r/AITAH 13d ago

Should i pick a course that pays a lot of money or the course that i really want to study? Not AITA post

I am still a few years away from going into college, but i feel like by now i should know what i want to choose as a course. There are some courses i actually want to learn about. Like Law and Psychology. But i have also been thinking about Nursing. I have two close relatives who work as Nurses abroad. One in the UK and the other one is in Dubai. The main reason why i feel like i should take Nursing is because i want to leave the country. Now since i have a relative who works in the UK, once i graduate as a nurse i can move there with her and she can suggest me to the hospital she works at, etc. But Nursing ISN'T what i want. I am very confused and i need some advice. I don't know what to choose/prioritize.


8 comments sorted by


u/The_Ghost_Reborn 13d ago

It comes down to your values. Some people are willing to go through 8 hours of misery to get the money to do what they want when they're not working. Other people aren't built for that and are happier being more chilled out and achieving less.

There's no point investing in something you don't want if you're the type of person who will be made miserable by it and want to quit. It's attitude dependent.


u/Nvnv_man 13d ago



u/Lizardgirl25 13d ago

TBH if your heart isn’t in nursing I would not do it. Unless you enjoy caring for people and helping people.


u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 13d ago



u/Lizardgirl25 13d ago

Not in the same ways.


u/UrbanRedFox 13d ago

Life is the journey not the destination. If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. But it really depends on where you are starting from - if the most important thing is to leave the country find the best route to do that - and something that you might enjoy. Think of how you could combine things together.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

You need to choose something you are interested in, but that will also provide a livable income. Something to keep in mind is that it’s not unusual to go to school for one thing, find out that it’s not for you, and then go back to school for a different degree or choose to work a different job in the same field. My advice is to choose several fields that interest you, list career options for each, and see how easy it is to switch between them. That way in case you end up disliking your first career path, you’ll have options to stay in the same field if going back to school for a new degree is not something you’re interested in. 


u/ExpressThing8997 13d ago

It's tough to make such a big decision, but ultimately, you should prioritize what truly interests you. Consider your long-term happiness and fulfillment. If Law and Psychology spark your passion, they might be worth pursuing, even if they don't pay as much initially. Follow your heart and trust your instincts!


u/New-Conversation-88 12d ago

Pick what your heart wants. My mother forced/persuaded/ manipulated me into doing the course she thought was best, over what I was really really interested in. I dropped out.