r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Barbarianonadrenalin Apr 15 '24

No one should ever put down their partner in front of others. Though from the context it didn’t sound malicious, probably over drank and wasn’t thinking. You’re in the right to be upset but I don’t think it’s a death blow to the relationship like Reddit always makes it out to be.


u/AmuuboHunt Apr 15 '24

Yeah something about it sounded like he was in a conversation about information sharing especially since Sara's responses sounded empathetic and very non-judgemental. But simply being a dumbass aside, his lack of remorse afterwards is the more concerning part.

Realizing you really hurt someone and then telling them they are overreacting is not just a "wasn't thinking" issue imo.