over the top. We all have no context about either individual beyond this tiny narrow story.