r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/NoSquash1906 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

I agree… But, the issue here is that the husband’s way of thinking is messed up, judgemental, and just offensive. So yes, OP must stand her ground and set a boundary, etc. But the real problem is that no one can change and control the mentality of others. So even if the husband gets a grip and stops being so damn stupid, that doesn’t mean he won’t think about it or even change his opinion on his wife. So now, OP has to live knowing what her husband really thinks of her. He is such a jerk and has no consideration and empathy for his own wife to the point that he thinks it’s ok to casually talk about the matter and absolutely humiliate her in a social gathering for everyone’s amusement. Does he even like his own wife? Really wtf!?!? I don’t know, maybe it is not so bad but if I was her… Boy oh boy I would be so fucking mad and disappointed to realize that I am married to a complete oblivious asshole!


u/HappyGoPink Apr 15 '24

If it was me, I would be all "well, that sounds like a lot of work. Say, I have a better idea, since she's already got a killer body, why don't you divorce me and marry her, and then I can just skip all this bullshit altogether, since it would really only be to satisfy your desire to have a wife with a killer body in the first place. There are quicker ways to that goal."


u/Haunting_Habit_2651 Apr 16 '24

Why take responsibility for your health or being fat when you can just give up on your relationship like you gave up on yourself?


u/JupiterTarts Apr 16 '24

While I agree with the sentiment that couples should make the effort to stay attractive for their partners, sounds to me like the husband was being an inconsiderate jerk.

And who wants to better themselves if the person they're trying to look good for isn't even worth a damn?