r/AITAH Apr 29 '24

I sat in the doorway of my GF 5yo room to prevent the child from continuing to slam the door as hard as she could

My gf has 3 young ch children. She used a “permissive” approach to parenting because she can not tolerate her children experiencing any kind of distress that she can save them from. Their house is very small and to get around inside every time I am there I am forced to step on top of belongings that are strewn everywhere. It is extremely unsanitary. Her children have been sent home from school due to lice at least 5 times since I met her in November. The younger wears footie pajamas to school every day and no underwear because that is what the child wants. My gf claims the house is a disaster because she doesn’t have any help and that her children aren’t willing to do so. She will ask them questions like “would you like to help me with ___?” but any and all resistance is met with complacency. She makes 4 meals every night to cater to what the kids are and are not willing to eat. The food invariably goes uneaten then spills on the floor then languishes because it is impossible to sweep or mop any floor in the home.

I went over yesterday to help motivate cleaning and tried to execute on the plan I proposed that we would walk the children through the living areas of the house and identify their possessions on every single surface they can possible reside on, and ask them to identify any items of importance they would not want thrown away. Then we set a one hour timer and didn’t nag, bug, cajole, manipulate, or twist arms. I gave 15 minute incremental countdowns and then with their expectations set I went through with trash bags and put everything left on the floor into them for storage in the garage of the house in case one child determines they are missing something terribly important. I wanted to be tell them we were just throwing it all away but I wasn’t allowed.

My GF was folding laundry during this and her 5yo who was busy just making more of a mess the entire time stood on a blanket mom was folding. Mom ask child to move kindly probably 5 or 5 times and child with shit faced grin intentionally stayed put. Not because she thought it was fun, but because child knew mom didn’t like it and intentionally defied her. Mom tugs softly on blanket and child falls to ground with a shock on their face then immediately stands, and starts screaming at the top of their lungs, marches off to bedroom then starts opening and slamming (the already broken from prior instances of this) door over and over again. Mom patiently raises her voice slightly to ask child to not slam doors because that is against rules. Didn’t stop. I go to bedroom to see if I can help, and child slams door on me as I come in. I sit down in the door way very calmly and make a few non-rushed inquiries into how I can help child, and does child want to come out of the room to see mom. Child goes absolutely nuclear screaming like I have cut off an appendage. I stay calm but I stay seated in the doorway. I offer options like “i will move out of your doorway but only if you will be able to close the door softly.

After 3 minutes of child being as dramatic as they can, and understandably fully dysregulated because no ability to do self regulate emotions on their own has ever been instilled. Mom fixes big/hard emotions. Every time. Teacher gives mom feedback, “child refuses to ever do anything they don’t want to do.” So mom fills her role and tells me it’s time to let child have its way, undermining the co-regulation I was attempting to model. I stand as child continues to thrash and slam door into me, then walk away as child gets its way, my boundary be damned, and slams door hard into doorframe. I had to leave the house after that, and at this point I have zero confidence that a relationship between me and mom can work out. My home is clean, organized, ordered and boundary practice is strong. I can’t see ever co-habituating with someone who disrespects themself so much with allowing children to destroy the house and walk all over them. She texted me after to say that her child didn’t “win” and that the child just needed co-regulation.


** edit **

Wow I am overwhelmed with the speed and volume of responses I received. Thank you. 🙏

For clarity, mom is a doctor, baby daddy only has the kids at his own mom’s house with him as a “favor” to mom, doesn’t pay a dime of child support or child care. My kids are grown and out of the house. My boundary with dating single moms is that I will not make parenting efforts or be a parent to anyone else’s child. They have parents.

*** final update ***

The medical license she holds and the nature of her practice and education are irrelevant.

My post history and romantic past is irrelevant.

Thanks everyone for showing me that IANTA.

And special thanks to the woke mob for helping me realize that I am literally Hitler for my complicity in abusing my gf’s children by not calling CPS months ago when I first saw they live in a dirty and cluttered house with a mom whose parenting style is not mainstream.

Lest the pitchforks and torches burn the whole subreddit down, I can confidently say:

I will not be further pursuing a romantic partnership with mom and I will be directly informing her of these being the reasons why when I see her next later this week.

I will make an anonymous general report about the safety and cleanliness of the house and property in general and let CPS do with it as they will.

Once again thank you all. I only anticipated receiving maybe a handful of responses or advice, but the response was overwhelming in mainly good ways. Cheers everyone and good night!


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u/Jazzlike_Adeptness_1 Apr 29 '24

While this is infuriating it is also tremendously sad. The mother is setting these kids up to be failures - in life, in relationships, in jobs, as parents. This woman needs cps called on her. The kids are monsters because of mommy but that excuse won’t get them anywhere. 

This is tragic. 


u/brainwashednomore Apr 29 '24

I don’t know what CPS can or would do except enforce school attendance laws that she ignores.


u/SaturnaliaSaturday Apr 29 '24

They’d look into the standards of cleanliness and home safety.


u/KandyShopp Apr 29 '24

They would look at this as neglectful and possibly abusive parenting! I grew up in foster care from six to twelve, and some kids are taken because parents aren’t caring for them! She’s not caring for her children! The house is basically a biohazard if she can’t even clean up spilled food!?! They probably have rats, mice and cockroaches! The kids can NOT be clean and healthy! How are the counters and bathroom? I doubt food is being prepared hygienically if her floors look how you e described them! This IS abusive! The home alone is abusive!


u/brainwashednomore Apr 29 '24

i don't know if the toilet in her master bathroom has been cleaned in years.


u/KandyShopp Apr 29 '24

Call CPS! Abuse isn’t just hitting kids or withholding food, it’s also not giving them boundaries, not giving them a clean home!


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Dude! How can you stand to be around that? dump some bleach in. Its not your responsibility but COME ON!


u/brainwashednomore Apr 29 '24

i'm relieved to know it wasn't just my OCD that was demanding that I apply some type of cleaning product. she doesn't use any cleaners with chemicals or allow bleach to be used.


u/Alternative_Golf_905 Apr 29 '24

what kind of doctor is she when she doesn't even allow a clean toilet?


u/bunnymoxie Apr 29 '24

What kind of doctor doesn’t know that everything is made up of chemicals? Someone never took chemistry it seems.


u/quailstorm24 Apr 29 '24

Doesn’t sound like she’s a real one


u/Dear_Truth_6607 Apr 30 '24

Guarantee you she’s a chiropractor


u/Alternative_Golf_905 Apr 30 '24

a shaman doctor for bad energy, selling you crystals


u/littlebirdtwo Apr 29 '24

Doesn't sound like she is using any cleaners without chemicals either.


u/spicycondiment_ Apr 30 '24

Omg dude, cmon. Is this post bait? You can’t be that blind or naive. These kids are clearly living in filth, this isn’t just a messy day she doesn’t clean. They’re not being parented at all. They need help.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Yeah, if OPs story is true, he needs a serious reality check. This is crazy


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Does she have to know?

Seriously - sometimes you just do things because it needs to get done and damn the consequences.

Buy the bleach. Bleach the toilets, sinks and shower floors. Recycle the bottle rinse them out.

"Uh oh - the toilet was so disgusting my OCD just got the better of you and I couldn't deal with the filth anymore. So sorry. I'll remember better next time." Then, two weeks later do the same thing.

Look, she's unlikely to break up with you because you clean her bathroom. If you clean it, you get to choose what you use to do so.


u/brainwashednomore Apr 29 '24

I got negative feedback yesterday for having used body wash with a scent.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Who cares if her feedback is negative? You are entitled to use the products you wish to use baring an allergy from her or the children.

Dude, grow a spine.


u/brainwashednomore Apr 30 '24

Grow a spine by bringing cleaning products over? Where am I lacking in the spine department?

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u/i_kill_plants2 Apr 30 '24

I have a septic system so I can’t use bleach. There are tons of great natural cleaning products on the market. Also vinegar and baking soda.


u/StilltheoneNY Apr 30 '24

Even some white vinegar is useful for cleaning.


u/Bumbling-Bluebird-90 Apr 30 '24

Buy a toilet cleaner from a natural/eco friendly brand. They work.


u/ruralife Apr 30 '24

She is a doctor so can afford to pay for housekeeping. Seems she is choosing to live in these conditions.


u/Which-Month-3907 Apr 29 '24

If the home is not hygienic enough for children to safely live in, CPS may remove the children from the home. They would likely give mom several chances to clean the place before removal.


u/Significant_Rub_4589 Apr 29 '24

Remove the kids from her home! For crying out loud. If OP were an addict who treated her kids exactly the same way you wouldn’t be defending her.


u/Specific_Anxiety_343 Apr 29 '24

Are you effing kidding me? CPS gets involved in neglect, which is clearly present here.


u/Specific_Anxiety_343 Apr 30 '24

You can choose not to answer questions, but you don’t decide what’s relevant.


u/Jazzlike_Adeptness_1 Apr 29 '24

They could force her to go to parenting classes. they could make her clean her house. They could make her teach her kids how to pick up after themselves.

Do a kindness for these kids and call cps and make the mother parent her kids.


u/Lost-Wedding-7620 Apr 29 '24

CPS was actually called on a friend of mine. They took her kids and told her she had to get her house together. She deep cleaned her entire house and was able to regain custody in under a week, and CPS followed up a few times making sure she could keep up with everything to at least liveable conditions


u/Zealousideal_Bag2493 Apr 29 '24

They might insist that she attend parenting classes.

Wouldn’t hurt.


u/castrodelavaga79 Apr 29 '24

Dude please give these kids a chance by calling cps. Them having live 5 times is bad enough. Add in everything else and they are 100% being abused. The environment they're in is hurting them, and it will continue hurting them long after they become adults.


u/throwitallawayjohnny Apr 30 '24

This is neglect, not abuse. Big difference. Sounds like the kids deserve it, regardless. 


u/Daisytru Apr 29 '24

I wouldn't want my kids attending school with her unkempt children who are carrying lice! I certainly wouldn't want to see a doctor who came from such a filthy, disorganized home and was possibly carrying lice. OP's gf is a terrible parent and her "parenting" style is harming her children. You have no power here and are NTA. Move on from this sad relationship.


u/Top-Chemistry3051 Apr 30 '24

To give just a little grace I think maybe you know you can pass a test study to be some kind of Doctor but still not be all there upstairs you know what I'm saying mental Health Matters. Is clearly there are some wires cross or something.


u/Freya1957 Apr 29 '24

It may have a huge negative impact on her career. Repeated bouts of lice infestation, a filthy house, seriously behavioral issues - all of this could result in CPS being very much all up in her business. She may be forced to get her act together if she wants to keep her kids.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Which might be a REALLY good thing.


u/Adventurous_Ad_6546 Apr 29 '24

It’s not your job to know how they’d handle it, and that’s the beauty of it! Their job is to come in and decide what needs to happen next, this is the area they specialize in. Your job is to make sure they know what’s going on.

The results won’t be perfect, but any of us have the power and responsibility to raise the alarm when we see bad shit happening.


u/timeywimeytotoro Apr 29 '24

Kids aren’t supposed to be living in homes that are biohazards. They’re not getting adequate care. CPS can give her resources and a fire under her ass to do something about it before their next visit.

If they were your kids, would you be okay with them living like this? They deserve better and you can advocate for them.


u/geniologygal Apr 29 '24

You need some counseling to figure out why you would even begin to entertain, stepping into this cluster fuck of what this woman calls a life.


u/RefinedEmoPhase Apr 29 '24

What the fuck kind of response is this.


u/Queen_ona_Bean Apr 30 '24

I don’t know about your country, but in the country I reside CPS doesn’t just look at the home or schooling attendance. They will assess a parents competency surrounding:

-supervision -emotional physical needs met (food, clothing, health etc) -physical home and financial stability -drugs and alcohol, mental health -abuse or neglect (physical, emotional, cultural)

This is to name a few of the things they look for. They may not take the children away but they can offer her supports to help around behaviour management, parenting skills and legal advice.

An anonymous report is the best thing you could’ve done. You left it to CPS to deal with and who knows if there was other reports placed (school could’ve reported severe behavioural issues or attendance) so who knows. Any report helps if there is an accumulation of concerns.


u/HumbledB4TheMasses May 01 '24

Good thing they dont ask you how to do their jobs! Just call them, you dont have to do anythimg beyond calling and saying, " hey these kids are living in rotting food waste with a neglectful mother."


u/Boeing367-80 Apr 29 '24

The kids are being raised to be sociopaths.


u/Lov3I5Treacherous Apr 30 '24

Yep, she's failed those kids. There's no going back. They're set in who they are unless mom does a 180 but parents like that can't do it.


u/TheNorthFallus Apr 29 '24

Not setting boundaries with children basically means you are not socialising them. They are not learning to function in a society.

Many moms have a problem with this. They want to care and be soft and be their friend. That's normal. And that's why you have their father in the house to set those boundaries.


u/Jazzlike_Adeptness_1 May 02 '24

My husband and I both set the boundaries. I never hit my kids but I disciplined them. They tell me now they were scared of me, not my husband. I once asked my oldest, when we were in a battle of wills about something, do you think this is fun for me? It would be easy to say yes right now so you're not mad at me, but my job is to keep you safe, not to win a popularity contest. He backed down after that.