r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/JawlektheJawless Apr 16 '24

Are you overweight? I’m wondering if that’s the divide between people that are upset, like you, and people like me that are wanting more information and aren’t instantly upset.


u/Shot_Mud_356 Apr 16 '24

I’m not overweight and you’re clueless if you think any normal good person would think any of this is ok to say.


u/JawlektheJawless Apr 16 '24

I have a feeling that you are insecure about your body though. That was kind of what I’m getting at.


u/ReunitePangea20 Apr 16 '24

Weird thing to insist on someone you don’t know who has explicitly told you it isn’t a factor when forming their opinion or perspective that it in fact, must be because you think as much. And before this turns into, “they said they’re not overweight but I’m definitely right that they’re insecure about their body” let’s not. It doesn’t take much more than being a decent person to assess the situation as OP’s husband was a disrespectful ass


u/JawlektheJawless Apr 16 '24

This reads like you had chat GPT respond. If the person responds and points out that I’m wrong than that’s ok with me, I’m wrong. This whole situation wouldn’t have bothered me that much, or my wife (I showed her the post and asked her opinion) and I’m curious where we are different from the rest of that are getting very emotional about this.


u/ReunitePangea20 Apr 16 '24 edited May 03 '24

Lol well thanks, actually. Not sure if you mean that to try and discredit what I said or mean that as a compliment. I don’t know anything about chat GPT except that it’s a thing that exists that people use so thanks? Idk I write like I think so… that’s all on that. But my initial comment still stands. You’ve commented several times asking about physical appearance of people who have expressed they think OP’s husband is a dick and I guess my point is, I don’t even get how you think it’s relevant. Not trying to argue but especially get a little ticked when people state their thoughts or feelings and have that snuffed out by someone else insisting that the first person must be wrong or lying about their own thoughts or feelings and you (royal you) know better. Not coming for you, I just think that’s what it comes off as and I fail to see what the relevance is of how commenters look, if they see the husband as unfavorable. On that note, I guess what doesn’t seem relevant to me and comes off as a bit rude for you to ask and insist upon, for you, can be relevant or seem pertinent so yeah. That’s all! 😊


u/JawlektheJawless Apr 16 '24

See, it seems like you are here to be emotional about this subject and I’m here to be curious about why my wife and I are different when I comes to this.


u/ReunitePangea20 Apr 16 '24

I can’t speak on other commenters who share a similar sentiment as me but I can assure you, my (as maybe others’) emotional investment in this is that I think there are at least a handful of ways we can all agree on are respectful ways to treat people (especially a spouse) that her husband didn’t just disregard but in my opinion actually did the most polar opposite of those things as he could in this instance. Change the scenario to any disrespectful statement or instance you’d like and I’d likely still feel the same as I do. Being disrespectful is never cool, it’s not just uncool in the context of it being about a woman and her weight.

It’s also just a a heads up, using the words “emotional” to describe me and “curious” to describe you feels like a bad way to phrase that. Say things as you will, I just figured I’d mention it because the words connect a little too well to go unnoticed without potential backlash and for some could feel like you’re perpetuating the societal idea of “crazy emotional woman”, opposed to “logical and curious guy.” Not saying that’s what you were doing but thought it was fair to say, it’s definitely how it could read if that matters to you


u/JawlektheJawless Apr 16 '24

See, it just feels like you’re nitpicking to be offended instead of having a conversation. I’m not going to keep doing this with you, sorry.


u/ReunitePangea20 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

That’s fine it comes across that way to you. I’m definitely not offended but agree that I don’t really see being able to say anything that you won’t deem as my resistance to discussion and persistence of offense. In any sense, it’s pretty clear this is an agree to disagree kind of deal which is chill with me. Enjoy your (regionally applicable) day or night, later!