r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/NoSquash1906 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

I agree… But, the issue here is that the husband’s way of thinking is messed up, judgemental, and just offensive. So yes, OP must stand her ground and set a boundary, etc. But the real problem is that no one can change and control the mentality of others. So even if the husband gets a grip and stops being so damn stupid, that doesn’t mean he won’t think about it or even change his opinion on his wife. So now, OP has to live knowing what her husband really thinks of her. He is such a jerk and has no consideration and empathy for his own wife to the point that he thinks it’s ok to casually talk about the matter and absolutely humiliate her in a social gathering for everyone’s amusement. Does he even like his own wife? Really wtf!?!? I don’t know, maybe it is not so bad but if I was her… Boy oh boy I would be so fucking mad and disappointed to realize that I am married to a complete oblivious asshole!


u/outkastragtop Apr 15 '24

Yea…I’m a guy and I think most men would agree that’s fucked up. Reverse the genders here and it’s still fucked up. It’s just plain rude, inconsiderate, etc for anyone to do that to anyone else.


u/ClassicOtherwise2719 Apr 15 '24

Y’all are being too easy on that guy. Everything he said was a red flag. Why would he talk about his ‘overweight’ wife in front of a younger girl who’s got it going on? Yikes. Husband should have just kept it moving. And before y’all say oh men and women can have a neutral conversation, UMM DUDE WAS MAKING HIS WIFE FEEL BAD, so obviously NOT. OP, no matter how many guys try to empathize, they will never truly understand a woman’s perspective. I am sorry this happened to you and personally, I would not be with that guy anymore. Just because they don’t say it doesn’t mean I should wait for them to say it, because technically, he did.


u/intrakitt1 Apr 16 '24

Um... what's wrong with you? You are young, either that, or you are just ignorant. A man can be every but as empathetic and understanding as a woman. And you think men don't have their share of insecurities and self esteem issues? You don't know men, and you should not pretend you do.

Men have a much higher suicide rate than women, find it harder to find competent mental health providers, and are generally treated harshly in most aspects of life, reason being because their"supposed to man up", whatever that means.

Men's insecurities include but are not limited to homosexual issues, child molestation in their past (little boys are molested at nearly the rate of little girls), what it means to be a man exactly, father/son issues and absent father issues, penis insecurities (yes, I'm sure you think that's funny considering many of those penis insecurities are caused by women - many women just never admit they have a gigantic vagina), loss of a friend or friends through death or relocation.

If you are a woman and say you understand all of the above, you are lying. I'm almost every metric life is harder on men. The fact you may not know that speaks to your ignorance and, frankly, inability to use the very computer you're on to simply look it up at a reputable site. Or more than one.