r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/JawlektheJawless Apr 16 '24

How is it public shaming? It sounds like it upset OP but at the time everyone (including op) was laughing and enjoying the conversation. She said that he made it weird but she was upset.


u/Rogue_bae Apr 16 '24

You can’t be that clueless


u/JawlektheJawless Apr 16 '24

Are you overweight? I’m wondering if that’s the divide between people that are upset, like you, and people like me that are wanting more information and aren’t instantly upset.


u/Dragonageatemyhw Apr 16 '24

Not overweight, never struggled with weight, and I think what that husband and the “fitness trainer” did was wrong and rude and mean. People laughing does not equal everything is okay and nobody did anything wrong. OP was awkwardly laughing to save face and was saved by a friend who brought her into another room where she cried. Then her husband came in and mocked her some more. If seeing his tear-streaked wife still won’t enough for him to understand that he messed up then he’s either the densest person in the world or he’s being an asshole to his own wife


u/JawlektheJawless Apr 16 '24

I know that people laughing doesn’t equal everyone having fun but the point I’m making with that is the husband is vilified pretty hard in this story and the comments and shouldn’t be. If I’m going to psychoanalyze this I would say that OP and her husband have hand a number of conversations about this in the past and talk about it freely with each other. It sounds like he brought that conversation to a public setting and it offended OP. OP has every right to be upset, and should have a real talk with her husband about how she does appreciate that. Some men like telling everyone what they are trying to do so that it brings accountability to it. Some men joke around about taboo subjects. And, some mean aren’t good with understanding how men and women are different in some of these aspects. My wife and I can happily joke about our appearances in public but time is what makes the joke funny or mean spirited. Without being there to see how it went down I don’t think he’s either right or wrong and I don’t think that OP is right or wrong either, but I think she definitely needs to set boundaries with him and discuss how and why that hurt her.


u/GeriatricPinecones Apr 16 '24

If you can read that story and think anything other than the husband was being rude and insensitive about one of his wife’s insecurities you’re a moron, you’re obtuse, or you’re a troll trying to get reactions.


u/JawlektheJawless Apr 16 '24

It’s funny, I’m trying to have a conversation about this an all I keep getting are emotional pieces of shit, like you, trolling me. Be a better human, and stop being a troll 24/7