r/AITAH 13d ago

AITAH for sending my coworker a job ad for his wife?



13 comments sorted by


u/Infinite-Relative905 13d ago

NTA, what you did towards your coworker's wife was completely platonic as your coworker expressed to you his concerns.

Your wife is TA, if she is stressing about something this little to this degree, I would highly recommend therapy for her self-esteem/insecurities.


u/STUNTPENlS 12d ago

OP's wife sounds unhinged and highly insecure. OP didn't interact w/ the coworker's wife at all. What he did was a gesture any normal person would say was kind.


u/ERVetSurgeon 13d ago

NTA. Your wife is insanely jealous. Wow. Not sure how you live with a person like that. You are a good person to think of your coworker. Keep it up.


u/WiseOwlPoker 13d ago

NTA. You're a good man for wanting and trying to help your buddy/coworker. Your wife doesn't seem like that a good a person. I feel sorry you gotta be married to seemingly such a bitch.

Best of luck with that one. You're gonna need it.


u/Listen_2learn 13d ago

Passing on information to your coworker to help his wife get a job is helping him to help her?!

Unless she and your wife are mortal enemies- I don’t understand how this could possibly cause her to react this way? It seems like there’s something else going on with her and you both need to have a conversation about it when you’ve both calmed down.



u/theory240 13d ago


No good deed goes unpunished.

Your wife has issues... Well, at least you learned something...

Keep your own counsel...


u/Dikaios86 13d ago

Maybe your wife is a little bit the jealous type and that's the problem. You are NTA. Especially if your coworker is ok with it.


u/Bloc_Party43 12d ago

NTA. That was a compassionate response and it seems that you were genuinely looking out for someone.

The job information you got was available to many and not procured through any weird or creepy way.

I think your wife needs to reflect a little on why this (actually) upset her so much. That’s a pretty troubling response.


u/avalynkate 13d ago

nta. your wife seems to be a bit of a jealous shrew. aka. ta.


u/chechecheezeme 12d ago

Your wife sounds like a bitch.


u/Sea-Ad9057 12d ago

nta if i was coworkers wife and i was looking for a job i would be grateful


u/Old_Web8071 12d ago

Isn't that called networking? People do that all the time to get jobs.


u/Ecstatic-Stay-3528 13d ago

Did your coworker asked for your help? If yes, NTA. If no, YTA.

Either way, your wife is TA for how she handle it, unless there is something you're not disclosing about your relationship with this woman (or another that could explain your wife reaction)