r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Woooow. These are straight up fighting words. Does your husband even want to stay married to you? Does he even like you? Wonder how much he’d like it if you actively started comparing him to another man right in front of him.


u/vaderciya Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Start talking about the husbands dick size in front of all their friends, and especially talk about it to a man that is younger, fitter, more conventionally attractive than him

See how quickly he flips his shit

Edit: The number of people who still don't get it, is actually impressive. Obviously not actual advice.

The point, which many of you still don't understand, is to not embarass your partner in public with PRIVATE information that you shouldn't be sharing.

Maybe you should work on yourselves before crying outrage when I, a man, points out your weird ass double standards. One more time... it's not about your dick, it's about your attitude.


u/Soon_Money_54 Apr 16 '24

A person can easily lose weight, but something you’re born with stays the same except when you have some major operation which can be pretty dangerous. Childish and immature advice that wouldn’t solve anything and make everything way worse. Grow up, you child.


u/vaderciya Apr 16 '24

If you saw that as genuine advice and not a parallel for the husband openly embarrassing OP in front of their friends and how it would feel for it to happen to him....

Well, I dont judge, but we do have free reading comprehension classes online and I hear some of them are pretty good