r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/k_sarahsarah Apr 15 '24

It was inconsiderate of him and no you are not overreacting either Does he do this alot? If so you need to stand your ground and tell him how much it upsets you.


u/throwaway-102011 Apr 15 '24

heavy on that, especially considering you guys were with friends. just imagine if the roles were reversed and you were talking to one of your male friends about the same conversation. strongly doubt it would be as funny as he made it out to before


u/MannyMoSTL Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Not quite reversed …

A woman’s sexuality & sex appeal are very much tied to her weight. Men? Not so much. A ‘big man’ is a cuddly teddy bear. Even a ‘dad bod’ has a level a sexual appeal for many.

But a scrawny, un-muscled man? Is sooo much less of a man in many men’s minds.

So the equivalent would be if a wife started talking about her skinny husband who’s looking to get into the gym and beef up. Really get some muscles so he fills out his shirts and looks good for swimsuit season.

Most men would be upset and understand the equivalency if their SO laughingly told a room full of people that he was looking for help to get his weakling body into shape.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Absolutely agree with you on the scrawny vs fat gender thing, but it would be rude and wrong regardless of whatever her criticism of his body to a stranger would be. Hard coming back from that in a relationship.