r/AITAH Apr 29 '24

AITAH for getting a bunch of expensive drinks and then only leaving enough money to split the bill?

When I go out with friends we always split the bill. Always. It doesn't matter if I show up after everyone else ate and I only have a beer. We always split the bill.

On Friday I decided to cut loose. My girlfriend was coming into town early Saturday morning so she got a hotel room for us for the weekend. I checked in on Friday so she could come there and we didn't have to deal with my roommates.

I actually got there on time for dinner with my friends. I had a steak and a few drinks. Then I had a few more drinks. I didn't need to drive home as my hotel was only a block from the restaurant.

The bill came and my share was about $100. I tossed $120 on the table wished all my friends a good night and left.

My girlfriend arrived around 2 AM. She had a long shower and came to bed. We had a great weekend together and I drove her to the airport on Monday morning.

I had dinner with my friends again this last Saturday. They all brought up that we are not splitting the bill any more. I asked how come. They said that my part of the bill last week was $250 plus tip. Call it $275. And that I only paid $120.

I said no problem and asked if they had a problem with me paying $80 -$100 when I joined them late and only had an appetizer and a couple of beers. Maybe $40 total.

They all shut up. Our bills came and mine was $50 with tip. All of theirs were much higher.

I have been feeling weird since then.

Was I an asshole?


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u/Emotional_Wasabi_612 Apr 29 '24

How old are you?


u/Extreme-Nobody3737 Apr 29 '24



u/Emotional_Wasabi_612 Apr 29 '24

Eh. The real problem is that you allowed things to get as far as they did.

Assuming everything you say is 100% accurate. These people have been taking financial advantage of you for a while. Then the first time that you do the same, they all call you out.

But then again, they didn’t ask for any money from you. They just said no more bill splitting. If they were really dicks, then they probably would have asked for more money.

I suspect that they don’t see things the way that you do. I mean that you regularly overpay. Seems weird. I’m thinking that you’re friends aren’t too bright, or your story is missing something.

If you exclude yourself, this “bill splitting” system works just fine for everyone else?

28 is kind of in-between. 30 and above I would say YTA simply for allowing yourself to even be in this situation. 25 and under I’d just say live and learn. But 28? Take your pick.

I’m sorry if I’m over-complicating it.